Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE. Some of the meeting highlights are below:
Tribute to Margaret Williamson.
Steve gave everyone the opportunity to say their piece about Margaret and their relationship with her. Margaret was the founder of The Partnership , one of the towns greatest ever servant and very sadly missed.
There has been a rush of various organisations / individuals wanting to arrange tributes / memorials to mark her life / contribution.
It was felt that there needed to be some control /order around what is done and what her family would like to see done in her name.
To this end a memorial meeting has been called for Monday 15th June, around 15 people /20 organisations who had expressed a desire to do something have been invited, S.Foster will chair the meeting, MS to keep the family informed of suggestions / ideas taken up so that they can give their view on what is appropriate.
£1 million public realm
Cheshire East Highways has started developing some initial ideas for the public realm improvements. It’s clear the £1 million is not going to stretch as far as the Partnership and Town Council would like. Currently the highway engineers are relooking at the costings. There was a suggestion that pedestrian area could be transformed but leaving the two ends (so from WH Smiths as far as Birth Jewellers, but there was concerns that this would contract the pedestrian area and not address the key gateways that need addressing. There should be another meeting soon.
In Bloom
North West Judges will be in Congleton on the 20th July. Lots of great things happening this year – Antrobus Street Gardens, Moody Street Garden, record number of baskets, schools and youth groups Space to Bloom displays in the Polytunnels. There will be a town-wide toothcomb tidy the night before the judging – meeting in the Community Garden on Sunday 19th July at 6pm – please try and come along and encourage friends, family and neighbours join. If the weather is good we may also need volunteers to help at Astbury Mere from 8am on the morning of the judging.
The next meeting is Tuesday 15th September 2015, Bridestone Suite 5.30pm.
This is a joint AGM (open to the public) and an Executive Meeting.