Congleton Sustainabilty Group meeting minutes 02.03.15

The Congleton Sustainability Group latest meeting minutes are now available to download HERE.

Many projects were in discussion this month, a particular highlight :


Team Congleton (Every Step Counts) – R&A Brightwell.


Robbie took us through a presentation on both the reasons for and the plans of Team Congleton’s July “Every Step Counts” activity.

He explained the link between activity and the general health of people and how just 1 hours / 5000 steps a day could have a real beneficial effect.

The “Every Step Counts” activity is planned to run from 1st July through to 2nd August and to involve the whole cross section of the community.

The presentation has been made to a wide variety of groups including CeCP, CSG, Congleton Partnership.

Full walking programme being drawn up:-

Primary Schools Activity Programme

Secondary Schools Comp / Award

Nifty Over 50’s TGT 5000 steps a day (approx. 30 mins)

CEO / Staff activity etc etc.


Pedometers to be issued (5000)


Dates for the diary:-

Sunday 10th May – Inaugural Walk – Astbury Mere

Friday 19th June – PR Walk – Astbury Mere

Friday 26th June  – Activity camp Launch – Park

Sunday 26th July – Grand Finale – Skyline Walk Challenge –  Grand Picnic / Band Concert in the Park.


For the rest of the news download the minutes at the top of the post!

Latest Projects and Finance meeting minutes 19.01.2015

The latest Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place on the 19.01.2015. Issues discussed included:

Item 7. Lifestyle opportunity for Congleton.

SF was requested to write to Cllr Jones indicating that we would prefer a 2 centre development. SF to copy in The Town Council so that the issue can again be raised in committee.
The letter of reply from Cllr Jones has been sent to P&F members and a copy retained with these minutes.

Item 8.Youth Hub & Transport.
GW to call a meeting during February to discuss and sign off the operational brief / documents.

Item 9. Funding Requests.
GW to raise the issue with G.Hayes regarding EBA. MS will action when invoices / activity details and supporting material received.

View the full minutes HERE

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting 05.01.15

Congleton Sustainability Groups latest meeting took place on the 5th January, it was a busy meeting with lots to report, here are a view highlights:

Vale Allotments

PA reported that the meeting on 3.1.15 which was attended by approx 50 people had proved quite progressive. Another 4 people had pledged to give some time to support the sub group, 3 of which indicated that they would help underwrite the whole scheme. Others were suggesting they could support in some way financially.
The next stages are to :

  •  Find funding to support some legal advice.
  • Arrange a Town Meeting / Event (by the end of January)
  • Investigate the use of social media to raise project profile.
  • Pull together a new Working Party.
  • Look to write to R.Minshull re our offer / bid when appropriate.
  • Set up a Community Interest Company (currently using Beartown Foods as a catalyst)

Deadline for making the bid is 24th April.

Havannah Hydro ( Havannah Village).

 PA has been approached by John Armstrong and Jim Booth re developing a Hydro Scheme on the Havannah Weir.

John who works (ed) for a Hydro Company (the  chair of which is the chair of The British Hydro Association) along Peter Aston had a meeting with Jean Huddleston (site owner) and a Neighbour regarding the project.They indicate their support in principal of a community power generation scheme.

A feasibility study has been produced but requires some more work on it. PA, John Armstrong, Paul Guymer and Chris Brett to investigate the soundness and accuracy of the feasibility study.

CSG indicated agreement for a ‘company’ to be put together to take up this project and that a grant to be sourced to fund a high quality feasibility study before progressing further.

If this gets off the ground it would become the community energy project we have talked about for the last few meetings.

Read the full minutes and catch up on all the latest news here


Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 2/12/2014

The latest Congleton Partnership executive meeting was held on the 2nd December. Many projects are planned for Congleton in 2015 which the Partnership will be supporting in, a really exciting time to get involved! Some highlights from the meeting include:

New Partnership Website – Cathy Dean (IBD)

Cathy took us through a presentation outlining the new website (  and its features. This was very well accepted, it now gives us both an identity and a platform to use to get our message through to the general public and hopefully gain members and volunteers at the same.

There is also a new social media element. The Twitter Feed is @congopar ; please follow if you are using this form of communications.

Sustainable Living In Cingleton (SLIC) – Mike Taylor.

Mike Taylor (Carbon Reduction Group Chair) took us through the SLIC presentation. SLIC is a course to help people respond to the threat of climate change and other environmental issues in their daily lives. The SLIC workbook (issued to all members on the night) is made up of 7 modules and was developed from the Transition Streets courses used in the transitional town of Totnes


Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur.

  1. Town Centre – End of leases, merges, illness and the continued tough time experienced by many on the High Street has led to more changes in the Town Centre. Occupancy is currently at 85% for the Town Centre – 204 units, 183 occupied. If you could exclude Capitol Walk from the equation occupancy rates rise to 90% 223 units 190 occupied.
  2. Shops ceased trading – Hallmark Thornton stopped trading and the owner has started marketing the shop. House moved from 3 High Street to upstairs in Empire Menswear. Nationwide merged with Cheshire Building Society and moved into the CBS building on the pedestrian area. The 25 year lease finished on the building occupied by the YMCA – not sure on the future of the building and whether the owner will invite YMCA back.
  3. Shops opened Delia Metcalf shoe shop (in the former A&A music shop), new hairdressers about to open outside Capitol Walk, Titanic breweries have opened in the Kings Arms. Mr Wendles opened in Lawton Street. Amans opened in West Heath Shopping Centre. Work continues on the former Game Station in the High Street and the new bar in Lawton Street but no date given for new occupiers.


  1. £1 million – Cheshire East has committed £1 to the first two phases of Public Realm work in Congleton -the Cheshire East Highways Team will be working up a scheme which will be shared with all interested parties. The timing isn’t clear, but this is great news for Congleton as rather than talking about the need and desire to improve the public realm we now have financial backing to make improvements to the pedestrian area and the space at the crossroads of Moody Street, Market Street, High Street and pedestrian area.


For the rest of the updates please download the minutes.

Executive Meeting Minutes


£1 million boost for revitalisation of Congleton town centre

Cheshire East Council, Congleton Town Council and Congleton Partnership have announced a major investment programme for Congleton.

Congleton is set to get £1 million boost from a key development project designed to drastically improve the town centre.

Congleton will see a million pound investment

Cheshire East Council and Congleton Town Council, will look to start improving the pedestrianised areas of High Street, Bridge Street, Duke Street and Little Street as well as the creation of a community square at the junction of High Street and Market Street in 2015.These improvements between High Street and the pedestrianised zone will become a high-quality, multi-use space for occasional markets, festivals and other street activities

The schemes will be part of a plan to re-establish Congleton as an attractive location to live, work, shop, visit and do business. One of the key problems for many towns, including Congleton, is the proliferation of ‘street clutter’. Signs, bollards, advertisements and pedestrian guard rails all contribute to the both the visual and physical intrusion.

This makes it harder for pedestrians, especially the elderly and those with young children, to move though the town. Improving the streetscape will have the added benefit of enhancing the buildings and their architectural appearance.

Costs for the project are yet to be finalised but are estimated to be in the region of £1m, which is being allocated by Cheshire East out of this year’s budget.

Councillor Michael Jones Leader of Cheshire East Council, said:

“The Council is keen to deliver these projects as soon as possible as a way of facilitating and promoting further developments within the town. Congleton has a rich heritage and a lot still to offer and we are determined to boost the economic wellbeing of the town. This project will act as a catalyst for further change and investment. They are yet another example of this Council putting residents first.”


Cllr Bob Edwards, Leader of the Town Council added:

“Together with Steve Foster of the Congleton Partnership and other key members of the Town Council we have been working with the Leader of Cheshire East Council for the past 12 months to achieve this result. This is fantastic news for Congleton. We look forward to working with Cheshire East on revitalising the town centre and will be sharing information with residents and businesses.”

This announcement was made following a meeting which took place on Monday 24th November with Cllr Michael Jones, key members of his Cabinet and Town Councillors Bob Edwards, Paul Bates, Glen Williams and Elizabeth Wardlaw.


Project and Finance Meeting Minutes 17.11.14

The latest meeting of Projects and Finance committee met on 17th November 2014. Included in the minutes are updates for

  • Town Centre Development
  • Lifestyle opportunity for Congleton
  • Funding requests
  • Town Centre Update – Capitol Walk
  • Public Realm Strategy
  • Neighbourhood Plan


View the full minutes HERE.

Date of the next meeting:
Monday 19th January 2015, The Spencer Suite, Congleton Town Hall.  9.30am

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting 3.11.2014

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 3rd November. Highlights from the meeting are:

  • Matter Arising- Apple Juice / Cider.  PA to talk to CEBC regarding licencing if and when we start producing Cider. Looking to cap Apple Juice production to 500 bottles the rest of the juice then being turned into Cider. We have a market (including Rode Hall) and the Cider can be made by our current juicer at Dunham Massey. PA hoping to have this licence ready for Rode Hall, December market.
  •  Green Living EBA. MT is working with K.Smith ,chair of governors at EBA with a view to delivering the Green Living Presentation to some of the  students at the academy.
  •  Cheshire Show. MMW to pusue the idea of taking the Green Living story to The Cheshire Show. Carried over from last meeting.
  •  CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. MT working with CHS re the production of 200 energy leaflets, would like to use Jayne Booth’s energy poster somehow.
  •  PA to discuss with CR team as to the idea of an award for Jayne and future students who may take up one of our challenges.
  •  Item 12. Budgets 2015/16. MS prepared a paper for F&P meeting, including CSG’s budget requirements. SF has now to make a further presentation to F&P late November as to our plans and objectives for the next year.


For all the news please download the minutes here.

Congleton Partnership Annual General Meeting 16.09.14

The Chair Steve Foster opened The Congleton Partnership 8th Annual General Meeting (16.09.2014) by welcoming everyone to the event and invited them all to stay to the Executive Meeting that followed on from this meeting if they so wished.

Overview 2013/14.

Steve gave a brief overview of projects that had taken place / were still active across all of the subgroups. This was not an exhaustive list but a sample/range of the activities The Partnership is involved in.

  • Congleton Apple Juice (1240)
  • Eco Schools 13 Green Flags
  • Back to Back Gardens Project
  • Cycling Routes (2)
  • Sustainable Living In Congleton (SLIC)
  • Food4Free ‘In Bloom Support’
  • Local Plan/Developers Dialogue
  • Carnival / In Bloom Youth support
  • Coverage Carnival / Tourch Relay / F & Drink
  • New Website.
  • Cenotaph refurbishment.
  • Mosaic Workshop /  Art Workshops
  • Jazz and Blues /Open Space
  • Other Stuff 2 Do (High Schools)
  • Summer Sports Sessions (40 Y P’s involved)
  • Antrobus St Gardens
  • AMT Convention

Download the minutes from the meeting:  Click me

Quarter of a million pounds environmental win for Congleton with Dane Hydro

Hydro project River Dane CongletonPeter Aston of Congleton Sustainability Group reports:

The Town has been successful with a bid for £250k of European Funding through the Rural Carbon Challenge Fund to build the hydro scheme on The Old Weir on the River Dane.

This is a real win/win situation.

  • The Hydro scheme will deliver low carbon electricity. A win for the environment
  • The profits from selling the electricity (Aldi have already expressed interest) will be used for energy saving initiatives (such as home insulation) to further reduce electricity demand and again lower the town’s carbon footprint. Another environmental win.


River Dane a very fast running river. An ideal place for a hydro scheme is a weir – and we have lots around Congleton because of our industrial heritage.

Four years ago the Dane Renewable Energy Project Group was formed, and they have assessed the Old Weir for suitability and found that the Weir offered a huge opportunity to demonstrate what could be achieved in terms of local renewable energy.

They have been campaigning to get funds and have targeted the Rural Carbon Challenge Fund. Six months and a very detailed 55 page report later they have secured a quarter of a million pounds of EU money to create electrical power from the flow of the river.

It is planned that it will be operational early in 2012. A Community Enterprise will be created so that the earnings from selling the electricity will fund energy efficiency projects around the Town.


Congleton Apple Juice Wins Regional Award!

Award winning Congleton Apple juice Congleton and its Congleton Apple Juice project is one of six Market towns in the north of England to receive an accolade from ‘Action for Market Towns’ for work to create thriving communities.

The six communities have beaten off stiff competition from small towns across the north of England to win recognition for their efforts to nurture thriving communities entering enter projects into one of four categories: Business & Economy, Environment & Culture, Partnership & Strategic Working and Social & Community.

Congleton Sustainability Group entered the Congleton Apple Juice project into the Environment & Culture category and were delighted to be judged joint winners with Renaissance Knaresborough.

Peter Aston, Chair of Congleton Sustainability Group, when asked to describe the project in 50 words said “In 2010 three tons of Congleton’s home-grown surplus apples were saved from the compost heap, juiced and bottled. Profits from the much-praised Congleton Apple Juice funded mini-orchards in the town’s schools”.

Peter paid tribute to everyone in the town who contributed apples to the project, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre’s help consolidating the apples and Eddisbury Fruit Farm making and bottling the juice.

Peter praised members of Congleton Sustainability Group and the many shops, cafes and restaurants and the Tourist Information Centre who have worked hard selling the juice. Profits from the juice together with funding from Cheshire Community Action and The William Dead Trust have enabled the schools to plant over 85 apple trees to create mini-orchards in all 16 Congleton Schools.

Peter particularly thanked Patti Pinto, of based in Congleton, for all her hard work creating the mini orchards in the schools.

Chris Wade, the chief executive of AMT said: “The quality and quantity of our entries shows that the big society is flourishing in many small towns across the north of England as communities show the spirit of self reliance”.

“AMT Awards help celebrate and share good ideas across the countries and include planned events where winners will showcase their talents.”

Action for Market Towns (AMT) is a national charity committed to the vitality and viability of our small towns.  They founded the awards scheme in 2004 to recognise and showcase initiatives that are helping our small market towns to adapt to change and flourish.

An overall regional winner will be chosen on 20 June at an event in Middlewich and the winning projects go forward to Action for Market Town’s national award – the winner will be announced in October at a ceremony in Ludlow. They will also be automatically entered for this year’s Regeneration and Renewal awards. The Action for Market Towns National Awards is supported by the Big Lottery Fund.