Projects and Finance Committee Meeting 25.01.2016

The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)

The Partnership Executive allocated £1500 to the project. Matt Axford and P.Pinto leading on this, and aim to be finished by March.

Cycle Shelters.

Nothing to report, they will be part of P.Realm work.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)

P.Aston to chair this through.  I Doughty drawing up a list of potential sites initially. Need to look at the best way to get the information to the public ( Plate Maps / QR Codes &Apps / Leaflets)

PA to discuss with Tim McCloud / P.Bates concept of App.

Plates.  Possible site at the back of the Destination Signs that Jackie is working on.

Look at putting leaflet dispensers’ on the plate posts

Town Walks/Cycle Routes. Look to involve all of the play areas . MS to do initial work on this with P.Hall.

Need to make sure all of the “map” projects are linked in.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)

6 locations selected, JMac has contacted CEBC car parks for some financial support and will also ask Town Council Communities and Environment Committee to release some funds. Will also need some Partnership support.

The group viewed the draft copies of the maps, please said any requests amendments to JMac by the end of this week.

Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

Site visit 30.11.15 carried out. JMac/PP/Ms & JB.  JB working on a design to improve paving / screening, also making the area as DDA compliant as possible.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

P&F Group to contact portfolio holder with a view to testing this on a small area. SF to write to Cllr D Brown regarding this idea of a test. Sub Group on this project for The Partnership :-SF,  RE, PA, & D.McG.

Play Area Signage (Newly added today) MS raised the issue of a lack of signposting of our play area. MS to contact Genni Butler (CEBC) for guidance / support on how we go about improving this situation.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 14th March 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Senior Forum – Bob’s Blog 13

A belated Happy New Year!! I had a bit of a break over the Christmas holidays plus a bit of a cold – bunged up nose and feeling a bit off colour!  There’s lots of it around!   I did practice what I preach though – followed all the guidance on how best to look after yourself and gradually improved.   The ‘recipe’ below did  work….Bob's Blog Senior Forum

  • Rest
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Have at least one hot meal a day to keep your energy levels up
  • And most important, DON’T WAIT until it gets bad – get advice from your pharmacist, give them a ring if you can’t get out, and follow their advice.


You can always ask your pharmacist for advice on pain relief and about which medicines you need to keep a stock of (If your pharmacy is closed, ring 111 for advice.)   Apparently last year in just 3 months  3,300 people  visited A&E at Macc hospital but needed no treatment –  just advice or literature.  (And that cost a whopping £50,000!) It can be scary when you are feeling poorly  but just a phone call can be reassuring, and give you the advice you need, and let you know if you need to go to A&E.

Feeling bright and breezy – wanting to get out to the sales, but find walking very difficult these days?  If you  have severe walking difficulties or a disability, life could be a bit easier with a Blue Badge – it lets you park where other people can’t and gets you close to the shops.!  You can call Cheshire East Council on 0300 123 5020 or you can complete the online form on the Cheshire East Council website.      They will ask you to take evidence of your difficulty or disability to the library for checking.    If you struggle to walk and you’re not sure if you fit the criteria, it still might be worth filling in the form just to make sure you are not missing out.

Talking of driving….. my friend Alyssa (a Community Agent who does some great work helping people to find the services they need) says that one of her biggest problems, and hardest to solve, is around older people who can’t  drive anymore or can’t walk very far, who are really missing  being able to go to church.    Alyssa  ends up ringing the vicar to ask if someone could volunteer and pick the person up.    Usually without much luck.    Alyssa says,

“…..there must be people who go to the same service every week and would be able to give a lift to a vulnerable older person?   For someone who has church as a large part of their life, it is a real loss for them when they can’t go any more. ”

We could do with a bank of very special, neighbourly sort of people!   In fact is it about setting up some sort of a new scheme in Congleton.  The Senior Forum were just talking about a ‘Good Neighbours’ scheme like they have in Middlewich, where people do good turns for each other?   If you would be interested in being part of a ‘Good Neighbours’ Project, Congleton Partnership would really like to meet you!    You can email me on   or Mike at Congleton Partnerships or ring Congleton Town Council on 01260 270350

That’s it from me  – keep safe, keep warm….

Bob bear signing out until next week……





Senior Forum meeting minutes 12.01.16

The latest of the Senior Forum took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE,

Highlights included:

Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Suzie Akers – Smith as the forums new Chair. Suzie introduced herself giving a brief outline of her past and current roles.

Lisa Alcock ( Cheshire East Community Development Officer) was welcomed to the meeting, Lisa has now replaced Donna Peddie in this role.

Senior Health Fayre 2016.

 Following last year’s successful Fayre (Oct 1st 2015) to support National Older People’s Day the forum felt that we should look to build an annual event around this.

A sub group will be set up to dive this event. Subgroup members:- V.Lockett, U.Ashiq,                 A.Baines and L.Alcock.

Locations to be considered Town Hall, New Life Church & Leisure Centre.

One idea was a “Casserole Club” involving slow cookers, another some internet training / advice

The team will report back at the next meeting 15.3.16.

‘Under The Bed Sale’ on Friday 15th January Congleton

The Electric Picture House would like to invite you to the preview of the Under The Bed Sale on Friday 15th January from 7pm.

Please take this opportunity to come and look at our artwork which will be at reduced prices.

Artwork which we have been keeping under the bed, in the wardrobe etc.

The exhibition runs until Saturday 6th February.

Many Thanks


The Electric PictureHouse, Cross Street, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1HQ.

Tel. 01260 270908



Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 11.01.16

Latest meet of Congleton Sustainability group met recently, download the full minutes HERE. Highlights included:

Congleton Green Space Trust.

 Allotments. PA reported he had been viewing potential allotment sites around the Hillfield Steps are. He has been approached by a land owner and offered use of a piece of land for use as allotments, he is currently reviewing the Deeds to see if any potential issues would effect this development.

He has noted another potential site and asked MS to organise a land search of possible sites around that area.

MA to check out ownership of a strip of land off Swan Street.

Dane Valley Community Energy

Following receipt of the grant (£16380) Derwent have started the study work. A report should be finished late Feb / early March which will set out proposals on how the Weir can be exploited and the financial viability of the scheme.

N.H Plan Transport / Sustainability & Environment Groups

PM reported that the questionnaire is now out, the link is :-

PM is working on a travel survey results of which will hopefully be added to the N.H Plan. This will require a further questionnaire / survey work with the general public in the near future.

PA made a plea for all members to fill in the survey and encourage others to do the same.