Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 23.07.18

Congleton Partnerships Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.


All of the major work completed, just a small amount of snagging and repair. Lamppost tops, projector, bollards and seats to be re-sited.

There is however an issue of the quality of the stone paving used and its ability to mark/stain too easily. The meeting requested that D.McG and SF put a letter together to be sent to Kath O’Dwyer (Acting Chief Exec)

Jackie to look at siting a town centre map within the pedestrian area. 2 possible sites ,Jackie approaching Seddons as potential sponsors.

Projector. Not sure the current situation regarding this, David has contacted CEBC for information, the feeling of the group was that it would be a target of vandals and possibly poorly received by the general public as a waste of money.

Leisure Centre.

Press release now received from CEBC.

“Pulse Design & Build was appointed following an extensive procurement process.

The council’s project team will now work with Pulse Design & Build to undertake necessary preparatory work, consultation and surveys leading to the submission of a full planning application. This is due to be concluded by March 2019. Redevelopment works are due to be completed by autumn 2020”.


The Mills.

No change from last meeting.

Aware that CEC and Scarborough Developments Group have resolved land related issues and the start of the development is dependent upon and anchor tenant being found – we believe positive progress is being made on this. Once the anchor tenant is committed a planning application will be submitted for the scheme and everyone will have a chance to comment.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

Planned for early 2nd October.  A joint venture with Mid Cheshire NHS Trust as they are planning a Fayre/Annual Meeting around that time.  40 exhibitors confirmed ranging from Clinical, health services, community centres and local groups. Next subgroup meeting 29th August. Posters and flyers printed and will be circulated in September.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 15th October 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am.

Projects and Finance Committee minutes 19.06.18

The Project and Finance committee meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlighte incudes:

Project  Update.



Planning permission granted with conditions.

D.McGifford / M.Smith to follow up some funding ideas.

J.Carter / M.Pickford to work om Tendering Paper

MS contact various groups for support of the project.

£20,600 already pledged, CTC to discuss in business plan meeting. Once we have a firm agreement from CTC, we will have confidence to take forward with other funders/groups etc.

Article in Spring Bear Necessities.


Public Realm Strategy.

Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. CTC members met with Highways 15.3.18, action list being drawn up. Should all be completed by Easter.


Leisure Centre.

Quotes are all in and a developer agreed. New pool and refurbish dry side. Press release out to public, no plans submitted as yet.


Link Road.

95% Land agreements obtained, could break ground late 2018, or Jan 2019.


The Mills.

Nothing new from Scarborough although there is belief that things are progressing. J.Mac has contacted CEBC re Princess St Car Park and the future of the Electric Charging Points.

No contact for us with Scarborough.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 21st May  2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Projects and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 05.09.17

Congleton’s Projects and Finance Committee met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Project Update – Cenotaph.
Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.
New design and costing estimate (£375k) issued.
Planning application 17/3982C now with CEBC (8.8.17) and supported by CTC Planning Committee (Aug 2017)
Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.
DMcG gong to HLF along with I Doughty (Museum) to gauge HLF views on the project and to try and get them to come to Congleton to see for themselves.
Funding. Will need to see what comes out of the HLF visit.
Public briefing will be included in the Great War Exhibition Event, Town Hall, Saturday 21st October 1030am to 4.00pm. Posters and flyers will be out first week in October.
Public Realm Strategy.
Work ongoing, Mill St should be open as planned. JMac concerned about traffic turning left off Mill St into the pedestrian area, GW has taken this up with CEBC.
J.Mac to approach CEBC re Xmas Tree support for this year as a gesture to the traders for what has been a difficult summer/autumn.
J.Mac to approach CEBC for a pictorial design to display around the town ans on the CTC website to give the public a better idea of what is planned.
Town Centre Regeneration (Fairground Site etc)
Possible need to re-establish the Town Centre Working Group, using the NH Plan – Town Centre. Delivery Plan as a guide.

Dementia Friendly Town.
Awareness Meeting held 26th July, 40+ attended.
Steering Group formed and met 30th Aug at OSM. 20 attendees, Sara Rathbone nominated as Chair.
Next Steering Group meeting 4th October, when we will discuss pledges/drop ins and activities.
CTC voted to support the initiative at CE & Services meeting Sept 2017.



Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 13th November The Spencer Suite, 9.30am.

Projects and Finace Meeting Minutes

The Projects and finance meeting minutes took place recenlty, read the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

The Mills Development. After further discussion today it was felt there was little to be gained by commissioning an outside agency to come up with an alternative design. S.Foster to write to CEBC Ward Members for them to lobby Scarborough for the best design possible that reflects Congleton’s Heritage. The has been no further contact with Scarborough Group at the time of this meeting.


Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.

New design and costing estimate (£375) issued.

Wall work has started, rebuilding to 1.2mtrs and adding 2 buttresses for support at Lawton St end.

Some tree worked carried out, Ruth Burgess getting a price for work on another 5.

Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.

Tea Dances – Senior Forum. Piloting 3 Tea Dances at the Old Saw Mill as part of our social isolation drive. Dances planned for 17/6, 1/7 and 15/7 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. £4 to include a drink and cake.

The event is being run by Shirley Brocklehurst, Wellkin. Disappointed turn out, cancelled the last date. Shirley working on a relaunch Autum 2017, after H&W Event.


Dementia Awareness Open Day. The plan is to hold a dementia awareness day and then progress (along with Congleton Town Council) to become a dementia friendly town. Date booked  (26th July) invitations sent out, poster and social media used for PR. Budget agreed up to £250


Congleton Summer Treasure Hunt. Working in partnership with Congleton Town Council and Active Cheshire to develop a game for 8 to 12 year olds for 6 weeks using technology similar to the Pokemon game. This is again a pilot for future activities if it proves successful. 25 teams and 38 players currently taking part, need to re tweet on social Media. Review at the end of the session.


ITea & Chat – L.Alcock/ S Akers Smith. 12 sessions being planned across 6 locations. Looking for champions to run the sessions. May use some support from Congleton Learning Centre. Budget Agreed  up to £250


Senior Health Fayre – Sept 29th –Congleton Town Hall. 35 exhibitors booked, with 3 or 4 interactive sessions planned in The Bridestones Suite. Flyers and Posters printed, PR will kick in early Sept. Budget agreed up to £400


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 4th September, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Projects and Finance Committee meeting minutes

The Project and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.
F.Price outlined the plans at the town meeting 27th April with various timelines as the project will be delivered in phases.
Work planned to start late June/early July, and be finished by mid Nov (before Xmas Lights Event)
DM to call a PR subgroup meeting to discuss any timing or delivery issues /wishes.
Town Centre Regeneration (The Mills) Scarborough Group presented to the Town Councillors w/c 1st May and will present to the market traders in the near future. Still to go to planning, completion date 2019
There was a general feeling of disappointment in the design at the meeting, and it was felt that we should look to discuss an alternative design to Scarborough.
D.McG to raise the issue with Scarborough / Kate Howe and ask for a meeting of the parties concerned
The issue of design to be raised at Partnership and then with Congleton town Council
PA to discuss with S.Foster with a view to approaching Roger Lomas for an alternative (Congleton centric) design.


Community Award Scheme – Jo Money
CVS are holding an all day Volunteers Event on 1st July in Congleton Park.
Congleton will be well covered in this, Jo Money is working with Mark Smith (CVS) and is looking to launch her updated version of “Get Involved” on that day. There will be room for local organisations to have a display in one of the marquees, with a Gala Dinner in the evening.
Jo will send out a brief this week (w/c 8.5.17) for organisations wishing to be involved in the “Congleton Marquee”.


Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 17th July, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Projects and Finance Committee minutes 16.03.15

The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place on 16th March. Download the full minutes HERE for all the news!

Funding Requests.


Funding requests were sent out to members before the meeting for information.


Copies of previous funding support and outcomes awarded to The Youth Forum were also sent out and loaded onto the website.


Requests were received from :- The Youth  Forum, CCP, Congleton Creative and CSG, the decisions were as follows:-


Youth Forum. Support for Youth Celebration Day, Hankinson’s Field/ Congleton Leisure Centre, 11th July.                                              £1000 awarded.


EPH/CCP.  Contribution to the development  of a Community Index (Youth / Senior Forum sections) and Full Page Advert for The Partnership (Back Cover)

£500 awarded.


Congleton Creative. Contribution towards the Hidden Places Event to be held in 4 locations within Congleton on 16th May.                          £500 awarded.


Congleton Sustainability Group -Apple Juice. To purchase both a fruit juicer and press to be used in schools and community events. Currently they  loan equipment from various sources.

                                                                        £335 awarded.


All parties have been advised and issued with a ‘terms and condition ‘ document.


There was a further 5 requests put in by The Youth Forum totalling £3500, as this would take us above the P&F Committee remit, MS was asked to send these out to The Partnership Executive for consideration. Once their replies have been received a straight majority decision will be made and appropriate action taken.

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 2/12/2014

The latest Congleton Partnership executive meeting was held on the 2nd December. Many projects are planned for Congleton in 2015 which the Partnership will be supporting in, a really exciting time to get involved! Some highlights from the meeting include:

New Partnership Website – Cathy Dean (IBD)

Cathy took us through a presentation outlining the new website (  and its features. This was very well accepted, it now gives us both an identity and a platform to use to get our message through to the general public and hopefully gain members and volunteers at the same.

There is also a new social media element. The Twitter Feed is @congopar ; please follow if you are using this form of communications.

Sustainable Living In Cingleton (SLIC) – Mike Taylor.

Mike Taylor (Carbon Reduction Group Chair) took us through the SLIC presentation. SLIC is a course to help people respond to the threat of climate change and other environmental issues in their daily lives. The SLIC workbook (issued to all members on the night) is made up of 7 modules and was developed from the Transition Streets courses used in the transitional town of Totnes


Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur.

  1. Town Centre – End of leases, merges, illness and the continued tough time experienced by many on the High Street has led to more changes in the Town Centre. Occupancy is currently at 85% for the Town Centre – 204 units, 183 occupied. If you could exclude Capitol Walk from the equation occupancy rates rise to 90% 223 units 190 occupied.
  2. Shops ceased trading – Hallmark Thornton stopped trading and the owner has started marketing the shop. House moved from 3 High Street to upstairs in Empire Menswear. Nationwide merged with Cheshire Building Society and moved into the CBS building on the pedestrian area. The 25 year lease finished on the building occupied by the YMCA – not sure on the future of the building and whether the owner will invite YMCA back.
  3. Shops opened Delia Metcalf shoe shop (in the former A&A music shop), new hairdressers about to open outside Capitol Walk, Titanic breweries have opened in the Kings Arms. Mr Wendles opened in Lawton Street. Amans opened in West Heath Shopping Centre. Work continues on the former Game Station in the High Street and the new bar in Lawton Street but no date given for new occupiers.


  1. £1 million – Cheshire East has committed £1 to the first two phases of Public Realm work in Congleton -the Cheshire East Highways Team will be working up a scheme which will be shared with all interested parties. The timing isn’t clear, but this is great news for Congleton as rather than talking about the need and desire to improve the public realm we now have financial backing to make improvements to the pedestrian area and the space at the crossroads of Moody Street, Market Street, High Street and pedestrian area.


For the rest of the updates please download the minutes.

Executive Meeting Minutes


£1 million boost for revitalisation of Congleton town centre

Cheshire East Council, Congleton Town Council and Congleton Partnership have announced a major investment programme for Congleton.

Congleton is set to get £1 million boost from a key development project designed to drastically improve the town centre.

Congleton will see a million pound investment

Cheshire East Council and Congleton Town Council, will look to start improving the pedestrianised areas of High Street, Bridge Street, Duke Street and Little Street as well as the creation of a community square at the junction of High Street and Market Street in 2015.These improvements between High Street and the pedestrianised zone will become a high-quality, multi-use space for occasional markets, festivals and other street activities

The schemes will be part of a plan to re-establish Congleton as an attractive location to live, work, shop, visit and do business. One of the key problems for many towns, including Congleton, is the proliferation of ‘street clutter’. Signs, bollards, advertisements and pedestrian guard rails all contribute to the both the visual and physical intrusion.

This makes it harder for pedestrians, especially the elderly and those with young children, to move though the town. Improving the streetscape will have the added benefit of enhancing the buildings and their architectural appearance.

Costs for the project are yet to be finalised but are estimated to be in the region of £1m, which is being allocated by Cheshire East out of this year’s budget.

Councillor Michael Jones Leader of Cheshire East Council, said:

“The Council is keen to deliver these projects as soon as possible as a way of facilitating and promoting further developments within the town. Congleton has a rich heritage and a lot still to offer and we are determined to boost the economic wellbeing of the town. This project will act as a catalyst for further change and investment. They are yet another example of this Council putting residents first.”


Cllr Bob Edwards, Leader of the Town Council added:

“Together with Steve Foster of the Congleton Partnership and other key members of the Town Council we have been working with the Leader of Cheshire East Council for the past 12 months to achieve this result. This is fantastic news for Congleton. We look forward to working with Cheshire East on revitalising the town centre and will be sharing information with residents and businesses.”

This announcement was made following a meeting which took place on Monday 24th November with Cllr Michael Jones, key members of his Cabinet and Town Councillors Bob Edwards, Paul Bates, Glen Williams and Elizabeth Wardlaw.