Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 01/10/18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Air Quality

PA has contacted Nigel Standley re hand held Air Quality monitors, still awaiting a reply.
MS has recirculated M.Brown’s Air Quality presentation for information.
Following the “greening” of Mountbatten Way, In Bloom are looking at other areas around the town (eg Clayton By-pass)
The issue of parking outside of Wetherspoons (Swan Bank) since the new block surface has been laid was raised. CEBC are looking at reinstating a form of yellow line control to put a stop to this.


Dane Valley Community Energy.

Planning application in 18/0773M
Eco surveys now completed, all information to be back with CEBC by November.
Need to get things in place before feed in the tariffs disappear on 31st March 2019.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice and Cider
AJ production is now in full swing a little earlier than normal (23rd August) 1696 bottled so far.
Dewi to put together a leaflet to explain usage of Cider Vinegar. Currently have 400 bottles (RPS £5)
OSM Cider to enter the CAMRA North of England Cider and Perry Competition at the Manchester Beer & Cider festival 25th January 2019 (This is not now happening)
DJ attended a cider making course in Bakewell, picked up some good tips and practices.
New director Alison Hughes has joined the team, there are now 4 directors in total.
Café targets and room hire targets being met, around 15 volunteer helpers.
Connected Communities Centre.
GRIPP is now competed for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.
Grand opening planned for Thursday 11th October, 2.30 to 5.00pm. All welcome.


Enhancing Congleton’s Greenspace.
PP reported that Mossley guides are interested in the project, it would need to be a CSG project as In Bloom feel it is too far out to fit in their current programme.

Next Meeting:- Mon 5th November, Astbury Mere Visitor Ctr, 10am.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 02.07.18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


Barry’s paper was circulated to the group.

Barry felt that the main way plastics could be getting into the ocean from UK is by using the wrong recycling bin.

Garden plant pots (black) appear to be a real issue.

ANSA visit is being planned by D.McGifford PA, BF and MG will go on this. BF to put some questions to ANSA prior to the visit.

A paper to be written after the visit with a full report back to CSG.

Bob Edwards offered CTC support to the CSG campaign.


The Old Saw Mill.

Apple Juice and Cider
AJ stocks are very low, will continue selling through summer.
DJ drawing up a plan for a production schedule from early September.
Now meeting its weekly targets.
GDPR action now completed.
Michelle is coordinating a membership/renewal drive
Newsletter will be out this week.
GRIPP is about 60% complete for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.


Green space / In Bloom – P.Pinto.
In Bloom
NWIB judging day 24th July, OSM included in IYN.
BIB national judging 2nd August.
OSM as IYN this year making 9 IYN in Congleton.
We will need to make further efforts around town on route before 24 July (nwib) and 2 Aug (BIB judges).
Too hot! And too dry!!

Next Meeting:- Note there is no CSG Meeting in August.
Mon 3rd September (Astbury Mere) PA confirm with Matt Axford.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 17.05.18

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:


MS to recirculate Ruth (Wilmslow) 20 things we can do list. Would all please review the list and feedback ideas to MS for collation and then discussion at the next meeting.

In Bloom looking to be more upfront about the issue.

GW to pull out positive data regarding Cheshire East’s home collection/ recyclables.

MS recirculate 20 things list. Al feedback ideas to MS

GW get CEBC data.

Need to get an article together for The Chronicle after the next meeting to start to raise Congleton’s awareness of this issue. Whilst what we do will be a drop in the ocean, doing nothing was not an option.

Long term this an issue we can work with our MP on.


Dane Valley Community Energy.
Planning application in 18/0773M
Lots of questions being asked by planners that will all need addressing before planning permission can be granted, site meeting this week.
Access to the site to get equipment down to the build is currently the biggest problem. We have 3 options that are being explored.

Neighbourhood Plan.
Plan has now ready to go CEBC for Reg 15.
Once the inspector/examiner has studied it any queries/ questions will come back to our team for action.
Looking at an autumn/September public referendum. It is felt that The partnership may have a role to play here in lifting both public awareness and participation.
DJ made a point that he is no longer involved in the River Valley Project, but that this should be part of the overall delivery plan once the NHP has been formalised.
Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th June 2018 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes 04.12.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Neighbourhood Plan.
Monday 13th November was the last day of the 6-week consultation process. 27 responses have been sent out to the groups/chairs for assessing. The steering group will then meet to discuss the results of the consultation and add anything significant before forwarding to Cheshire East to prepare for the Regulation 15 stage.
The final stage of adoption will be a public referendum. This completed document will include a delivery plan of actions which will help some of our long-term project planning.

The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice and Cider production have now finished. Good sales over last two weekends plus increased supply agreements achieved.
OSM have entered the CAMRA Cider and Perry of the year competition 2018.
Amend from 6th Nov minutes, OSM will pay CSG between 30p/40p per litre for AJ and Cider, this will be confirmed and start from Jan 2018.
Connected Communities Centre application has gone into Cheshire East.


Cycle Path Plans.
Suzie brought a copy of her Cycling Master Plan for Congleton (1st Draft) to the meeting. This has had some amendments since production but gave a overview of work that had already been carried out and the Partnership relationship currently being built. Please let Suzie have any feedback on this document.
This was presented to Frank Jordan and Jenny Marsden (CEBC) last week, they are looking to incorporate it into their Local Transport Plan.
Currently building up evidence by carrying out traffic/ cycling surveys.
This approach fits in well with Rural Development Fund criteria and will hopefully lead to some funding support.
Suzie also advised the group that she is organising a triathlon for next spring as last year, this time including children.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th December 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 06.11.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.
No real change from the last meeting. Still waiting for wall renovation to take place.
Issue around Derwent Engineering and when they would be able to commit to the work. Still hoping for Spring 2018 but could be more like Spring 2019.
Community Share drive will be dependent on the above time table.
Extraction permissions have been sent to the Environment Agency, full planning application should go in by the end of the year.
Next newsletter should be out soon.


Neighbourhood Plan.
Monday 13th November is the last day of the 6 week consultation process. The steering group will then meet to discuss the results of the consultation and add anything significant before forwarding to Cheshire East to prepare for the Regulation 15 stage.
The final stage to adoption will be a public referendum. This completed document will include a delivery plan of actions which will help some of our long term project planning.


The Old Saw Mill .
Café. This is going very well and showing a 600 to 700% on last year when first opened. More staff have been taken on both paid and volunteers.
PR /Events. Harriet is working towards her NVQ Level 3 and making great progress getting our message out to the general public with some god turnouts resulting for our recent activities.
Partnership. PA wished to record OSM’s thanks to The Partnership for its financial support in the extra power sockets and equipment required to meet our energy demands with all that is now going on at the centre.
AJ, Cider & Vinegar/ CSG relationship. PA /DJ reported on the substantial growth in both production and overheads since taking the drink production in house. The upfront purchasing of bottles, labels and various pieces of equipment that was previously the responsibility of the outsourced juicer has had to be met by OSM. Two directors have loaned the OSM close on £5000 which will need to be paid back through sales/ 2017/18 profits.
Once this has been completed then an agreement will need to be reached between OSM & CSG on the level of profit that should go towards future operating costs and towards CSG projects. PA, DJ & PR are working on a paper which will lead to a PENCE per bottle agreement (30p/40p) which will then be annually negotiated.
CSG will need to draw up a list of potential projects (possible ideas drawn for the emerging NH Plan) which can then be made public and meet our community promise to use AJ to improve our environment.
Storage for the product is an issue, the Community Store at The Park has no space available, if anyone is aware of places that may be of use please let the production team know.
DJ shared a recording document with the group. This shows production Volumes, Dates and Batch Codes by Product on one spreadsheet, with Sales by Batch Code, Type and Quantity on another. This will be vital information for various reasons as the “business” grows and accurate stock and sales figures become a requirement.


Green space / In Bloom – P.Pinto.
MG. Major successes for Congleton In Bloom, with Gold and Best Small Town in the North West, which once again puts us into the Britain In Bloom National Competition. So plenty of new ideas and commitments for 2018. PA stated that The Rossendale Trust involvement at OSM may offer an opportunity for work with them on improving the environment in the around the area local to OSM.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th December 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes 02.10.17

Congleton Sustainability group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Geothermal Energy in the Cheshire Basin – D.Griffiths.

Dan took us through a presentation on the science and possible benefits of geothermal energy. The Cheshire Basin has a huge resource, the same amount of energy of around 3 billion barrels of oil. Whilst Crewe sits in prime position to benefit the most there are also opportunities for Congleton and Macclesfield with heat network development stages indicated within the presentation. Temperature predictions within the base of the basin indicate a possible heat of 100C.

There is still a lot of work to be done, not least funding and partners, but if successful could result in extra jobs within Cheshire, cheaper fuel and a significant reduction in CO2. A copy of the presentation has been circulated to CSG members. Dan happy to come back to future meetings to keep us informed on progress of the project.

Item for the next agenda (Mon 6th November) Domestic Heating in the Country.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice / Cider / Cider Vinegar
A sheet indicating stock levels of the above was circulated at the meeting. Storage is becoming an issue and any help would be gratefully received.
DJ is visiting various businesses to try and build some regular business with them. Pricelist order form circulated at the meeting, MS raised the possibility of interest from McColls in Buglawton, DJ to follow up.

Apple waste is now being collected and used by an outlet in Somerford.
All products carry batch numbers, production and best before date information
DJ still to put together an options report on ownership etc.


Neighbourhood Plan.
Moved to Reg 14 today, sent out to around 700 consultees.
Copy of Jackie email for information:-
Just to let you know that we have just put the Congleton Draft Local Plan out on its Regulation 14 consultation. This lasts for 6 weeks (until the 13th November). It has been sent to 701 people who were either on the Cheshire East Council list of consultees or local Congleton groups which have expressed an interest in the plan.
A copy of the draft plan has been loaded onto the front of the Town Council Website and the My Congleton website.
Paper copies for reading at the premises have been given to the TIC and the library.
An article should be the main back page piece in the Chronicle tomorrow.
Once the comments are in the draft plan will be reviewed, changes made, then a second round of Regulation 15 consultation will take place where people can have their say.
Ultimately it there will be a referendum on whether or not to accept the plan – this is likely to take place in Spring 2018.

Next Meeting:-
Mon 6th November 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability meeting minutes 4.09.17

Congleton’s Sustainability meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

BF Geothermal report.

BF put together a short guide to geothermal ready for this meeting including suggested questions for Dan Griffiths prior to his visit 2nd October. These were circulated prior to the meeting.

Mention was also made of the article in The Chronicle (31.8.17) by Prof John Underhill (Shell Centre for Exploration Geoscience ,Heriot-Watt Univ, where he is of the opinion that Britain’s geology could be unsuitable for shale gas.
List of Questions to be sent to D.Griffiths:-
1. How do you know that there is potential for geothermal in Cheshire East? Which parts have the potential? Confirm that this is for district heating, not electricity.eothermal in Cheshire East? Which parts have the potential? Confirm that this is for district heating, not electricity.
2. What stage are you at now? What surveys, tests or research have been done, and with what results? (CE had DECC money for a feasibility study for a geothermal district heating scheme for Crewe town centre in 2015. Has that study reported?)
3. What do you intend to do now? For example what sort of schemes are planned, what areas will they serve, when will work start and when will it be completed. What will be the extent of the schemes e.g. number of houses, kilowatt hours or other appropriate units.
4. Who will develop the schemes? Cheshire East, arms length companies, independent operators….. ?
5. Who has the rights to geothermal resources (landowners, council, government…. ) and what permissions are required?
6. Would fracking be required to improve the flow of water through the heat bearing rocks? Why would this be any more friendly than fracking for gas?
7. Would the returning hot water be free of pollutants picked up from the hot rocks, and would there be any danger to users? For example from radioactivity or radon gas or other toxic substances?
8. Confirm that access to geothermal would not give CE any power to resist fracking for gas.
9. Please discuss the energy planning of Cheshire East, and the part played by geothermal.
MS send to D.Groffiths copy in D.Brown and G.Williams


Badger Cull in Cheshire.

Barry asked for this to be raised at the meeting following a report in The Chronicle (31.8.17)
Currently a decision on a cull has not been made according to Natural England, and it would appear that Wildlife activist are raising the issue as a potential threat. Cheshire police indicate that they have a plan in place should a licence for badger culling be granted in Cheshire.
It was decided that PA would write to the Chronicle to be seen to support Cheshire Wildlife Trust and their stance on the matter.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 2nd October 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability meeting minutes 07.08.17

Congleton Sustainability meeting took place recently, download the full minute meetings click here.


Highlights include:

Neighbourhood Plan.

DJ meeting with D.McG and A Thompson to finalise document. Will create a PDF out of the document then
MailChimp out to the 650 registered consultees. Banners are being produced to advise the public that we are now at
Regulation 14 and they can have they say by logging on to the web address shown.


Commenting Team.
1. Seddon Development off Canal Road
PM has still to receive a response from Cllr Ainsley Arnold to the letter dated 22nd June raising issues about the low (or nonexistence)
of accommodation for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable within developments as a whole, citing this development
as the example.
(Peter has just received from Cllr Arnold to the letter sent on behalf of CSG regarding the provision of specific accommodation for the
elderly, vulnerable and disabled in developments. Much as expected it is a bland response blaming the lack of a Local Plan on not
providing such accommodation previously and claiming that now the Local Plan is in place everything will change – we will just have to see
what actually happens.)
2. CEBC Supported bus review
PM has submitted comments on behalf of CSG to the CEBC consultation on proposed reductions in supported bus services.
The key issues raised were the need to continue to provide bus services for the elderly and vulnerable and the possibility of
S106 money from developers to keep the bus services fully funded.
3. Congleton Neighbourhood Plan – Transport Group
PM attended the meeting of group chairs signing off the Neighbourhood Plan policies for Regulation 14 consultation. As part of
the evidence base PM has been asked by Andrew Thompson to produce a travel survey report based on the travel surveys
carried out on behalf of CSG to challenge developers’ transport evidence at appeal.
4. Paper on unfulfilled S106 obligations
As requested at the last meeting PM has started to prepare a paper for Cllr Brown and Cllr Williams on unfulfilled S106
obligations in Congleton related to the provision of cycling (principally) and walking routes.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th September 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

The Old Saw Mill (new official name).

  • 14 people attended the AGM (29th June) MS to circulate the management report presented at that meeting.

4 Key areas for the future ( see report)

PA thanked all for their support, donations, volunteering etc

Looking to take on apprentices from Macc College

  • Apple Juice / Cider. D.Jones to put an options paper out to group for their views.

It was felt that OSM should acr like Dunham Massey (producer) and CSG would pay OSM for production.

CSG to pay for AJ/C and sell both retail and wholesale.  CSG to use profit for local projects.

Aim for a target price of £3 retail for both products.


Congleton In Bloom/ Congleton Partnership/ CSG:

2 June:  Bug gardens workshops

3 June:  Congleton tidy up at Bromley Farm

5 June:  CSG meeting

10 June: harvesting willow at Saint Mary’s for Jubilee Club project, DoE students

12 June: AMCP Community orchard tidied up with Rangers

12 June:  WDT meeting

19 & 30  June  In Bloom meetings

19 June: PP drove draft route with MG Alexandra Court Hotel (with MG)

June, Weds 1-3pm :    Visyon (with MG) to help with their garden near Cong park

During June PP visited BHPG, Community Gardens,  Jubilee Club allotment;

The Bug Gardens Back to back gardens project, 10 confirmed, community polytunnel working with groups to create backdrops (7/6 Brownies, 19/6 Cubs, 22/6 Saint Mary’s ),

23 June: Build gardens with new volunteer Roy & BE

26-30 June: Bug Gardens plant up supervision and helping groups with 8 small gardens


Photography & Press articles on eco-schools/In Bloom/CSG activities sent to & published by the Congleton Chronicle.

PP continues to admin facebook pages, adding articles, photos, events etc [Congleton In Bloom, Congleton Food4free & CSG, Old Saw Mill & Saint Mary’s Garden Club pages]



Next Meeting:-
Mon 7th August 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am (S.Foster to chair)

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, please read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights Include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.
Application made for a preplanning meeting.
Agreement in principal to buy the land (price agreed)
£66k grant from WRAP to support all of this early work.
7. Neighbourhood Plan.
All subgroup work finished, report is now with D.McGifford to discuss with CE Planning dept.


8.The Old Saw Mill (new official name).
Good income being generated both in room hire and the café. Meals on Wheels project is starting to be discussed and planned. Disabled toilet almost ready.
Note name change to :- The Old Saw Mill this will now become its public/community face. New dedicated website (linked to The Partnership website) being developed using the URL

Premises licence granted May 2017.
AGM for OSM planned for 29th June,7.00pm, members only can vote.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 3rd July 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am