Latest News from Old Saw Mill

Congleton Old Saw Mill


A very big thank you to Peter Jackson, Retrograde, for getting everyone, or almost everyone, up to dance after their Christmas Lunch, with his songs’ extravaganza set from the 50/60/70/80s. A huge welcome and thank you too, to his brother, Alan, for his magical tricks, banter and bonhomie. What a team! We had a grand time.

Of course, none of this could have happened without the vibrant spirit of our volunteers.

So many people from our town gave up precious hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to help make this happen, so, in no particular order, our thanks go to, Kirsty and Tel; Dee and Chris; Mandy, Seb and Mark; Angie and Carol; Ethel and Anna R; Linda; Anna K; Audrey and Gordon; Sara, Brenda and Diane.

Thank you so much!


We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of sponsors for this event, some of whom have asked that should sponsorship money be left over from the Christmas lunch that we put it towards our next community dinner. There is, and yes, we shall, and since we have already been asked by a number of guests and volunteers about the next one: how about Easter?

Please let us have your ideas and

The team at Old Saw Mill are busy planning for four, or maybe five Community Get- Together dinners and events for 2017, so please come on board with your ideas.

In the meantime: we think the picture

says it all…




Keep healthy and happy by signing up for your favourite

Classes and Events for January, 2017


New! Life drawing                           Saturday 7th and 14th 12.30-2.30pm; Thursday 19th 2-4pm

Contact Anna: 07738877114

Discover Pilates                               every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; and 7-8pm

Contact Alison: 07775938532

Tai Chi                                                  every Tuesday 10-11am

Contact Jennifer: 07972287757

Maddison’s Yoga                             every Tuesday 12-1pm

                                                Contact Maddy: 07476053453

New! Children’s Yoga                    every Tuesday 1.30-2.15pm

Contact Karen: 07540388751

Zoe’s Zumba                                      every Wednesday 7-8pm

Contact Zoe: 07983505647


OSM Art Exhibition

“Get Together”, open evening: 4.30-7pm 20th Jan

Open Invitation to our new exhibition work by local artists and designers

There is still time to submit your work: contact Anna 07738877114 or email for an application form:


“Meditate for Peace”

Saturday 21st January, 10-2.30pm

With Dhyan Prasada


Join Dhyan’s meditation workshop and her guest speakers for, “Meditate for Peace”

Sessions include, “Sound Healing”, facilitated by Sas Bullock

and “Kirtan/Sanskrit Mantro, facilitated by John Crosbie


to book a place or to find out more please contact Dhan on 07807044908

Book now to take advantage of the advanced ticket price of £15 per place, when you book before the 11th of January. After that tickets are £20 or £25 on the day.


New Appointments

We have been busy building the Old Saw Mill team since Stewart left and we are very pleased to announce that Peter Ranson has joined us as a Director. Pete, as he prefers to be called, has a wealth of experience at hand and has ear-marked the installation of the commercial kitchen as one of his priorities. We are all keen to see this up and running and Pete will be overseeing this aspect of Old Saw Mill’s development straightaway. So, watch this space!

We are so pleased to announce that Yvonne Phillips, chef extraordinaire, has joined us and plans are already afoot to develop our cafe area. You will see such a difference when you next visit as Yvonne’s new ideas for the menu are on show now. Yvonne has planned sumptuous lunches and tasty treats, including flat breads, cakes and biscuits available fresh from the oven. See Yvonne’s feature boards when you next visit for lunch or a cuppa.

Patti Pinto, our secret gardener, has set up our new face book page. It’s up and running so please visit us on face book: The Old Saw Mill

Last but by no means least – as you would not be reading this without him! Dewi Jones has taken on board the new set-up and running of our new E-Mill newsletter. Please contact Dewi if you would like to add a friend or have enquiries at:

The last of the apples have been juiced, vatted and stored in the press room where they will stay for the next 6 – 12 months. Again, thank you to all of you who have contributed with fruit. A very big thank you to you, Charla, our Congleton High School work-place student, who has the weighty, wet and apple-whiffy process down to a fine art.  Well Done, Charla!


Thank you to all for giving your time.

Having said all of that, here is our new contact list – January 2017

Peter Ashton: 07971805372 email:

Anna Morrison: 07738877114 email:

Pete Ranson: 07717003847 email:

For E-Mill enquiries: please contact Dewi:

Old Saw Mill happens because of people of Congleton give time and donations. Please get in touch with us as we are always looking to expand our team. In the next few weeks you will hear from us about more of our new projects.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Our very best wishes from the team at OSM,

Anna, Peter, Pete, Yvonne, Patti and Dewi,

Old Saw Mill, Back River Street, River Street, Congleton, CW12 1HJ


Bringing people together: at the heart of the Community

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took recently, download the full meeting minute HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers.

2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament.

3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future.

4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS to pull together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling.

5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings

6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced.

7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available.

New Green Space – Mossley Water Tower.

PP/MA have identified an area of approx. 20 x 10 mtrs near the Water Tower at Mossley which is owned by CEBC and maintained by Streetscape. It is felt that this could be a good site for a 2nd Community Orchard. Need to gauge local interest by leafleting and consultation (PP to action). Also need to contact United Utilities/CEBC for their reaction to such a project (PP) This is not currently being actively pursued as an In Bloom project. PP still to start the consultation to gauge local support / interest before any development takes place.


Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th February 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 05.09.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes here.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-Operative

Weekly newsletter continues to be sent out to a wide readership.

Stewart issued a callout for a plumber a.s.a.p

A lot of progress made since the last meeting, the commercial kitchen (ex Airbags) should go in during the next couple of weeks.

Bank account still an issue but should be sorted this week.

Rent (£400 per month) kicks in November.

Are planning to sell breakfast baps on T O B Day

Congleton In Bloom

Patti reported that the Bloom judges were very complimentary about Congleton and its community offering in general. Good interaction between them and the volunteers that they met. Results of both competitions will be announced mid to late October.

Winter Tub planting (with the children) October

Congleton park achieved its 9th Green Flag

Secret garden progressing well at the Old Saw Mill

Global Gardens – 2 weekends left for you to visit (Sat/Sun 2 to 4.00pm)


Apple Juice. Apples starting to come in, adverts posters / social media started. PP to put together a press release which will also advise residents what any profits are being spent on.

First batch of apples will be processed at Dunham Massey, but labelled at the OSM. We should be processing ourselves by end of September.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 1.08.16

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Congleton Community Coop

SH working on opening a bank account, currently discussing with Handlesbanken at Wilmslow.

The meeting was asked to give their permission for CSG to act as CCC’s accountable body until the account is opened.                                                                                                           This was unanimously agreed.

Weekly letter continues to be sent out to all.

Titanic Breweries (12 outlets) approached us to be their Cider suppliers (approx. 20 Tonnes) they would supply the apples via their collection system. PA / SH have met with Dunham Massey to keep them informed of our long term plans. Phil Worthington (CHS) is designing a new Logo/ Label for the bottles for 2016 vintage, we must make sure the brand name remains constent.

Bookings for use of some of the rooms are starting to come in at an encouraging level.

Membership of the Coop will commence around the end of September

Neighbourhood Plan Draft.

First draft was issued to members last week (80+ pages) have until the end of August to make comments. Next steering group meeting early September to review comments and further rerfine the document.

Apple Juice / Cider.


Congleton Apple Juice won 1st Prize for Cheshire Life – Food & Drink Award. Congratulations to all involved.

Stock left. Apple Juice 3 c/s & Cider 600 Litres 9unbottled) at Dunham Massey.


Next Meeting:-

Mon 5th September, The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am


Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 4.7.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Looking to go ahead with the project, support has already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.


Possible use an Archimedes Screw design


PA working on applying for a second phase grant, decision expected from meeting of DVCE 5th July.


Cycling Campaign – P.Hall

Congleton Cycling Club is organising a Tour Of Britain promotional/charity ride called “Cheshire East Tour of Britain Charity Sportive”. This will be an 86 mile ride over some of the ToB route raising fund for North West Air Ambulance and Children’s Adventure Farm Trust. Considerable discussion took place as to the legacy opportunities from the Tour of Britain – agreed that we should have a plan of a proposed ‘Circuit of Congleton’ highlighting work to achieve and drive an ambition forward that is open to residents and visitors alike to fulfil the ambition – Congleton is the Cycling Centre of Cheshire East through Congleton Partnership.


Meeting closed at 11.35am .

Next Meeting:- Monday 1st August at The Old Saw Mill.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minute 9.05.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full minutes from the meeting HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Community Co-operative – S.Halliday

Report issued by S.Halliday prior to the meeting, but because of the size of the project this has been kept separate from the other Group Reports.

• Tenancy at Will Agreement signed and keys provided for our Open Days
• Site cleared with assistance from:-
• Patti Pinto – Secret Garden
• LOL Foundation
• Book Marks and Posters designed and printed by Congleton High School
• Open Days on 16/17 Apr. 2016 a great success with over 80 people coming to visit.
• Research into best Bank Account to open.
• Incorporation of Community Co-Operative underway.
• Water and Electricity on.
• Grant received from Congleton Town Trust
• Apply again for Grant from Inclosure Trust in Jul. 2016 but they are very interested in the project.
• Other Grants applied for and more to apply for.
• Web Site registered. Still to be developed.
• Facebook Page – Congleton Community Co-Op up and running
• Change of Use Planning Permission application submitted. Thanks to Anna Morrison for her valuable input.
• Met with Property Manager for Old Saw Mill
• Electrical Engineer appointed and quotations received for Ground Floor (Cafe & Processing area)
• Inventory of requirements drawn up and cutlery, crockery, outside tables, etc., etc. already received from neighbours, friends and associates. Kitchen cabinets received so that we can build counter from them. Lots more needed including half full bags of compost, half full tins of paint, etc.
• Notice given to person who is storing his personal effects at the Old Saw Mill at present. Should be clear by end of May.
• Lots of interest shown for upstairs “open space” from the community, groups, etc., including Police.
• Renault Espace shell now removed from Secret Garden and decking washed down.
• BioLiquid installation being researched.
• Rain trough and grey toilets being considered
• Project Plan developed. Shall request for volunteers to assist. Offers of help already given.
• Wayne Doyle (BoJangles) assisting in requirements for cafe, etc.
• Congleton High School to be engaged to create murals.
• Plans of Land and Property being sought.

• Planning permission has been put in for “Change of Use” (16/2191c) result will be known by 29th June, you can support this application by commenting on line until 26th May.


In Bloom- P.Pinto

Dates for the diary:-

25th May Britain In Bloom route check.

25th July Northwest In Bloom Judging (Tbc)

8th August Britain In Bloom judging day

14th October Britain In Bloom Awards (Birmingham)


Patti updated us on some of the projects:-

11 potential “Children’s Gardens”

Visyon have taken over the site on River Dane Walkway.

270 Hanging baskets ordered.

Tesco , developing the Bark Area at the front of the store.

Community orchard. Fruit bushes and tree area now complete, Apple Core carving now done.


Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Feasibility study now complete meeting called for 9th May to discuss findings and practicalities of the project.


Support had already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.


Meeting closed at 11.30pm and adjurned to The Old saw Mill for a site visit.

Next Meeting:- Monday 6th June 2016, 10.00am, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 4.04.16

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

In Bloom- P.Pinto

Next Clean for the Queen event Wednesday 6th April, 9.30am to 1.00pm.

-Litter Picking

– Weeding, pruning etc

Bath House Physic Garden group awarded £10k by the Tesco Bags of Help Scheme.

Patti has spent another day with an RHS judge to both walk the route and pick up tips.

In Bloom launch. Town centre 16th April 10.00am to 1.00pm.

Britain In Bloom judging day confirmed as Monday 8th August.


Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Feasibility study continues, should know results this month.

PA / GW met with EBA who were keen to be involved in any way they could.

Siemens also indicated interest around supporting the capital equipment requirement as they as a company manufacture these items. If the report is positive then DVCE will need to look at financing for the project.


Community Orchard – First edible hedgerow (currant bushes) planted, second one to be done next few days. 7th/8th May Apple Care to be carved, MS to discuss signage with CEBC (Genni Butler) then let Astbury Mere Trust know of proposed plans.


Meeting closed at 12.03pm.

Next Meeting:- Monday 9th May – Plus Dane Boardroom.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 07.03.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights includes:

In Bloom.

A lot of new items underway, small group set up to look at the Heritage element.

New In Bloom member – Bath House Group/ Physic Gardens

Community Orchard (behind Emmerdale Drive) is progressing. New Steps are built, 2 beds are ready for fruit bush / hedge planting, the Sycamore tree is in situ and ready ofr carving into an Apple Core ( Apr/May), new destination signage to be developed.

Clean for the Queen .Friday 4th – 8 people in town, full school at Buglawton, 1 x class St Marys’ and Canal & Rivers Trust all kicked off this year’s C4Q campaign in style.

PM commented on the litter that was laying around in The new Cemetery.

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.

Feasibility study continues, should know results this month.

PA / GW met with EBA who were keen to be involved in any way they could.

Siemens also indicated interest around supporting the capital equipment requirement as they as a company manufacture these items.

Cycling Campaign / SECCAG.


SECCAG have drafted a map showing a network of ‘aspirational’ cycle routes as part of a CE wide Cycling Strategy initiative.

We are advised that by having a ‘wish list’ of routes and facilities CE can demonstrate to funding bodies the grassroots support for cycling and thereby attract money to CE. To be frank, there are so many things on the wish list that if only 10% get done it will be a coup!

Tour of Britain comes to Congleton! The third stage of the 2016 Tour of Britain will start in Congleton on Tuesday September 6th. No more detail yet but some of the Campaign will be at a Cycling Club meeting on 3 March and we may be able to give more to the meeting on Monday.

Look at

And follow the links to ‘stages’ for an overview of where the stage will go. More detail to follow.


Next Meeting:- Monday 4th April – Astbury Mere Visitor Centre


Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 01.02.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-operative  –  S.Halliday


Stuart reported that the Co-operative were still looking for premises. Cuttleford Farm could not currently offer what we required so the search goes on for alternatives. Suggestions for sites to be pursued were raised at the meeting, they included units in Mill St, West St and land at the back of Back park St Carpark. Any ideas pass them onto Stuart.


Difficult to put a financial report together to make a meaningful business plan.


Started to apply for funding (C4C), CSG may look to put an amount into the pot.


Project plan being put together around Apple Juice production.


Apple Juice / Cider Festival. Nor practical in its present format at Astbury Mere, PP to approach St Mary’s as an alternative. May be able to link in with their desire to put on an event around their orchard and apple juice project.


Congleton Green Space Trust.

PA is discussing a couple of plots around Hillfield Steps area with the owner/ solocitor in regards to creating some ½ size allotments.  A.Martin following up with residents regarding the 3rd plot on the site. If all land was available we could have between 6 to 12 allotment plots.


Green Space Trust looking at both allotment and orchard options.

Next Meeting:-

Monday 7th March, Plus Dane Boardroom.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 7.12.2015

Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, please download the full minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

“Congleton Co-operative” – S.Halliday.


Stewart took us through a presentation entitled “Congleton Co-operative”.

This is a scheme to build on the success Apple Juice /Cider/ Preservatives and increase the usage of abundant produce which would lead to a reduction in food wastage.

He looked at the reason for this project, possible siting (in town)of the Community Bistro/ Juicing Plant, timing (ready Mar 2016), the people organisations he would envisage being involved and type of products that could initially be produced.

There are a number of challenges that need to be overcome, Stewart who would lead the project is going to put together a full blown business plan which will be put before CSG at the next meeting ( 11th January 2016).

Copy of the presentation is held on file.

CSG supported the project in principal but reserve judgement waiting the Business Plan presentation in January.

Olga advised the meeting that Suma Wholefoods may provide a possible link to the Bistro/Shop arm.

Vale Allotments.

As this project had now fallen through PA advised the meeting that any monies received had now been returned to the people who had made donations.

Next Meeting:-

Monday 11th January 2016 at Plus Dane.