Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes 02.10.17

Congleton Sustainability group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Geothermal Energy in the Cheshire Basin – D.Griffiths.

Dan took us through a presentation on the science and possible benefits of geothermal energy. The Cheshire Basin has a huge resource, the same amount of energy of around 3 billion barrels of oil. Whilst Crewe sits in prime position to benefit the most there are also opportunities for Congleton and Macclesfield with heat network development stages indicated within the presentation. Temperature predictions within the base of the basin indicate a possible heat of 100C.

There is still a lot of work to be done, not least funding and partners, but if successful could result in extra jobs within Cheshire, cheaper fuel and a significant reduction in CO2. A copy of the presentation has been circulated to CSG members. Dan happy to come back to future meetings to keep us informed on progress of the project.

Item for the next agenda (Mon 6th November) Domestic Heating in the Country.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice / Cider / Cider Vinegar
A sheet indicating stock levels of the above was circulated at the meeting. Storage is becoming an issue and any help would be gratefully received.
DJ is visiting various businesses to try and build some regular business with them. Pricelist order form circulated at the meeting, MS raised the possibility of interest from McColls in Buglawton, DJ to follow up.

Apple waste is now being collected and used by an outlet in Somerford.
All products carry batch numbers, production and best before date information
DJ still to put together an options report on ownership etc.


Neighbourhood Plan.
Moved to Reg 14 today, sent out to around 700 consultees.
Copy of Jackie email for information:-
Just to let you know that we have just put the Congleton Draft Local Plan out on its Regulation 14 consultation. This lasts for 6 weeks (until the 13th November). It has been sent to 701 people who were either on the Cheshire East Council list of consultees or local Congleton groups which have expressed an interest in the plan.
A copy of the draft plan has been loaded onto the front of the Town Council Website and the My Congleton website.
Paper copies for reading at the premises have been given to the TIC and the library.
An article should be the main back page piece in the Chronicle tomorrow.
Once the comments are in the draft plan will be reviewed, changes made, then a second round of Regulation 15 consultation will take place where people can have their say.
Ultimately it there will be a referendum on whether or not to accept the plan – this is likely to take place in Spring 2018.

Next Meeting:-
Mon 6th November 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

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