Latest meeting of the Projects and Finance committee 16.05.15

Latest meeting of the Projects and Finance committee took place recently, please download the full  minutes HERE

Highlights from the meeting:

Steve opened the meeting by recording the sad loss of Margaret, also advising the group that a fitting memorial was being planned and would be discussed later in the meeting.

Projects Update..

A full report was issued before the meeting also added to The Partnership website

The project featured were:-

Cycleway Town Centre to Congleton Railway Station.

Towpath improvement now completed, new signage to be arranged by CEBC

Antrobus St Gardens.

Work to start on Tuesday 26th May and should be completed before In Bloom judging. Julie is away but has informed MS of the contactors and their roles. Congleton Town Council streetscape team contracted to do the soft planting and watering.

Cenotaph Project.

Waiting for John Carter to come back with a redesign and new costings. Once received a Cenotaph Group meeting will be arranged.

River Dane Walkway / Cycleway.

Railing safety work has been completed. Some retendering required regarding the work required on the steps. Waiting for start date from G.Butler.

Senior Forum.

A drop in at NLC was organised for 6th May, questionnaires were handed out/completed. MS to record replies.2 visits to be planned at Luncheon Clubs .

A Senior Health Fayre is being planned by CEBC, New Life Church, 1st October, the Partnership plans to be there, it may be a good opportunity to gain volunteers.

Walk about Dec 2014.

Only real work still to do is the painting of the Town Bridge.


Date of the next meeting:-


Monday 27th July 2015, 9.30am.



Youth Forum meeting minutes 21.04.15

The latest meeting of the Congleton’s Youth Forum took place on 21st April, download the full meeting minutes here.

A quick update on some of the Youth Forum projects:

Youth Forum Projects.


In Bloom. Application forms have gone out, 1 application received from Bromley Farm YC.

Please action as soon as possible. We supported 4 very good projects last year to support the ‘In Bloom Project’ (now received app from CHS)

Skateboard Park & Chav Fashion Show. It was felt that these 2 projects could well be included within the Celebrating Youth Event.

Bridle Path Maps. GW to source current map provision and discuss same with Matt Axford and Genni Butler. The idea is to create maps that indicate what is available on a given route, distances, points of interest , accessibility etc, put in to young persons ‘Speak’

Once this has been established GW then to discuss with schools to see if this can be handled as a practical project for their students.

For reference there is a major event being organised by Team Congleton for July ‘Every Step Counts’ to encourage walking in the town. There will be opportunity for young people / organisations to become involved, some of this element could be incorporated in both Celebrating Youth Day and In Bloom ‘Space’ projects.


Senior Forum meeting minutes 25.03.15

The latest meeting of Congleton Senior forum had taken place, please download the minutes to view all the news!

Discussion – Where do we go from here?

The view of the members present was that the idea of a Senior Forum had positive opportunities and outcomes. Networking and understanding how various of the organisations operate, plus possibilities of working together was well worth pursuing.

It was felt that like the Youth Council Survey and usage of its findings the Senior Forum also needed to know more about residents desires / their understanding of what is available to them.

It was felt that we should get a questionnaire together and use various methods of getting the document out to residents. MS had started to put together a questionnaire and will send out to member for critique and feedback.

Discussion around arranging some ‘drop in’ activities to be able to have face to face feedback from resident was raised and it was decided to hold 1 x ‘drop in’ event and 2 x ‘club’ visits.

We would love you to get involved ! Contact Mike Smith to find out more on email:

Congleton Youth Forum meeting minutes 18.03.15

The latest meeting of Congleton Youth Forum took place on 18th March hosted at Eaton Bank Academy. Download the full minutes HERE.

The first item on the agenda was the Youth Info point website, all agreed to add more content to make the site really live.

Youth Forum Projects. 

GW advised the forum that he had put in a number of funding support requests to the Partnership’s Projects and Finance Committee and was awaiting a decision on some of them.

P&F agreed to support the Youth Celebration Day by awarding £1000 to the event so that planning / organising could get underway.


The other 5 projects have gone out to The Executive for their decision, MS will advise GW once the result is known.

The 5 projects were:-

Basketball Hoops.

Bridle Path Maps.

Skateboard Park.

Fashion Show.

Congleton Youth In Bloom.


GW will be writing out to forum members to find out which of these they will be able to get involved in.

Virtually all of the activities arose from findings in the recent Youth Council Survey, so support what young people suggested themselves.

Projects and Finance Committee minutes 16.03.15

The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place on 16th March. Download the full minutes HERE for all the news!

Funding Requests.


Funding requests were sent out to members before the meeting for information.


Copies of previous funding support and outcomes awarded to The Youth Forum were also sent out and loaded onto the website.


Requests were received from :- The Youth  Forum, CCP, Congleton Creative and CSG, the decisions were as follows:-


Youth Forum. Support for Youth Celebration Day, Hankinson’s Field/ Congleton Leisure Centre, 11th July.                                              £1000 awarded.


EPH/CCP.  Contribution to the development  of a Community Index (Youth / Senior Forum sections) and Full Page Advert for The Partnership (Back Cover)

£500 awarded.


Congleton Creative. Contribution towards the Hidden Places Event to be held in 4 locations within Congleton on 16th May.                          £500 awarded.


Congleton Sustainability Group -Apple Juice. To purchase both a fruit juicer and press to be used in schools and community events. Currently they  loan equipment from various sources.

                                                                        £335 awarded.


All parties have been advised and issued with a ‘terms and condition ‘ document.


There was a further 5 requests put in by The Youth Forum totalling £3500, as this would take us above the P&F Committee remit, MS was asked to send these out to The Partnership Executive for consideration. Once their replies have been received a straight majority decision will be made and appropriate action taken.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 2.02.15

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently on 2nd Feb. Guests from Cheshire East attended the meeting:

CEBC Environmental Protection Air Quality. (Phil Mason / Rebecca Shorrock)

Phil explained that CEBC had been successful in gaining a funding award of around £21k from DEFRA to be used on a campaign to improve sustainable “ transport” in Congleton. Congleton has an above average of homes with 1 or 2 cars (71% v 66%) and a residents survey indicates that only around 23% are satisfied with cycle facilities in and around the town.  Phil and Rebecca are currently meeting up with local groups to discuss gaps in provision and outline some of their initial ideas and budget allocations. They will revisit groups with more detailed plans in the coming weeks. Currently budgets are set around:-

  • Covered Cycle Racks * (5) include Maps /Cycle Route boards
  • Website / Campaign (Interactive like All change at Crewe)
  • Updating Maps & Signage

Will also consider

  • Schools – Competition / Walking Buses / Encourage more cycling etc
  • Events (Food & Drink / Every Step Counts etc)


For the rest of the news download the minutes HERE.

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 27.01.14

The 3rd meeting of the Congleton Partnerships latest group the Senior Forum took place on the 27th January. There is a lot of actions to follow up as the group takes shape and moves forward! (Please see the minutes).

Crewe and Nantwich Senior Forum.

During the meeting Adrian Lindop gave a presentation on the Crewe & Nantwich Senior Forum. The forum which has a strap line of ‘No service for us without us’ was constitutionally formed in 2006, meeting every 6 weeks and developing an action plan and some clear goals.

It is now very much resident/volunteer lead, building a very strong ‘family’ ethos along the way. They have strong partnerships and funding support from both local authority, local services and national streams. They involve the public / volunteers by playing / using their individual strengths making sure people feel valued for their efforts. They have created awareness of the forum by being proactive involvement in community events, hosted workshops ,demonstrations and increasing their membership.

With the help of their strong team of volunteers they have organised a number of successful projects ( Slow Cookers / Tree Cozy / Blooming Lovely) to name but a few. Currently they hold a Friday ‘Drop In’  (10 to 12.30pm) each week at a set time and location where residents can go for a drink, refreshments, chat and advice /support/ signposting. Since 2009 they have held a major Health & Wellbeing Fayre which has become so successful that they now have a waiting list of organisations / exhibitors and close on 200 residents coming through the doors.


The session certainly gave us plenty to think about and a real direction to aim for.

We certainly need to reach out to the public, grow a bank of volunteers to take our own forum on. The newsletter project and the planned ‘Senior Health Fayre’ planned for Congleton may be good places to start.


For all the other news view the minutes here.

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 2/12/2014

The latest Congleton Partnership executive meeting was held on the 2nd December. Many projects are planned for Congleton in 2015 which the Partnership will be supporting in, a really exciting time to get involved! Some highlights from the meeting include:

New Partnership Website – Cathy Dean (IBD)

Cathy took us through a presentation outlining the new website (  and its features. This was very well accepted, it now gives us both an identity and a platform to use to get our message through to the general public and hopefully gain members and volunteers at the same.

There is also a new social media element. The Twitter Feed is @congopar ; please follow if you are using this form of communications.

Sustainable Living In Cingleton (SLIC) – Mike Taylor.

Mike Taylor (Carbon Reduction Group Chair) took us through the SLIC presentation. SLIC is a course to help people respond to the threat of climate change and other environmental issues in their daily lives. The SLIC workbook (issued to all members on the night) is made up of 7 modules and was developed from the Transition Streets courses used in the transitional town of Totnes


Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur.

  1. Town Centre – End of leases, merges, illness and the continued tough time experienced by many on the High Street has led to more changes in the Town Centre. Occupancy is currently at 85% for the Town Centre – 204 units, 183 occupied. If you could exclude Capitol Walk from the equation occupancy rates rise to 90% 223 units 190 occupied.
  2. Shops ceased trading – Hallmark Thornton stopped trading and the owner has started marketing the shop. House moved from 3 High Street to upstairs in Empire Menswear. Nationwide merged with Cheshire Building Society and moved into the CBS building on the pedestrian area. The 25 year lease finished on the building occupied by the YMCA – not sure on the future of the building and whether the owner will invite YMCA back.
  3. Shops opened Delia Metcalf shoe shop (in the former A&A music shop), new hairdressers about to open outside Capitol Walk, Titanic breweries have opened in the Kings Arms. Mr Wendles opened in Lawton Street. Amans opened in West Heath Shopping Centre. Work continues on the former Game Station in the High Street and the new bar in Lawton Street but no date given for new occupiers.


  1. £1 million – Cheshire East has committed £1 to the first two phases of Public Realm work in Congleton -the Cheshire East Highways Team will be working up a scheme which will be shared with all interested parties. The timing isn’t clear, but this is great news for Congleton as rather than talking about the need and desire to improve the public realm we now have financial backing to make improvements to the pedestrian area and the space at the crossroads of Moody Street, Market Street, High Street and pedestrian area.


For the rest of the updates please download the minutes.

Executive Meeting Minutes


Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting 1.12.2014

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 1st Dec. Highlights from the meeting are:

Matters Arising:- MT reported that K.Smith (EBA) was approaching the board of governors regarding the SLIC presentation, he is still awaiting a reply.

Matters Arising:-  CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. The leaflet has now been received and was used at the lights switch on event 29.11.14.  Looking to site some of the leaflets at the Library and in the TIC.  MS to get leaflet onto the new

Moss Farm Planning Application. PM reviewed and reported on the plans to both CSG and Cheshire East

Congleton Neighbourhood Plan

PM, SF and PA have been invited to attend the workshops preparing the Congleton Neighbourhood Plan.  The first meeting will be held on 3rd December.


To view the full meeting minutes download here.

Senior Forum meeting minutes 18.11.14

The Congleton Partnerships newest group The Senior Forum met on the 18th November 2014.  Steve Foster opened the meeting and all members were introduced  to each other. There were 3 main areas for discussion:

  • Gaps in Provision
  • How we work together
  • How do we communicate with residents

For all the information download the minutes HERE

Date of the next meeting.

Tuesday 27th January 2015

Bridestones Suite, Congleton Town Hall, 6.00 to 8.00pm.