E-MILL NEWSLETTER 18th August 2017

saw mil


Do you have any of the following:-
• Tumble Dryer
• Kitchen sink with a base unit
• Afternoon tea style cups and saucers

If you have or know anyone who is getting rid of any of the above please contact any of us on the list at the bottom.
We need volunteers in our café, so if you can spare a couple of hours drop in or contact one of us below.

We’re part of Congleton Jazz and Blues this year: we’re welcoming the Salt City Jazzmen on Saturday 26th at 6pm. and Jazzworks, Congleton’s very own Big Band at 8pm on Sunday.
The Old Saw Mill is now part of the Congleton Big Heart Lunch Club so for just £5 you can enjoy a 2 course meal. Come and join Yvonne at midday every Wednesday.

The Member’s gift for August is free tea and coffee with any food ordered; plus enjoy your usual 10% member discount.

…………..and finally, we are now collecting apples which we will use to make apple juice and cider which we sell in the café. So if you have some windfalls or an excess of apples, then bring them here.


Every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; 6-7pm, and 7-8pm:

Discover Pilates

Classes are up and running, you can join any anytime, more information from Alison on 07798 555458.


Each Tuesday 2pm to 4pm

Knit and Natter Group: Come and join the group, bring any wool and knitting needles you have and enjoy a good natter! Also desperately need balls of wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks to be donated please.

Every Wednesday between 10am and 11am:

Monthly Gift: Congleton Woman’s Forum invite women to receive their monthly gift, contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841.


Every Thursday at 7pm



Every Friday, call in anytime:

Mum’s Bumps and Babies – come for a chat, tea and cakes.

Mum’s, Toddlers and a story – if there’s enough little ones we’ll read a story and entertain them for a bit while mum’s can enjoy a snack!




Congleton Senior Forum meeting minutes 10.08.2017

Congleton Senior Forum met recently, download meeting minutes HERE.


Tea Dances.

First 2 Tea Dances were poorly attended. Shirley feels there is a real need in Congleton and is willing to carry out some taster sessions. Sarah Jacklin to try and organise tasters at Heath View and St James Court. Would Sarah Jacklin discuss this with Shirley.

Possible to look at Bakers Villas/ Clayton manor?

Possible do a survey at Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

It may be an idea to look at the Alsager “ Chance to Dance” and link it in with Dementia Group.


Dementia Awareness Event held on 26th July 2017

Approx 40 attendees.

List of Attendees held on file, some indicated willingness to become involved in setting up a steering group.

MS open the event outlining our aim (in Partnership with Congleton Town Management team) of helping Congleton become a Dementia friendly Town.

Dementia is now a single biggest killer, with many suffering for a long period of time. We aim for the town to be able to offer more support to those people and make shopping, socialising etc. much more inclusive and enjoyable.

This event is a start of a long journey, it will not happen overnight although we will look to get some small wins / changes in as soon as we can.

Speakers at the meeting included:-

Debbi Callow from End of Life Partnership

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice

Kath Reader and John Poulson from Alsager Partnership.

We concluded the event with an Open Forum where ideas were captured for discussion once the steering group has been set up.

MS promised we would move on setting up the steering group by around Aug Bank Holiday, the meeting is now scheduled for  Wed 30th August, 3.00pm at The Old Saw Mill, emails have been sent to all who indicated an interest in being involved with the steering group.

Kath and John who outlined what they have achieved in Alsager have offered to support us wherever they could.


Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th September – Congleton Town Hall.
Flyers and Posters now available.
34 (approx.) exhibitors confirmed with 3 x activities in The Bridestones Suite.
Town Crier supporting the day, will walk around town generally advertising the event and also announce the 3 activities in the town hall 10 minutes before they start.
AB has drawn up a layout plan, will need some new name plates for tables
AB to let MS have a list.
AB / SJ to get the posters /flyers out, AB to contact U.Ashiq (Plus Dane) for requirements.
MS look after noticeboards and TIC
All to display posters wherever they can.
Risk assessment – has Lisa Alcock got last year’s / can she please update
MS find out U3A signing on day (15th August Eaton Bank Academy 10am to Noon)


Meeting Finished at:4.54pm
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 17th October 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Congleton Sustainability meeting minutes 07.08.17

Congleton Sustainability meeting took place recently, download the full minute meetings click here.


Highlights include:

Neighbourhood Plan.

DJ meeting with D.McG and A Thompson to finalise document. Will create a PDF out of the document then
MailChimp out to the 650 registered consultees. Banners are being produced to advise the public that we are now at
Regulation 14 and they can have they say by logging on to the web address shown.


Commenting Team.
1. Seddon Development off Canal Road
PM has still to receive a response from Cllr Ainsley Arnold to the letter dated 22nd June raising issues about the low (or nonexistence)
of accommodation for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable within developments as a whole, citing this development
as the example.
(Peter has just received from Cllr Arnold to the letter sent on behalf of CSG regarding the provision of specific accommodation for the
elderly, vulnerable and disabled in developments. Much as expected it is a bland response blaming the lack of a Local Plan on not
providing such accommodation previously and claiming that now the Local Plan is in place everything will change – we will just have to see
what actually happens.)
2. CEBC Supported bus review
PM has submitted comments on behalf of CSG to the CEBC consultation on proposed reductions in supported bus services.
The key issues raised were the need to continue to provide bus services for the elderly and vulnerable and the possibility of
S106 money from developers to keep the bus services fully funded.
3. Congleton Neighbourhood Plan – Transport Group
PM attended the meeting of group chairs signing off the Neighbourhood Plan policies for Regulation 14 consultation. As part of
the evidence base PM has been asked by Andrew Thompson to produce a travel survey report based on the travel surveys
carried out on behalf of CSG to challenge developers’ transport evidence at appeal.
4. Paper on unfulfilled S106 obligations
As requested at the last meeting PM has started to prepare a paper for Cllr Brown and Cllr Williams on unfulfilled S106
obligations in Congleton related to the provision of cycling (principally) and walking routes.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th September 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am