Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 23.07.18

Congleton Partnerships Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.


All of the major work completed, just a small amount of snagging and repair. Lamppost tops, projector, bollards and seats to be re-sited.

There is however an issue of the quality of the stone paving used and its ability to mark/stain too easily. The meeting requested that D.McG and SF put a letter together to be sent to Kath O’Dwyer (Acting Chief Exec)

Jackie to look at siting a town centre map within the pedestrian area. 2 possible sites ,Jackie approaching Seddons as potential sponsors.

Projector. Not sure the current situation regarding this, David has contacted CEBC for information, the feeling of the group was that it would be a target of vandals and possibly poorly received by the general public as a waste of money.

Leisure Centre.

Press release now received from CEBC.

“Pulse Design & Build was appointed following an extensive procurement process.

The council’s project team will now work with Pulse Design & Build to undertake necessary preparatory work, consultation and surveys leading to the submission of a full planning application. This is due to be concluded by March 2019. Redevelopment works are due to be completed by autumn 2020”.


The Mills.

No change from last meeting.

Aware that CEC and Scarborough Developments Group have resolved land related issues and the start of the development is dependent upon and anchor tenant being found – we believe positive progress is being made on this. Once the anchor tenant is committed a planning application will be submitted for the scheme and everyone will have a chance to comment.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

Planned for early 2nd October.  A joint venture with Mid Cheshire NHS Trust as they are planning a Fayre/Annual Meeting around that time.  40 exhibitors confirmed ranging from Clinical, health services, community centres and local groups. Next subgroup meeting 29th August. Posters and flyers printed and will be circulated in September.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 15th October 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am.

Senior Forum Group Meeting Minutes 27.03.18

Congleton Senior Forum group meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Steering Group Plans.


Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.


Tgt to gain 250 Dementia Friends this year, currently at 181 with a number of sessions booked in the pipeline. Banks, Churches and Medical Centres on board, now moving onto business and schools.

Events/Activity Programme.

Good programme of events now in place with other activities being added. First Quarterly local activity leaflet printed and distributed.


Dementia Action Week (21st to 27th May)

Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions being planned every day that week.

Special activity planned for Paddling Pool area Thurs 24th May.


Alzheimer’s Society recognition.

We have now gained recognition by the Alzheimer’s Society as working towards a dementia Friendly town and can now use their logo both individually and with businesses.


Tesco Store (Barn Rd)

Wendy looking at the idea of creating a “Dementia Friends “ flower bed on the newly barked / orchard area.


Senior Forum Ideas.

Social Isolation

Sarah raised the issue of men looking to access local sports etc. They are less likely than the women to go out and meet people easily. There used to be a men’s group operating out of Trinity, Glen to check if this is still functioning.

Brenda working on developing a men’s session at The Railway Bowling Club. Funding needed Brenda to talk to Wendy re Tesco Bags of Help scheme.

Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre – Friday 29th September.

As part of celebrating International Day of Older Persons, Congleton Partnership along with its partners Connected Communities Cheshire East and Cheshire Community Action organised a Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre in Congleton Town Hall.

The event was attended by more than 60 residents and supported by 36 exhibitors. It covered four key subjects of The Community, Technology & Finance, Winter Wellbeing and Health. All 4 elements were well support with great advice, information leaflets, freebies and in some cases free to attend workshops.

Practical sessions included ITea and Chat, Talk on Scams and how to recognise them and a session on how to become a dementia friend.
Everyone there enjoyed the free tea and cakes and in some cases took the opportunity to socialise with other residents well after the event had finished.

Next year we may well look to combine the event with a Macmillan Coffee Morning as the two activities fall on the same week.

Senior Health Fair Congleton

Mike Smith

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 17.10.17

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

One You Cheshire East – Johnny Gorman.


Johnny has taken over as the One You CE person that now covers Congleton. Currently they operate 8 x 12 week programmes that can be accessed online. Congleton Leisure Centre is currently running a 12 week exercise programme which on completion will offer the opportunity of reduced price ongoing membership.

The re-shape weight loss course has yet to be offered in Congleton- this is directed to healthy eating.

Full programme is available on


Peter and Johnny to discuss about how to action this at The Old saw Mill.



Dementia- Helping Congleton become dementia friendly.

Steering Group now formed to drive this project forward. Chair S.Rathbone, Deputy Chair L.Alcock.

Meeting planned for 4th October cancelled next meeting planned for 8th November (2 to 4pm The Old Saw Mill).

Items for discussion and action included:-

Drop In’s which offer Activity for The Person with Dementia and a moment to relax over tea and cake for the Carers. (issue raised at July Dementia Awareness Day)

Dementia Friends briefing for Town Council staff and councillors

Dementia Awareness for business.

Dementia in its widest form now affects over 850,000 people and it is projected that by 2020 that figure will be well over 1 Million. This will be our most important project over the coming months.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre 29.9.17

Around 60 members of the public attended the event which was somewhat hamper by the very poor weather at the beginning and a clash with a lot of local Macmillan coffee morning activity. We need to look at timing for future events, hold it later in the day or change the date completely.

It was felt that we should keep the format, it was well supported by service providers, the talks were well received but not as well attended as we would have liked (Scamming and Dementia worth keeping).

The group thanked Alyssa for all the excellent work she had done driving this project and wished this to be recorded in the minutes.

Sub group for next years’ event to be formed around Easter.


Meeting Finished at:4.17pm


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 9th January, Spencer Suite 3 to 5pm.


Congleton Senior Forum meeting minutes 10.08.2017

Congleton Senior Forum met recently, download meeting minutes HERE.


Tea Dances.

First 2 Tea Dances were poorly attended. Shirley feels there is a real need in Congleton and is willing to carry out some taster sessions. Sarah Jacklin to try and organise tasters at Heath View and St James Court. Would Sarah Jacklin discuss this with Shirley.

Possible to look at Bakers Villas/ Clayton manor?

Possible do a survey at Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

It may be an idea to look at the Alsager “ Chance to Dance” and link it in with Dementia Group.


Dementia Awareness Event held on 26th July 2017

Approx 40 attendees.

List of Attendees held on file, some indicated willingness to become involved in setting up a steering group.

MS open the event outlining our aim (in Partnership with Congleton Town Management team) of helping Congleton become a Dementia friendly Town.

Dementia is now a single biggest killer, with many suffering for a long period of time. We aim for the town to be able to offer more support to those people and make shopping, socialising etc. much more inclusive and enjoyable.

This event is a start of a long journey, it will not happen overnight although we will look to get some small wins / changes in as soon as we can.

Speakers at the meeting included:-

Debbi Callow from End of Life Partnership

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice

Kath Reader and John Poulson from Alsager Partnership.

We concluded the event with an Open Forum where ideas were captured for discussion once the steering group has been set up.

MS promised we would move on setting up the steering group by around Aug Bank Holiday, the meeting is now scheduled for  Wed 30th August, 3.00pm at The Old Saw Mill, emails have been sent to all who indicated an interest in being involved with the steering group.

Kath and John who outlined what they have achieved in Alsager have offered to support us wherever they could.


Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th September – Congleton Town Hall.
Flyers and Posters now available.
34 (approx.) exhibitors confirmed with 3 x activities in The Bridestones Suite.
Town Crier supporting the day, will walk around town generally advertising the event and also announce the 3 activities in the town hall 10 minutes before they start.
AB has drawn up a layout plan, will need some new name plates for tables
AB to let MS have a list.
AB / SJ to get the posters /flyers out, AB to contact U.Ashiq (Plus Dane) for requirements.
MS look after noticeboards and TIC
All to display posters wherever they can.
Risk assessment – has Lisa Alcock got last year’s / can she please update
MS find out U3A signing on day (15th August Eaton Bank Academy 10am to Noon)


Meeting Finished at:4.54pm
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 17th October 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Projects and Finace Meeting Minutes

The Projects and finance meeting minutes took place recenlty, read the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

The Mills Development. After further discussion today it was felt there was little to be gained by commissioning an outside agency to come up with an alternative design. S.Foster to write to CEBC Ward Members for them to lobby Scarborough for the best design possible that reflects Congleton’s Heritage. The has been no further contact with Scarborough Group at the time of this meeting.


Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.

New design and costing estimate (£375) issued.

Wall work has started, rebuilding to 1.2mtrs and adding 2 buttresses for support at Lawton St end.

Some tree worked carried out, Ruth Burgess getting a price for work on another 5.

Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.

Tea Dances – Senior Forum. Piloting 3 Tea Dances at the Old Saw Mill as part of our social isolation drive. Dances planned for 17/6, 1/7 and 15/7 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. £4 to include a drink and cake.

The event is being run by Shirley Brocklehurst, Wellkin. Disappointed turn out, cancelled the last date. Shirley working on a relaunch Autum 2017, after H&W Event.


Dementia Awareness Open Day. The plan is to hold a dementia awareness day and then progress (along with Congleton Town Council) to become a dementia friendly town. Date booked  (26th July) invitations sent out, poster and social media used for PR. Budget agreed up to £250


Congleton Summer Treasure Hunt. Working in partnership with Congleton Town Council and Active Cheshire to develop a game for 8 to 12 year olds for 6 weeks using technology similar to the Pokemon game. This is again a pilot for future activities if it proves successful. 25 teams and 38 players currently taking part, need to re tweet on social Media. Review at the end of the session.


ITea & Chat – L.Alcock/ S Akers Smith. 12 sessions being planned across 6 locations. Looking for champions to run the sessions. May use some support from Congleton Learning Centre. Budget Agreed  up to £250


Senior Health Fayre – Sept 29th –Congleton Town Hall. 35 exhibitors booked, with 3 or 4 interactive sessions planned in The Bridestones Suite. Flyers and Posters printed, PR will kick in early Sept. Budget agreed up to £400


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 4th September, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Senior forum meeting minutes

Congleton’s Senior Forum had their latest meeting recently, read meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

 The Herbert Protocol – PCSO Jess Shore.


Jess briefed us on the new Herbert Protocol (Safe & Sound) that is being launched by Cheshire Police and the Alzeimers Society.


The Herbert Protocol is a new initiative which looks to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person or someone suffering with dementia going missing.
The Herbert Protocol looks to support and safeguard members of the community, through a care home/family member completing a pro-former which they will then store in a safe place.
This pro-former can be completed in hard copy or electronically and details the following:

  • Description and recent photograph
  • Places of interest/addresses of note
  • Jobs, interest and hobbies
  • Medical information
  • Details of their routine

In the event a person goes missing you then hand the pro-former to police, which reduces the time taken to gather key information. As a result, this allows for a prompt and effective search and promotes their safe return.
We will be aiming to sign up all care homes to the initiative, but if you would like to sign up a relative to the Herbert Protocol Please print the pro-former from Cheshire Police Website

Jess to forward a pack of information to all forum members.


IT & Chat     –  L.Alcock..

Lisa now has all the equipment, now looking for people and places to get this going.

Sub group to be set up :- Suzie Akers Smith, Lissa Alcock and Tracey Howle

Places suggested:- Old saw Mill, Congleton Library (Gill) & Tesco Congleton.

Social Isolation register of activities – S.Jacklin.

Information slow to come in, as a group we need to hunt out more information and get it to Sarah/ Myself .

Sarah to check out New Life Church activity.

Plus Dane seem to be struggling to put on extra events

RVS coffee morning are we aware of any others offering this kind of activity.

St James Court ( Plus Dane residency) are looking for someone to support/ run their activity on a Tuesday. Tracy Howle to link up with Sarah and Anna to see if she can help.

Louise showed us a map (Cheshire East JSNA Mental Health Report) it would be nice to be able to show Congleton’s activity/sites in this kind of format.

Partnership Mini Buses.

We now have 2 Mini Buses with Tail Lifts for hire. 1 x 8 seats and 1 x 15 seats.

Costs are £20 per day/ booking and 40p per mile.

All bookings taken by Jeff Cutts at New Life Church 01260 297961


Next meeting:

Tuesday 30th May, The Bridestones Suite, Congleton Town Hall. 3.00 to 5.00pm

Senior Forum Meeting minutes 14.02.17

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

East Cheshire Hospice @ Home – Russell Chadwick.


Russell took us through a presentation about the new Home Service that is being planned for launch around June this year.


The Hospice itself has been running now for 30 years, it can accommodate 500 patients a year and costs around £4m per year.  Most of their running cost is raised through fundraising / donations with only 17% coming from the NHS.


The new scheme “Hospice at Home” which will employ 16 nurses, and cost approx. £440K a year should be able to look after around 250 patients within their own homes.


Russell is currently carrying out a funding drive to cover the next 5 years funding to support this new operation.


You can contact Russell :- or 01625664995

 Congleton U3A – P.Adby ( Vice Chair)


Paul took us through a presentation on the history of U3A from its launch in France in 1972 where it had strong connections to academia to its Uk launch in 1982 where the academia link did not apply, and on to the launch of Congleton U3A in 1998.


Their motto is LEARN LAUGH & LIVE


Worldwide there are now 1000groups with 400,000 members. Congleton has 1400 members, with 110 activity groups, there is no age limit, but must be retired or semi- retired.

The next signing on night is likely to be in August, possibly at Eaton Bank Academy.


You can find out more about their activities and availability on courses by visiting their website :-


Congleton Contact The Elderly – Louise Hughes.

Contact the elderly is a national charity that was set up in 1965 to help change the lives of people over 75 and over who live alone and cannot get out on their own. Using a small group of volunteer hosts and drivers they organise small tea parties (approx. 10 guests) once a month at no cost to the guests.

Louise has been running a group in Macclesfield for over 2 years and is now looking to start up a group in Congleton. Louise is currently recruiting drivers and hosts, she is having some success and hopes to hold her first party on the first Sunday of May.

There are currently restrictions on wheelchair users, dementia can offer a challenge, Louise is happy to visit them / families to assess the situation.

If you know of anyone who would be willing to volunteer as a driver or host please contact Louise on 01260281093.

PA offered to host one at The Old Saw Mill.

Louise will send me a PDF which I will circulate to members.

Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th Sept 2017

Sub group to be set up as last year. Suggested members;- Usman Ashiq, Alyssa Baines, Suzie Akers Smith, Lisa Alcock, Sarah Jacklin and Anna Bignell.

First meeting after Easter.

MS send last years’ contacts / attendees to Alyssa.

Need to get more by in from NHS workers / surgeries.

MS has copies of last years’ flier, poster and media adverts.

Next meeting to take place on the 4th April.