Senior forum meeting minutes

Congleton’s Senior Forum had their latest meeting recently, read meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

 The Herbert Protocol – PCSO Jess Shore.


Jess briefed us on the new Herbert Protocol (Safe & Sound) that is being launched by Cheshire Police and the Alzeimers Society.


The Herbert Protocol is a new initiative which looks to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person or someone suffering with dementia going missing.
The Herbert Protocol looks to support and safeguard members of the community, through a care home/family member completing a pro-former which they will then store in a safe place.
This pro-former can be completed in hard copy or electronically and details the following:

  • Description and recent photograph
  • Places of interest/addresses of note
  • Jobs, interest and hobbies
  • Medical information
  • Details of their routine

In the event a person goes missing you then hand the pro-former to police, which reduces the time taken to gather key information. As a result, this allows for a prompt and effective search and promotes their safe return.
We will be aiming to sign up all care homes to the initiative, but if you would like to sign up a relative to the Herbert Protocol Please print the pro-former from Cheshire Police Website

Jess to forward a pack of information to all forum members.


IT & Chat     –  L.Alcock..

Lisa now has all the equipment, now looking for people and places to get this going.

Sub group to be set up :- Suzie Akers Smith, Lissa Alcock and Tracey Howle

Places suggested:- Old saw Mill, Congleton Library (Gill) & Tesco Congleton.

Social Isolation register of activities – S.Jacklin.

Information slow to come in, as a group we need to hunt out more information and get it to Sarah/ Myself .

Sarah to check out New Life Church activity.

Plus Dane seem to be struggling to put on extra events

RVS coffee morning are we aware of any others offering this kind of activity.

St James Court ( Plus Dane residency) are looking for someone to support/ run their activity on a Tuesday. Tracy Howle to link up with Sarah and Anna to see if she can help.

Louise showed us a map (Cheshire East JSNA Mental Health Report) it would be nice to be able to show Congleton’s activity/sites in this kind of format.

Partnership Mini Buses.

We now have 2 Mini Buses with Tail Lifts for hire. 1 x 8 seats and 1 x 15 seats.

Costs are £20 per day/ booking and 40p per mile.

All bookings taken by Jeff Cutts at New Life Church 01260 297961


Next meeting:

Tuesday 30th May, The Bridestones Suite, Congleton Town Hall. 3.00 to 5.00pm