Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 05.06.18

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently download the meeting HERE.


Highlights include:

  1. Public Realm – the contract with Pronin is complete – apart from any outstanding snagging business. The Town Council has asked for quotes for two new lamp post heads in Victoria Street. We have yet to have the meeting with Cheshire East Assets about responsibilities going forward – so for now everything is still a Cheshire East Asset. The Town Council will be planting up the big tubs with summer bedding and doing a deep clean.
  2. Makers Market – We have held the first two Makers Markets- both a great success. The stall holders thought Congleton was the most positive first market day that they had ever experienced. Probably thanks to the Food and Drink festival making Congleton really receptive to events! On both days the footfall increased by over 4,000. The feedback from shops has been largely positive – some had better days, some didn’t really see any uplift in their sales, but felt that the town benefited from being busier. Each time there have been some issues to improve on – the team behind the makers market are receptive to working with local people and keen on feedback.
  3. Congleton in Bloom – Lots of In Bloom work is underway – the North West in Bloom judging day will be on the 24th July and the Britain in Bloom judging on the 2nd There is another clean up around the park this weekend from10 – 12. Still lots to do and all help gratefully received!


Group Reports.

Youth Forum – GWilliams

We are now at the delivery stage of the PB grant award project. 3 of the 7 elements have been delivered, with a 4th (40 things to do in Congleton) booklet being completed by J.Money once Food & Drink Fest is out of the way.

Good feedback on some of the sessions.

CSG – P.Aston.

New cycle map- has been produced in partnership with Cycling Group, Sustrans and Local Authorities (Congleton / Staffs) to support the route along Biddulph Valley Way from Congleton to SOT.

Hydro Scheme – CEBC Planning Dept have raised several issues around the planning application. CSG have temporary withdrawn the application for further surveys to be carried out.

Fracking – New planning conditions being brought in to side step local government and allow easier granting of permission nationally. CSG to meet with F.Bruce MP to raise our concerns.

Old Saw Mill – Experienced a real surge in trade following the Royal Visit / PR created, this has now flattened out to pre visit turnover. Apple juice and Cider going well, good sales from Makers Market and Rode Hall events, looking for good day at F&D festival.

Connected Communities Centre – Early days, difficult in reaching socially isolate residents.

Plastics – CSG are trying to get a view together on what can be done to tackle the issue. CEB new document has been circulated and in planned to go to all homes in the near future.

PP commented that schools should pick this up through their Marine Project


Bradshaw House.

D.Topping took us through a statement from the trustees of Congleton Museum document. This explained the reasons given by Cheshire East in rejecting the museums bid for Bradshaw House and their challenges against this decision, the benefits they could offer by moving there, and a call to arms from Congleton residents to support this plan. F.Bruce MP is very supportive and  has written to Cheshire East asking them to reconsider their decision.

MS to circulate a copy of this document with the minutes. A version of the document will appear in The Chronicle

Bob Edwards indicated that the Town Council were strongly supportive of this project and asked for some extra time to work on this.

The Partnership fully supported both the Town Council and The Museum in pursuing this project and keeping Bradshaw House as a jewel in Congleton’s crown.



MS read out an email from Dan Coyne where he summarised what work had gone on to mitigate the closure of Mountview. He has been discussing the issues with The Town Council, Plus Dane and New Life Church. Working on a business case to put to Cheshire East senior managers by the end of June. He will raise the issue at the next Congleton Neighbourhood Group meeting and the Dementia Friendly Congleton group.

M.Gleave added comments that there were 23 people who had been involved in the consultation, that 2 strong options had come to the forefront, a Venue and Service Provider working jointly.

The consultation also showed a desire for the venue to be in Congleton and to be reasonably consistent (ie not a different one every day).

PB added that Mountview would not be closed until places had been found for all of the clients.

Heritage Trail / Heritage Fortnight.

8th to 23rd September.

This included 2 x Heritage Open Weekends, 40+ events (talks, open days, activities) the lead for this event is Nino Manci.

They are working on putting together a Heritage Tour using QR codes on pavements outside of out more interesting and historic buildings. This should all be in place for the In Bloom Judging as heritage is an important aspect of in bloom too.


The meeting ended at 7.18pm

Next Meeting is:- AGM / Executive Meeting ,Tuesday 11th September 2018 , Bridestones Suite , 5.30pm


Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting 7.03.17

Congleton Partnership Executive  meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights Include:

Community Projects.

MS sent out Jo report prior to the meeting.

Subjects covered included :-

A new date for the Xmas light switch on ( SAT 25th November)

Food 7 Drink Festival (Sun 11th June)

Hidden Places Theatre Day (6th May) plus workshops starting 8th April.

Vol Fest – CVSCE’s Volunteer and Gala Evening in Congleton Park (1st July)

Get Involved booklet update and print, letters gone to almost 100 groups.

Margaret Sculpture, planting, stepping stones and plaque to finish off.

Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur


1.     Occupancy Rate: We currently have 183 filled town centre properties out of 204 – making our occupancy rate 89%.  We have some worrying vacancies in the pedestrian area. A planning application has been re-submitted by Boots Opticians for the large unit on the corner of Victoria Street. But we have 5 empty units on the pedestrian area as well as some big gaps in the High Street. Once the Public Realm improvement works have taken place on the pedestrian area the whole area should look more attractive and which should help stimulate interest.


2.     Business Rates  –  there’s some good news for smaller independent businesses. The nationwide rates review put Congleton prices up slightly (now based on 2015 rentable values rather than 2008) the government set annual multiplier has slightly decreased (Businesses Rates are worked out as the Rentable Value x the Government multiplier). The standard multiplier has reduced from 49.7p to 47.9p and the small business multiplier reduced from 48.6p to 46.6p. On top of this the qualifying level for Small Business Rate Relief has increased so that 100% relief is given on Rateable Values of £12,000 compared to £6,000 last year and those with rateable values of £12,000 – £15,000 will get tapered relief 100% down to 0 meaning more of our independent traders, providing they only have one shop are paying less than in previous years.


3.     Big Data Small User Project: Data patterns for footfall and sales are starting to establish and the maths department at Cardiff University is having fun detecting patterns. They have identified four main types of town based on annual footfall flows. Congleton is falling into the community/convenience town pattern.  (A term that the universities are using to group together towns with similar footfall packages) Congleton market has limited impact on footfall. Saturday is consistently our busiest day, followed by Friday. Sunday is the quietest. Tuesday or Thursdays usually take third place. Weather has an influence. The interesting work will come with the interventions to see what impact they have on sales and footfall. Nationally shopping centres are losing more footfall than town centres. It appears that some of the older planning assumptions with hierarchy of towns is becoming outdated, Institute of Place Management looking to put out a policy paper based on population and accessibility research – but the five mile radius is more accurate than the traditional catchment zones.

4.     The Public Realm £1 million funding: Public Realm works in the pedestrianised area and immediate road either end, is due to start in Spring 2017. Cheshire East is in the final throws of contracts – the public realm team is expected to present the final designs to the Town Council soon and these will be shared with the partnership. The design is picking up on the heritage but with a modern twist. The works are expected to start at the B&M end of the pedestrian area, working on a section at a time before starting the next section. Information will be forwarded as it becomes available.


5.     Gas Works : The pedestrian area was completed two weeks ahead of schedule and was relatively smooth. The works in Mill Street are causing more problems and I am starting to work with some of the traders on compensation claims. The latest update is that the current works in Mill Street should finish on Thursday. The works on West Street – just around the corner from Swan Bank will start on Monday 13 March and must be finished by the 10 April, although hopefully won’t need the full time. During the West Street works traffic will be able to travel up Mill Street and Swan Bank but will be diverted up Waggs Street and around the crescent. We know we are going to have to work at getting customers back into town and are looking at a  Congleton Treats day on Tuesday 11 April and have also planned an Easter Egg shops hunt for April 1 – 18th.


6.      The Mills Congleton – AKA Scarborough Development :   I understand from Cheshire East Councillors that Scarborough is presenting the Congleton Ward Councillors on Wednesday 8th March with the intention of moving towards a planning application, Scarborough will be discussing releasing the information to the Town Council and Partnership following their meetings with Cheshire East.

(NB Scarborough presenting to CEBC ward members 8.3.17)


7.     Congleton in Bloom: This year the team is going out to win North West in Bloom and get the town back in the National Finals in 2018 which will be the 20th anniversary of Congleton in Bloom. The In Bloom team are delighted with the support of the partnership on so many projects to improve the town –Moody Street Gardens, Margaret’s Place, Greening Mountbatten Way and Public Realm. All of which add up to making Congleton more attractive. The judging will be in July. There will be monthly town tidies – starting in Congleton Park on Saturday 25 March from 10-12 and led by Glen Williams  – all very, very welcome!


8.     Christmas: The Christmas Group is shaking things up a little this year, and following consultation with a wide range of groups involved with the switch on the main event will take place on Saturday 25 November. There were a number of reasons for the change, but ultimately we aim to attract more people into town for longer at a time when more of the shops are open and make the event more of an all afternoon celebration rather than a very concentrated period that it has become. The Town Council is putting £4k into this event and Bob Edwards, David McGifford and myself have started looking at sponsorship deals for the town for the year to include Christmas and In Bloom.


9.     Welcome  MAP : These will be up by the end of March this year.


10.  Bear Necessities: The next edition will be distributed from the 4th April. Copy is being written at the moment. If any partnership member has information for April, May and June please let Jackie know urgently – 01260 270350 ext 3 or


St John’s Community Centre

Peter Holdsworth advised us of the grand Opening of the St John’s Community centre in Buglawton. Around £400k has been spent on renovating and developing St John’s Church Hall and Headmasters House.

Thanks to agencies and sponsors (including The Partnership providing 4 cookers) most of the work is now complete and they are holding a grand opening event from 12 noon on Saturday 11th March.

Leaflet drop has been carried out around Buglawton, MS has Emailed all of the Partnership Groups and Town Councillors. Everyone welcome to attend.

The group was successful in the health and wellbeing PB funding exercise being awarded funding to run cookery classes.

Mini Bus. Congleton Community Transport Partnership ( sub group but separately financed arm of The Partnership) is holding an event to officially launch their mini bus scheme at New Life Church on Wednesday 15th March, 2.00 to 3.00pm.

Two mini buses are now available for use by organisations with some attachment to The Partnership at very reasonable rates.

1 x 8 seater

1 x 15 seater.

Choral Society Stage. Currently being housed at OSM, but as they are about to enlarge the stage it will be too much for OSM to cope. DM suggests that PA has a word with Cheshire Police to see if they have any storage we could use.


Next Meeting is:- Tuesday 6th June 2017, Bridestones Suite, 5.30pm.

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 7.06.16

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Hightlights include:

The Old Saw Mill Project – P.Aston

Peter outlined the current situation regarding the development of the Old Saw Mill Project at Back River St.

Change of use planning application has gone in, various pieces of work are being carried out in terms of decorating, electrics, flooring, gardening etc.

Discussions have been held with a range of organisations, clubs, service providers for future usage of the facility. This could make a very effective community hub in the centre of Congleton.

Congleton Community Cooperative now has an accredited Logo (thanks to Phil Worthington, Congleton High school)

S.Halliday sends out a weekly All Points Bulletin (MS will circulate to the Executive) updating development, plans and equipment/material requirements.

G.Baxendale, G.Williams and L.Alcock to make Cheshire East Community Service aware of this development and for support both financially and service wise. This is a great opportunity for Cheshire East to be able to deliver their Community Hub objective.

At the end of the session The Partnership agreed to support more electrical work on site to the value of £1200.

Proposed by G.Williams and seconded by M.Gartside, this was then voted through by The executive.


The Public Realm £1 million funding The main bulk of the consultation has finished – although the group will be at the Food and Drink Festival on Sunday for further feedback. The Project Manager has not yet been given the electronic feedback – but the 140 + paper copies were largely positive about the scheme. This will be discussed with the CEC Portfolio holder and then the project board group and then hopefully the build will start early next year.


Britain in Bloom / North West in Bloom:  North West in Bloom judging is on Monday 25th July and Britain in Bloom judging on Monday 8th August. The Group has been strengthened by the additional support of the Sustainability Group. Biggest improvements for this year have been the Community Orchard, the Antrobus Street Garden  (hopefully to be renamed Margaret’s Place, the Greening of Mountbatten Way project, The Bath House and Physic Garden and the Visyon Garden, all the additional signage. Even more business took up the offer of baskets and the streetscape staff are working hard on the formal beds, roundabouts and keeping the town as weed and litter free as possible – a huge task for 11 people in a town of Congleton’s size. Volunteer help is required – weeding, litter picking, improving areas can take place at any time – but there will be a couple of organised mass community events on the two Sunday evenings before judging.


Tour of Britain – START TOWN FOR DAY 3! –We’re getting geared up for the race which will be starting in Congleton at 11am. We expect people to start arriving about 2 ½ hours before the race – hopefully the streets will be lined with thousands of people. Our job in Congleton is to make sure that the town looks great, people visiting the race have a good time and leave with a positive opinion of the town, townspeople have a good trading day. Cheshire East Council is working on the logistics with sweetspot – re Health and Safety, first aid, toilets, marshals.


Next Meeting is :- Tuesday 13th September, Bridestone Suite, 5.30pm. AGM/Executive Meeting.

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 01.03.2016

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting took place recently, download minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Sports Trust – D.McGifford..

David took us through a presentation on developing a sports trust for Congleton. The need to Create a Vision, Draw up a Constitution and develop a Working Partnership with sports clubs. The initial work will involve Football and Rugby clubs, who currently they have around 1200 playing members, and look at improving facilities / surfaces taking in the main areas of Back Lane, Schools, Hankinson’s Field and St Johns Rd Playing Field.

The benefits would include the ability to attract funding, support from the community with potential management of the areas by the community and a long term aim of potential ownership of the facilities.

Start with pitches and facilities for Football and Rugby as a starting point to get the trust embedded and then open up to other sports as time and opportunities arise.

Everybody Sports and Leisure, Ansa, Cheshire East have agreed in principal to support this idea.

The Partnership voted to fully support this project.


Congleton Museum – Vision for the Future – D.Topping..

David took us through a detailed presentation of both the current situation and the Museum’s vision for the future. The museum currently operates under a number of constraints mainly lack of space, lack of facilities and no real main street presence. Since it opened in 2002 it has built up a wide and varied collection but has been limited to what items it can display at any one time.

Hard facts, the Museum made 169,681 public contacts, had 2253 visitors,Educational activity involved 1813 delegates and the website had 165,615 hits.

Their vision for the future is to help make Congleton a visitor destination and grow our visitor economy.

The plan is to relocate to Bradshaw House which would improve its main street profile, give space to develop more displays, themes and attractions. There are many exciting exhibitions planned in the current building but so much more could be done by relocation. David then shared some of the floor plans and extra services that could be offered. He issued a full brief of his presentation to everyone present.

MS commented that The Partnership were also playing their part in building the visitor economy buy working on a project to develop both Maps and Apps for a town wide Heritage Trail. The Partnership is fully supportive of the Museums Vision and plans for the future.


  1. Tour of Britain – START TOWN FOR DAY 3! – Congleton has been confirmed as the start town for day three of the Tour of Britain. This is immense – and is a grand prix of cycle races! The whole day of racing – 182km in total will be in the Cheshire East area – apart from about 400m. We can expect TV crews and thousands of spectators. Our role will be to capitalize on this opportunity and to make the most of it for Congleton residents, businesses and the Town. The first project board meeting is this Thursday so I’ll find out more and keep everyone posted via Mike. See


Next Meeting is :- Tuesday 7th June, Bridestone Suite, 5.30pm.

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 8.12.15

The latest meeting of Congleton Partnerships Executive took place recently, please download the full  minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Town Centre Report – J. MacArthur.


  1. Occupancy Update

Occupancy has increased slightly – we are now at 86% occupied (or 91% without Capitol Walk). Changes since the last meeting include:


Gather – High Street

Town Hall Bathrooms  –  High Street

Eduardo’s Leather Shop in the Pedestrian Area

Shared Treasures  – Antrobus Street

Olivia’s Nails – Market Street (outside of Capitol Walk)

Habitat 8 Soul Food Café – above Simply Retro – Bridge Street


Simply Retro – from Lawton Street to Bridge Street (Pedestrian Area)

Butters John Bee – from High Street to the Pedestrian area


Chatwins in the Pedestrian area (due to re-open on the 9th December)


Cost-Cutter – Pedestrian Area

Life After Services – Capitol Walk

I understand that Capitol Walk Shopping Centre will be closing its doors to the walkway as soon as CT Mobiles (the only functioning shop inside the unit) moves into an outside unit. This will mean all the Capitol Walk shops can be accessed from the outside and the walk through will be closed. Clowes has confirmed that they are looking to minimize their losses after a year of marketing has not resulted in new tenants.
There has been no further information from Scarborough Development or Cheshire East re any movement on the plans to develop Mill Street/Princess Street area.

  1. Christmas Lights Switch on

Massive thank you to everyone from the Partnership for your help and support during the Christmas Lights Switch on. It was our wettest one ever – but still good to see so many people turn up to support the event. The lantern parade was stunning and a huge thank you to Community Projects for the hours of work they invested into the public workshops.

  1. Congleton Artisan Market

In November this was moved to the Fairground Car Park to accommodate the Remembrance Sunday Parade. The trader’s preferred the site and so the December Market will also be held in the Fairground Carpark. There will not be a market in January, February and March and during which time the markets will reassessed as they are not breaking even or having the initial desired effect of increasing footfall for the shops.

  1. Public Realm

Early design ideas have been approved in principle by the Town Council which include some work at either end of the pedestrian area as well as new pavements, deep clean, new street furniture and lighting along the length of the pedestrian area.  A small group which includes Steve Foster from the Partnership, a number of town councillors and Jackie MacArthur will be considering a number of options for street furniture and lighting to include in the proposals that will be presented to the public for consideration in the early part of the New Year. Public Realm work will take place next year – but after the completion of the National Grid gas works. There is not date for the start of this work.


  1. Town Centre Map

We are working with Silver Maze to develop some display maps identifying key areas, roads, attractions and services for Congleton. There are a number of sites being discussed including Fairground Carpark or the bus station, West Street Car Park, Antrobus Street Car Park, Back Park Street Car Park, Railway Station, incorporated into pedestrian area (new Public Realm). One the map is produced other uses and areas will no doubt follow.

  1. Dog Fouling

Three new dog bag dispensers have been put out in the town centre to help out with the amount of fouling in the pedestrian area and Lawton Street. Bins can be found in front of the community garden, B&M side wall, and the walk way at the side of Weatherspoon’s through to Antrobus St car park.


  1. Neighbourhood Plan

The second questionnaire will go out to the public in December. The questionnaire is more detailed than the first one – hence the desire to get people to answer it on-line. Due to the delay in getting this out a new deadline will be set of mid-January or at least 4-5 weeks after the questionnaire is made public and advertised. It would be a great help if people associated with the partnership could fill in the forms – Mike will send a link via email.

Once the results are known this will be assimilated into the various groups work and assist in production of the draft plan which we are aiming to produce before the end of the first quarter of 2016.


Please see the full minutes for the rest of the news from the Partnership!

The next meeting is Tuesday 1st March, Congleton Town Hall, Main Hall, 5.30pm

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting 15.09.15

The latest Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, view the full minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

A special mention for our new Executive Members:-Peter Houldsworth ( Buglawton Community Group), Stuart Halliday & Vince Cutcliffe (Congleton Creative)

  1. Town Centre – Continue to have a change in shops but overall occupancy figures are remaining fairly static at town centre occupancy of 85% (91% without Capitol Walk) and over all Town occupancy of 87% which is 220 occupied shops and 34 empty units (some of which are in discussions). I think everyone continues to be frustrated at the lack of movement on the Princess Street/Market site and lack of any action from Clowes on Capitol Walk.


  1. £1 million public realm

The Town Council officers, partnership members and councillors working on the Public Realm have been chasing and waiting for an update meeting with Cheshire East. This has now been arranged for the 29 September. The previous meeting was on the 12th May and so hopefully there will be some positive progress to report

  1. Christmas

Planning is well underway for the Christmas Lights Switch on – Friday 27th November. We are advising in this week’s Chronicle for the charity stalls and craft stalls – so if you want one for your charity get the forms in quickly! We have purchased 5 new bigger lamppost lights to create more of a statement in the High Street. The partnership has agreed to sponsor some 12 ft penguins which will perform 3 x 20 minute slots at the Lights Switch on. As usual we would love help on the night (or in advance). Road Closures from 2-8.30 and event 4-7pm. If anyone is able to help for an hour or more please let me know.

4. Maps for the Town Centre

The Town Council and Congleton Partnership are working together on a project to get location and feature maps into the Town Centre car parks – and into the pedestrian area as part of the Public Realm works. We have had quotes from one company and are waiting for two others to come back. We also need some confirmation from Cheshire East that they can put into the pot and erect on their land.

5. Gas Works

I have had confirmation from Cheshire East that Balfour Beattie will not now be allowed into the Town Centre in 2015. Not sure what the programme looks like for next year. There appears to be communications issues with the company.

6.Bear Necessities

The Autumn edition will be distributed from the 12th October – with all the copy being sent off next Friday (25 November)

7. Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood Plan is getting back into gear with a Steering Group meeting on Wednesday. The second questionnaire will come out in October. We received 1400 responses from the first questionnaire – the results of which are on and will feature in a double page spread in the next Bear Necessities .

8.In Bloom

Thank you to everyone who helped with the In Bloom efforts. As a town we have had lots of compliments this year. The results of the NW in Bloom competition will be known on the 30th October and the Community Pride Awards on the 15 October.

9. 150 Years Celebrations

The Town Hall first opened to the Public on the 10th July 1866 – and so next year we are looking to host a number of celebrationary events – including a High Tea for descendants of those who attended the original opening, a grand exhibition – providing that the schools are interested. Investigating whether there is a way of replicating the original intention for the shields on the outside of the Town Hall to represent significant local families, and a number of other ideas are still being explored. Anyone that wishes to help with the project or has ideas please get in contact with Jackie MacArthur .

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 2/12/2014

The latest Congleton Partnership executive meeting was held on the 2nd December. Many projects are planned for Congleton in 2015 which the Partnership will be supporting in, a really exciting time to get involved! Some highlights from the meeting include:

New Partnership Website – Cathy Dean (IBD)

Cathy took us through a presentation outlining the new website (  and its features. This was very well accepted, it now gives us both an identity and a platform to use to get our message through to the general public and hopefully gain members and volunteers at the same.

There is also a new social media element. The Twitter Feed is @congopar ; please follow if you are using this form of communications.

Sustainable Living In Cingleton (SLIC) – Mike Taylor.

Mike Taylor (Carbon Reduction Group Chair) took us through the SLIC presentation. SLIC is a course to help people respond to the threat of climate change and other environmental issues in their daily lives. The SLIC workbook (issued to all members on the night) is made up of 7 modules and was developed from the Transition Streets courses used in the transitional town of Totnes


Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur.

  1. Town Centre – End of leases, merges, illness and the continued tough time experienced by many on the High Street has led to more changes in the Town Centre. Occupancy is currently at 85% for the Town Centre – 204 units, 183 occupied. If you could exclude Capitol Walk from the equation occupancy rates rise to 90% 223 units 190 occupied.
  2. Shops ceased trading – Hallmark Thornton stopped trading and the owner has started marketing the shop. House moved from 3 High Street to upstairs in Empire Menswear. Nationwide merged with Cheshire Building Society and moved into the CBS building on the pedestrian area. The 25 year lease finished on the building occupied by the YMCA – not sure on the future of the building and whether the owner will invite YMCA back.
  3. Shops opened Delia Metcalf shoe shop (in the former A&A music shop), new hairdressers about to open outside Capitol Walk, Titanic breweries have opened in the Kings Arms. Mr Wendles opened in Lawton Street. Amans opened in West Heath Shopping Centre. Work continues on the former Game Station in the High Street and the new bar in Lawton Street but no date given for new occupiers.


  1. £1 million – Cheshire East has committed £1 to the first two phases of Public Realm work in Congleton -the Cheshire East Highways Team will be working up a scheme which will be shared with all interested parties. The timing isn’t clear, but this is great news for Congleton as rather than talking about the need and desire to improve the public realm we now have financial backing to make improvements to the pedestrian area and the space at the crossroads of Moody Street, Market Street, High Street and pedestrian area.


For the rest of the updates please download the minutes.

Executive Meeting Minutes