Help with getting to Church

Mike Smith has now discussed this issue with Sister Heather Kemball (Congleton Team Parish). They do support members of their congregation at the 4 churches re transport issues, and would try and help anyone that we come across who is having difficulty getting to church.

Either contact the team Parish Office by Email or telephone Cong 01260 273212.

Heather has also agreed to be added to our distribution list so as to be kept in the loop of our activities etc.

Senior Forum Meeting minutes 14.02.17

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

East Cheshire Hospice @ Home – Russell Chadwick.


Russell took us through a presentation about the new Home Service that is being planned for launch around June this year.


The Hospice itself has been running now for 30 years, it can accommodate 500 patients a year and costs around £4m per year.  Most of their running cost is raised through fundraising / donations with only 17% coming from the NHS.


The new scheme “Hospice at Home” which will employ 16 nurses, and cost approx. £440K a year should be able to look after around 250 patients within their own homes.


Russell is currently carrying out a funding drive to cover the next 5 years funding to support this new operation.


You can contact Russell :- or 01625664995

 Congleton U3A – P.Adby ( Vice Chair)


Paul took us through a presentation on the history of U3A from its launch in France in 1972 where it had strong connections to academia to its Uk launch in 1982 where the academia link did not apply, and on to the launch of Congleton U3A in 1998.


Their motto is LEARN LAUGH & LIVE


Worldwide there are now 1000groups with 400,000 members. Congleton has 1400 members, with 110 activity groups, there is no age limit, but must be retired or semi- retired.

The next signing on night is likely to be in August, possibly at Eaton Bank Academy.


You can find out more about their activities and availability on courses by visiting their website :-


Congleton Contact The Elderly – Louise Hughes.

Contact the elderly is a national charity that was set up in 1965 to help change the lives of people over 75 and over who live alone and cannot get out on their own. Using a small group of volunteer hosts and drivers they organise small tea parties (approx. 10 guests) once a month at no cost to the guests.

Louise has been running a group in Macclesfield for over 2 years and is now looking to start up a group in Congleton. Louise is currently recruiting drivers and hosts, she is having some success and hopes to hold her first party on the first Sunday of May.

There are currently restrictions on wheelchair users, dementia can offer a challenge, Louise is happy to visit them / families to assess the situation.

If you know of anyone who would be willing to volunteer as a driver or host please contact Louise on 01260281093.

PA offered to host one at The Old Saw Mill.

Louise will send me a PDF which I will circulate to members.

Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th Sept 2017

Sub group to be set up as last year. Suggested members;- Usman Ashiq, Alyssa Baines, Suzie Akers Smith, Lisa Alcock, Sarah Jacklin and Anna Bignell.

First meeting after Easter.

MS send last years’ contacts / attendees to Alyssa.

Need to get more by in from NHS workers / surgeries.

MS has copies of last years’ flier, poster and media adverts.

Next meeting to take place on the 4th April.

Youth Forum Meeting Minutes 8.02.2017

The Youth Forum held a meeting recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Update from Mike Smith.


Visyon   Creative Space Congleton                                         :-Activity Programme

:-Wednesday Headspace Café

:- Outreach Work

Princes Trust Programme /Macclesfield                                   6/2 to 28/4 (12 weeks)

Bromley Farm Wellbeing Club Changing Lanes (tackling addiction) Wed 1 to 3pm

Also NLC Thurs 11 to 1pm

E.Stanton safety briefs inc :- Primary E-Safety Training Programme 27/2, 2/3, 16/3

:- Childnet “Crossing the lines” free lesson downloads

(MS sent a copy of the download out to the group)

Safer Schools & Young Persons Partnership working in partnership with CWAC to present:

The Annual Youth Conference – Theme of the day to be confirmed

Friday 23rd June 2017   Venue: Winsford HQ

Free of charge to attend – Further details will be released nearer the time

Youth Social Action fund – grants up to £5k

Wired Gov Report – D of E Mental Health support for schools information.

Pear Communications Young Person Bursary Scheme

Pear will be awarding 4 young people a small grant of £500 each, to help them on their chosen career. Two will be chosen from the Tourism industry and two from the Theatre & Arts industry.

Deadline 28th Feb 2017.

Tesco Bags of Help. Congleton short of applications, go to


One You Cheshire East – Victoria Lockett


Victoria took us through a presentation for One You Cheshire East, this programme aims to improve the health and wellbeing of residents by offering guidance and signposting to various services regarding weight management, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, alcohol awareness and sexual health.

Life style support managers can work with people who are not eligible for the scheme, do some drop ins and work closely with GP’s and practice nurses.


There will be a public launch in March, hopefully including Congleton.


Victoria to send full brief to MS for circulation.




Next Meeting.


Will be held in 3 or 4 months, to alternate between Tues / Wed and both secondary schools.

Congleton Sustainability Meeting 6.12.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

Active Cheshire will help to put bids together for the project.

Looking to use bear branding for the various routes – children will choose the route names.

Suzie has recently presented the idea to both the Town Council and CEPC (school heads).

May focus on one school to develop a safe route to school, as traffic free as possible as a trial.

To help build up information and assist in decision making Suzie aims to get a questionnaire out to schools around Easter.

PM/DJ to work at getting this idea into the Neighbourhood Plan and comment on planning applications making sure they link up with the new primary school planned and the rest of the cycle/ footpath infrastructure.


Suzie then briefed the group on her Triathlon Event planned for St Georges Day (23rd April). CSG to put in a team, MS to send the detail and application form out to the group.

Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.

Peter Ranson brought us up to speed around the OSM Project.

3 main areas being tackled:-

1. Management Structure / Framework in place Currently 3 directors on the board (PA / PR / AM) looking to include member reps on the board. Membership scheme to be worked up, this will include some form of discount on purchases from the OSM.

2. Building Development including getting the commercial kitchen up and running, aiming for completion by Easter.

3. Business plan development. Need to look at the lease, insulation, membership scheme, relationship between CSG ( Apple Juice)& OSM as a landlord/ partner, future services etc.

It was also reported that OSM has started to pay back to loan to CSG

Dane Valley Community Energy.

DVCE have applied to DEFRA for a £66K loan to fund getting all of the permissions / plans in place.

Land issues resolved, Siemens on board with wiring and equipment support as well as buying all the power the project produces.

Event being organised for 28th March at Eaton Bank Academy, aiming to attract around 200 people to


attend (CSG, Siemens and Partners)  PR being covered by EBA

Looking to attract members/ investors, the scheme will cost around £460k in total

Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th March 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am