Projects & Finance Committee meeting 13.11.2017

Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Project Update.

Planning permission granted with conditions.
Sub Group meeting arranged for 5th December
New costings required.
D.McGifford to follow up some funding ideas.

Public Realm Strategy.
Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. Biggest issue is work carrying on to middle of December.
Towns Centre planters will not be removed until January.
The new bench Mill St/Duke St being sited this week.
“Woollies Wall” looking good, great improvement for the Xmas Tree.

Leisure Centre.

E.Mail from Robert Rodgers Oct 2017:-
The project team are in the process of concluding the procurement phase with Final Tenders anticipated to be received mid November 2017; bids and designs will be evaluated by the project team with a view to recommending a preferred bidder to Cabinet in January 2018. Bidders have already submitted initial designs which have been refined through the dialogue process in an effort to deliver the optimum solution within the £8.2m budget. The team are enthusiastic with all of the bids received to date, in terms of design and offer for the redeveloped leisure centre. As a brief reminder, the minimum requirements are for a new swimming pool and pool hall and a redeveloped dry side offer. We look forward to receiving final tenders and recommending the successful solution to Cabinet and submitting this for subsequent planning approvals. We anticipate that subject to securing the necessary approvals, work will commence on site in Spring 2018. The successful bidder will work closely with the project team and ESAR operational staff to phase the construction works to manage and minimise the disruption to leisure centre and park users.


2016/17 Project Updates.

Dementia Friendly Town.
Dementia Steering Group has now met twice and set goals to achieve 100% Dementia Awareness in Congleton and organise 4 regular activities each month. Next meeting planned 12th December.
5 Dementia Friends Awareness sessions being run over the next 2 weeks for Councillors, Staff and Residents. Business sessions will be arranged from January onwards.
Jo and Vince see Art as a possibility (as an activity –once settled in their new home).

Heritage Trail Project.
TMC are working with Rural Development to get funding to develop the App.

CTC / Partnership will remain as a customer and have the option to develop a trail and hot spots.
The Heritage App meeting minutes are still current.


Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 22nd January 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

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