Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith
Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.
Active Cheshire will help to put bids together for the project.
Looking to use bear branding for the various routes – children will choose the route names.
Suzie has recently presented the idea to both the Town Council and CEPC (school heads).
May focus on one school to develop a safe route to school, as traffic free as possible as a trial.
To help build up information and assist in decision making Suzie aims to get a questionnaire out to schools around Easter.
PM/DJ to work at getting this idea into the Neighbourhood Plan and comment on planning applications making sure they link up with the new primary school planned and the rest of the cycle/ footpath infrastructure.
Suzie then briefed the group on her Triathlon Event planned for St Georges Day (23rd April). CSG to put in a team, MS to send the detail and application form out to the group.
Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.
Peter Ranson brought us up to speed around the OSM Project.
3 main areas being tackled:-
1. Management Structure / Framework in place Currently 3 directors on the board (PA / PR / AM) looking to include member reps on the board. Membership scheme to be worked up, this will include some form of discount on purchases from the OSM.
2. Building Development including getting the commercial kitchen up and running, aiming for completion by Easter.
3. Business plan development. Need to look at the lease, insulation, membership scheme, relationship between CSG ( Apple Juice)& OSM as a landlord/ partner, future services etc.
It was also reported that OSM has started to pay back to loan to CSG |
Dane Valley Community Energy.
DVCE have applied to DEFRA for a £66K loan to fund getting all of the permissions / plans in place.
Land issues resolved, Siemens on board with wiring and equipment support as well as buying all the power the project produces.
Event being organised for 28th March at Eaton Bank Academy, aiming to attract around 200 people to
attend (CSG, Siemens and Partners) PR being covered by EBA
Looking to attract members/ investors, the scheme will cost around £460k in total
Next Meeting:-
Mon 6th March 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am |