Jeanne Whitehurst Fellowship nominations

Linda Minshull briefed the Youth group on the Jeanne Whitehurst Fellowship Award that was currently inviting nominations. The award is to recognise outstanding contribution by a young person in Congleton Town and under 18 on 31st March 2015.

Nomination notes / form were handed out at the meeting, copies can sent out on request to either Mike Smith or Linda Minshull.

Nominations need to be in by 31st March and the Award will be presented at the Mayor Making Evening.


The following criteria applies:

  1. The award can be made to a young person aged 18 or under on 31st March 2015.
  2. The young person can be nominated by someone or can nominate themselves
  3. An application form (Link Below) must be completed and submitted to:
    Linda Minshull, Civic Administration Officer
    Congleton Town Council,
    Town Hall,
    CW12 1BN.Tel: 01260 270350,

The committee will make a decision and the successful application will be award a trophy at the Mayor Making Ceremony.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 2.02.15

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently on 2nd Feb. Guests from Cheshire East attended the meeting:

CEBC Environmental Protection Air Quality. (Phil Mason / Rebecca Shorrock)

Phil explained that CEBC had been successful in gaining a funding award of around £21k from DEFRA to be used on a campaign to improve sustainable “ transport” in Congleton. Congleton has an above average of homes with 1 or 2 cars (71% v 66%) and a residents survey indicates that only around 23% are satisfied with cycle facilities in and around the town.  Phil and Rebecca are currently meeting up with local groups to discuss gaps in provision and outline some of their initial ideas and budget allocations. They will revisit groups with more detailed plans in the coming weeks. Currently budgets are set around:-

  • Covered Cycle Racks * (5) include Maps /Cycle Route boards
  • Website / Campaign (Interactive like All change at Crewe)
  • Updating Maps & Signage

Will also consider

  • Schools – Competition / Walking Buses / Encourage more cycling etc
  • Events (Food & Drink / Every Step Counts etc)


For the rest of the news download the minutes HERE.

Well done Team Congleton! Wins vote for Every Step Counts!

Well done to Team Congleton! Active Cheshire is awarding £5,000 to projects that get people moving in Cheshire and Warrington, Team Congleton has won the vote with  7319 votes to become the winning entry. Team Congleton’s Every Step Counts programme aims to get everyone engaged in regular fun and social walking activities and thereby help the NHS’s fight against obesity in both kids and adults. By taking regular, moderate excercise we can all make a difference and …. literally ….. Every Step Counts !!



Visit for more information.

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 27.01.14

The 3rd meeting of the Congleton Partnerships latest group the Senior Forum took place on the 27th January. There is a lot of actions to follow up as the group takes shape and moves forward! (Please see the minutes).

Crewe and Nantwich Senior Forum.

During the meeting Adrian Lindop gave a presentation on the Crewe & Nantwich Senior Forum. The forum which has a strap line of ‘No service for us without us’ was constitutionally formed in 2006, meeting every 6 weeks and developing an action plan and some clear goals.

It is now very much resident/volunteer lead, building a very strong ‘family’ ethos along the way. They have strong partnerships and funding support from both local authority, local services and national streams. They involve the public / volunteers by playing / using their individual strengths making sure people feel valued for their efforts. They have created awareness of the forum by being proactive involvement in community events, hosted workshops ,demonstrations and increasing their membership.

With the help of their strong team of volunteers they have organised a number of successful projects ( Slow Cookers / Tree Cozy / Blooming Lovely) to name but a few. Currently they hold a Friday ‘Drop In’  (10 to 12.30pm) each week at a set time and location where residents can go for a drink, refreshments, chat and advice /support/ signposting. Since 2009 they have held a major Health & Wellbeing Fayre which has become so successful that they now have a waiting list of organisations / exhibitors and close on 200 residents coming through the doors.


The session certainly gave us plenty to think about and a real direction to aim for.

We certainly need to reach out to the public, grow a bank of volunteers to take our own forum on. The newsletter project and the planned ‘Senior Health Fayre’ planned for Congleton may be good places to start.


For all the other news view the minutes here.