Congleton Youth Forum meeting minutes 8.06.16

Congleton Youth Forum meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Glen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Round the table introductions carried out for new members attending. M.Howell,J.Pestell-Hassal, R.Pickles and guest L.Nagle.

Update from Mike Smith.


MS – In Bloom & Carnival funding application forms


E.Stanton (Cheshire Police) Safer Schools and Young Persons Partnership x 3 reports

– Cheshire Police Schools Competition 5th Sept to 4th Nov

– 60 sec Radio Commercial 0n raising awareness around-

–  Legal Highs / Healthy Relationships / On-line safety

–  Key stage 2, year 6 & Key stage 3 year 8

– Winning commercials broadcast on local radio.

Visyon – Creative Space Programme (11 to 19 year olds)/ Photography Workshops (9th June for 6 weeks)

MS – Sent out the Evolve Service Provision document (Legal Highs) CHS using them during their RE Day activity (Year 10 / July)

Lisa / Cheshire East – Sexual Violence Support Services Awareness Workshops at Wilmslow and Crewe – Application forms included.

MS – Food & Drink Fest 12th June, call out for volunteers. Contact Jo Money 07833742200

D.Murphy – CAB (Citezens Advice Bureau) looking for young trustees and Readesmore Medical Practice looking for 2 young people to serve on their Patient Panel (contact Denis )

Mental Health / Substance Misuse.


(a) –Lana Nagle


Lana Took us through a presentation on Kooth and the services that are offered.

They have a fab website where young people can access support on a range of mental health issues, feeling low, bullying, eating disorders, relationships etc. They are commissioned by the local authority so any of out groups can get free support.  They also have an online counselling service which is open in the evenings and over the weekends (M to F 12.00 to 10,00 and Weekends 6.00 to 10.00pm) and also an online forum which is monitored by trained counsellors. Live forum activities are carried M/W/F 7.30 to 9.00pm.  All schools should / could  be accessing KOOTH and their materials they have to offer. They will also go into schools and do assemblies and workshops too.  They have a wealth of knowledge and support, they can also offer posters and wallet sized cards to give to students. KOOTH can support a young person in the interim (whilst waiting other services appointments) and offer support in the evenings and weekends and all from their smart phones or laptops.

If you would like KOOTH to come into your school, youth group or youth council committee then please let me know and I can pass her details onto you. Direct contact with Kooth/ Lana is :-

(b)  Glens Paper – Project Proposals.



To raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health.


To highlight the negative effects of substance misuse especially legal highs.


To provide young people with details of a range of support available in relation to these issues.



Possible Solutions:


Presentations to school year groups and youth groups on mental health.


Substance misuse detached work with youth workers in known hot spot areas.


Production and distribution of essential helpline numbers and key facts.


Production of a play relating to the topics of mental health and substance misuse – link to Congleton Creative.


Health and wellbeing counsellor appointment to go into schools.


Mental health signs, what to look out for workshop – student leaders – what can be done, what support available?


Drug awareness day focussed around legal highs.


Video of someone who suffers mental health issues.


Access to wellbeing opportunities promotion – sports clubs, youth clubs, uniformed groups, healthy activities etc.


Discussions and Actions.


Look to get following on school assembly rotas for Sept term

* Kooth


*Cheshire Police / Jane Cummings


Put together a pamphlet local to Congleton re services / support etc – L.Alcock to action


Talk to Frank website programme

Lisa to contact Caroline McQuaker re what is happening in Congleton.

Should schools contact all parents re issues around local highs

Do we look to go out into the town with information around the issues eg  a stand in Tesco’s Foyer

Lisa to speak to Dawn Clark to see if any funding available to support an initiative.

Kooth to make a presentation to Congleton Youth Committee, MS talk to L.Minshull.


Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 7.06.16

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Hightlights include:

The Old Saw Mill Project – P.Aston

Peter outlined the current situation regarding the development of the Old Saw Mill Project at Back River St.

Change of use planning application has gone in, various pieces of work are being carried out in terms of decorating, electrics, flooring, gardening etc.

Discussions have been held with a range of organisations, clubs, service providers for future usage of the facility. This could make a very effective community hub in the centre of Congleton.

Congleton Community Cooperative now has an accredited Logo (thanks to Phil Worthington, Congleton High school)

S.Halliday sends out a weekly All Points Bulletin (MS will circulate to the Executive) updating development, plans and equipment/material requirements.

G.Baxendale, G.Williams and L.Alcock to make Cheshire East Community Service aware of this development and for support both financially and service wise. This is a great opportunity for Cheshire East to be able to deliver their Community Hub objective.

At the end of the session The Partnership agreed to support more electrical work on site to the value of £1200.

Proposed by G.Williams and seconded by M.Gartside, this was then voted through by The executive.


The Public Realm £1 million funding The main bulk of the consultation has finished – although the group will be at the Food and Drink Festival on Sunday for further feedback. The Project Manager has not yet been given the electronic feedback – but the 140 + paper copies were largely positive about the scheme. This will be discussed with the CEC Portfolio holder and then the project board group and then hopefully the build will start early next year.


Britain in Bloom / North West in Bloom:  North West in Bloom judging is on Monday 25th July and Britain in Bloom judging on Monday 8th August. The Group has been strengthened by the additional support of the Sustainability Group. Biggest improvements for this year have been the Community Orchard, the Antrobus Street Garden  (hopefully to be renamed Margaret’s Place, the Greening of Mountbatten Way project, The Bath House and Physic Garden and the Visyon Garden, all the additional signage. Even more business took up the offer of baskets and the streetscape staff are working hard on the formal beds, roundabouts and keeping the town as weed and litter free as possible – a huge task for 11 people in a town of Congleton’s size. Volunteer help is required – weeding, litter picking, improving areas can take place at any time – but there will be a couple of organised mass community events on the two Sunday evenings before judging.


Tour of Britain – START TOWN FOR DAY 3! –We’re getting geared up for the race which will be starting in Congleton at 11am. We expect people to start arriving about 2 ½ hours before the race – hopefully the streets will be lined with thousands of people. Our job in Congleton is to make sure that the town looks great, people visiting the race have a good time and leave with a positive opinion of the town, townspeople have a good trading day. Cheshire East Council is working on the logistics with sweetspot – re Health and Safety, first aid, toilets, marshals.


Next Meeting is :- Tuesday 13th September, Bridestone Suite, 5.30pm. AGM/Executive Meeting.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 6.06.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full minutes HERE.

Highlights includes:

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.

Looking to go ahead with the project, support has already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.

Possible use an Archimedes Screw design

PA working on applying for a second phase grant.

PA has visited the Halton Loom project, they employed a skilled project manager who then directed local resource and resulted in a much reduced cost.

S.Halliday to contact an acquaintance who has managed similar projects and put him in contact with PA.


Cycling Campaign – P.Hall

In Peter’s absence PA briefed the meeting on an event planned for Sat 4th September.

Congleton Cycling Club is organising a Tour Of Britain promotional/charity ride called “Cheshire East Tour of Britain Charity Sportive”. This will be an 86 mile ride over some of the ToB route raising fund for North West Air Ambulance and Children’s Adventure Farm Trust.


Congleton Community Co-operative  –  S.Halliday


Reports issued by S.Halliday weekly including both a task and supply sheet so no need to further issue those.

Further items discussed at the meeting:-

Grand opening is still planned for 4th July, but can be moved back if circumstance dictate.

A good source of paint supply has been found using the Burslem recycling centre community paint mechanism.

A CHS student on a work experience scheme is doing a fantastic job in helping with the redecoration.

PP has a design for the secret garden and will apply for funding support from William Dean Trust to support plants, soil and paving etc.


Next Meeting:- Monday 4th July at The Old Saw Mill (tbc)