Congleton Youth Forum

Congleton Youth Forum met recently, full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Update from members.


New Life Church (Jeff Cutts) Working with Town Mayor (Charles Booth) on developing young people “Mad For Congleton”. This will be over a weekend next spring (April). Jeff would welcome support from our forum members. MS will send out a copy of Jeff’s presentation.

Congleton Partnership. (Steve Foster) Steve concerned about representation form the two secondary schools on this forum. We now appear to have a representative from EBA ( Liz Griffen) but nobody from CHS. Jeff Cutts to raise this with CHs on Wed 15th (Linda Franks/ Sarah Jeffs)

Glen to write directly to D.Hermitt and Steve to raise the issue of lack of representation with Richard Benson school governor.


CEBC Youth Support Services ( June Maddock) A good number of young people received their  Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Summer camp (29th July to 6th Aug)


Had a great day at Handforth involving young people from across Cheshire East. Various workshop covering subjects like Prison (using a mini cell),Grooming, Drugs, Gangs, Stabbings etc. This was a very successful day. June would like to see something like this in Congleton (Visyon,NLC).


November is Children’s Rights Month, we have a number of young people working presentations which will be recorded on video for future use.


Visyon – Laura Whitaker. Laura reported that the summer programme went well.  The new winter programme is now operative , visiting both high schools to promote this.


Drop Ins now operating from 3.30 to 5.00pm Tues/Wed/Thurs, open to all young people, they can just turn up, it is a safe place with use of equipment.


PCSO / Cheshire Police – Amie Gillett. Amie reported that currently the Macclesfield Prince’s Trust programme is not running. Hoping to start in early 2018, if you have anyone wishing to take por please contact Amie direct.



Everybody Sports and Leisure ( Keith Rogers) Keith commented on the growth in youth activity now being delivered by Everbody. This has risen from 13 youth sessions 18 months ago to now 38. These will be advertised on the website

We cold do with more activity in Congleton, Keith will discuss these at the site, looking for school holiday/ half term programme.



Youth Fed – Jeremy Kent. Jeremy works part time and will not normally be able to attend all of the meetings. Currently working on a live porthole to communicate with Youth Groups and working with Cheshire Youth United (Uniformed Groups) to support groups with their aims.  MS to contact Jeremy to see what support Youth Fed can offer in terms of workshop / presentation delivery. Also can they deliver some projects working in conjunction with Visyon.



Mental Health Substance Misuse- PB Funded Project.


Glen’s email prior to meeting.During the last 18 months we have focussed our involvement to get a much better understanding of the emotional health issues and the substance misuse issues affecting the youth in the town and developing ideas to address these in a sustained, effective and community involvement way. These ideas have been as a result of engagement of, developed and will be coproduced by youth engagement professionals, young people, emergency services, schools and youth provision.

The purpose of our project is to:-

Raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health in young people.

Highlight the negative effects of substance misuse including drugs and alcohol, especially legal highs on their health and emotional well-being.

Provide young people with details of a range of support available in relation to these issues.

The project funding received as part of the Cheshire East Council’s participatory budget process will enable the following solutions to be delivered:-

Presentations to school year groups and youth groups on mental health.

 Substance misuse detached work with youth workers in known hot spot areas. (June and Amie)

 Production and distribution of essential helpline numbers and key facts. (CHS discuss with J.Money)

 Health and wellbeing counsellor appointment to go into schools. (Visyon – Laura)

 Mental health signs, what to look out for workshop – student leaders –

what can be done, what support available?  (Discuss with Jane Commins)

 Drug awareness day focussed around legal highs.(Youth Committee / MP?)

 Promote positive alternatives which provide access to wellbeing opportunities – sports clubs, youth clubs, uniformed groups, healthy exercise. (40 things to do in Congleton – reprint? / half day Leisure Centre – school holidays)

After discussing the above it was felt that we need to take certain actions:-

1.     Get the schools engaged in accepting the offer of support/activity.

2.     Allocate parts of the programme to Forum Members to take responsibility to deliver.

Glen to resend the project and funding detail to the group.

Some responsibilities were allocated on the day and are indicated in RED within Glen’s email, others will need discussion with various individuals, schools, service providers.

Need to hold another meeting prior to Xmas, Wed 6th and 13th December possible will confirm a.s.a.p


No further issues discussed.

Next Meeting.


December 2017 tbc.


Meetings will be held 4 times a year and alternate between Tues / Wed and both secondary schools.


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