In April 2015 Margaret Williamson, Congleton’s much loved “First Lady”, died after a sudden illness. Margaret was a driving force and inspiration behind improving the culture and environment of Congleton and it was agreed that setting up a special fund to support suitable projects, would keep that spirit alive.Margaret Williamson Congleton Partnership

The Fund will support ideas and projects which improve the cultural environment or the natural environment in Congleton and District (defined as CW12 postcode or 01260 STD Code). These were the things which Margaret was so passionate about.

The Trustees of the Fund are now looking to support with grants, projects which meet one or more of the following criteria

  • Provide opportunities for people to take part in musical, theatrical, literary, performing art, dance, or other artistic activities.
  • Provide opportunities for education and awareness of the natural environment, especially amongst young people.
  • Conserve or improve the natural environment for the benefit of the people in Congleton & District.


If you have a project or an idea that fulfil the criteria and needs some financial help to make a difference to Congleton, then please complete the application form which is available to download on the Congleton Partnership website: DOWNLOAD HERE or visit current projects.


Please send us your application by 31st July 2017. If you have any questions or you need help to fill in the form please contact Mike Smith on 01260 270350 ext 7 or email him on

You will be informed of the decision of the trustees 6 weeks after the closing date.



The Margaret Williamson Fund is a ring-fenced endowment fund within Cheshire Community Foundation – CCF ( with the income being used to fund projects. CCF is a registered charity (Number 1143711) set up to manage funds on behalf of private, company and other benefactors and philanthropists.

The proceeds of the fund are administered by Congleton 4 Congleton – C4C ( which is a registered charity (Number 1145563). There is a grants panel made up of Congleton people who look at the applications and decide which should be funded. Cheshire Community Foundation is not responsible in any part for the distribution of these funds including the application assessment or monitoring or impact assessment.

Donations can be made to the fund using a form available on the Congleton Partnership web-site, DOWNLOAD HERE or visit current projects.

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes

The senior forum meeting took place recently, please read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

St John’s Community Hub – P.Houldsworth.

Peter took us through a full presentation on the development of the new community hub in Buglawton from conception to completion (Oct 2012 to Mar 2017)
The development has cost around £400k, received good local support with funding, involved a great deal of planning and consultation with residents and was finally opened on 11th March.
It has continues to build on the programme of activity and grow the number of users (10 weeks , 2500 users and 480 Wellbeing Hours recorded)
A copy of Peter’s presentation will be circulated to the group.


Tea Dances – Old Saw Mill (June/July)

3 x pilot Tea Dances organised 17th June, 1st & 15th July.  These will be held at The Old Saw Mill, with professional support by Shirley Brocklehurst.

2.00 to 4.00pm, cost of entry £4 which includes either Tea or Coffee and Cake.

Ist Tea Dance branded “ The Great Get Together” to support the Jo Cox weekend of activity.

Wendy (Tesco) and Anna Bignell will support on 17th June

Tracey (Tesco) Sarah and Lisa to support on 1st July.

Extra help on the day will be appreciated.

PR. “ x Adverts taken in The Chronicle, 7 x Town Noticeboards, Library, TIC, AgeUK, Old Saw Mill and RJ & J Moore. Social media both facebook and twitter.

Dementia Awareness Event.

Open event being planned for Wed 26th July in the Town Hall starting from 3.30pm with an opportunity to talk more in depth about Dementia Friends and all that entails from 4.30pm.

MS to work with S Rathbone and J.MacArthur on flyer, the structure of the event and get invitations out to potential / interested parties. Our overall aim is to help Congleton become a dementia friendly town.


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 8th August 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, please read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights Include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.
Application made for a preplanning meeting.
Agreement in principal to buy the land (price agreed)
£66k grant from WRAP to support all of this early work.
7. Neighbourhood Plan.
All subgroup work finished, report is now with D.McGifford to discuss with CE Planning dept.


8.The Old Saw Mill (new official name).
Good income being generated both in room hire and the café. Meals on Wheels project is starting to be discussed and planned. Disabled toilet almost ready.
Note name change to :- The Old Saw Mill this will now become its public/community face. New dedicated website (linked to The Partnership website) being developed using the URL

Premises licence granted May 2017.
AGM for OSM planned for 29th June,7.00pm, members only can vote.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 3rd July 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am