The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
New Project Ideas.
Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated) The Partnership Executive allocated £1500 to the project. Matt Axford and P.Pinto leading on this, and aim to be finished by March. Cycle Shelters. Nothing to report, they will be part of P.Realm work. Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present) P.Aston to chair this through. I Doughty drawing up a list of potential sites initially. Need to look at the best way to get the information to the public ( Plate Maps / QR Codes &Apps / Leaflets) PA to discuss with Tim McCloud / P.Bates concept of App. Plates. Possible site at the back of the Destination Signs that Jackie is working on. Look at putting leaflet dispensers’ on the plate posts Town Walks/Cycle Routes. Look to involve all of the play areas . MS to do initial work on this with P.Hall. Need to make sure all of the “map” projects are linked in. Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze) 6 locations selected, JMac has contacted CEBC car parks for some financial support and will also ask Town Council Communities and Environment Committee to release some funds. Will also need some Partnership support. The group viewed the draft copies of the maps, please said any requests amendments to JMac by the end of this week. Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding ) Site visit 30.11.15 carried out. JMac/PP/Ms & JB. JB working on a design to improve paving / screening, also making the area as DDA compliant as possible. Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard. P&F Group to contact portfolio holder with a view to testing this on a small area. SF to write to Cllr D Brown regarding this idea of a test. Sub Group on this project for The Partnership :-SF, RE, PA, & D.McG. Play Area Signage (Newly added today) MS raised the issue of a lack of signposting of our play area. MS to contact Genni Butler (CEBC) for guidance / support on how we go about improving this situation. |
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 14th March 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am