Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. 

Highlights include:

Cycle Path Plans.
Cycling Issues SAS May 2017
1. The cycling legacy ideas continue to grow in support not only from Congleton Town Council but also from Cheshire East Council.
2. SAS recently met with both Cllr Rachael Bailey and David Brown who have both agreed that even though we have a cycling strategy in place, we do not have any cycling policies in place. This is something they are going to look into with the different cycling groups.
3. SAS recently presented the cycling legacy ideas at the Town Meeting and received questions. Nearly 70 people attended the meeting and there were a number of questions.
4. SAS has produced a questionnaire to find out what the appetite from the public is in support of cycling. Questionnaire attached, please feel free to forward and ask people to return them to the TIC.
5. Cllr David Brown has bought a bike, helmet, cycling shorts, track pump, gloves is now cycling on a regular basis. This support from a Cllr with such responsibility for highways is adding a lot of weight to developing the cycling strategy in Congleton and CE as much as possible. We need to maximise on this because he may not still be in this position after the 2019 election.
6. We had a meeting with the Canals and Rivers Trust to see if they are in support of the portion of the Congleton Circumnavigation that could utilise the tow path. There is to be a follow-up meeting on the 12th May to walk along the canal to see how this section could become a cycle way.
7. The Town Council Health and Well Being Group are going to meet to look at how cycling can help improve the activity of Congleton residents and the sustainability of the Town.
8. There is continued support for the Cycling and Walking Country Park with a view to where this could be located. This is something that once we have ear marked the land we can then apply for funding and with British Triathlon supporting such projects, if they agree to support it, they will match funds any monies that we raise.
Concern that developers are promising one thing and delivering another in respect to planning applications and actual build.
PH gave a couple of examples where this had happened.
PM to work with PH to tackle the problem, raise with the enforcement officer appropriate in the first instance before escalating to Shaun Hannaby.

Commenting Team.
1. Seddon Development off Canal Road
PM represented and spoke on behalf of CSG at the CEBC Southern Planning Committee 29th March. The committee raised a number of issues they had with the application including our concern of insufficient bungalows (contrary to the Local Plan and emerging Congleton Neighbourhood Plan) they asked that a decision be deferred to allow the applicant to address these concerns. The application did not return to the April meeting of the committee so it is now expected to be considered at the May meeting. PM will review any revisions to the application and if necessary speak on behalf of CSG at the meeting


2. Development west of Manchester Road
PM submitted a response on behalf of CSG to the application for development west of Manchester Road. While the principle of development is OK as it is included in the CEBC Local Plan there are issues with access, particularly regarding sustainable travel and road safety.

3. Bellway development off Waggs Road
PM attended the site visit and subsequently spoke on behalf of CSG at the CEBC Strategic Planning Board on 19th April. The application was refused on the grounds of road safety and impact on open countryside. We will have to wait and see if the applicant will appeal.
4. Congleton Neighbourhood Plan – Transport Group
No progress this month but the NP steering group are due to meet on 11th May to review the draft NP in advance of going to Regulation 14 consultation


Next Meeting:-
Mon 5th June 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

The presentation at Eaton Bank regarding Havannah Weir

A presentation was made at Eaton Bank School of the Havannah Weir Project.

It is well worth a viewing and explains in some detail how it all work.

Once again David and Jan Green have done the town a great service.

It is also great to see the tremendous support the team have been able to generate from local business.




Forthcoming Events:
Every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; 6-7pm, and 7-8pm: 

Discover Pilates  are up and running, you can join any anytime, more information from Alison on 07798 555458.



An exhibition of paintings, poetry and photography by Elizabeth Lloyd

Some 50 people enjoyed the opening night, feel free to come and browse!


Monday 10th April

A monthly Spiritual and Physic Health and Well-Being discussion group is holding its second meeting 2pm to 4pm. To find out more, contact Anne on 01260 274413.


Wednesday 12th April

We are very blessed to welcome Sam Garrett to Congleton at 6.30pm.

Food will be served. Sam is a very gifted musician who has played for Mooji (I know a lot of you will appreciate that!). He is with us for one night only and there is room for about 40-50 of you. Sam is amazingly talented and he is on a mission to spread love and hope through his inspirational music. This is an evening not to be missed, a beautiful opportunity for sound, silence, song and connection. Tickets are currently priced at £10 from Dyhan, 07807 044908, you can pay for them here: 


Saturday 15th April

Old Saw Mill café will be closed.


Saturday 15th April

Dhyan with Darshan and Dyhan Prasada is organising a Swadhyaya at 2pm, contact her on 07807 044908 to book.


Sunday 16th April


Sunday lunch and entertainment from Peter Jackson for just £5! Join us at midday until 4pm. Just as we did on Christmas Day.  Come and join us especially if you’re on your own!


Monday 17th April

Easter Monday – Old Saw Mill will be closed.


Friday 21st April and then weekly until 26th May: 

Cooking for Men 

See attached information.


Thursday 27th April at 10am

Know your place walks, third series of six walks exploring the impact of the Link Road will start week commencing 24th April at 10am on Thursday mornings, call Peter Aston to join the group.


Saturday 29th April 11am to 1pm

Life Modelling Art Sessions

Professional and amateur artists welcome price £8, no tuition provided, from more details contact Angie on 07789 687428. Further sessions are planned for Saturday 13th May, Thursday 25th May 7 to 9pm and Saturday 10th June.


Saturday 29th April 7pm – 10pm


Dance, music, food and drink

Fundraising event for Congleton War Memorial Hospital

Contact Diane Cook on 07929 111035 for info and tickets.


Sunday 7th May

Dance Workshop – more details later


Women’s Day

After the success of International Women’s Day on Wednesday 8th March at the Old Saw Mill  Congleton Woman’s Forum are now inviting women to receive their monthly gift between 10am and 11am on Wednesday, contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841.


Coming soon!

Knit and Natter Group and Jewellery Classes, for more information click the two attachments below.


Jewellery Class

The 2 Peters are not the most capable on Facebook and the like and we’d love a Social Media volunteer who could spend perhaps a couple of hours a week keeping us up to date!



The Old Saw Mill is becoming a very busy place as you’ll see from today’s eMill, we now have 2 paid cooks Alex and Yvonne and the café is busy every day. The 2 Peters need to clone at least another one! If you are interested, please contact either Peter and have a chat about what’s entailed!

Member News

The member’s gift for April will be a £3 discount on a lunch from our delicious menu, as well as your usual 10% member discount.


Have you joined yet? If not follow the link below or call in for an application form (Back River St).
For a membership form, click here.

All volunteers are invited to become members as a reward for their hard work!


As victims of our own success we need to expand the OSM team. Can you spare a couple of hours each week to help us in the downstairs café?


Veg box scheme:

We have an opportunity to set up a veg box scheme of locally grown food and veg, if it’s something that might interest you, drop us an email or pop in and see us.



Please keep in mind that there is no parking immediately outside Old Saw Mill. There is a small car park opposite, which is generally full and plenty of parking close by in Antrobus St. Car Park, Princess St. and Rope Walk Car Parks.


Contacting us
Facebook :- The Old Saw Mill
General E-mail:-
Direct E-mail and phone for Finance and Governance, Bookings, Café and Marketing-
and 07971805372
Direct E-mail for Buildings, Development and Maintenance, Volunteers
and 07717003847



Kind regards
Peter and Pete

Congleton Sustainability Meeting 06.03.2017

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, please download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Hightlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.

The scheme has a new name “Havannah Weir Hydro”.

Public meeting being held at Eaton Bank Academy , Tuesday 28th March 6.30pm.

This engagement event will both brief the public on the scheme as a whole and the opportunity to become involved in community share ownership and volunteer support to the project.

The main partners Siemens, HMK and EBA will all be in attendance and fully supportive of the scheme.

Neighbourhood Plan.

A.Thompson is planning a drop in session with each of the group chairs to through the policy detail fo their groups.

A group chairs meeting is planned for March to follow up the drop ins and sing off their documents for their teams.

Regulation 14 stage will then kick in with consultation on the document with CEBC .

Planned timetable:-

w/c  13 March 2017 draft the Neighbourhood Plan for the Regulation 14 consultation with Cheshire East, other statutory bodies and the wider local community. There is a 6 week period of consultation.
May 2017


(Steering Group booked 11 May)

we review all of the responses received and consider revisions and amendments to the plan. We edit the plan and include all photographs, plans and supporting documentation.
June 2017 we finalise the neighbourhood plan, complete the statement of consultation and basic condition statement for submission to Cheshire East under Regulation 15.There is a further 6 week period of consultation.
Summer 2017 Cheshire East appoint an Independent Examiner.
Late summer 2017 The Examiners report is received and the revisions and amendments to the neighbourhood plan are considered and a decision is taken to take the plan forward to Referendum.
Autumn  2017 the Referendum is held.
Autumn / Winter 2017 After the Referendum the Plan is found sound and is ‘made’.


Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.

BF/MT have be working on trying to get of the OSM’s energy costs, using a large amount of Oil/ Electricity. Insulation is the major issue. PA contact Mike Rance but he could help other than suggest we contact someone in The carbon Trust.

PP advised that she has a contact for Eco Schools that does this king of work (cost around £150) she will see if he can help.

Family may be willing to sell the whole site to Congleton Cooperative, need to way up the pros and cons before spending too much more money on the building.

Flowcrete have taken OSM on board as part of their social/community support and working on improving its profile.

Bookings are still growing , we now have around 30 members registered, PA to take application forms to the exec meeting 7.3.17

Now have a bookkeeper Joanne Reeves and accountant John Davies

Annual account now moved to end of March (tax year end)

AGM will be held April / May.

Kitchen upstairs now being developed and have been gifted a disabled toilet which is currently being built.

Room Rates. New room rates and booking form being put out.

PR – Facebook followers 217 / Email 1100 (400 readers)/ Chronicle, Bear Necessities & looking at The Independent.

Signage. MS look at a “Blue” similar to play area signs off Antrobus St, and discuss fingerposts with JMac

Cycle rack. PH to design a rack to go on the front of the building


Next meeting: Mon 3rd April 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Havannah Weir Hydro Project. Tuesday 28th March 2017

Havannah Weir Hydro

Generating energy from the River Dane

Community Engagement Evening
Tuesday 28th March, 6.30pm at Eaton Bank Academy

Congleton Sustainability Group invites you to ‘The Dane Valley Community Energy Hydro Generation Scheme’ Engagement Evening at Eaton Bank Academy on 28th March at 6.30pm. The evening will provide you with the opportunity to discover more about the environmental benefits of hydro power, find out about community share ownership and volunteer to support the project.

  • The Havannah Weir Hydro will generate up to 250,000 kWh of green energy for local residents and businesses each year
  • Congleton school children will be able to use the weir to learn about hydro-power and renewable energy generation.
  • The community will be invited to own a share in the scheme which plans to give a rate of return of 4% p.a. Full information will be available in the share prospectus to be issued in due course.
  • The project will generate a forecasted £5000 per year, to be invested in raising community awareness in renewable energy and promoting energy saving activities.
  • The weir will be funded primarily by a community share offer with supporting grants and loans.
  • For more information about the project, the Community Engagement Evening, or to complete an expression of interest form, please visit



Congleton Sustainability Meeting 6.12.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

Active Cheshire will help to put bids together for the project.

Looking to use bear branding for the various routes – children will choose the route names.

Suzie has recently presented the idea to both the Town Council and CEPC (school heads).

May focus on one school to develop a safe route to school, as traffic free as possible as a trial.

To help build up information and assist in decision making Suzie aims to get a questionnaire out to schools around Easter.

PM/DJ to work at getting this idea into the Neighbourhood Plan and comment on planning applications making sure they link up with the new primary school planned and the rest of the cycle/ footpath infrastructure.


Suzie then briefed the group on her Triathlon Event planned for St Georges Day (23rd April). CSG to put in a team, MS to send the detail and application form out to the group.

Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.

Peter Ranson brought us up to speed around the OSM Project.

3 main areas being tackled:-

1. Management Structure / Framework in place Currently 3 directors on the board (PA / PR / AM) looking to include member reps on the board. Membership scheme to be worked up, this will include some form of discount on purchases from the OSM.

2. Building Development including getting the commercial kitchen up and running, aiming for completion by Easter.

3. Business plan development. Need to look at the lease, insulation, membership scheme, relationship between CSG ( Apple Juice)& OSM as a landlord/ partner, future services etc.

It was also reported that OSM has started to pay back to loan to CSG

Dane Valley Community Energy.

DVCE have applied to DEFRA for a £66K loan to fund getting all of the permissions / plans in place.

Land issues resolved, Siemens on board with wiring and equipment support as well as buying all the power the project produces.

Event being organised for 28th March at Eaton Bank Academy, aiming to attract around 200 people to


attend (CSG, Siemens and Partners)  PR being covered by EBA

Looking to attract members/ investors, the scheme will cost around £460k in total

Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th March 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Latest News from Old Saw Mill

Congleton Old Saw Mill


A very big thank you to Peter Jackson, Retrograde, for getting everyone, or almost everyone, up to dance after their Christmas Lunch, with his songs’ extravaganza set from the 50/60/70/80s. A huge welcome and thank you too, to his brother, Alan, for his magical tricks, banter and bonhomie. What a team! We had a grand time.

Of course, none of this could have happened without the vibrant spirit of our volunteers.

So many people from our town gave up precious hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to help make this happen, so, in no particular order, our thanks go to, Kirsty and Tel; Dee and Chris; Mandy, Seb and Mark; Angie and Carol; Ethel and Anna R; Linda; Anna K; Audrey and Gordon; Sara, Brenda and Diane.

Thank you so much!


We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of sponsors for this event, some of whom have asked that should sponsorship money be left over from the Christmas lunch that we put it towards our next community dinner. There is, and yes, we shall, and since we have already been asked by a number of guests and volunteers about the next one: how about Easter?

Please let us have your ideas and

The team at Old Saw Mill are busy planning for four, or maybe five Community Get- Together dinners and events for 2017, so please come on board with your ideas.

In the meantime: we think the picture

says it all…




Keep healthy and happy by signing up for your favourite

Classes and Events for January, 2017


New! Life drawing                           Saturday 7th and 14th 12.30-2.30pm; Thursday 19th 2-4pm

Contact Anna: 07738877114

Discover Pilates                               every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; and 7-8pm

Contact Alison: 07775938532

Tai Chi                                                  every Tuesday 10-11am

Contact Jennifer: 07972287757

Maddison’s Yoga                             every Tuesday 12-1pm

                                                Contact Maddy: 07476053453

New! Children’s Yoga                    every Tuesday 1.30-2.15pm

Contact Karen: 07540388751

Zoe’s Zumba                                      every Wednesday 7-8pm

Contact Zoe: 07983505647


OSM Art Exhibition

“Get Together”, open evening: 4.30-7pm 20th Jan

Open Invitation to our new exhibition work by local artists and designers

There is still time to submit your work: contact Anna 07738877114 or email for an application form:


“Meditate for Peace”

Saturday 21st January, 10-2.30pm

With Dhyan Prasada


Join Dhyan’s meditation workshop and her guest speakers for, “Meditate for Peace”

Sessions include, “Sound Healing”, facilitated by Sas Bullock

and “Kirtan/Sanskrit Mantro, facilitated by John Crosbie


to book a place or to find out more please contact Dhan on 07807044908

Book now to take advantage of the advanced ticket price of £15 per place, when you book before the 11th of January. After that tickets are £20 or £25 on the day.


New Appointments

We have been busy building the Old Saw Mill team since Stewart left and we are very pleased to announce that Peter Ranson has joined us as a Director. Pete, as he prefers to be called, has a wealth of experience at hand and has ear-marked the installation of the commercial kitchen as one of his priorities. We are all keen to see this up and running and Pete will be overseeing this aspect of Old Saw Mill’s development straightaway. So, watch this space!

We are so pleased to announce that Yvonne Phillips, chef extraordinaire, has joined us and plans are already afoot to develop our cafe area. You will see such a difference when you next visit as Yvonne’s new ideas for the menu are on show now. Yvonne has planned sumptuous lunches and tasty treats, including flat breads, cakes and biscuits available fresh from the oven. See Yvonne’s feature boards when you next visit for lunch or a cuppa.

Patti Pinto, our secret gardener, has set up our new face book page. It’s up and running so please visit us on face book: The Old Saw Mill

Last but by no means least – as you would not be reading this without him! Dewi Jones has taken on board the new set-up and running of our new E-Mill newsletter. Please contact Dewi if you would like to add a friend or have enquiries at:

The last of the apples have been juiced, vatted and stored in the press room where they will stay for the next 6 – 12 months. Again, thank you to all of you who have contributed with fruit. A very big thank you to you, Charla, our Congleton High School work-place student, who has the weighty, wet and apple-whiffy process down to a fine art.  Well Done, Charla!


Thank you to all for giving your time.

Having said all of that, here is our new contact list – January 2017

Peter Ashton: 07971805372 email:

Anna Morrison: 07738877114 email:

Pete Ranson: 07717003847 email:

For E-Mill enquiries: please contact Dewi:

Old Saw Mill happens because of people of Congleton give time and donations. Please get in touch with us as we are always looking to expand our team. In the next few weeks you will hear from us about more of our new projects.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Our very best wishes from the team at OSM,

Anna, Peter, Pete, Yvonne, Patti and Dewi,

Old Saw Mill, Back River Street, River Street, Congleton, CW12 1HJ


Bringing people together: at the heart of the Community

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took recently, download the full meeting minute HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers.

2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament.

3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future.

4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS to pull together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling.

5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings

6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced.

7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available.

New Green Space – Mossley Water Tower.

PP/MA have identified an area of approx. 20 x 10 mtrs near the Water Tower at Mossley which is owned by CEBC and maintained by Streetscape. It is felt that this could be a good site for a 2nd Community Orchard. Need to gauge local interest by leafleting and consultation (PP to action). Also need to contact United Utilities/CEBC for their reaction to such a project (PP) This is not currently being actively pursued as an In Bloom project. PP still to start the consultation to gauge local support / interest before any development takes place.


Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th February 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Community Co-Op opens the doors!

Congleton Community Co-op






CW12 1HJ

Tel: 07834 525 165 (Stewart)
07971 805 372 (Peter)
@ the HEART of the Community


A very warm welcome to our latest edition of our eMill magazine which, hopefully, you will find

What an amazing week with our opening on Monday and we thank all those who supported us over
the week – over 120 footfall.

Our thanks go to Wendy, Chris (Kirsty), and Lindsay who have braved the teething troubles and
helped us by volunteering to assist in the cafe. We have listened to everyone and, hopefully, got
more slick in our providing service to all our customers. Our home-made soup has proved to be
very popular as well as the smoked salmon sandwiches, our very own Congleroons, as well as the
boiled eggs and soldiers. Why not join our growing team of volunteers, no matter how little
number of hours you can spare us. Rest assured, you will have fun and enjoy the camaraderie as
well as great banter.

In addition, we have processed over 1000 litres of cider (2 ton of windfall apples) in our Secret
Garden whilst we await our Apple Room floor to “go off”. Dewi, Pete, and Charla have been hard
at it and promised us they have not drunk any – hmmmm !!!!!!

We continue to receive apples from the harvest thanks to the generosity of the community at large
for which we thank you most sincerely. Our target is 20 tons of apples this year so if you know of
any apples PLEASE do not hesitate to contact us in order for you to deliver them to Astbury Mere
Visitors’ Centre, The Old Saw Mill, or London Road Ale House in Stoke-on-Trent.

Download and read the rest of the emag HERE.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 05.09.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes here.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-Operative

Weekly newsletter continues to be sent out to a wide readership.

Stewart issued a callout for a plumber a.s.a.p

A lot of progress made since the last meeting, the commercial kitchen (ex Airbags) should go in during the next couple of weeks.

Bank account still an issue but should be sorted this week.

Rent (£400 per month) kicks in November.

Are planning to sell breakfast baps on T O B Day

Congleton In Bloom

Patti reported that the Bloom judges were very complimentary about Congleton and its community offering in general. Good interaction between them and the volunteers that they met. Results of both competitions will be announced mid to late October.

Winter Tub planting (with the children) October

Congleton park achieved its 9th Green Flag

Secret garden progressing well at the Old Saw Mill

Global Gardens – 2 weekends left for you to visit (Sat/Sun 2 to 4.00pm)


Apple Juice. Apples starting to come in, adverts posters / social media started. PP to put together a press release which will also advise residents what any profits are being spent on.

First batch of apples will be processed at Dunham Massey, but labelled at the OSM. We should be processing ourselves by end of September.