Dementia Friendly Town
Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting minutes 12.06.18
Dementia Friendly Congleton group meeting took place recently, download full minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Drop In Sessions / Activity Programmes.
New May Dementia Friendly Congleton leaflet produced and circulated at the previous meeting.
Cup Cake Day 14th June – Event cancelled through lack of time and volunteers available.
Inclusive Swim planned for June 21st, Elizabeth Stubbs to support at Leisure Centre.
Film at Heathview end of July
Gentle walk at Museum 19th August
Seated Dance at NLC Fri 3rd August
Sue Munro to try and advertise on Social Media
Diane press release / advert.
Elizabeth Stubbs promised to do a survey round her clients to find out their needs and activity requirement. She will report back to Mike.
Diane to check with Communicare drivers to see who their main contact is.
E mail Jess McFall.
Jess advised us of a dementia friendly communities workshop being held in Crewe at the end of June and of a planned Cheshire and Merseyside networking event at the end of August. This will be held in Warrington, if anyone wishes to go please let Jess know either directly or through MS
Next Meeting :- Tuesday 10th July, 2 to 4pm, Congleton Town Hall.
Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 05.06.18
Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently download the meeting HERE.
Highlights include:
- Public Realm – the contract with Pronin is complete – apart from any outstanding snagging business. The Town Council has asked for quotes for two new lamp post heads in Victoria Street. We have yet to have the meeting with Cheshire East Assets about responsibilities going forward – so for now everything is still a Cheshire East Asset. The Town Council will be planting up the big tubs with summer bedding and doing a deep clean.
- Makers Market – We have held the first two Makers Markets- both a great success. The stall holders thought Congleton was the most positive first market day that they had ever experienced. Probably thanks to the Food and Drink festival making Congleton really receptive to events! On both days the footfall increased by over 4,000. The feedback from shops has been largely positive – some had better days, some didn’t really see any uplift in their sales, but felt that the town benefited from being busier. Each time there have been some issues to improve on – the team behind the makers market are receptive to working with local people and keen on feedback.
- Congleton in Bloom – Lots of In Bloom work is underway – the North West in Bloom judging day will be on the 24th July and the Britain in Bloom judging on the 2nd There is another clean up around the park this weekend from10 – 12. Still lots to do and all help gratefully received!
Group Reports.
Youth Forum – GWilliams
We are now at the delivery stage of the PB grant award project. 3 of the 7 elements have been delivered, with a 4th (40 things to do in Congleton) booklet being completed by J.Money once Food & Drink Fest is out of the way.
Good feedback on some of the sessions.
CSG – P.Aston.
New cycle map- has been produced in partnership with Cycling Group, Sustrans and Local Authorities (Congleton / Staffs) to support the route along Biddulph Valley Way from Congleton to SOT.
Hydro Scheme – CEBC Planning Dept have raised several issues around the planning application. CSG have temporary withdrawn the application for further surveys to be carried out.
Fracking – New planning conditions being brought in to side step local government and allow easier granting of permission nationally. CSG to meet with F.Bruce MP to raise our concerns.
Old Saw Mill – Experienced a real surge in trade following the Royal Visit / PR created, this has now flattened out to pre visit turnover. Apple juice and Cider going well, good sales from Makers Market and Rode Hall events, looking for good day at F&D festival.
Connected Communities Centre – Early days, difficult in reaching socially isolate residents.
Plastics – CSG are trying to get a view together on what can be done to tackle the issue. CEB new document has been circulated and in planned to go to all homes in the near future.
PP commented that schools should pick this up through their Marine Project
Bradshaw House.
D.Topping took us through a statement from the trustees of Congleton Museum document. This explained the reasons given by Cheshire East in rejecting the museums bid for Bradshaw House and their challenges against this decision, the benefits they could offer by moving there, and a call to arms from Congleton residents to support this plan. F.Bruce MP is very supportive and has written to Cheshire East asking them to reconsider their decision. Bob Edwards indicated that the Town Council were strongly supportive of this project and asked for some extra time to work on this. The Partnership fully supported both the Town Council and The Museum in pursuing this project and keeping Bradshaw House as a jewel in Congleton’s crown.
Mountview. MS read out an email from Dan Coyne where he summarised what work had gone on to mitigate the closure of Mountview. He has been discussing the issues with The Town Council, Plus Dane and New Life Church. Working on a business case to put to Cheshire East senior managers by the end of June. He will raise the issue at the next Congleton Neighbourhood Group meeting and the Dementia Friendly Congleton group. M.Gleave added comments that there were 23 people who had been involved in the consultation, that 2 strong options had come to the forefront, a Venue and Service Provider working jointly. The consultation also showed a desire for the venue to be in Congleton and to be reasonably consistent (ie not a different one every day). PB added that Mountview would not be closed until places had been found for all of the clients. Heritage Trail / Heritage Fortnight. 8th to 23rd September. This included 2 x Heritage Open Weekends, 40+ events (talks, open days, activities) the lead for this event is Nino Manci. They are working on putting together a Heritage Tour using QR codes on pavements outside of out more interesting and historic buildings. This should all be in place for the In Bloom Judging as heritage is an important aspect of in bloom too.
The meeting ended at 7.18pm Next Meeting is:- AGM / Executive Meeting ,Tuesday 11th September 2018 , Bridestones Suite , 5.30pm |
Dementia Friendly Congleton Group
Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.
Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.
DF Target for 2018 is (250)
MS to issue a log recording numbers and businesses / organisations involved.
Sessions currently planned :-
Wed 7th March – Meadowside Medical Centre (DR)
Tues 20 Mar – New Life Church (WI) inc Twiddle Muff knitting. (Sarah.J).
Mon 26th Feb – Mossley (TBC)
If you know of anyone interested in attending these please contact the champions running the sessions as indicated.
MS send out updated registration sheet inc agreement for Photo/Publicity.
SF/MG to contact The Tennis Club.
D.McGifford (outside of the meeting) to contact N.Moorhouse (Dane Mill Business Ctr / Congleton Town Football Club)
Care Homes – wait until after the budget meeting at Cheshire East. Care Homes can approach The Alzheimer’s Soc for professional guidance.
Add to The Youth Forum agenda, Diane happy to come along and set the scene for 10minutes.
Kathy Slater was going to contact Team Parish?
Drop In Sessions / Activity Programme.
An updated programme issued prior to the meeting. We are only capturing a small amount of what is happening in and around Congleton.
MS write out for more information about activities being offered to all of the community centres, look at the possibility of a monthly or bi-monthly leaflet being produced. J.Mac to look at this
Broaden activity away from Dementia although brand subtlety when required.
PA to log what is going on at the OSM afternoon tea events and let MS have the figures.
Ideas for activities:- Big Card Bingo, Memory Photos ( museum could lend us a pack), Blowing Big Bubbles, Music and Sing a long Songs (Jess will send PA some examples)
Jess to contact Rev Murray George re the new service being set up at United Reform Church from March.
Sarah Jacklin to contact Julie Hagan (East Cheshire Hospice) re a wellbeing course for carers and patients. Possible invite Julie to the March DFC Meeting.
Talking Newspaper. Contact Lynn 01270 760104
Choral Soc/ Can’t Sind Choir – M.Butcher may know a contact?
Inclusive Swim Sessions. First one disappointing turnout, however the staff were great. Need to get the message out about these sessions, next 3 are Sat 17th Feb, 3rd March and 21st April. Please display posters and talk to as many people as possible about this opportunity.
JMac to look at leaflet idea.
Jess send Peter some sing a long examples.
Jess contact Rev Murray George.
Sarah to contact Julie Hagan.
M.Butcher, can’t sing choir contact?
Mountview / Respite Care.
Clare was approach by The Chronicle for comments around the possible closure of Mountview, this was duly printed and has resulted in quite a lot of feedback and cries for help.
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 13th March
Future Meeting Monthly until end of March then look to move to 2 monthly.
2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.
Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting minutes 16.01.18
The Dementia Friendly Congleton Group meeting took place recently, full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Item 4. Dementia Statistics for Congleton. Figs received from Cheshire East were estimates from 2014 giving the number at 5042 (whole of Cheshire East) raising to 6710 by 2020. Clare Sheard debated these figs trying to get them down to a more local level. We ended up with 950e (Congleton Local Area) and 450e
(Congleton as a town).
Item 5. Diane has contacted Ann-Marie Snelson re getting a list of local Champions. Work in progress. Jess to set up champion workshop. We need to fill in the document MS circulated to build up a “need” for a local workshop.
Item 5. S.Foster to write to CEBC leader regarding the closure/future. Steve wrote prior to xmas to both the leader and ward members as yet has not received a reply. Sent a copy to Guy Kilminster (16.1.17) who has recorded receipt and will take it to R.Bailey (CEBC Leader). Clare has an example of a local council supporting a group to take over an ex NHS centre.
Drop In Sessions / activity Programme.
Full programme issued last week. Still, have free days to fill ( Mon / Tues)
Old Saw Mill (OSM) Afternoon Tea and Activities (every other Wed starting 7th Feb) 2pm to 4pm.
MS put together a poster and issue to all for displaying wherever we can generate interest for this event.
Would members please contact organisations / individuals who may be able to provide some activities for these sessions. We are okay until and including 21Mar but will need activity from 4th April (fortnightly) onwards.
Please let MS know if you have arranged anything so that it can go on the calendar.
Kathy Slater to discuss with The Chappell Centre Mossley regarding some Mon /Tues activity.
Inclusive Swim Sessions. First one disappointing turnout, however the staff were great. Need to get the message out about these sessions, next 3 are Sat 17th Feb, 3rd March and 21st April.
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 13th Feb
Future Meeting Monthly until end of March then look to move to 2 monthly.
Next two meetings are:- Tuesday 13th Feb and Tuesday 13th March.
2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.
Projects & Finance Committee meeting 13.11.2017
Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Project Update.
Planning permission granted with conditions.
Sub Group meeting arranged for 5th December
New costings required.
D.McGifford to follow up some funding ideas.
Public Realm Strategy.
Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. Biggest issue is work carrying on to middle of December.
Towns Centre planters will not be removed until January.
The new bench Mill St/Duke St being sited this week.
“Woollies Wall” looking good, great improvement for the Xmas Tree.
Leisure Centre.
E.Mail from Robert Rodgers Oct 2017:-
The project team are in the process of concluding the procurement phase with Final Tenders anticipated to be received mid November 2017; bids and designs will be evaluated by the project team with a view to recommending a preferred bidder to Cabinet in January 2018. Bidders have already submitted initial designs which have been refined through the dialogue process in an effort to deliver the optimum solution within the £8.2m budget. The team are enthusiastic with all of the bids received to date, in terms of design and offer for the redeveloped leisure centre. As a brief reminder, the minimum requirements are for a new swimming pool and pool hall and a redeveloped dry side offer. We look forward to receiving final tenders and recommending the successful solution to Cabinet and submitting this for subsequent planning approvals. We anticipate that subject to securing the necessary approvals, work will commence on site in Spring 2018. The successful bidder will work closely with the project team and ESAR operational staff to phase the construction works to manage and minimise the disruption to leisure centre and park users.
2016/17 Project Updates.
Dementia Friendly Town.
Dementia Steering Group has now met twice and set goals to achieve 100% Dementia Awareness in Congleton and organise 4 regular activities each month. Next meeting planned 12th December.
5 Dementia Friends Awareness sessions being run over the next 2 weeks for Councillors, Staff and Residents. Business sessions will be arranged from January onwards.
Jo and Vince see Art as a possibility (as an activity –once settled in their new home).
Heritage Trail Project.
TMC are working with Rural Development to get funding to develop the App.
CTC / Partnership will remain as a customer and have the option to develop a trail and hot spots.
The Heritage App meeting minutes are still current.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 22nd January 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am
Congleton Dementia Friendly Steering Group meeting minutes
Congleton Dementia Friendly Steering Group 2nd meeting took place recently, the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Goals for Dementia Friendly Congleton.
Claire Halsey suggested that we should look to set ourselves some goals to target and work towards.
1. Aspiration for 100% of the general population to become Dementia Aware by:-
(a) Friends awareness sessions –Currently we have a number of sessions organised, CTC 30th Nov, 6th & 7th Dec.
Museum Sat 2nd Dec 11.00am ans Sun 3rd Dec 2.30pm
(b) Champions workshop, Jess to set one up for 1st Qtr 2018.
(c) Publicity. D.Ritherdon to kick this off using The Chronicle, PCSO to support through social media.
(d) Video online – can give a first taste of Dementia Friends and may be a good way for larger companies to get the message across to their staff.
2. Events / Activities x 4 regular per month.
Members to come to the December meeting with ideas/ proposals of activities they can do on a regular basis(Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly)
Irregular Activity. Cotton Club, Kings Arms have shown some interest.
Leisure Centre- Mixed changing. MS to discuss with Maria Tatters at Congleton Leisure Centre.
Next Meeting:-
Tuesday 12th December, 2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.
New Dementia Friendly for Congleton steering group has first meeting!
Congleton Dementia Steering Group has had its first meeting. The aim of the group is to make Congleton a dementia friendly town. The full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
1 | Welcome & Apologies
Meeting was chaired by Sara Rathbone
Round Robin of introductions for new members and guests. Link to DF ‘get involved’ DFC communities. Guidance for becoming a Dementia Friendly Community to follow from Jessica McFall of Alzheimer’s Society (Dementia Coordinator for Cheshire East).
Apologies were received from : Sandy Duffy, Jess Shore, Debbie Callow, Joanne Fishwick, Matt Steele |
2. | Minutes / Matters Arising from the last meeting.
There had been no previous meeting of the steering group only an Awareness Meeting held on 26th July which 40+ people attended, a number indicated their willingness to get involved with this steering group. |
3. | In the general preamble :- Sara suggested that small changes can make a big difference and it is not all about large projects
Margaret Butcher raised the issue of how we support the carers particularly out of hours. Lisa Alcock advised all of a new Live Well Website that is being launched in October by Cheshire East. Jo Hawkins also mentioned
Open Forum / Ideas / Activities.
Table Tennis SR is now an Ambassador for Bat for Alzheimer’s charity (not part of Alzheimer’s Society). This aims to bring table tennis into more settings to increase health and wellbeing for those living with dementia and also more widely within any care setting. They are looking for places to site and sponsor the tables. Included in any costs would be support to train volunteers to host table tennis sessions. Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice outlined their work with Carers and course available and also their new Dementia services. Memory Walks. Here is a link to the Cheshire Memory Walk for 2017. We thought it might be good to organise a Congleton walk for 2018. Here is the link. Suggest putting on the agenda in early 2018 to gain support. Or liaise with AS to have the Cheshire walk in Congleton? Link to Dementia Friends sessions that people can book onto using their location to find them Link to upcoming Dementia Champion session in Crewe that provide training to become a Champion and then able to offer Dementia Friends sessions within the community
Next Meeting:- Wednesday 4th October, 2.00pm, Old Saw Mill. |