Projects and Finace Meeting Minutes

The Projects and finance meeting minutes took place recenlty, read the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

The Mills Development. After further discussion today it was felt there was little to be gained by commissioning an outside agency to come up with an alternative design. S.Foster to write to CEBC Ward Members for them to lobby Scarborough for the best design possible that reflects Congleton’s Heritage. The has been no further contact with Scarborough Group at the time of this meeting.


Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.

New design and costing estimate (£375) issued.

Wall work has started, rebuilding to 1.2mtrs and adding 2 buttresses for support at Lawton St end.

Some tree worked carried out, Ruth Burgess getting a price for work on another 5.

Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.

Tea Dances – Senior Forum. Piloting 3 Tea Dances at the Old Saw Mill as part of our social isolation drive. Dances planned for 17/6, 1/7 and 15/7 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. £4 to include a drink and cake.

The event is being run by Shirley Brocklehurst, Wellkin. Disappointed turn out, cancelled the last date. Shirley working on a relaunch Autum 2017, after H&W Event.


Dementia Awareness Open Day. The plan is to hold a dementia awareness day and then progress (along with Congleton Town Council) to become a dementia friendly town. Date booked  (26th July) invitations sent out, poster and social media used for PR. Budget agreed up to £250


Congleton Summer Treasure Hunt. Working in partnership with Congleton Town Council and Active Cheshire to develop a game for 8 to 12 year olds for 6 weeks using technology similar to the Pokemon game. This is again a pilot for future activities if it proves successful. 25 teams and 38 players currently taking part, need to re tweet on social Media. Review at the end of the session.


ITea & Chat – L.Alcock/ S Akers Smith. 12 sessions being planned across 6 locations. Looking for champions to run the sessions. May use some support from Congleton Learning Centre. Budget Agreed  up to £250


Senior Health Fayre – Sept 29th –Congleton Town Hall. 35 exhibitors booked, with 3 or 4 interactive sessions planned in The Bridestones Suite. Flyers and Posters printed, PR will kick in early Sept. Budget agreed up to £400


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 4th September, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

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