£1 million boost for revitalisation of Congleton town centre

Cheshire East Council, Congleton Town Council and Congleton Partnership have announced a major investment programme for Congleton.

Congleton is set to get £1 million boost from a key development project designed to drastically improve the town centre.

Congleton will see a million pound investment

Cheshire East Council and Congleton Town Council, will look to start improving the pedestrianised areas of High Street, Bridge Street, Duke Street and Little Street as well as the creation of a community square at the junction of High Street and Market Street in 2015.These improvements between High Street and the pedestrianised zone will become a high-quality, multi-use space for occasional markets, festivals and other street activities

The schemes will be part of a plan to re-establish Congleton as an attractive location to live, work, shop, visit and do business. One of the key problems for many towns, including Congleton, is the proliferation of ‘street clutter’. Signs, bollards, advertisements and pedestrian guard rails all contribute to the both the visual and physical intrusion.

This makes it harder for pedestrians, especially the elderly and those with young children, to move though the town. Improving the streetscape will have the added benefit of enhancing the buildings and their architectural appearance.

Costs for the project are yet to be finalised but are estimated to be in the region of £1m, which is being allocated by Cheshire East out of this year’s budget.

Councillor Michael Jones Leader of Cheshire East Council, said:

“The Council is keen to deliver these projects as soon as possible as a way of facilitating and promoting further developments within the town. Congleton has a rich heritage and a lot still to offer and we are determined to boost the economic wellbeing of the town. This project will act as a catalyst for further change and investment. They are yet another example of this Council putting residents first.”


Cllr Bob Edwards, Leader of the Town Council added:

“Together with Steve Foster of the Congleton Partnership and other key members of the Town Council we have been working with the Leader of Cheshire East Council for the past 12 months to achieve this result. This is fantastic news for Congleton. We look forward to working with Cheshire East on revitalising the town centre and will be sharing information with residents and businesses.”

This announcement was made following a meeting which took place on Monday 24th November with Cllr Michael Jones, key members of his Cabinet and Town Councillors Bob Edwards, Paul Bates, Glen Williams and Elizabeth Wardlaw.


Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting 1.12.2014

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 1st Dec. Highlights from the meeting are:

Matters Arising:- MT reported that K.Smith (EBA) was approaching the board of governors regarding the SLIC presentation, he is still awaiting a reply.

Matters Arising:-  CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. The leaflet has now been received and was used at the lights switch on event 29.11.14.  Looking to site some of the leaflets at the Library and in the TIC.  MS to get leaflet onto the new website.www.congletonpartnership.co.uk

Moss Farm Planning Application. PM reviewed and reported on the plans to both CSG and Cheshire East

Congleton Neighbourhood Plan

PM, SF and PA have been invited to attend the workshops preparing the Congleton Neighbourhood Plan.  The first meeting will be held on 3rd December.


To view the full meeting minutes download here.

Young Persons report 2014 about living in Congleton

A detailed survey of young people in Congleton has been completed commissioned by the Youth Council. This is an introduction from Joe Hearson head of the youth council:

The process of creating this report began in the winter of 2013. It continues to be the aim of Congleton Youth Council to explore the issues and services most important to young people and those which were felt lacking. It is hoped that this report, which contains the views and opinions of 760 young people living, schooling or working in Congleton, will comprehensively classify what young people perceive as the positives and negatives of living in Congleton. The report also provides the Youth Council with the opportunity to analyse the possible causes of our findings.

More specifically this report examines the issues which we felt were likely to be important to young people – transport, education, wellbeing and social issues for example. Because of the scope of such a survey, the Youth Council intend to provide youth-focused organisations in the Congleton area with the report, so that we might better achieve our ultimate goal of making Congleton a better place for Young People.

The conclusions drawn from this statistical analysis, then, will mould the projects that Congleton Youth Council embarks upon over the coming years. It is our intention to work with Congleton Town and Cheshire East Borough Council to find solutions to the negatives this report has exposed, whilst ensuring that the facilities within Congleton that received positive reviews continue to be provided. We also aim to work in conjunction with Fiona Bruce MP for Congleton to continue to improve facilities and services for young people in the area and also to highlight the many positives of life in Congleton. By working with partners, both at a local and national level we believe that clear objectives can be identified and achieved as a direct result of this report.

It is with great pride that I am able to occupy the chair of the Youth Council during this period, in which I hope the Youth Council will continue to work hard to achieve success within the town. I am extremely encouraged by the response yielded from this survey and believe it promotes a positive future for Congleton and for our organisation. As a Youth Council we remain ever-grateful for the support we receive from the Town Council, Fiona Bruce MP and other organisations within Congleton with whom we hope to work in close partnership. We thank you for taking the time to read this report, we hope you find its results both engaging and beneficial and as a Youth Council we look forward to working with you in the future.

Joseph Hearson

Chairman of Congleton Youth Council

Download the full results:

Young Persons report 2014


Senior Forum meeting minutes 18.11.14

The Congleton Partnerships newest group The Senior Forum met on the 18th November 2014.  Steve Foster opened the meeting and all members were introduced  to each other. There were 3 main areas for discussion:

  • Gaps in Provision
  • How we work together
  • How do we communicate with residents

For all the information download the minutes HERE

Date of the next meeting.

Tuesday 27th January 2015

Bridestones Suite, Congleton Town Hall, 6.00 to 8.00pm.



Project and Finance Meeting Minutes 17.11.14

The latest meeting of Projects and Finance committee met on 17th November 2014. Included in the minutes are updates for

  • Town Centre Development
  • Lifestyle opportunity for Congleton
  • Funding requests
  • Town Centre Update – Capitol Walk
  • Public Realm Strategy
  • Neighbourhood Plan


View the full minutes HERE.

Date of the next meeting:
Monday 19th January 2015, The Spencer Suite, Congleton Town Hall.  9.30am

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting 3.11.2014

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 3rd November. Highlights from the meeting are:

  • Matter Arising- Apple Juice / Cider.  PA to talk to CEBC regarding licencing if and when we start producing Cider. Looking to cap Apple Juice production to 500 bottles the rest of the juice then being turned into Cider. We have a market (including Rode Hall) and the Cider can be made by our current juicer at Dunham Massey. PA hoping to have this licence ready for Rode Hall, December market.
  •  Green Living EBA. MT is working with K.Smith ,chair of governors at EBA with a view to delivering the Green Living Presentation to some of the  students at the academy.
  •  Cheshire Show. MMW to pusue the idea of taking the Green Living story to The Cheshire Show. Carried over from last meeting.
  •  CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. MT working with CHS re the production of 200 energy leaflets, would like to use Jayne Booth’s energy poster somehow.
  •  PA to discuss with CR team as to the idea of an award for Jayne and future students who may take up one of our challenges.
  •  Item 12. Budgets 2015/16. MS prepared a paper for F&P meeting, including CSG’s budget requirements. SF has now to make a further presentation to F&P late November as to our plans and objectives for the next year.


For all the news please download the minutes here.

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting 16.09.14

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting (16.09.14) followed on from the AGM. Highlight from the meeting:

Lifestyle Opportunities for Congleton – Lee Baumanis

Lee took us through a presentation on The Congleton Lifestyle Opportunities Project.

He explained the Lifestyle concept that would provide assets to meet the communities needs, all ‘Well-being Services’ delivered in one place or emerging hub, joined up services across all sectors.

He asked the group if Congleton needed an enhanced and improved leisure centre, what other uses could be made of it and what partners would want to join. He talked around the 5 key areas required to reach the optimum solution and the next steps to be taken to raise public awareness of the project and the opportunity to speak to the projects partners. Local and social media will be used to raise public awareness around the project with a public survey to gather local opinion starting 18th September.

The survey can be completed on-line by going to  www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/congletonlifestyle or hard copies are available from the Library or TIC. Unless you hear anything different the survey will run until 16th October.

The meeting did request a longer time-scale for the survey, it was indicated however the time lines were tight, a budget was currently available for the project with a strong desire to make it happen with a likely completion date being between 18 to 24 months.

A cabinet decision will be made in the late autumn as to the next steps to be taken.

Reported that he had contacted the 3 medical practices in town for them to give their health services requirements, views and ideas for the scheme.

MMW. Comment that it was really good news that Congleton was getting money to invest in improving lifestyle/ leisure amenities in the to

Find out the rest of the news by viewing the minutes from the meeting:  Click me

Congleton Partnership Annual General Meeting 16.09.14

The Chair Steve Foster opened The Congleton Partnership 8th Annual General Meeting (16.09.2014) by welcoming everyone to the event and invited them all to stay to the Executive Meeting that followed on from this meeting if they so wished.

Overview 2013/14.

Steve gave a brief overview of projects that had taken place / were still active across all of the subgroups. This was not an exhaustive list but a sample/range of the activities The Partnership is involved in.

  • Congleton Apple Juice (1240)
  • Eco Schools 13 Green Flags
  • Back to Back Gardens Project
  • Cycling Routes (2)
  • Sustainable Living In Congleton (SLIC)
  • Food4Free ‘In Bloom Support’
  • Local Plan/Developers Dialogue
  • Carnival / In Bloom Youth support
  • Coverage Carnival / Tourch Relay / F & Drink
  • New Website.
  • Cenotaph refurbishment.
  • Mosaic Workshop /  Art Workshops
  • Jazz and Blues /Open Space
  • Other Stuff 2 Do (High Schools)
  • Summer Sports Sessions (40 Y P’s involved)
  • Antrobus St Gardens
  • AMT Convention

Download the minutes from the meeting:  Click me


Congleton Artisan and Vintage Market opens on Sunday 13th April 2014, and will be open on the second Sunday of each month from April onwards.Congleton Artisan Market

Situated right in the centre of Congleton’s pedestrian shopping area, it promises to be a fabulous monthly event for the local community and for visitors from further afield.

The Market will feature an exciting range of top quality artisan food and drink. This diverse showcase of delicious food and drink sourced from local growers, producers and businesses promises something special for every shopper and visitor.

Initial enquiries from specialist traders and producers indicate that the Artisan Market will be well worth a visit. Products as diverse as handcrafted arts and crafts, handmade confectionary, sweet and savoury baked goods will be on offer, together with a wide selection of specialist foods featuring the finest local ingredients.

The market opening hours are from 10.00 am – 3.00pm on Sunday 13th April 2014. Many shops are also planning to open for the day.

The location; Congleton town centre – pedestrian shopping area (Sat Nav Ref – CW12 1AT)

Enquiries: Phone Laurence Hodson on 07739 529 225

Email: info@congletonartisanmarket.co.uk  see www.congletonartisanmarket.co.uk


Congleton Beartown communicaations – Best in the country!

Congleton Beartown communicaations – Best in the country!

It’s official! According to our peers in the communications world, the team and volunteers at Congleton Beartown Ltd ran the most effective “Best local Community Initiative” in the country.

This speaks volumes for the hard work and commitment that has been put into the project by our school children, teachers and volunteers. Achieved with the assistance of Cheshire East Council and Congleton Town Council and with logistics support from Plus Dane.

The award was made at the Comedy Club in Manchester on the evening of the 15th of November.

Paul Bates MD of Congleton Beartown said “ Sandie Isherwood and Andrea Armitt were present to represent the schools and  the children. Claire Fiddeman, Paul Bates and Dawn Gibbins to represent the team and its volunteers. Having sat through the seminar we went into the awards ceremony. We were a little intimidated by the strength , professionalism and the size  of our competitors, hopes were to say the least on the frail side.

In our sector, the best local community initiative, the quality in this  category was deemed to be so good that a highly commended award was to be given, this raised our hopes for an inclusion. Trepidation continued when this was awarded to Charnwood Borough Council & North West Leicestershire District Council for Don’t Muck Around.

BBC’s Andy Crane then said “and the winner in this category is ……………………  and there will be a big cheer from the left of the room Congleton Beartown Ltd  for Bearmania” Indeed Andy was correct in his prediction, noise ensued.

“We received the award said a few words and spent the rest of the evening letting it sink in.” Paul also added “On receiving the award it makes us realise that our ambitious plans for improving community life in Congleton in 2012 are realistic and can have a positive effect on the people and the area , it goes to prove no idea is a bad idea”