Congleton Sustainability Group meeting 05.01.15

Congleton Sustainability Groups latest meeting took place on the 5th January, it was a busy meeting with lots to report, here are a view highlights:

Vale Allotments

PA reported that the meeting on 3.1.15 which was attended by approx 50 people had proved quite progressive. Another 4 people had pledged to give some time to support the sub group, 3 of which indicated that they would help underwrite the whole scheme. Others were suggesting they could support in some way financially.
The next stages are to :

  •  Find funding to support some legal advice.
  • Arrange a Town Meeting / Event (by the end of January)
  • Investigate the use of social media to raise project profile.
  • Pull together a new Working Party.
  • Look to write to R.Minshull re our offer / bid when appropriate.
  • Set up a Community Interest Company (currently using Beartown Foods as a catalyst)

Deadline for making the bid is 24th April.

Havannah Hydro ( Havannah Village).

 PA has been approached by John Armstrong and Jim Booth re developing a Hydro Scheme on the Havannah Weir.

John who works (ed) for a Hydro Company (the  chair of which is the chair of The British Hydro Association) along Peter Aston had a meeting with Jean Huddleston (site owner) and a Neighbour regarding the project.They indicate their support in principal of a community power generation scheme.

A feasibility study has been produced but requires some more work on it. PA, John Armstrong, Paul Guymer and Chris Brett to investigate the soundness and accuracy of the feasibility study.

CSG indicated agreement for a ‘company’ to be put together to take up this project and that a grant to be sourced to fund a high quality feasibility study before progressing further.

If this gets off the ground it would become the community energy project we have talked about for the last few meetings.

Read the full minutes and catch up on all the latest news here


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