Youth Forum Meeting Minutes 01.12.2015

The latest meeting of the Youth Forum took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Review of the ‘Uth’Festival.

Glen thanked both the subgroups and everyone who had helped to make the Festival the success it was. He commented on the number of members /partners that got involved in delivering the event , over 500+ young people plus families attended throughout the day and he was not aware of any negative comments.

CH felt that although it was a good event she did not feel that we had not quite reached the target audience we would have like, that is despite social media, leaflet, handouts in the street, school visits and the like.

JM commented that she had come across an opportunity with one of her projects to be able to get into secondary schools and meet virtually all the six formers during a morning and this may be an opportunity for informing them and recruiting some members / volunteers.

On the plus side GW commented that the event had helped encourage new members the The Bromley Farm Youth Centre.

JM felt that the music element created a nice atmosphere and some of the bands names had been passed to Vince Cutcliffe who is organising the Congleton ‘Unplugged’ next spring.

It was suggested that we made the ‘Uth’ Festival a bi-annual event and perhaps have some involvement with The Congleton Carnival (Youth Zone) in the alternative years.

GW to raise the ‘Youth Zone’ idea with the Carnival Committee at its next meeting.

Basketball Hoops (Budget set aside £1000)

GW to go to the next Town Council Youth Committee meeting to discuss their involvement in this project.


Congleton Youth In Bloom (Budget set aside £1000)

3 Organisations got involved in this project CHS, EBA and Bromley Farm.

One invoice still to come in, any surplus will then be returned to The Partnership main fund.


Chav Fashion Show (Budget £500)


GW to discuss with both of the secondary Schools and CTC Youth Committee and try get buy in to the project before Xmas.


If indications are that there is real interest in the project by the young people then a subgroup will be set up in the new year to steer the project through. This may feature at The Carnival.


Skateboard Park (Budget £500)

Initially part of the ‘Uth’ Fest, but could not find local coaches to support this.

Leohna France believes she may be able to help with a contact here, she will send information to Mike Smith.



GW to raise the issue with Lee Malkin / Everybody Sports & Leisure


Bridleway Maps.(budget £500)


Once we know exactly what The Partnership is doing regarding Walking/ Heritage and Cycling Maps then we will approach young people for their input.

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