Excess Apples? Congleton Sustainability Group needs them!

Excess apples?

Don’t worry, Congleton Sustainability Group are going to turn them into Congleton’s very own apple juice with the help of  Dunham Massey.

Excess apples congleton

All you have to do is collect your excess apples – desert or cooking – and we’ll turn them into one litre bottles of Congleton Apple Juice.


Bag up your apples with your name & contact details (tel no./ email), please take them to:

Astbury Mere Visitor Centre by 8 November

(open from 9am to 5pm every day of the week)


Bottles of Congleton Apple Juice will be available from October and we’ll give a free bottle to everyone who contributes apples.



Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 9.6.15

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE. Some of the meeting highlights are below:


Tribute to Margaret Williamson.

Steve gave everyone the opportunity to say their piece about Margaret and their relationship with her. Margaret was the founder of The Partnership , one of the towns greatest ever servant and very sadly missed.

There has been a rush of various organisations / individuals wanting to arrange tributes / memorials to mark her life / contribution.

It was felt that there needed to be some control /order around what is done and what her family would like to see done in her name.

To this end a memorial meeting has been called for Monday 15th June, around 15 people /20 organisations who had expressed a desire to do something have been invited, S.Foster will chair the meeting, MS to keep the family informed of suggestions / ideas taken up so that they can give their view on what is appropriate.


£1 million public realm

Cheshire East Highways has started developing some initial ideas for the public realm improvements. It’s clear the £1 million is not going to stretch as far as the Partnership and Town Council would like. Currently the highway engineers are relooking at the costings. There was a suggestion that pedestrian area could be transformed but leaving the two ends (so from WH Smiths as far as Birth Jewellers, but there was concerns that this would contract the pedestrian area and not address the key gateways that need addressing. There should be another meeting soon.

In Bloom

North West Judges will be in Congleton on the 20th July. Lots of great things happening this year – Antrobus Street Gardens, Moody Street Garden, record number of baskets, schools and youth groups Space to Bloom displays in the Polytunnels. There will be a town-wide toothcomb tidy the night before the judging – meeting in the Community Garden on Sunday 19th July at 6pm – please try and come along and encourage friends, family and neighbours join. If the weather is good we may also need volunteers to help at Astbury Mere from 8am on the morning of the judging.


The next meeting is Tuesday 15th September 2015, Bridestone Suite 5.30pm.

This is a joint AGM (open to the public) and an Executive Meeting.

Congleton Uth Festival 11th July #looklistenlaugh

Get ready for Congleton’s Uth Festival taking place on Saturday 11th July on Hankinsons field (next to Congleton Leisure Centre).  A celebration event to highlight all the talents, achievements and skills the young people of Congleton have to offer.

Keep up with all the latest news #looklistenlaugh

Uth Festival Congleton July 15

Uth Festival Congleton July

Click to enlarge

The Electric Picture House thanks Congleton Partnership

Electric Picture House Congleton

The Electric Picture House in conjunction with Congleton Community Projects would like to thank the Congleton Partnership for its generous support of £500 to make the event Hidden Places, a day of promenade theatre, a great success.

Without your support the event would not have attracted such a large audience so once again many thanks.


Petra Lea                                                                                       Jo Money

The Electric Picture House Cooperative Ltd                          Congleton Community Projects

The Electric Picture House                                                        The Electric Picture House

Cross Street                                                                                 Cross Street

Congleton                                                                                    Congleton

CW12 1HQ                                                                                   CW12 1HQ


The Electric Picture House would like to thank the Congleton Partnership for its generous support of £400, which ensured that the Space workshops could take place.

Once again the Congleton Partnership has enabled through their generous funding the successful completion of community workshops which will enhance Congleton’s bid for In Bloom.

Junk Fun at The Electric Picture House

News from EPH and Congleton In Bloom.

The Electric Picture House and Congleton In Bloom ran a series of free workshops for children, during half term (27-30 May 2015), based on the theme Space. These workshops were generously sponsored by Congleton Partnership and Congleton Young people’s Trust.

Evie and Lily(4, 7, Saint Mary’s School) Congleton in bloom

Evie and Lily (4, 7, Saint Mary’s)

The aim was to get children attending the workshops to design and create the scenery for the Space and the Planets Exhibition, including images of the solar eclipse, banners and signs, robots from recycled materials.  Many children had the opportunity to get creative, making junk robots, banners and planets which will decorate the exhibition in the polytunnel near Congleton Park during the summer.

Petra Lea, the artist from the EPH who ran the workshops said, “It was fantastic to see the children being creative and using their imaginations to create visually stunning decorations. This included children from as far afield as Handforth and Middlewich”.

Space and the Planets exhibition

Eleven gardens will be created in the polytunnel by local schools, pre-schools, guiding and scouting groups and youth groups each with a planet theme to help enhance Congleton’s bid for gold in the North West In Bloom competition, judged on 20 July by the NWIB regional judges.

Patti Pinto, who is organising the exhibition for Congleton In Bloom said,

“We would like to thank Congleton Partnership and the Young People’s Trust for their support and Petra for running the workshops.  We now have lots of hand crafted items to use to decorate the polytunnel.  These artefacts will compliment the gardens and enhance the atmosphere in the tunnel for our visitors.  The work put in by the children was amazing.  Red paint and glue seemed especially popular for robot making.”

Izzy (10, Marlfields School) Congleton in Bloom

Izzy (10, Marlfields)

For further information on workshops etc. please contact The Electric Picture House, Cross Street, Congleton, CW12 1HQ, tel. 01260 270908, email: electricpicturehouse@gmail.com

Info on Space & Planets exhibition contact Patti Pinto, 07757 611973

GoTri is coming to Congleton Park on Sunday 17th May

GoTri  is coming to Congleton Park on Sunday 17th May. This will be the first of a series of Go-Tri events organised by Everybody Leisure on behalf of Sports England. In a nutshell it’s a fun, entry level race designed to provide participants with a taste of triathlon. There will be a 100m pool based swim followed by a 4km bike and 3km run in the beautiful Congleton Park! Following The event is open to anyone aged over 14. You can book onto it via Eventbright and places cost between £10 -£15 per person.

This first Go-Tri will be limited to 100 people. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gotricongleton-tickets-16593951957


Bike checks will be offered on the day and bike helmets are mandatory to race. Marshalls and first aiders will be on hand with drinks stations at the start of each lap.


For more information please contact Alex Cartney email: alex.cartney@everybody.org.uk



Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting minutes

The first meeting of the year took place for Congleton Partnership Executive committee on Tuesday 3rd March.

Steve welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year, a special welcome was recorded to Robbie & Ann Brightwell (Team Congleton).

A highlight of the meeting was Robbie & Ann Brightwell (Team Congleton) presentation on both the reasons for and the plans of Team Congleton’s July “Every Step Counts” activity.

He explained the link between activity and the general health of people and how just 1 hours / 5000 steps a day could have a real beneficial effect.

The “Every Step Counts” activity is planned to run from 1st July through to 2nd August and to involve the whole cross section of the community.

The presentation has been made to a wide variety of groups including CeCP, CSG, Congleton Partnership.

Full walking programme being drawn up:-

Primary Schools Activity Programme

Secondary Schools Comp / Award

Nifty Over 50’s TGT 5000 steps a day (approx. 30 mins)

CEO / Staff activity etc etc.

Pedometers to be issued (5000)

Dates for the diary:-

Sunday 10th May – Inaugural Walk – Astbury Mere

Friday 19th June – PR Walk – Astbury Mere

Friday 26th June  – Activity camp Launch – Park

Sunday 26th July – Grand Finale – Skyline Walk Challenge –  Grand Picnic / Band Concert in the Park.

A full media / communications package is being drawn up to support the activity which will include National / Local /Social Media.

The legacy of this activity will be to get more people to “Walk” more often.


It was a packed meeting with many activities to report on, please download the full minutes from the meeting.



Jeanne Whitehurst Fellowship nominations

Linda Minshull briefed the Youth group on the Jeanne Whitehurst Fellowship Award that was currently inviting nominations. The award is to recognise outstanding contribution by a young person in Congleton Town and under 18 on 31st March 2015.

Nomination notes / form were handed out at the meeting, copies can sent out on request to either Mike Smith or Linda Minshull.

Nominations need to be in by 31st March and the Award will be presented at the Mayor Making Evening.


The following criteria applies:

  1. The award can be made to a young person aged 18 or under on 31st March 2015.
  2. The young person can be nominated by someone or can nominate themselves
  3. An application form (Link Below) must be completed and submitted to:
    Linda Minshull, Civic Administration Officer
    Congleton Town Council,
    Town Hall,
    CW12 1BN.Tel: 01260 270350,
    Email: lm@congletontowncouncil.co.uk

The committee will make a decision and the successful application will be award a trophy at the Mayor Making Ceremony.

Well done Team Congleton! Wins vote for Every Step Counts!

Well done to Team Congleton! Active Cheshire is awarding £5,000 to projects that get people moving in Cheshire and Warrington, Team Congleton has won the vote with  7319 votes to become the winning entry. Team Congleton’s Every Step Counts programme aims to get everyone engaged in regular fun and social walking activities and thereby help the NHS’s fight against obesity in both kids and adults. By taking regular, moderate excercise we can all make a difference and …. literally ….. Every Step Counts !!



Visit http://www.activecheshire.org/active-anywhere/ for more information.