Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 07.03.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights includes:

In Bloom.

A lot of new items underway, small group set up to look at the Heritage element.

New In Bloom member – Bath House Group/ Physic Gardens

Community Orchard (behind Emmerdale Drive) is progressing. New Steps are built, 2 beds are ready for fruit bush / hedge planting, the Sycamore tree is in situ and ready ofr carving into an Apple Core ( Apr/May), new destination signage to be developed.

Clean for the Queen .Friday 4th – 8 people in town, full school at Buglawton, 1 x class St Marys’ and Canal & Rivers Trust all kicked off this year’s C4Q campaign in style.

PM commented on the litter that was laying around in The new Cemetery.

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.

Feasibility study continues, should know results this month.

PA / GW met with EBA who were keen to be involved in any way they could.

Siemens also indicated interest around supporting the capital equipment requirement as they as a company manufacture these items.

Cycling Campaign / SECCAG.


SECCAG have drafted a map showing a network of ‘aspirational’ cycle routes as part of a CE wide Cycling Strategy initiative.

We are advised that by having a ‘wish list’ of routes and facilities CE can demonstrate to funding bodies the grassroots support for cycling and thereby attract money to CE. To be frank, there are so many things on the wish list that if only 10% get done it will be a coup!

Tour of Britain comes to Congleton! The third stage of the 2016 Tour of Britain will start in Congleton on Tuesday September 6th. No more detail yet but some of the Campaign will be at a Cycling Club meeting on 3 March and we may be able to give more to the meeting on Monday.

Look at

And follow the links to ‘stages’ for an overview of where the stage will go. More detail to follow.


Next Meeting:- Monday 4th April – Astbury Mere Visitor Centre


Congleton Sustainability Group are on Twitter!

Congleton Sustainability Group (CSG) are on Twitter! During the last 2 meetings we have been ‘twittering’ with Cathy Dean (@ibdcath) who has been providing some training.

Follow us on @CongoGreen to keep up-to-date with all the projects CSG is involved in. We hope Twitter will give us the opportunity to keep in touch and make lots of new connections who are interested in the work of CSG and helping to keep Congleton green!

Join in the conversation using the hashtag #congogreen

Congleton Partnership has their own account, follow @CongoPar to keep up-to-date with the wider news from the Partnership.

Look forward to receiving your tweets!