Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 01.03.2016

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting took place recently, download minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Sports Trust – D.McGifford..

David took us through a presentation on developing a sports trust for Congleton. The need to Create a Vision, Draw up a Constitution and develop a Working Partnership with sports clubs. The initial work will involve Football and Rugby clubs, who currently they have around 1200 playing members, and look at improving facilities / surfaces taking in the main areas of Back Lane, Schools, Hankinson’s Field and St Johns Rd Playing Field.

The benefits would include the ability to attract funding, support from the community with potential management of the areas by the community and a long term aim of potential ownership of the facilities.

Start with pitches and facilities for Football and Rugby as a starting point to get the trust embedded and then open up to other sports as time and opportunities arise.

Everybody Sports and Leisure, Ansa, Cheshire East have agreed in principal to support this idea.

The Partnership voted to fully support this project.


Congleton Museum – Vision for the Future – D.Topping..

David took us through a detailed presentation of both the current situation and the Museum’s vision for the future. The museum currently operates under a number of constraints mainly lack of space, lack of facilities and no real main street presence. Since it opened in 2002 it has built up a wide and varied collection but has been limited to what items it can display at any one time.

Hard facts, the Museum made 169,681 public contacts, had 2253 visitors,Educational activity involved 1813 delegates and the website had 165,615 hits.

Their vision for the future is to help make Congleton a visitor destination and grow our visitor economy.

The plan is to relocate to Bradshaw House which would improve its main street profile, give space to develop more displays, themes and attractions. There are many exciting exhibitions planned in the current building but so much more could be done by relocation. David then shared some of the floor plans and extra services that could be offered. He issued a full brief of his presentation to everyone present.

MS commented that The Partnership were also playing their part in building the visitor economy buy working on a project to develop both Maps and Apps for a town wide Heritage Trail. The Partnership is fully supportive of the Museums Vision and plans for the future.


  1. Tour of Britain – START TOWN FOR DAY 3! – Congleton has been confirmed as the start town for day three of the Tour of Britain. This is immense – and is a grand prix of cycle races! The whole day of racing – 182km in total will be in the Cheshire East area – apart from about 400m. We can expect TV crews and thousands of spectators. Our role will be to capitalize on this opportunity and to make the most of it for Congleton residents, businesses and the Town. The first project board meeting is this Thursday so I’ll find out more and keep everyone posted via Mike. See


Next Meeting is :- Tuesday 7th June, Bridestone Suite, 5.30pm.

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