Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.
Looking to go ahead with the project, support has already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.
Possible use an Archimedes Screw design
PA working on applying for a second phase grant, decision expected from meeting of DVCE 5th July.
Cycling Campaign – P.Hall Congleton Cycling Club is organising a Tour Of Britain promotional/charity ride called “Cheshire East Tour of Britain Charity Sportive”. This will be an 86 mile ride over some of the ToB route raising fund for North West Air Ambulance and Children’s Adventure Farm Trust. Considerable discussion took place as to the legacy opportunities from the Tour of Britain – agreed that we should have a plan of a proposed ‘Circuit of Congleton’ highlighting work to achieve and drive an ambition forward that is open to residents and visitors alike to fulfil the ambition – Congleton is the Cycling Centre of Cheshire East through Congleton Partnership.
Meeting closed at 11.35am . Next Meeting:- Monday 1st August at The Old Saw Mill. |