Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 01/10/18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Air Quality

PA has contacted Nigel Standley re hand held Air Quality monitors, still awaiting a reply.
MS has recirculated M.Brown’s Air Quality presentation for information.
Following the “greening” of Mountbatten Way, In Bloom are looking at other areas around the town (eg Clayton By-pass)
The issue of parking outside of Wetherspoons (Swan Bank) since the new block surface has been laid was raised. CEBC are looking at reinstating a form of yellow line control to put a stop to this.


Dane Valley Community Energy.

Planning application in 18/0773M
Eco surveys now completed, all information to be back with CEBC by November.
Need to get things in place before feed in the tariffs disappear on 31st March 2019.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice and Cider
AJ production is now in full swing a little earlier than normal (23rd August) 1696 bottled so far.
Dewi to put together a leaflet to explain usage of Cider Vinegar. Currently have 400 bottles (RPS £5)
OSM Cider to enter the CAMRA North of England Cider and Perry Competition at the Manchester Beer & Cider festival 25th January 2019 (This is not now happening)
DJ attended a cider making course in Bakewell, picked up some good tips and practices.
New director Alison Hughes has joined the team, there are now 4 directors in total.
Café targets and room hire targets being met, around 15 volunteer helpers.
Connected Communities Centre.
GRIPP is now competed for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.
Grand opening planned for Thursday 11th October, 2.30 to 5.00pm. All welcome.


Enhancing Congleton’s Greenspace.
PP reported that Mossley guides are interested in the project, it would need to be a CSG project as In Bloom feel it is too far out to fit in their current programme.

Next Meeting:- Mon 5th November, Astbury Mere Visitor Ctr, 10am.

Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 23.07.18

Congleton Partnerships Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.


All of the major work completed, just a small amount of snagging and repair. Lamppost tops, projector, bollards and seats to be re-sited.

There is however an issue of the quality of the stone paving used and its ability to mark/stain too easily. The meeting requested that D.McG and SF put a letter together to be sent to Kath O’Dwyer (Acting Chief Exec)

Jackie to look at siting a town centre map within the pedestrian area. 2 possible sites ,Jackie approaching Seddons as potential sponsors.

Projector. Not sure the current situation regarding this, David has contacted CEBC for information, the feeling of the group was that it would be a target of vandals and possibly poorly received by the general public as a waste of money.

Leisure Centre.

Press release now received from CEBC.

“Pulse Design & Build was appointed following an extensive procurement process.

The council’s project team will now work with Pulse Design & Build to undertake necessary preparatory work, consultation and surveys leading to the submission of a full planning application. This is due to be concluded by March 2019. Redevelopment works are due to be completed by autumn 2020”.


The Mills.

No change from last meeting.

Aware that CEC and Scarborough Developments Group have resolved land related issues and the start of the development is dependent upon and anchor tenant being found – we believe positive progress is being made on this. Once the anchor tenant is committed a planning application will be submitted for the scheme and everyone will have a chance to comment.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

Planned for early 2nd October.  A joint venture with Mid Cheshire NHS Trust as they are planning a Fayre/Annual Meeting around that time.  40 exhibitors confirmed ranging from Clinical, health services, community centres and local groups. Next subgroup meeting 29th August. Posters and flyers printed and will be circulated in September.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 15th October 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 02.07.18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


Barry’s paper was circulated to the group.

Barry felt that the main way plastics could be getting into the ocean from UK is by using the wrong recycling bin.

Garden plant pots (black) appear to be a real issue.

ANSA visit is being planned by D.McGifford PA, BF and MG will go on this. BF to put some questions to ANSA prior to the visit.

A paper to be written after the visit with a full report back to CSG.

Bob Edwards offered CTC support to the CSG campaign.


The Old Saw Mill.

Apple Juice and Cider
AJ stocks are very low, will continue selling through summer.
DJ drawing up a plan for a production schedule from early September.
Now meeting its weekly targets.
GDPR action now completed.
Michelle is coordinating a membership/renewal drive
Newsletter will be out this week.
GRIPP is about 60% complete for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.


Green space / In Bloom – P.Pinto.
In Bloom
NWIB judging day 24th July, OSM included in IYN.
BIB national judging 2nd August.
OSM as IYN this year making 9 IYN in Congleton.
We will need to make further efforts around town on route before 24 July (nwib) and 2 Aug (BIB judges).
Too hot! And too dry!!

Next Meeting:- Note there is no CSG Meeting in August.
Mon 3rd September (Astbury Mere) PA confirm with Matt Axford.

Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting minutes 12.06.18

Dementia Friendly Congleton group meeting took place recently, download full minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


Drop In Sessions / Activity Programmes.




New May Dementia Friendly Congleton leaflet produced and circulated at the previous meeting.


Cup Cake Day 14th June – Event cancelled through lack of time and volunteers available.

Inclusive Swim planned for June 21st, Elizabeth Stubbs to support at Leisure Centre.

Film at Heathview end of July

Gentle walk at Museum 19th August

Seated Dance at NLC Fri 3rd August

Sue Munro to try and advertise on Social Media

Diane press release / advert.

Elizabeth Stubbs promised to do a survey round her clients to find out their needs and activity requirement. She will report back to Mike.

Diane to check with Communicare drivers to see who their main contact is.


E mail Jess McFall.

Jess advised us of a dementia friendly communities workshop being held in Crewe at the end of June and of a planned Cheshire and Merseyside networking event at the end of August. This will be held in Warrington, if anyone wishes to go please let Jess know either directly or through MS


Next Meeting :- Tuesday 10th July, 2 to 4pm, Congleton Town Hall.

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 05.06.18

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently download the meeting HERE.


Highlights include:

  1. Public Realm – the contract with Pronin is complete – apart from any outstanding snagging business. The Town Council has asked for quotes for two new lamp post heads in Victoria Street. We have yet to have the meeting with Cheshire East Assets about responsibilities going forward – so for now everything is still a Cheshire East Asset. The Town Council will be planting up the big tubs with summer bedding and doing a deep clean.
  2. Makers Market – We have held the first two Makers Markets- both a great success. The stall holders thought Congleton was the most positive first market day that they had ever experienced. Probably thanks to the Food and Drink festival making Congleton really receptive to events! On both days the footfall increased by over 4,000. The feedback from shops has been largely positive – some had better days, some didn’t really see any uplift in their sales, but felt that the town benefited from being busier. Each time there have been some issues to improve on – the team behind the makers market are receptive to working with local people and keen on feedback.
  3. Congleton in Bloom – Lots of In Bloom work is underway – the North West in Bloom judging day will be on the 24th July and the Britain in Bloom judging on the 2nd There is another clean up around the park this weekend from10 – 12. Still lots to do and all help gratefully received!


Group Reports.

Youth Forum – GWilliams

We are now at the delivery stage of the PB grant award project. 3 of the 7 elements have been delivered, with a 4th (40 things to do in Congleton) booklet being completed by J.Money once Food & Drink Fest is out of the way.

Good feedback on some of the sessions.

CSG – P.Aston.

New cycle map- has been produced in partnership with Cycling Group, Sustrans and Local Authorities (Congleton / Staffs) to support the route along Biddulph Valley Way from Congleton to SOT.

Hydro Scheme – CEBC Planning Dept have raised several issues around the planning application. CSG have temporary withdrawn the application for further surveys to be carried out.

Fracking – New planning conditions being brought in to side step local government and allow easier granting of permission nationally. CSG to meet with F.Bruce MP to raise our concerns.

Old Saw Mill – Experienced a real surge in trade following the Royal Visit / PR created, this has now flattened out to pre visit turnover. Apple juice and Cider going well, good sales from Makers Market and Rode Hall events, looking for good day at F&D festival.

Connected Communities Centre – Early days, difficult in reaching socially isolate residents.

Plastics – CSG are trying to get a view together on what can be done to tackle the issue. CEB new document has been circulated and in planned to go to all homes in the near future.

PP commented that schools should pick this up through their Marine Project


Bradshaw House.

D.Topping took us through a statement from the trustees of Congleton Museum document. This explained the reasons given by Cheshire East in rejecting the museums bid for Bradshaw House and their challenges against this decision, the benefits they could offer by moving there, and a call to arms from Congleton residents to support this plan. F.Bruce MP is very supportive and  has written to Cheshire East asking them to reconsider their decision.

MS to circulate a copy of this document with the minutes. A version of the document will appear in The Chronicle

Bob Edwards indicated that the Town Council were strongly supportive of this project and asked for some extra time to work on this.

The Partnership fully supported both the Town Council and The Museum in pursuing this project and keeping Bradshaw House as a jewel in Congleton’s crown.



MS read out an email from Dan Coyne where he summarised what work had gone on to mitigate the closure of Mountview. He has been discussing the issues with The Town Council, Plus Dane and New Life Church. Working on a business case to put to Cheshire East senior managers by the end of June. He will raise the issue at the next Congleton Neighbourhood Group meeting and the Dementia Friendly Congleton group.

M.Gleave added comments that there were 23 people who had been involved in the consultation, that 2 strong options had come to the forefront, a Venue and Service Provider working jointly.

The consultation also showed a desire for the venue to be in Congleton and to be reasonably consistent (ie not a different one every day).

PB added that Mountview would not be closed until places had been found for all of the clients.

Heritage Trail / Heritage Fortnight.

8th to 23rd September.

This included 2 x Heritage Open Weekends, 40+ events (talks, open days, activities) the lead for this event is Nino Manci.

They are working on putting together a Heritage Tour using QR codes on pavements outside of out more interesting and historic buildings. This should all be in place for the In Bloom Judging as heritage is an important aspect of in bloom too.


The meeting ended at 7.18pm

Next Meeting is:- AGM / Executive Meeting ,Tuesday 11th September 2018 , Bridestones Suite , 5.30pm


Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 17.05.18

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


MS to recirculate Ruth (Wilmslow) 20 things we can do list. Would all please review the list and feedback ideas to MS for collation and then discussion at the next meeting.

In Bloom looking to be more upfront about the issue.

GW to pull out positive data regarding Cheshire East’s home collection/ recyclables.

MS recirculate 20 things list. Al feedback ideas to MS

GW get CEBC data.

Need to get an article together for The Chronicle after the next meeting to start to raise Congleton’s awareness of this issue. Whilst what we do will be a drop in the ocean, doing nothing was not an option.

Long term this an issue we can work with our MP on.


Dane Valley Community Energy.
Planning application in 18/0773M
Lots of questions being asked by planners that will all need addressing before planning permission can be granted, site meeting this week.
Access to the site to get equipment down to the build is currently the biggest problem. We have 3 options that are being explored.

Neighbourhood Plan.
Plan has now ready to go CEBC for Reg 15.
Once the inspector/examiner has studied it any queries/ questions will come back to our team for action.
Looking at an autumn/September public referendum. It is felt that The partnership may have a role to play here in lifting both public awareness and participation.
DJ made a point that he is no longer involved in the River Valley Project, but that this should be part of the overall delivery plan once the NHP has been formalised.
Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th June 2018 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Senior Forum Group Meeting Minutes 27.03.18

Congleton Senior Forum group meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Steering Group Plans.


Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.


Tgt to gain 250 Dementia Friends this year, currently at 181 with a number of sessions booked in the pipeline. Banks, Churches and Medical Centres on board, now moving onto business and schools.

Events/Activity Programme.

Good programme of events now in place with other activities being added. First Quarterly local activity leaflet printed and distributed.


Dementia Action Week (21st to 27th May)

Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions being planned every day that week.

Special activity planned for Paddling Pool area Thurs 24th May.


Alzheimer’s Society recognition.

We have now gained recognition by the Alzheimer’s Society as working towards a dementia Friendly town and can now use their logo both individually and with businesses.


Tesco Store (Barn Rd)

Wendy looking at the idea of creating a “Dementia Friends “ flower bed on the newly barked / orchard area.


Senior Forum Ideas.

Social Isolation

Sarah raised the issue of men looking to access local sports etc. They are less likely than the women to go out and meet people easily. There used to be a men’s group operating out of Trinity, Glen to check if this is still functioning.

Brenda working on developing a men’s session at The Railway Bowling Club. Funding needed Brenda to talk to Wendy re Tesco Bags of Help scheme.

Youth Forum Meeting Minutes 20.03.18

The Youth Forum meeting took places recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Body Positive – Carys Jones.

 Body Positive are a charity, commissioned by both CEBC and Cheshire West and Chester to provide sexual health, sexuality and gender diversity service to the community. Their services include Testing, Counselling, Education,  working with Social Groups, One to One and Peer Support.

The have an outreach service consisting of 3 members and work closely with Colleges and Schools.

Carys to contact both CHS and EBA with a view to delivering some support to the schools, also interested in attending the Congleton Family Fun Day. MS send her details.



Safety Central.

MS had circulated information on Safety Central. This purpose built facility at Lymm Cheshire is an interactive  life skills centre with 5differnt  zones that help young people learn to be safe in the real world.

Avoid Cyber crime

Know what dangers to look for

Get to know apps

Protect themselves from predators

Be safe in different surroundings.

This make a good trip for schools and can be tailored to the age group on the day.


Contact on


Note CHS have arranged a trip already Spring 2019, booked up for this year.


Family Fun Fest -10th April Congleton Leisure Centre.

The event offers tasters across a wide range of sports. Included in the day is a Bouncy Castle, Fire Engine, Police Car with crash sim, food stall, dance activities Teen Gym etc etc. Free to all.

MS circulate poster, CHS put on big screen in the hall.

Amie to put out on social media, Glen advertise around Bromley Farm

Amie contact Usman at Plus Dane.


CHS Shelter.

Currently the school is raising money for an outdoor shelter in the Quad area. The £20K project is designed to ease pressure at break time/ lunchtime, function as an Outdoor Classroom and some planned community activity. Building would ideally start over the summer with the facility being open for the start of the next school year.

Once built is it hoped to start a Sustainability Group with students running charity Tuesdays and uniform Recycling.


Connected Communities.

Mark advised the group of the first Connected Communities project meeting at The Old Saw Mill, Wed 28th March, 3pm. 4 Connected Community Centres are being developed in and around Congleton although some outreach activity could well be available

Projects and Finance Committee minutes 19.06.18

The Project and Finance committee meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlighte incudes:

Project  Update.



Planning permission granted with conditions.

D.McGifford / M.Smith to follow up some funding ideas.

J.Carter / M.Pickford to work om Tendering Paper

MS contact various groups for support of the project.

£20,600 already pledged, CTC to discuss in business plan meeting. Once we have a firm agreement from CTC, we will have confidence to take forward with other funders/groups etc.

Article in Spring Bear Necessities.


Public Realm Strategy.

Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. CTC members met with Highways 15.3.18, action list being drawn up. Should all be completed by Easter.


Leisure Centre.

Quotes are all in and a developer agreed. New pool and refurbish dry side. Press release out to public, no plans submitted as yet.


Link Road.

95% Land agreements obtained, could break ground late 2018, or Jan 2019.


The Mills.

Nothing new from Scarborough although there is belief that things are progressing. J.Mac has contacted CEBC re Princess St Car Park and the future of the Electric Charging Points.

No contact for us with Scarborough.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 21st May  2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Dementia Friendly Congleton Group

Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.
DF Target for 2018 is (250)
MS to issue a log recording numbers and businesses / organisations involved.
Sessions currently planned :-

Wed 7th March – Meadowside Medical Centre (DR)
Tues 20 Mar – New Life Church (WI) inc Twiddle Muff knitting. (Sarah.J).
Mon 26th Feb – Mossley (TBC)

If you know of anyone interested in attending these please contact the champions running the sessions as indicated.
MS send out updated registration sheet inc agreement for Photo/Publicity.

SF/MG to contact The Tennis Club.
D.McGifford (outside of the meeting) to contact N.Moorhouse (Dane Mill Business Ctr / Congleton Town Football Club)
Care Homes – wait until after the budget meeting at Cheshire East. Care Homes can approach The Alzheimer’s Soc for professional guidance.
Add to The Youth Forum agenda, Diane happy to come along and set the scene for 10minutes.
Kathy Slater was going to contact Team Parish?

Drop In Sessions / Activity Programme.
An updated programme issued prior to the meeting. We are only capturing a small amount of what is happening in and around Congleton.
MS write out for more information about activities being offered to all of the community centres, look at the possibility of a monthly or bi-monthly leaflet being produced. J.Mac to look at this
Broaden activity away from Dementia although brand subtlety when required.
PA to log what is going on at the OSM afternoon tea events and let MS have the figures.
Ideas for activities:- Big Card Bingo, Memory Photos ( museum could lend us a pack), Blowing Big Bubbles, Music and Sing a long Songs (Jess will send PA some examples)
Jess to contact Rev Murray George re the new service being set up at United Reform Church from March.
Sarah Jacklin to contact Julie Hagan (East Cheshire Hospice) re a wellbeing course for carers and patients. Possible invite Julie to the March DFC Meeting.
Talking Newspaper. Contact Lynn 01270 760104
Choral Soc/ Can’t Sind Choir – M.Butcher may know a contact?
Inclusive Swim Sessions. First one disappointing turnout, however the staff were great. Need to get the message out about these sessions, next 3 are Sat 17th Feb, 3rd March and 21st April. Please display posters and talk to as many people as possible about this opportunity.
JMac to look at leaflet idea.
Jess send Peter some sing a long examples.
Jess contact Rev Murray George.
Sarah to contact Julie Hagan.
M.Butcher, can’t sing choir contact?
Mountview / Respite Care.
Clare was approach by The Chronicle for comments around the possible closure of Mountview, this was duly printed and has resulted in quite a lot of feedback and cries for help.


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 13th March
Future Meeting Monthly until end of March then look to move to 2 monthly.
2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.