Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 02.07.18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


Barry’s paper was circulated to the group.

Barry felt that the main way plastics could be getting into the ocean from UK is by using the wrong recycling bin.

Garden plant pots (black) appear to be a real issue.

ANSA visit is being planned by D.McGifford PA, BF and MG will go on this. BF to put some questions to ANSA prior to the visit.

A paper to be written after the visit with a full report back to CSG.

Bob Edwards offered CTC support to the CSG campaign.


The Old Saw Mill.

Apple Juice and Cider
AJ stocks are very low, will continue selling through summer.
DJ drawing up a plan for a production schedule from early September.
Now meeting its weekly targets.
GDPR action now completed.
Michelle is coordinating a membership/renewal drive
Newsletter will be out this week.
GRIPP is about 60% complete for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.


Green space / In Bloom – P.Pinto.
In Bloom
NWIB judging day 24th July, OSM included in IYN.
BIB national judging 2nd August.
OSM as IYN this year making 9 IYN in Congleton.
We will need to make further efforts around town on route before 24 July (nwib) and 2 Aug (BIB judges).
Too hot! And too dry!!

Next Meeting:- Note there is no CSG Meeting in August.
Mon 3rd September (Astbury Mere) PA confirm with Matt Axford.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 06.11.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.
No real change from the last meeting. Still waiting for wall renovation to take place.
Issue around Derwent Engineering and when they would be able to commit to the work. Still hoping for Spring 2018 but could be more like Spring 2019.
Community Share drive will be dependent on the above time table.
Extraction permissions have been sent to the Environment Agency, full planning application should go in by the end of the year.
Next newsletter should be out soon.


Neighbourhood Plan.
Monday 13th November is the last day of the 6 week consultation process. The steering group will then meet to discuss the results of the consultation and add anything significant before forwarding to Cheshire East to prepare for the Regulation 15 stage.
The final stage to adoption will be a public referendum. This completed document will include a delivery plan of actions which will help some of our long term project planning.


The Old Saw Mill .
Café. This is going very well and showing a 600 to 700% on last year when first opened. More staff have been taken on both paid and volunteers.
PR /Events. Harriet is working towards her NVQ Level 3 and making great progress getting our message out to the general public with some god turnouts resulting for our recent activities.
Partnership. PA wished to record OSM’s thanks to The Partnership for its financial support in the extra power sockets and equipment required to meet our energy demands with all that is now going on at the centre.
AJ, Cider & Vinegar/ CSG relationship. PA /DJ reported on the substantial growth in both production and overheads since taking the drink production in house. The upfront purchasing of bottles, labels and various pieces of equipment that was previously the responsibility of the outsourced juicer has had to be met by OSM. Two directors have loaned the OSM close on £5000 which will need to be paid back through sales/ 2017/18 profits.
Once this has been completed then an agreement will need to be reached between OSM & CSG on the level of profit that should go towards future operating costs and towards CSG projects. PA, DJ & PR are working on a paper which will lead to a PENCE per bottle agreement (30p/40p) which will then be annually negotiated.
CSG will need to draw up a list of potential projects (possible ideas drawn for the emerging NH Plan) which can then be made public and meet our community promise to use AJ to improve our environment.
Storage for the product is an issue, the Community Store at The Park has no space available, if anyone is aware of places that may be of use please let the production team know.
DJ shared a recording document with the group. This shows production Volumes, Dates and Batch Codes by Product on one spreadsheet, with Sales by Batch Code, Type and Quantity on another. This will be vital information for various reasons as the “business” grows and accurate stock and sales figures become a requirement.


Green space / In Bloom – P.Pinto.
MG. Major successes for Congleton In Bloom, with Gold and Best Small Town in the North West, which once again puts us into the Britain In Bloom National Competition. So plenty of new ideas and commitments for 2018. PA stated that The Rossendale Trust involvement at OSM may offer an opportunity for work with them on improving the environment in the around the area local to OSM.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th December 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

The Old Saw Mill (new official name).

  • 14 people attended the AGM (29th June) MS to circulate the management report presented at that meeting.

4 Key areas for the future ( see report)

PA thanked all for their support, donations, volunteering etc

Looking to take on apprentices from Macc College

  • Apple Juice / Cider. D.Jones to put an options paper out to group for their views.

It was felt that OSM should acr like Dunham Massey (producer) and CSG would pay OSM for production.

CSG to pay for AJ/C and sell both retail and wholesale.  CSG to use profit for local projects.

Aim for a target price of £3 retail for both products.


Congleton In Bloom/ Congleton Partnership/ CSG:

2 June:  Bug gardens workshops

3 June:  Congleton tidy up at Bromley Farm

5 June:  CSG meeting

10 June: harvesting willow at Saint Mary’s for Jubilee Club project, DoE students

12 June: AMCP Community orchard tidied up with Rangers

12 June:  WDT meeting

19 & 30  June  In Bloom meetings

19 June: PP drove draft route with MG Alexandra Court Hotel (with MG)

June, Weds 1-3pm :    Visyon (with MG) to help with their garden near Cong park

During June PP visited BHPG, Community Gardens,  Jubilee Club allotment;

The Bug Gardens Back to back gardens project, 10 confirmed, community polytunnel working with groups to create backdrops (7/6 Brownies, 19/6 Cubs, 22/6 Saint Mary’s ),

23 June: Build gardens with new volunteer Roy & BE

26-30 June: Bug Gardens plant up supervision and helping groups with 8 small gardens


Photography & Press articles on eco-schools/In Bloom/CSG activities sent to & published by the Congleton Chronicle.

PP continues to admin facebook pages, adding articles, photos, events etc [Congleton In Bloom, Congleton Food4free & CSG, Old Saw Mill & Saint Mary’s Garden Club pages]



Next Meeting:-
Mon 7th August 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am (S.Foster to chair)

Congleton Youth Forum meeting minutes 8.06.16

Congleton Youth Forum meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Glen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Round the table introductions carried out for new members attending. M.Howell,J.Pestell-Hassal, R.Pickles and guest L.Nagle.

Update from Mike Smith.


MS – In Bloom & Carnival funding application forms


E.Stanton (Cheshire Police) Safer Schools and Young Persons Partnership x 3 reports

– Cheshire Police Schools Competition 5th Sept to 4th Nov

– 60 sec Radio Commercial 0n raising awareness around-

–  Legal Highs / Healthy Relationships / On-line safety

–  Key stage 2, year 6 & Key stage 3 year 8

– Winning commercials broadcast on local radio.

Visyon – Creative Space Programme (11 to 19 year olds)/ Photography Workshops (9th June for 6 weeks)

MS – Sent out the Evolve Service Provision document (Legal Highs) CHS using them during their RE Day activity (Year 10 / July)

Lisa / Cheshire East – Sexual Violence Support Services Awareness Workshops at Wilmslow and Crewe – Application forms included.

MS – Food & Drink Fest 12th June, call out for volunteers. Contact Jo Money 07833742200

D.Murphy – CAB (Citezens Advice Bureau) looking for young trustees and Readesmore Medical Practice looking for 2 young people to serve on their Patient Panel (contact Denis )

Mental Health / Substance Misuse.


(a) –Lana Nagle


Lana Took us through a presentation on Kooth and the services that are offered.

They have a fab website where young people can access support on a range of mental health issues, feeling low, bullying, eating disorders, relationships etc. They are commissioned by the local authority so any of out groups can get free support.  They also have an online counselling service which is open in the evenings and over the weekends (M to F 12.00 to 10,00 and Weekends 6.00 to 10.00pm) and also an online forum which is monitored by trained counsellors. Live forum activities are carried M/W/F 7.30 to 9.00pm.  All schools should / could  be accessing KOOTH and their materials they have to offer. They will also go into schools and do assemblies and workshops too.  They have a wealth of knowledge and support, they can also offer posters and wallet sized cards to give to students. KOOTH can support a young person in the interim (whilst waiting other services appointments) and offer support in the evenings and weekends and all from their smart phones or laptops.

If you would like KOOTH to come into your school, youth group or youth council committee then please let me know and I can pass her details onto you. Direct contact with Kooth/ Lana is :-

(b)  Glens Paper – Project Proposals.



To raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health.


To highlight the negative effects of substance misuse especially legal highs.


To provide young people with details of a range of support available in relation to these issues.



Possible Solutions:


Presentations to school year groups and youth groups on mental health.


Substance misuse detached work with youth workers in known hot spot areas.


Production and distribution of essential helpline numbers and key facts.


Production of a play relating to the topics of mental health and substance misuse – link to Congleton Creative.


Health and wellbeing counsellor appointment to go into schools.


Mental health signs, what to look out for workshop – student leaders – what can be done, what support available?


Drug awareness day focussed around legal highs.


Video of someone who suffers mental health issues.


Access to wellbeing opportunities promotion – sports clubs, youth clubs, uniformed groups, healthy activities etc.


Discussions and Actions.


Look to get following on school assembly rotas for Sept term

* Kooth


*Cheshire Police / Jane Cummings


Put together a pamphlet local to Congleton re services / support etc – L.Alcock to action


Talk to Frank website programme

Lisa to contact Caroline McQuaker re what is happening in Congleton.

Should schools contact all parents re issues around local highs

Do we look to go out into the town with information around the issues eg  a stand in Tesco’s Foyer

Lisa to speak to Dawn Clark to see if any funding available to support an initiative.

Kooth to make a presentation to Congleton Youth Committee, MS talk to L.Minshull.


Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minute 9.05.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full minutes from the meeting HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Community Co-operative – S.Halliday

Report issued by S.Halliday prior to the meeting, but because of the size of the project this has been kept separate from the other Group Reports.

• Tenancy at Will Agreement signed and keys provided for our Open Days
• Site cleared with assistance from:-
• Patti Pinto – Secret Garden
• LOL Foundation
• Book Marks and Posters designed and printed by Congleton High School
• Open Days on 16/17 Apr. 2016 a great success with over 80 people coming to visit.
• Research into best Bank Account to open.
• Incorporation of Community Co-Operative underway.
• Water and Electricity on.
• Grant received from Congleton Town Trust
• Apply again for Grant from Inclosure Trust in Jul. 2016 but they are very interested in the project.
• Other Grants applied for and more to apply for.
• Web Site registered. Still to be developed.
• Facebook Page – Congleton Community Co-Op up and running
• Change of Use Planning Permission application submitted. Thanks to Anna Morrison for her valuable input.
• Met with Property Manager for Old Saw Mill
• Electrical Engineer appointed and quotations received for Ground Floor (Cafe & Processing area)
• Inventory of requirements drawn up and cutlery, crockery, outside tables, etc., etc. already received from neighbours, friends and associates. Kitchen cabinets received so that we can build counter from them. Lots more needed including half full bags of compost, half full tins of paint, etc.
• Notice given to person who is storing his personal effects at the Old Saw Mill at present. Should be clear by end of May.
• Lots of interest shown for upstairs “open space” from the community, groups, etc., including Police.
• Renault Espace shell now removed from Secret Garden and decking washed down.
• BioLiquid installation being researched.
• Rain trough and grey toilets being considered
• Project Plan developed. Shall request for volunteers to assist. Offers of help already given.
• Wayne Doyle (BoJangles) assisting in requirements for cafe, etc.
• Congleton High School to be engaged to create murals.
• Plans of Land and Property being sought.

• Planning permission has been put in for “Change of Use” (16/2191c) result will be known by 29th June, you can support this application by commenting on line until 26th May.


In Bloom- P.Pinto

Dates for the diary:-

25th May Britain In Bloom route check.

25th July Northwest In Bloom Judging (Tbc)

8th August Britain In Bloom judging day

14th October Britain In Bloom Awards (Birmingham)


Patti updated us on some of the projects:-

11 potential “Children’s Gardens”

Visyon have taken over the site on River Dane Walkway.

270 Hanging baskets ordered.

Tesco , developing the Bark Area at the front of the store.

Community orchard. Fruit bushes and tree area now complete, Apple Core carving now done.


Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Feasibility study now complete meeting called for 9th May to discuss findings and practicalities of the project.


Support had already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.


Meeting closed at 11.30pm and adjurned to The Old saw Mill for a site visit.

Next Meeting:- Monday 6th June 2016, 10.00am, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 07.03.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights includes:

In Bloom.

A lot of new items underway, small group set up to look at the Heritage element.

New In Bloom member – Bath House Group/ Physic Gardens

Community Orchard (behind Emmerdale Drive) is progressing. New Steps are built, 2 beds are ready for fruit bush / hedge planting, the Sycamore tree is in situ and ready ofr carving into an Apple Core ( Apr/May), new destination signage to be developed.

Clean for the Queen .Friday 4th – 8 people in town, full school at Buglawton, 1 x class St Marys’ and Canal & Rivers Trust all kicked off this year’s C4Q campaign in style.

PM commented on the litter that was laying around in The new Cemetery.

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.

Feasibility study continues, should know results this month.

PA / GW met with EBA who were keen to be involved in any way they could.

Siemens also indicated interest around supporting the capital equipment requirement as they as a company manufacture these items.

Cycling Campaign / SECCAG.


SECCAG have drafted a map showing a network of ‘aspirational’ cycle routes as part of a CE wide Cycling Strategy initiative.

We are advised that by having a ‘wish list’ of routes and facilities CE can demonstrate to funding bodies the grassroots support for cycling and thereby attract money to CE. To be frank, there are so many things on the wish list that if only 10% get done it will be a coup!

Tour of Britain comes to Congleton! The third stage of the 2016 Tour of Britain will start in Congleton on Tuesday September 6th. No more detail yet but some of the Campaign will be at a Cycling Club meeting on 3 March and we may be able to give more to the meeting on Monday.

Look at

And follow the links to ‘stages’ for an overview of where the stage will go. More detail to follow.


Next Meeting:- Monday 4th April – Astbury Mere Visitor Centre


Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 03.08.15

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, please view the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Partnership Project suggestions. A number of project suggestions were received, the following were accepted:-

Community Orchard Accessibility.

Pathway, Signage, Improve accessibility. Partnership working with In Bloom / Astbury Mere Trust /CEBC rangers.

Cycle Shelters.

This is being picked up by Phil Mason CEBC Environmental. 1 shelter to be sited at or near the Library, other sites to be considered. No action required currently by The Partnership.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.

N.Hood plan suggests that this would be a good idea to encourage healthy living and visitors to the town. Need to put a team together involving:- Museum, Jo Money, P.Aston, Matt Axford. Could well tie into the next project (Town Centre destination maps/signage). Long term may also consider trail leaflets. This could also become a 5 Towns Partnership project similar to the Cycle Map project. Map for each town and then a linkage between them all.


In Bloom / RHS Tatton.


  1. In Bloom.

Town looked fantastic on judging day. A lot of hard work went into weeding and litter picking by a great number of people including painting of some of the street furniture. Judges commented on improvements they noted from previous visit, and appreciated new sites brought in (Moody St, Antrobus St ,Bath House etc)

PP advised the group that the Schools ‘Space Garden’ display in the Polytunnel is now open to the public (Sat / Sun 2 to 4.00pm throughout August and hopefully into September)and receiving some great comments.


  1. RHS Tatton.

High winds resulted in the tremendous trees having to be removed from our display, therefore our entry was not eligible for judging. We did however get some good comments generally about the site.


The Trench Garden created by LOL not only drew many favourable comments and gained a Merit Award for ‘Interpretation of a World Event, but also resulted in many good contacts being made with other allotment holders and a potential sponsorship opportunity generated.


For all the news download the minutes at the top of the post!

The Electric Picture House thanks Congleton Partnership

Electric Picture House Congleton

The Electric Picture House in conjunction with Congleton Community Projects would like to thank the Congleton Partnership for its generous support of £500 to make the event Hidden Places, a day of promenade theatre, a great success.

Without your support the event would not have attracted such a large audience so once again many thanks.


Petra Lea                                                                                       Jo Money

The Electric Picture House Cooperative Ltd                          Congleton Community Projects

The Electric Picture House                                                        The Electric Picture House

Cross Street                                                                                 Cross Street

Congleton                                                                                    Congleton

CW12 1HQ                                                                                   CW12 1HQ


The Electric Picture House would like to thank the Congleton Partnership for its generous support of £400, which ensured that the Space workshops could take place.

Once again the Congleton Partnership has enabled through their generous funding the successful completion of community workshops which will enhance Congleton’s bid for In Bloom.

Junk Fun at The Electric Picture House

News from EPH and Congleton In Bloom.

The Electric Picture House and Congleton In Bloom ran a series of free workshops for children, during half term (27-30 May 2015), based on the theme Space. These workshops were generously sponsored by Congleton Partnership and Congleton Young people’s Trust.

Evie and Lily(4, 7, Saint Mary’s School) Congleton in bloom

Evie and Lily (4, 7, Saint Mary’s)

The aim was to get children attending the workshops to design and create the scenery for the Space and the Planets Exhibition, including images of the solar eclipse, banners and signs, robots from recycled materials.  Many children had the opportunity to get creative, making junk robots, banners and planets which will decorate the exhibition in the polytunnel near Congleton Park during the summer.

Petra Lea, the artist from the EPH who ran the workshops said, “It was fantastic to see the children being creative and using their imaginations to create visually stunning decorations. This included children from as far afield as Handforth and Middlewich”.

Space and the Planets exhibition

Eleven gardens will be created in the polytunnel by local schools, pre-schools, guiding and scouting groups and youth groups each with a planet theme to help enhance Congleton’s bid for gold in the North West In Bloom competition, judged on 20 July by the NWIB regional judges.

Patti Pinto, who is organising the exhibition for Congleton In Bloom said,

“We would like to thank Congleton Partnership and the Young People’s Trust for their support and Petra for running the workshops.  We now have lots of hand crafted items to use to decorate the polytunnel.  These artefacts will compliment the gardens and enhance the atmosphere in the tunnel for our visitors.  The work put in by the children was amazing.  Red paint and glue seemed especially popular for robot making.”

Izzy (10, Marlfields School) Congleton in Bloom

Izzy (10, Marlfields)

For further information on workshops etc. please contact The Electric Picture House, Cross Street, Congleton, CW12 1HQ, tel. 01260 270908, email:

Info on Space & Planets exhibition contact Patti Pinto, 07757 611973