Congleton Youth Forum meeting minutes 02.02.16

Congleton Youth Forum met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Volunteer Police Cadet Programme

The Volunteer Police Cadet post has been introduced to provide an opportunity for the young people of Cheshire to become formally involved with the Police service.
The programme will include 12 training sessions and the opportunity to engage in practical community based volunteering projects which support local policing. We will be running cadet programmes from Runcorn and Crewe Police Stations starting in April 2016.
The young people will graduate at the end of the course with new skills, improved social responsibility and the knowledge to make better informed life choices in the future. (16 to 18)

Childnet – CPD training events

For schools to know about preventing and responding to cyberbullying.    Taking place in London (14th March) and Manchester (21st March), the events will mark the launch of our government-funded guidance for schools and multimedia teaching resources. The interactive events will include speakers from across government, internet industry, education – and young people themselves – and will provide teachers and school leadership teams with the training and advice they need to manage cyberbullying within their schools.   To book onto either of the events please visit

Safe Internet Day – 9th February

Share a heart event. Hearts can be downloaded from ES e-mai

No One Eats Alone Day – February 12th

Last year, over 700 schools participated coast-to-coast in No One Eats Alone Day (NOEA) – have you signed up to bring NOEA to your school for free?

NOEA takes place at lunch time during school and is led by students themselves. The day is Friday, February 12 – right before Valentine’s Day – and we’re hoping you’ll participate. (If the date doesn’t work for your school, that’s OK. Do it another day!)

You know this already: students are influenced by their peers. Teaching students to be inclusive and kind is one thing – but when students the lead the way, the change can be rapid and extraordinary.  We’ve seen it again and again.

We’ll send you a free backpack with everything you’ll need to bring NOEA to your school – curriculum, supplies, and more.

Sign up here to join the hundreds of participating schools for 2016.

Give your students the opportunity to create new friendships in a celebration of inclusivity – the relationships and behavior patterns will last all year. Sign up now!


Ann-Marie Morgan – New network structure / strategy for Youthfed

Finally. Thank you form MS for support offered re shout out for First Aid information for CHS.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 01.02.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-operative  –  S.Halliday


Stuart reported that the Co-operative were still looking for premises. Cuttleford Farm could not currently offer what we required so the search goes on for alternatives. Suggestions for sites to be pursued were raised at the meeting, they included units in Mill St, West St and land at the back of Back park St Carpark. Any ideas pass them onto Stuart.


Difficult to put a financial report together to make a meaningful business plan.


Started to apply for funding (C4C), CSG may look to put an amount into the pot.


Project plan being put together around Apple Juice production.


Apple Juice / Cider Festival. Nor practical in its present format at Astbury Mere, PP to approach St Mary’s as an alternative. May be able to link in with their desire to put on an event around their orchard and apple juice project.


Congleton Green Space Trust.

PA is discussing a couple of plots around Hillfield Steps area with the owner/ solocitor in regards to creating some ½ size allotments.  A.Martin following up with residents regarding the 3rd plot on the site. If all land was available we could have between 6 to 12 allotment plots.


Green Space Trust looking at both allotment and orchard options.

Next Meeting:-

Monday 7th March, Plus Dane Boardroom.