Projects and Finance Committee meeting 14.11.2016

Congleton Partnership’s Project’s and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Project Update.

Awaiting information from Cheshire East Highways (Ian McLauchlan) as to how they will tackle both the trees growing through the wall and the rebuilding of the lower section and repairing the top section.

Public Realm Strategy.
Not likely to happen until late 2017 due to delay in gas work improvements which could start around May 2017.

Town Centre Regeneration (NEW)
After the last Partnership Executive meeting and comments arising from the exhibition night that Scarborough held in the town hall, it was felt that we should form a sub group to raise issues and make suggestions to K.Howe (Scarborough). This was actioned and a letter sent to K.Howe, we are now waiting for her /their response. A point was raised that the full Executive Committee did not get a view of the letter, and that some may have different views. MS to send out the letter to The Executive and collate any feedback which can then be raised with Scarborough at a later date.

Funding Requests.

J.Mac – Event Lighting. Jackie requested support of £252 to purchase 12 x 10w portable floodlights for using at events (Xmas lights etc). The committee agreed in principal to support this request providing that the light proved fit for purpose. J.Mac to check them out.

PP – 2nd Community Orchard (In Principal Request). It was felt that we needed more proof that there was a local demand for this and a group prepared to maintain once delivered. This is not currently an In Bloom Team project.
MMW memorial.

Celebration Art Piece. Grand unveiling planned for 18th November. Family have been invited and confirmed attendance.

Margaret’s Place ( Antrobus St) Signage is now up on one entrance in time for family visit 18.11.16

Community Book. The subgroup is being chaired by P.Aston. Paragraphs / Sections for the book has been agreed and various responsibilities to deliver these sections have been allocated. Book is turning out to be larger than first planned, launch date now more likely to be spring 2017.

Trust Fund. The fund has currently received donations valued at close to £72K. The fund has now gone live with a view to first applications and awards taking place in spring 2017. We should have around £3.5 / £4 to allocate at that time.


Old Saw Mill Grand Opening ,5.30pm Friday 18th November. Invitations have been sent out.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 9th January 2017, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Congleton Community Co-Op opens the doors!

Congleton Community Co-op






CW12 1HJ

Tel: 07834 525 165 (Stewart)
07971 805 372 (Peter)
@ the HEART of the Community


A very warm welcome to our latest edition of our eMill magazine which, hopefully, you will find

What an amazing week with our opening on Monday and we thank all those who supported us over
the week – over 120 footfall.

Our thanks go to Wendy, Chris (Kirsty), and Lindsay who have braved the teething troubles and
helped us by volunteering to assist in the cafe. We have listened to everyone and, hopefully, got
more slick in our providing service to all our customers. Our home-made soup has proved to be
very popular as well as the smoked salmon sandwiches, our very own Congleroons, as well as the
boiled eggs and soldiers. Why not join our growing team of volunteers, no matter how little
number of hours you can spare us. Rest assured, you will have fun and enjoy the camaraderie as
well as great banter.

In addition, we have processed over 1000 litres of cider (2 ton of windfall apples) in our Secret
Garden whilst we await our Apple Room floor to “go off”. Dewi, Pete, and Charla have been hard
at it and promised us they have not drunk any – hmmmm !!!!!!

We continue to receive apples from the harvest thanks to the generosity of the community at large
for which we thank you most sincerely. Our target is 20 tons of apples this year so if you know of
any apples PLEASE do not hesitate to contact us in order for you to deliver them to Astbury Mere
Visitors’ Centre, The Old Saw Mill, or London Road Ale House in Stoke-on-Trent.

Download and read the rest of the emag HERE.