Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 01/10/18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Air Quality

PA has contacted Nigel Standley re hand held Air Quality monitors, still awaiting a reply.
MS has recirculated M.Brown’s Air Quality presentation for information.
Following the “greening” of Mountbatten Way, In Bloom are looking at other areas around the town (eg Clayton By-pass)
The issue of parking outside of Wetherspoons (Swan Bank) since the new block surface has been laid was raised. CEBC are looking at reinstating a form of yellow line control to put a stop to this.


Dane Valley Community Energy.

Planning application in 18/0773M
Eco surveys now completed, all information to be back with CEBC by November.
Need to get things in place before feed in the tariffs disappear on 31st March 2019.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice and Cider
AJ production is now in full swing a little earlier than normal (23rd August) 1696 bottled so far.
Dewi to put together a leaflet to explain usage of Cider Vinegar. Currently have 400 bottles (RPS £5)
OSM Cider to enter the CAMRA North of England Cider and Perry Competition at the Manchester Beer & Cider festival 25th January 2019 (This is not now happening)
DJ attended a cider making course in Bakewell, picked up some good tips and practices.
New director Alison Hughes has joined the team, there are now 4 directors in total.
Café targets and room hire targets being met, around 15 volunteer helpers.
Connected Communities Centre.
GRIPP is now competed for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.
Grand opening planned for Thursday 11th October, 2.30 to 5.00pm. All welcome.


Enhancing Congleton’s Greenspace.
PP reported that Mossley guides are interested in the project, it would need to be a CSG project as In Bloom feel it is too far out to fit in their current programme.

Next Meeting:- Mon 5th November, Astbury Mere Visitor Ctr, 10am.

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