Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 18.05.16

Congleton’s Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Anti-Scamming Awareness  – Andy Burrows (CEBC)

 Andy talk about his work involving the Community Partnership and Trading Standards Investigation Team. He indicate that there was quite a large number of residents within Cheshire East that were regularly being targeted (up to 600)

Most of the scams were physical (not electronic) with an average loss of around £1300 per victim equating to around £1m in Cheshire East, the average age of the victim being 82.

He explained tell-tail signs to look for in home – High number of letters, vitamin pills, high cheque book usage being the mail indicators.

Andy promised to send out some supporting documents for MS to circulate.

(Docs received and circulated – Scams Toolkit Edition 1, Flow chart of scamming & Questions to ask)

 Actions:- If we find this happening within our day to day operations or even family / friends then send details to Andy (

Louise to involve Bob’s Blog and CVS Newsletter to communicate this issue

AgeUK have a booklet (Avoiding |Scams) available to down load from their websites publications page

Andy has agreed to support the Senior Health Fayre 30th September.


Senior Health Fayre – 30th September, Congleton Town Hall.

The next meeting of the subgroup is planned for 6th June. They are in the process of drawing up a list of organisations they would like to participate, after which they will send out formal invitations.

Looking to promote the event through flyers (MS check on U3A signing on day, could be a good source to use), through member organisations/clubs/ churches and social media

Group to talk to our commercial partners re refreshments.

Tesco to be approached to see if they would support / supply food for our cooking demonstrations.

Target is to get an attendance of around 150 residents.


The next senior forum meetings are.

Digital Inclusion Sub Group – Tues 5th July 2016 – 3.00pm Spencer Suite, Town Hall


Senior Forum (Full group) – Tues 19th July 2016 – 3.00pm Spencer Suite, Town Hall.


Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 16.05.16

The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently download full minute HERE.

Highlights include:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)

Steps, Fruit Bush / Tree planting complete/ New Apple Core carving done, some possible cleaning of other carvings.

New signage being produced for both ends of the bridle way and off West Rd ( Mereside Ave)

Currently well within budget.


Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)

We have found around 150 sites that we would like to highlight (PA/ ID), not sure that they would all fit on a MAP, so looking at other alternatives.

Tim McCloud to present to the Executive Meeting 7th June re a town App idea.


Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)

Designs agreed, Cheshire East happy with the sites. New material being investigated, signs should be in place for In Bloom activity. JMac still discussing some funding support with Cheshire East.


Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

Draft design drawn up and will be included in the In Bloom portfolio, refurbishment likely to be Spring 2017. Jo Money to work with schools re having some young people’s input.


Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

Pilot area 2 Bears roundabout to Traffic Lights Market St.

Quote of £805 received from Simon Davies for removing railings, refurbishing the surface and traffic management. MS has contacted Simon re going ahead with the project for completion before 25th July. Also discussed with Ruth Burgess the need to link up with Simon so that the planters and trees go in at the same time whilst the partial road closure is in operation.

Play Area Signage

MS currently working with CEBC (G.Butler/J.Byrne) re signage to highlight our major play areas. No funding requirement as yet. Would plan to turn this project into both signage and paper map project long term.

Look to develop a specific site branding project around this through local schools, Jo Money to look at developing this.


Congleton Sports Trust.

Following D.McGiffords presentation to the Executive and its agreement to support the scheme in whatever way it can this has now been added to the new project list. May initially involve some time from MS on administration.

Constitution written and issued to various clubs for their feedback. Initial meeting has been held (10th May) various parameters discussed / agreed. Initially Rugby and Football with a view to broadening into other sports as the Trust develops.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Tuesday 26th July 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minute 9.05.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full minutes from the meeting HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Community Co-operative – S.Halliday

Report issued by S.Halliday prior to the meeting, but because of the size of the project this has been kept separate from the other Group Reports.

• Tenancy at Will Agreement signed and keys provided for our Open Days
• Site cleared with assistance from:-
• Patti Pinto – Secret Garden
• LOL Foundation
• Book Marks and Posters designed and printed by Congleton High School
• Open Days on 16/17 Apr. 2016 a great success with over 80 people coming to visit.
• Research into best Bank Account to open.
• Incorporation of Community Co-Operative underway.
• Water and Electricity on.
• Grant received from Congleton Town Trust
• Apply again for Grant from Inclosure Trust in Jul. 2016 but they are very interested in the project.
• Other Grants applied for and more to apply for.
• Web Site registered. Still to be developed.
• Facebook Page – Congleton Community Co-Op up and running
• Change of Use Planning Permission application submitted. Thanks to Anna Morrison for her valuable input.
• Met with Property Manager for Old Saw Mill
• Electrical Engineer appointed and quotations received for Ground Floor (Cafe & Processing area)
• Inventory of requirements drawn up and cutlery, crockery, outside tables, etc., etc. already received from neighbours, friends and associates. Kitchen cabinets received so that we can build counter from them. Lots more needed including half full bags of compost, half full tins of paint, etc.
• Notice given to person who is storing his personal effects at the Old Saw Mill at present. Should be clear by end of May.
• Lots of interest shown for upstairs “open space” from the community, groups, etc., including Police.
• Renault Espace shell now removed from Secret Garden and decking washed down.
• BioLiquid installation being researched.
• Rain trough and grey toilets being considered
• Project Plan developed. Shall request for volunteers to assist. Offers of help already given.
• Wayne Doyle (BoJangles) assisting in requirements for cafe, etc.
• Congleton High School to be engaged to create murals.
• Plans of Land and Property being sought.

• Planning permission has been put in for “Change of Use” (16/2191c) result will be known by 29th June, you can support this application by commenting on line until 26th May.


In Bloom- P.Pinto

Dates for the diary:-

25th May Britain In Bloom route check.

25th July Northwest In Bloom Judging (Tbc)

8th August Britain In Bloom judging day

14th October Britain In Bloom Awards (Birmingham)


Patti updated us on some of the projects:-

11 potential “Children’s Gardens”

Visyon have taken over the site on River Dane Walkway.

270 Hanging baskets ordered.

Tesco , developing the Bark Area at the front of the store.

Community orchard. Fruit bushes and tree area now complete, Apple Core carving now done.


Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Feasibility study now complete meeting called for 9th May to discuss findings and practicalities of the project.


Support had already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.


Meeting closed at 11.30pm and adjurned to The Old saw Mill for a site visit.

Next Meeting:- Monday 6th June 2016, 10.00am, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.

Congleton Youth Forum meeting 26.04.16

Congleton Youth Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Mental Health / Substance Misuse.


Last meeting we split into two groups to discuss the following 4 questions around mental health.

1.What were the issues.

2.What offers do we believe are out there /current solutions.

3.What are the gaps in offers that need to be filled.

4.What collectively can we the Youth Forum do to address some of those gaps.



G.Williams pulled together the ideas from both groups and issued them to the forum prior to the meeting (same day)


It was felt that we had to a large degree answered Q1& 2 and that today we should concentrate around Q 3&4.



Kevin highlighted that there was a possibility of a change in legal highs and how they would become illegal, this will not now happen as there are wider connotations with other legal products.


There is a need for comprehensive education on the real effects of these legal highs – make people understand the risks in a graphic, unbiased way. Need to understand there is no real specification in terms of production like prescription drugs and that the strength and make up can vary widely with in the same packet. Something similar to the education on the effects of smoking which everyone now has a clearer view on.


CE felt that there could be value in a “Drugs Awareness Day” across all year groups at both secondary schools (they do this with pornography, bullying, ex-offending etc).


KB stated that he knew of a lady who has be greatly affected familywise by these drugs and that she may be willing to carry out these sessions. Later in the meeting it was agreed that MS contact KB to see the cost of this ladies time and if she would be willing to do a one off session to CHS Leadership Group (17th May) so that they could make a judgement on the value and appropriateness of this talk being delivered to all of the year groups.



Information on the “Lady” is :-

Evolve  their website address is :-

MS has contacted CE re leadership meeting date and requirement.


Mental Health.


A discussion then took place around the issue of mental health. It was felt that the stigma around MH may lead to lack of openness, concealment from parents, reluctance to talk to a teacher that the person would be bumping into on a regular basis etc.


Signs are not always easy to pick up on, then when we do or someone confides in you, how do you handle the situation.


May be a need for a workshop / presentation on “Signs to look for”


It may be that we try and replicate the “Macclesfield” model of a “Visitor” someone who goes into schools 1 or 2 days a week under the guise of “Health and Wellbeing Councillor” and is detracted from the school and its day its day running.

JR Commented that delivery of the solution is critical and questioned what was out there to carry it through once diagnosed.


Schools / Young Persons event :-

MENTAL HEALTH – A Voice for Young People

Sunday May 8 2016 12.45 to 3.30 pm   

Holiday Inn Express

Macon Way, Crewe CW1 6DR


Possible presentation from KOOTH at our next Youth Forum Meeting. Lisa to invite Angela to attend (8th June)



GW to draw up a list of proposals prior to the next meeting with a view of having one or two small presentations.  Glen would welcome support from Youth Forum members on this.




Congleton Carnival – Sat 16th July.


Funding support available for Youth Based Groups form will be sent out with instructions



MH and GW looking at developing a “Youth Zone”


Meeting Dates.


Wednesday 8th June  – Congleton High School (TBC)