Senior Forum meeting minutes 26.7.16

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Action Alliance – Sara Rathbone.


Sara explained to us her role, the structure that she works within and the breadth of residents covered.


Sara has been in post since 28th April and is currently working on making more people / organisations dementia aware. These include the police, transport. National companies including Tesco, Virgin and Taxi firms to help them improve their offering and support to people who suffer from Dementia / Alzheimers etc.


Sara is working on developing Dementia Friends and Champions, hourly sessions, will visit workplaces.


It was felt that there could be real value in Sara addressing our Youth Forum (next meeting Sept 14th venue TBC) MS to send agenda to her nearer the time.

Senior Health Fayre – 30th September, Congleton Town Hall 10am to 1pm

Usman putting a flyer together, as he is away, Lynn will discuss this with the team at Plus Dane.

Wendy to check out with new manager what support Tesco can offer ( Slow Cooker ingredients)

PR support :-

Bob’s Blog

The Chronicle

Flyers for service providers to promote through their groups, U3A signing on day, Doctors Surgeries,Churches, Chemists, Plus Dane residents etc.

Posters. Noticeboards,Buses,Shops,Town Centre on the day

Lisa to see if she can get a small budget to support this.

MS send out a list of Exhibitors, arrange for an area for unloading to be coned off at back door.

Alyssa / Lisa to send an article about the Fayre to Louise for Bobs Blog

There are 4 themes :-

Winter Wellbeing, Social Isolation,Health & Technology. (31 Exhibitors already confirmed)

Target is to get an attendance of around 150 residents.

Meeting Finished at:4.30pm


Next Meeting:-

Tuesday in October date TBC

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