The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 1st Dec. Highlights from the meeting are:
Matters Arising:- MT reported that K.Smith (EBA) was approaching the board of governors regarding the SLIC presentation, he is still awaiting a reply.
Matters Arising:- CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. The leaflet has now been received and was used at the lights switch on event 29.11.14. Looking to site some of the leaflets at the Library and in the TIC. MS to get leaflet onto the new
Moss Farm Planning Application. PM reviewed and reported on the plans to both CSG and Cheshire East
Congleton Neighbourhood Plan
PM, SF and PA have been invited to attend the workshops preparing the Congleton Neighbourhood Plan. The first meeting will be held on 3rd December.
To view the full meeting minutes download here.