The latest of the Senior Forum took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE,
Highlights included:
Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Suzie Akers – Smith as the forums new Chair. Suzie introduced herself giving a brief outline of her past and current roles.
Lisa Alcock ( Cheshire East Community Development Officer) was welcomed to the meeting, Lisa has now replaced Donna Peddie in this role.
Senior Health Fayre 2016.
Following last year’s successful Fayre (Oct 1st 2015) to support National Older People’s Day the forum felt that we should look to build an annual event around this.
A sub group will be set up to dive this event. Subgroup members:- V.Lockett, U.Ashiq, A.Baines and L.Alcock.
Locations to be considered Town Hall, New Life Church & Leisure Centre.
One idea was a “Casserole Club” involving slow cookers, another some internet training / advice
The team will report back at the next meeting 15.3.16.