
Please accept our apologies for the late delivery of this month’s E-Mill Newsletter, we have had a very busy and exciting Royal January!!


Thank you Thank you Thank you to all the staff, volunteers, members and local community for helping The Old Saw Mill with preparations for the Royal visit on Wednesday 24th January 2018.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall received a welcome fit for a future king when they visited. On arrival, Prince Charles was given a glass of The Old Saw Mill’s apple juice, which he described as “very nice”.

During their visit, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall met the staff, volunteers, the people who donated goods and services to build the community cafe, some of the craft and arts groups, which regularly use The Old Saw Mill, the team who make the apple juice, the Christmas dinner team and the Meals on Wheels organisers.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall received a parting gift of a hamper of hand-made goodies.

Here are some of the pictures taken from this memorable day…
royal visit


Thank you to Linsey Perry, Head of Creative, Flowcrete Group Ltd for taking the pictures.


To view more pictures of this special day, come down to The Old Saw Mill and take a look at our slide show in the cafe.


As advertised in last month’s E-Mill Newsletter, we had a job opportunity for an Administrative and Communications Coordinator to join The Old Saw Mill family. We are pleased to announce that we have found a successful candidate who has accepted the job!
Michelle Stevens


Michelle has joined the team to look after The Old Saw Mill’s marketing and day to day communications including our E-Mill Newsletter, Facebook page and Website (when created!).

Has a wonderful partner called Paul!
Has two daughters, Izzy age 10 and Tilly age 5!
Lives in Congleton!
Loves running!
Is a member and regularly competes for local running club, Congleton Harriers!

Should you wish to contact Michelle about any aspects to the day to day running of The Old Saw Mill, please call her on 01260 277658 or mstevensosm@outlook.com


We are currently looking for a confident, reliable part time assistant cook who has a passion for being in the kitchen, to join Alex and her team.

This position may suit someone who wants to work occasional hours or someone wants further hours working in the day to day café operation.

The hours available are 9am till 3pm, up to 3 days a week.

If this is for you and you would like to be part of a worthwhile organisation supporting the community, then please contact Alex, Cafe Manager between the hours of 9am and 11am on 01260 277658.



Cafe Manager, Alex and the team have been busy with regular volunteers John and Martin in installing the new Artisan shop this week. The shelves are stocked up with a variety of home-made jams, marmalades and chutney, freshly bottled apple juice and cider, cakes and scones, all produced at The Old Saw Mill and locally sourced brewed bottled beers.

We also have hand-made cards by our talented Head Baker, Yvonne. Hand-made bag charms and hand-knitted lap blankets by multi skilled Cafe Manager, Alex. Hand-made enamel Apple key rings by Vanessa and Lynda. Hand-knitted Twiddle Muff’s donated by Phyllis, which are ideal for people living with Dementia. Stunning mounted photographs of breathtaking views and wildlife by local photographer, Jules Hill.


If you have an Artisan skill and make something practical and would like to donate your hand-made items to The Old Saw Mill, please pop in and have a chat with Alex, Cafe Manager. We welcome all talents. All proceeds made are reinvested back into The Old Saw Mill so that we can continue providing clubs and events for the local community.

We need more volunteers to help in our cafe so if you have some free time and want to be part of something worthwhile and can spare a couple of hours, one day a week to do some washing up or waiting on, we’d be very grateful for your help.

Did you know we have a piano in our Cafe?

We are looking for pianists to volunteer their time to come and play a few tunes for our staff, volunteers and customers to enjoy!


For further details on volunteering opportunities in the Cafe, please pop in and see Alex, Cafe Manager.
You would love to volunteer but you can’t because you work…
Check with your employer, some companies offer a volunteering day for its employees!
In return for volunteering, you will receive free membership which entitles you to 10% discount on meals in the cafe and room hire, excellent company, and a delicious FREE meal on the day you volunteer! It’s hard to say no really!

Our Meals on Wheels service is progressing nicely! Peter Aston and Jo West are busy delivering excellent food to our local community. We are looking for additional volunteers to deliver our food between 12pm and 2pm to local people at their homes who may be unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. Please contact Peter Aston on 07971805372 for further details.

Do you remember Ted Pointon’s Timber Yard?
We would love to talk to people who have personal knowledge, pictures and/or experiences of this time.
Please contact Peter Aston on 07971805372.



Members offer for the month of February is……..



As well as the usual 10% member discount on meals in the cafe and room hire

Have you joined yet?

You can join by popping into The Old Saw Mill for an application form or click on the link below
complete and send to mstevensosm@outlook.com





Fancy strengthening your inner core and improving your posture, muscle elasticity and joint mobility?
Every Monday
The Lord Derby Room!

5pm till 9pm
For more details contact
Alison Farrall on 07775 938 532


Come and join the group and enjoy a good knit whilst you natter!
Every Tuesday on the sofas in the Cafe!
2pm till 4pm

Do you have any spare balls of wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks for our knit and natter group to use?
Please bring your spares to The Old Saw Mill and Alex, Cafe Manager will gladly take them off your hands!


Professional and amateur artists welcome
Male and female models available
Saturday 10th and 24th February
11am till 1pm
The Lord Derby Room!
£8 per person, per session

For further information contact Angie on 07789687428
or congleton.life.art@gmail.com

Meet to socialise, discuss issues affecting women locally, nationally and internationally and identify ways to meet the needs of local women
Children welcome
Every Wednesday in the Cafe
10am till 12pm

For further information contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841


Come and gather together in Truth, Laughter, Meditation and Love for a beautiful gentle gathering and a sublime way to spend your morning
Saturday 17th February
10.30am till 12pm
The Lord Derby Room!

For further information contact Dhyan on 07807044908


A place to meet your friends and/or an opportunity to meet new friends and share your prenatal, antenatal and parenting experiences whilst enjoying Tea and Cakes
Every Friday from 1.30pm in the Cafe!


Do you love crafting and also getting together with friends and meeting new people?
Why not combine the activities and join us!
Every Thursday
The Lord Derby Room!
7pm till 9pm
£2 per person


Rekindle your interest in the subject and keep your mind active
Every Thursday
The Scarlett Pearmain Room!
4pm till 5pm


Afternoon Tea and Activities for carers and their loved ones
Wednesday 21st February
The Lord Derby Room!
2pm till 4pm


Monthly Gift is an initiative started by Congleton Women’s Forum to support other women in Congleton.
The unfair taxation on women’s products and the economic struggles women in our community face today, means women are having to choose between feeding their children or buying proper women’s health products.
Congleton Women’s Forum believe that no woman should have to choose between feeding her children and her own health. We are supplying women’s hygiene products free of charge to all women in Congleton.
For further information contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841




Come along to this fabulous evening of Traditional Irish food, drink, music, fun and laughter!
Friday 16th March 2018
Arrive at 6.30pm
Dinner at 7pm
£10 per head

Bookings are available from Thursday 15th February 2018

To secure a place and to avoid disappointment, please contact Alex, Cafe Manager


Thank you for all your continued support.
Love The Old Saw Mill family! xxx

Contact us:
Cafe Manager 
Alex Bannister 01260 277658
General Enquires 
Peter Aston 07971805372 co-op@theoldsawmill.org
Room Hire, Marketing, Membership, Facebook and E-Mill
Michelle Stevens 01260 277658 http://mstevensosm@outlook.com
Apples and Marketing 
Dewi Jones 07554990403 jonesdewi@hotmail.co.uk
Apples, Buildings and Maintenance 
Peter Ranson 07717003847 peterjranson@btinternet.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OldSawMill/





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Congleton Community Co-op

Old Saw Mill

Back River Street

Back River Street, CW12 1HJ

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Old Saw Mill – E-MILL NEWSLETTER 21st July 2017

The Old Saw MillWe now have several house-bound people who would love to have meals on wheels. If you could help deliver meals and socialise with them for a few minutes, please talk to Peter. This Meals on Wheels service will start w/c 4th September.

The Old Saw Mill is joining the Congleton Big Heart Lunch Club from Wednesday 19th July at midday. For just £5 you will enjoy a 2 course meal, for eligibility ask next time you’re in the café!

We are now providing a number of school students with work experience and paid holiday work. They are all doing really well, working hard and getting on together.

Like most young people they are friendly, polite and reliable.

Our thanks to Charla, Chloe, Grace, Mark, Sam and Liam.

Please say hello to them when you visit.

Wincle Brewery: if you want beer rather than cider then we have Wincle beers for you, £3 per bottle.
Our accessible toilet is now fully functioning complete with baby-changing facilities, many thanks to Norman and Trudie’s hard work and generosity.


Member news:

Lots discussed at our first AGM on 29th June and we outlined our future plans for the Old Saw Mill.

Member’s gift for July is a yummy Cream Tea for £1; plus enjoy your usual 10% member discount on food purchases and room hire.


Have you joined yet? If not follow the link to download or call into The old Saw Mill for an application form.


We need washer-up volunteers, can you spare a couple of hours, pay is good company, membership and good food all free!


Every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; 6-7pm, and 7-8pm:
Discover Pilates
Classes are up and running, you can join any anytime, more information from Alison on 07798 555458.

Every Tuesday 10 – 11am:
Tai Chi Introduction
Classes for everyone, more information call Jennifer Teagle on 07972 287757

Every Tuesday 2pm to 4pm
Knit and Natter Group
Come and join the group, bring any wool and knitting needles you have and enjoy a good natter! Also desperately need balls of wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks to be donated please.

Every Friday, call in anytime:

Mum’s Bumps and Babies – come for a chat, tea and cakes.

Mum’s, Toddlers and a story – if there’s enough little ones we’ll read a story and entertain them for a bit while mum’s can enjoy a snack!


Saturday 22nd July:
Darshan with Dhyan 10.30am – 12.00pm. Donations £5 + (nobody turned away!) There will be Meditation, Silence, Sharing, Satsang and Darshan. More details on Old Saw Mill Facebook page, or call Dyhan on 07807 044908.

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

The Old Saw Mill (new official name).

  • 14 people attended the AGM (29th June) MS to circulate the management report presented at that meeting.

4 Key areas for the future ( see report)

PA thanked all for their support, donations, volunteering etc

Looking to take on apprentices from Macc College

  • Apple Juice / Cider. D.Jones to put an options paper out to group for their views.

It was felt that OSM should acr like Dunham Massey (producer) and CSG would pay OSM for production.

CSG to pay for AJ/C and sell both retail and wholesale.  CSG to use profit for local projects.

Aim for a target price of £3 retail for both products.


Congleton In Bloom/ Congleton Partnership/ CSG:

2 June:  Bug gardens workshops

3 June:  Congleton tidy up at Bromley Farm

5 June:  CSG meeting

10 June: harvesting willow at Saint Mary’s for Jubilee Club project, DoE students

12 June: AMCP Community orchard tidied up with Rangers

12 June:  WDT meeting

19 & 30  June  In Bloom meetings

19 June: PP drove draft route with MG Alexandra Court Hotel (with MG)

June, Weds 1-3pm :    Visyon (with MG) to help with their garden near Cong park

During June PP visited BHPG, Community Gardens,  Jubilee Club allotment;

The Bug Gardens Back to back gardens project, 10 confirmed, community polytunnel working with groups to create backdrops (7/6 Brownies, 19/6 Cubs, 22/6 Saint Mary’s ),

23 June: Build gardens with new volunteer Roy & BE

26-30 June: Bug Gardens plant up supervision and helping groups with 8 small gardens


Photography & Press articles on eco-schools/In Bloom/CSG activities sent to & published by the Congleton Chronicle.

PP continues to admin facebook pages, adding articles, photos, events etc [Congleton In Bloom, Congleton Food4free & CSG, Old Saw Mill & Saint Mary’s Garden Club pages]



Next Meeting:-
Mon 7th August 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am (S.Foster to chair)

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. 

Highlights include:

Cycle Path Plans.
Cycling Issues SAS May 2017
1. The cycling legacy ideas continue to grow in support not only from Congleton Town Council but also from Cheshire East Council.
2. SAS recently met with both Cllr Rachael Bailey and David Brown who have both agreed that even though we have a cycling strategy in place, we do not have any cycling policies in place. This is something they are going to look into with the different cycling groups.
3. SAS recently presented the cycling legacy ideas at the Town Meeting and received questions. Nearly 70 people attended the meeting and there were a number of questions.
4. SAS has produced a questionnaire to find out what the appetite from the public is in support of cycling. Questionnaire attached, please feel free to forward and ask people to return them to the TIC.
5. Cllr David Brown has bought a bike, helmet, cycling shorts, track pump, gloves is now cycling on a regular basis. This support from a Cllr with such responsibility for highways is adding a lot of weight to developing the cycling strategy in Congleton and CE as much as possible. We need to maximise on this because he may not still be in this position after the 2019 election.
6. We had a meeting with the Canals and Rivers Trust to see if they are in support of the portion of the Congleton Circumnavigation that could utilise the tow path. There is to be a follow-up meeting on the 12th May to walk along the canal to see how this section could become a cycle way.
7. The Town Council Health and Well Being Group are going to meet to look at how cycling can help improve the activity of Congleton residents and the sustainability of the Town.
8. There is continued support for the Cycling and Walking Country Park with a view to where this could be located. This is something that once we have ear marked the land we can then apply for funding and with British Triathlon supporting such projects, if they agree to support it, they will match funds any monies that we raise.
Concern that developers are promising one thing and delivering another in respect to planning applications and actual build.
PH gave a couple of examples where this had happened.
PM to work with PH to tackle the problem, raise with the enforcement officer appropriate in the first instance before escalating to Shaun Hannaby.

Commenting Team.
1. Seddon Development off Canal Road
PM represented and spoke on behalf of CSG at the CEBC Southern Planning Committee 29th March. The committee raised a number of issues they had with the application including our concern of insufficient bungalows (contrary to the Local Plan and emerging Congleton Neighbourhood Plan) they asked that a decision be deferred to allow the applicant to address these concerns. The application did not return to the April meeting of the committee so it is now expected to be considered at the May meeting. PM will review any revisions to the application and if necessary speak on behalf of CSG at the meeting


2. Development west of Manchester Road
PM submitted a response on behalf of CSG to the application for development west of Manchester Road. While the principle of development is OK as it is included in the CEBC Local Plan there are issues with access, particularly regarding sustainable travel and road safety.

3. Bellway development off Waggs Road
PM attended the site visit and subsequently spoke on behalf of CSG at the CEBC Strategic Planning Board on 19th April. The application was refused on the grounds of road safety and impact on open countryside. We will have to wait and see if the applicant will appeal.
4. Congleton Neighbourhood Plan – Transport Group
No progress this month but the NP steering group are due to meet on 11th May to review the draft NP in advance of going to Regulation 14 consultation


Next Meeting:-
Mon 5th June 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Havannah Weir Hydro Project. Tuesday 28th March 2017

Havannah Weir Hydro

Generating energy from the River Dane

Community Engagement Evening
Tuesday 28th March, 6.30pm at Eaton Bank Academy

Congleton Sustainability Group invites you to ‘The Dane Valley Community Energy Hydro Generation Scheme’ Engagement Evening at Eaton Bank Academy on 28th March at 6.30pm. The evening will provide you with the opportunity to discover more about the environmental benefits of hydro power, find out about community share ownership and volunteer to support the project.

  • The Havannah Weir Hydro will generate up to 250,000 kWh of green energy for local residents and businesses each year
  • Congleton school children will be able to use the weir to learn about hydro-power and renewable energy generation.
  • The community will be invited to own a share in the scheme which plans to give a rate of return of 4% p.a. Full information will be available in the share prospectus to be issued in due course.
  • The project will generate a forecasted £5000 per year, to be invested in raising community awareness in renewable energy and promoting energy saving activities.
  • The weir will be funded primarily by a community share offer with supporting grants and loans.
  • For more information about the project, the Community Engagement Evening, or to complete an expression of interest form, please visit www.eatonbankacademy.org



Latest news from the Old Saw Mill – Congleton

CW12 1HJ


“Many thanks to all those generous customers who have signed up to become members of the Old Saw Mill. We aim to make your membership a worthwhile experience, so in March in addition to 10% discount in the cafe we will be giving you a free cup of tea or coffee and a slice of one of Yvonne’s delicious sponge cakes on production of your membership card.We will be making a similar free offer in subsequent months so if you want to take advantage of this sign up without delay!

Click here to obtain the application form

New Events

Come and celebrate International Women’s Day at the Old Saw Mill on 8th March from 10.00 – 12.00. We believe this is the first time that this has been acknowledged in this way in Congleton.

The event will also include the launch of “The  Monthly Gift” which is an initiative where women can drop-in and receive free hygiene products. These items are expensive and still subject to VAT and the costs can be problematic for women on low incomes. Since 2010, infections have risen markedly because women use substitute materials which are not hygienic.

We are looking for someone with bookkeeping skills to help us to manage the day to day finances along with liaising with our accountant to prepare monthly and annual accounts. If you think you have a few hours to spare each week we would love to hear from you. Please contact Peter, Pete or Anna.
Easter Lunch

Our Xmas Lunch was so successful, we are planning to have an Easter Lunch on 16th April, so if you know of anyone who would really appreciate a hearty meal then please get in touch.
Contacting us

We hope this newsletter is reaching everyone but if you would like to contact us here are a few methods:-

Facebook :- The Old Saw Mill
General E-mail:- co-op@theoldsawmill.org
Direct E-mail and phone for Finance and Governance – peterjaston@gmail.com
and 07971805372
Direct E-mail and phone for Bookings, Café, Volunteers and Marketing – annamorrison0@gmail.com and 07738877114
Direct E-mail for Buildings, Development and Maintenance – peterjranson@btinternet.com
and 07717003847

Kind regards
Peter, Anna and Pete

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took recently, download the full meeting minute HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers.

2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament.

3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future.

4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS to pull together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling.

5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings

6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced.

7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available.

New Green Space – Mossley Water Tower.

PP/MA have identified an area of approx. 20 x 10 mtrs near the Water Tower at Mossley which is owned by CEBC and maintained by Streetscape. It is felt that this could be a good site for a 2nd Community Orchard. Need to gauge local interest by leafleting and consultation (PP to action). Also need to contact United Utilities/CEBC for their reaction to such a project (PP) This is not currently being actively pursued as an In Bloom project. PP still to start the consultation to gauge local support / interest before any development takes place.


Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th February 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 13.12.16

The Senior Forum met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Hightlights included:

The Old Saw Mill Project – Stewart Halliday.


Stewart took us through a very interesting and exciting presentation on the development of the OSM.


A full copy of his presentation will be sent out to all Senior Forum members. MS to action.


The OSM is developing into an excellent community hub and located in the town centre compliments the current “hubs” at New Life Church, Bromley Farm and the nearly refurbished St John’s Community Centre.


The OSM is quickly building a wide range of activities, events and regular café customers. They have plans for further development in Health & Wellbeing, Social Isolation and Seniors support.


They are building a bank of volunteers with a wide range of skills.


Next meeting to be held at OSM (Tuesday 14.2.17) MS to make sure that the other hubs are invited ( NLC/BF and StJ)


All About You – Sue Barnes


Sue outlined a couple of initiatives she is developing based at St John’s Community Centre and out in the field.


Monday Club – Based in St John’s Community Ctr.

Open to adults for a friendly, enjoyable social day care experience.

10.00 to 15.30pm with lunch and refreshments.

Activities to include Quizzes, Art & Craft, Personal Stories, Cooking, Local Interest and a whole lot more.


Looking at providing transport if required


Target cost £25 to £30.


All about you…wellbeing support in Congleton.


Sue currently has 6 clients that she delivers personal services to including:- Meal preparation, bed changing and laundry, shopping, admin support, cleaning , sitting service etc.


Next Meeting:-

Tuesday 14th February 2017 at The Old Saw Mill (2.30 to 5.00pm) Includes a tour of the facility.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 6.06.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full minutes HERE.

Highlights includes:

Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.

Looking to go ahead with the project, support has already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.

Possible use an Archimedes Screw design

PA working on applying for a second phase grant.

PA has visited the Halton Loom project, they employed a skilled project manager who then directed local resource and resulted in a much reduced cost.

S.Halliday to contact an acquaintance who has managed similar projects and put him in contact with PA.


Cycling Campaign – P.Hall

In Peter’s absence PA briefed the meeting on an event planned for Sat 4th September.

Congleton Cycling Club is organising a Tour Of Britain promotional/charity ride called “Cheshire East Tour of Britain Charity Sportive”. This will be an 86 mile ride over some of the ToB route raising fund for North West Air Ambulance and Children’s Adventure Farm Trust.


Congleton Community Co-operative  –  S.Halliday


Reports issued by S.Halliday weekly including both a task and supply sheet so no need to further issue those.

Further items discussed at the meeting:-

Grand opening is still planned for 4th July, but can be moved back if circumstance dictate.

A good source of paint supply has been found using the Burslem recycling centre community paint mechanism.

A CHS student on a work experience scheme is doing a fantastic job in helping with the redecoration.

PP has a design for the secret garden and will apply for funding support from William Dean Trust to support plants, soil and paving etc.


Next Meeting:- Monday 4th July at The Old Saw Mill (tbc)

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minute 9.05.2016

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full minutes from the meeting HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Community Co-operative – S.Halliday

Report issued by S.Halliday prior to the meeting, but because of the size of the project this has been kept separate from the other Group Reports.

• Tenancy at Will Agreement signed and keys provided for our Open Days
• Site cleared with assistance from:-
• Patti Pinto – Secret Garden
• LOL Foundation
• Book Marks and Posters designed and printed by Congleton High School
• Open Days on 16/17 Apr. 2016 a great success with over 80 people coming to visit.
• Research into best Bank Account to open.
• Incorporation of Community Co-Operative underway.
• Water and Electricity on.
• Grant received from Congleton Town Trust
• Apply again for Grant from Inclosure Trust in Jul. 2016 but they are very interested in the project.
• Other Grants applied for and more to apply for.
• Web Site http://www.congletoncommunityco-op.org registered. Still to be developed.
• Facebook Page – Congleton Community Co-Op up and running
• Change of Use Planning Permission application submitted. Thanks to Anna Morrison for her valuable input.
• Met with Property Manager for Old Saw Mill
• Electrical Engineer appointed and quotations received for Ground Floor (Cafe & Processing area)
• Inventory of requirements drawn up and cutlery, crockery, outside tables, etc., etc. already received from neighbours, friends and associates. Kitchen cabinets received so that we can build counter from them. Lots more needed including half full bags of compost, half full tins of paint, etc.
• Notice given to person who is storing his personal effects at the Old Saw Mill at present. Should be clear by end of May.
• Lots of interest shown for upstairs “open space” from the community, groups, etc., including Police.
• Renault Espace shell now removed from Secret Garden and decking washed down.
• BioLiquid installation being researched.
• Rain trough and grey toilets being considered
• Project Plan developed. Shall request for volunteers to assist. Offers of help already given.
• Wayne Doyle (BoJangles) assisting in requirements for cafe, etc.
• Congleton High School to be engaged to create murals.
• Plans of Land and Property being sought.

• Planning permission has been put in for “Change of Use” (16/2191c) result will be known by 29th June, you can support this application by commenting on line until 26th May.


In Bloom- P.Pinto

Dates for the diary:-

25th May Britain In Bloom route check.

25th July Northwest In Bloom Judging (Tbc)

8th August Britain In Bloom judging day

14th October Britain In Bloom Awards (Birmingham)


Patti updated us on some of the projects:-

11 potential “Children’s Gardens”

Visyon have taken over the site on River Dane Walkway.

270 Hanging baskets ordered.

Tesco , developing the Bark Area at the front of the store.

Community orchard. Fruit bushes and tree area now complete, Apple Core carving now done.


Dane Valley Community Energy-Havannah Hydro.


Feasibility study now complete meeting called for 9th May to discuss findings and practicalities of the project.


Support had already been received from both Eaton Bank Academy and Siemens.


Meeting closed at 11.30pm and adjurned to The Old saw Mill for a site visit.

Next Meeting:- Monday 6th June 2016, 10.00am, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.