Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 01/10/18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Air Quality

PA has contacted Nigel Standley re hand held Air Quality monitors, still awaiting a reply.
MS has recirculated M.Brown’s Air Quality presentation for information.
Following the “greening” of Mountbatten Way, In Bloom are looking at other areas around the town (eg Clayton By-pass)
The issue of parking outside of Wetherspoons (Swan Bank) since the new block surface has been laid was raised. CEBC are looking at reinstating a form of yellow line control to put a stop to this.


Dane Valley Community Energy.

Planning application in 18/0773M
Eco surveys now completed, all information to be back with CEBC by November.
Need to get things in place before feed in the tariffs disappear on 31st March 2019.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice and Cider
AJ production is now in full swing a little earlier than normal (23rd August) 1696 bottled so far.
Dewi to put together a leaflet to explain usage of Cider Vinegar. Currently have 400 bottles (RPS £5)
OSM Cider to enter the CAMRA North of England Cider and Perry Competition at the Manchester Beer & Cider festival 25th January 2019 (This is not now happening)
DJ attended a cider making course in Bakewell, picked up some good tips and practices.
New director Alison Hughes has joined the team, there are now 4 directors in total.
Café targets and room hire targets being met, around 15 volunteer helpers.
Connected Communities Centre.
GRIPP is now competed for being recognised as a Connected Communities Centre.
Grand opening planned for Thursday 11th October, 2.30 to 5.00pm. All welcome.


Enhancing Congleton’s Greenspace.
PP reported that Mossley guides are interested in the project, it would need to be a CSG project as In Bloom feel it is too far out to fit in their current programme.

Next Meeting:- Mon 5th November, Astbury Mere Visitor Ctr, 10am.


Local groups and organisations are invited to submit a grant application for the second round of funding from the Margaret Williamson’s Fund. The fund was set up in memory of Margaret to support environmental, educational and cultural projects in Congleton.


Margaret was passionate about, and a driving force and inspiration behind, improving the culture and environment of Congleton and it was agreed that setting up a special fund to support suitable projects, would keep that spirit alive.  Grants are made available from the funds generated by the capital in the fund. This year the fund is able to support around £5,000 worth of projects and applications need to be submitted by the end of November.


The Trustees of the Fund are now looking to support with grants, projects which meet one or more of the following criteria:


  • Provide opportunities for people to take part in musical, theatrical, literary, performing art, dance, or other artistic activities.
  • Provide opportunities for education and awareness of the natural environment, especially amongst young people.
  • Conserve or improve the natural environment for the benefit of the people in Congleton & District.

Please note: Projects and beneficiaries must fall within Congleton and District defined as CW12 postcode or 01260 STD Code.


If you have a project or an idea that fulfils the criteria and needs some financial help to make a difference to Congleton, then please complete the application form by the 30th November. Applications can be downloaded from the Congleton Partnership website: or collected from the Tourist Information Centre in the Town Hall.


If you wish to donate funds into the Margaret Williamson Trust this can be done via the Partnership, contact Mike Smith on 01260 270350 ext 7 or email


The trustees consider the applications early in December and funds will be released early in January.






The Margaret Williamson Fund is a ring-fenced endowment fund within Cheshire Community Foundation – CCF ( with the income being used to fund projects.  CCF is a registered charity (Number 1143711) set up to manage funds on behalf of private, company and other benefactors and philanthropists.


The proceeds of the fund are administered by Congleton 4 Congleton – C4C ( which is a registered charity (Number 1145563). There is a grants panel made up of Congleton people who look at the applications and decide which should be funded. Cheshire Community Foundation is not responsible in any part for the distribution of these funds including the application assessment or monitoring or impact assessment.

For more information contact Jackie MacArthur, Congleton Town Council on 01260 270350 ext 3



The Hummingbirds sing-a-long…

The humming bird singing sessions CongletonFREE FIRST SESSION 11th Sept at 7:30pm


11th Sept at 7:30pm

Hummingbird Coaching is starting up an informal, fun, mid-week singing group at St John’s Church Buglawton to take place every two weeks on a Tuesday evening, from 7:30-8:30pm. It’s not like a conventional choir – the aim is to simply come together with others, sing for fun and health, and to sing your favourite songs.

Our first get together would be free, from 7:30 to 8:15pm on Tuesday 11th September, to get to know each other, chat about song ideas and to see if people want to sing in parts like a choir does, for example.

If you would like to come along then please contact

KVC & Hummingbird Coaching, on 07540 283796

I hope to see you!

For the joy of singing and the health benefits it brings

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you – let it be unleashed

Tracey Taylor
Hummingbird Coaching.

Website: /


Congleton Youth Forum Meeting Minutes

The Youth Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Mental Health / Substance Misuse Project  – update EBA.


Catherine and Sam gave a report on the work they have been doing at Eaton Bank Academy in support of this project.

Following training support from Visyon they have set up a 10 student strong Peer Mentoring Group/Project.

They have offered made themselves available to offer advice and support on wellbeing and welfare support across years 11 and 12.

Had regular discussion sessions on issues and plans of action.

Looking to make the project sustainable by training the incoming year 12s.

Working on a Mental Health Awareness campaign with Helen MacKay ( Macclesfield) and the new project team of schools and colleges being set up across Cheshire East.

Presentations on the subjects can be made at any school.

Mental Health Cards ( details of support contacts) for students are being developed and will be available for the start of the September term.


The group congratulated them on their excellent work.


Basis of the training was 2 hours sessions with Jamie / Laura from Visyon. Liz did 2 hour sessions with all of the sixth form on Mental Health.

Liz commented that they were happy to go and talk to CHS if they so wished.

Caroline felt CHS would welcome similar training to EBA.


Once this project is completed The Partnership would review what could be done to support it going forward.


  1. Substance Awareness days.

Both secondary schools to be involved. GW discuss with F.Bruce / Youth Committee.

Congleton Youth Committee keep raising this as a topic, they need to take the lead.

MP was involved in the last time this programme was delivered, schools would be receptive for this to happen again. Youth Committee need to develop a programme to deliver this.  £250

PCSO commented that year 7 & 8 showed a marked increase in drug issues and that drug awareness days were needed in schools.

Summer Activities.

MS sent out prior to the meeting, if you have any activity you wish to be advertised please send to MS for circulation.


Visyon Summer Programme                                      Sent to group 3.7.18

Leisure Centre Programme                                                                9.7.18

Astbury Watersports Schools Programme                                         3.7.18

Congleton Town Ctr Play Day 14th August (10am to 2pm)

New Great Places to play leaflet (Play Areas) to be issued              This month

Friends for Leisure 3 x events – 1st Aug Old saw Mill – Wall Painting 2 to 3.30

(01260 275333)                         6th Aug EBA Bubble Footie  10.30 to 11.45

30th Aug New Life Church Summer Party 1 to 2.30

Lee’s Football School EBA Weekly Sessions July/Aug £15 per day/weekly rates.

For up to-date information visit the Town Council website


Next Meeting.


TBA.  MS and GW to draw up a schedule for the next 12 months (4 meetings)

New Dementia Friendly for Congleton steering group has first meeting!

Congleton Dementia Steering Group has had its first meeting. The aim of the group is to make Congleton a dementia friendly town. The full meeting minutes HERE. 


Highlights include:

1 Welcome & Apologies


Meeting was chaired by Sara Rathbone


Round Robin of introductions for new members and guests.  Link to DF ‘get involved’ DFC communities.  Guidance for becoming a Dementia Friendly Community to follow from Jessica McFall of Alzheimer’s Society (Dementia Coordinator for Cheshire East).




Apologies were received from :

Sandy Duffy, Jess Shore, Debbie Callow, Joanne Fishwick, Matt Steele

2. Minutes / Matters Arising from the last meeting.


There had been no previous meeting of the steering group only an Awareness Meeting held on 26th July which 40+ people attended, a number indicated their willingness to get involved with this steering group.









3. In the general preamble :- Sara suggested that small changes can make a big difference and it is not all about large projects

Margaret Butcher raised the issue of how we support the carers particularly out of hours.

Lisa Alcock advised all of a new Live Well Website that is being launched in October by Cheshire East.

Jo Hawkins also mentioned








Open Forum / Ideas / Activities.

Table Tennis

SR is now an Ambassador for Bat for Alzheimer’s charity (not part of Alzheimer’s Society).  This aims to bring table tennis into more settings to increase health and wellbeing for those living with dementia and also more widely within any care setting. They are looking for places to site and sponsor the tables. Included in any costs would be support to train volunteers to host table tennis sessions.

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice outlined their work with Carers and course available and also their new Dementia services.

Memory Walks.

Here is a link to the Cheshire Memory Walk for 2017.  We thought it might be good to organise a Congleton walk for 2018.  Here is the link.  Suggest putting on the agenda in early 2018 to gain support.  Or liaise with AS to have the Cheshire walk in Congleton?

Link to Dementia Friends sessions that people can book onto using their location to find them

Link to upcoming Dementia Champion session in Crewe that provide training to become a Champion and then able to offer Dementia Friends sessions within the community


Next Meeting:-

Wednesday 4th October, 2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.


In April 2015 Margaret Williamson, Congleton’s much loved “First Lady”, died after a sudden illness. Margaret was a driving force and inspiration behind improving the culture and environment of Congleton and it was agreed that setting up a special fund to support suitable projects, would keep that spirit alive.Margaret Williamson Congleton Partnership

The Fund will support ideas and projects which improve the cultural environment or the natural environment in Congleton and District (defined as CW12 postcode or 01260 STD Code). These were the things which Margaret was so passionate about.

The Trustees of the Fund are now looking to support with grants, projects which meet one or more of the following criteria

  • Provide opportunities for people to take part in musical, theatrical, literary, performing art, dance, or other artistic activities.
  • Provide opportunities for education and awareness of the natural environment, especially amongst young people.
  • Conserve or improve the natural environment for the benefit of the people in Congleton & District.


If you have a project or an idea that fulfil the criteria and needs some financial help to make a difference to Congleton, then please complete the application form which is available to download on the Congleton Partnership website: DOWNLOAD HERE or visit current projects.


Please send us your application by 31st July 2017. If you have any questions or you need help to fill in the form please contact Mike Smith on 01260 270350 ext 7 or email him on

You will be informed of the decision of the trustees 6 weeks after the closing date.



The Margaret Williamson Fund is a ring-fenced endowment fund within Cheshire Community Foundation – CCF ( with the income being used to fund projects. CCF is a registered charity (Number 1143711) set up to manage funds on behalf of private, company and other benefactors and philanthropists.

The proceeds of the fund are administered by Congleton 4 Congleton – C4C ( which is a registered charity (Number 1145563). There is a grants panel made up of Congleton people who look at the applications and decide which should be funded. Cheshire Community Foundation is not responsible in any part for the distribution of these funds including the application assessment or monitoring or impact assessment.

Donations can be made to the fund using a form available on the Congleton Partnership web-site, DOWNLOAD HERE or visit current projects.