The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took recently, download the full meeting minute HERE.
Highlights include:
Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith
Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued. 1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers. 2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament. 3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future. 4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS to pull together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling. 5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings 6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced. 7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available. |
New Green Space – Mossley Water Tower.
PP/MA have identified an area of approx. 20 x 10 mtrs near the Water Tower at Mossley which is owned by CEBC and maintained by Streetscape. It is felt that this could be a good site for a 2nd Community Orchard. Need to gauge local interest by leafleting and consultation (PP to action). Also need to contact United Utilities/CEBC for their reaction to such a project (PP) This is not currently being actively pursued as an In Bloom project. PP still to start the consultation to gauge local support / interest before any development takes place.