Senior Forum – Bobs Blog – Bearing up! Part 1

Bob's Blog Senior Forum

‘Bob’s Blog’ a weekly column in Congleton Chronicle

Introducing a new columnist – Bob Bear will be sharing his weekly Blog.

Bob is a born and bred Congletonian, and in his younger days lived in Back Park Street with his family. Bob says he’s getting on a bit now, but he’s  in the know about anything worth doing or hearing about as far as older people are concerned .  Over to you Bob……


Well this is a first for me …  a Blog!!!  A friend is typing this up for me as I can’t use a computer (YET!)   I suppose it’s because I know a lot of people in Congleton that I get to know what’s going on.  Only this week I got an invite to the Congleton Senior Forum –WOW !  I found out some valuable stuff.   I thought you had to be a Plus Dane tenant to get one of those alarm thingies.   But No!  Karen from Plus Dane told us about all sorts of technology that you can buy for a few pounds a week .   There’s a pad for the bed  – if you’re taken short in the night (no, it’s not what you’re thinking – stay with me) and you have a funny turn, it knows you ‘ve not got back into bed and it alerts the care team who come and check .   Isn’t that amazing?   There’s a thing for your wrist too– if you fall or trip it knows and sends an alert!  And there’s loads more.  Call Plus Dane on 0800 169 2988 and ask for a visit, and Karen says there’s no pressure to buy –beat that!!   If you are computer literate ( jargon for  if you can use a computer) you can email them at

As you can see from my pic I’m not very computer savvy!   But Alyssa who I’ve met at the Senior Forum – she’s a Community Agent – is going to come to see me and explain some basic stuff about emails.   And even better she knows someone who can get the thing out of the box and up and working –one of their volunteers, a computer expert who can fix the  technology or teach people how to use it properly. Fantastic I say!!

For older folk computer stuff can be life –changing.   Did you know you can even do your supermarket shop without leaving home!    If you’ re scared of computers and don’t want to be learning in a group with other people give Alyssa a ring on 07901787272

When I’ve done my first online shop I’ll let you know……


Bob Bear signing out till next week….

Senior Health and well-being Fayre 1st October Congleton

Senior health and well-being fayre for all the vibrant over 50’s living in and around Congleton! Join us on the 1st October 1pm-4pm at New Life Church. A range of activities and afternoon tea will be served! See the poster for more information.

senior health and well-being fayre Congleotn

Congleton Senior Forum meeting minutes 25.08.2015

The latest meeting of Congleton Senior Forum took place recently on 28.08.2015, download the full meeting mintues HERE.

Highlights include:

The meeting began with a talk by Peter Broome (New Life Community Partnership) about the formation of this joint project with New Life Church, Mattroe Ltd and Plus Dane. He outlined the operating procedures for supplying families who are in financial, social ,physical and mental need. He explained the ethics and link up with The LOL Foundation and how training and involvement helped in the rehabilitation of the ex-servicemen. A tour of the facility followed.

Forget me not service – Karen Mellor & Chris Birch Plus Dane


Karen and Chris took us through a presentation on the Forget-Me- Not- Scheme that Plus Dane run for both their residents and the wider public alike. The scheme offers a wide range of applications / alarm systems from Pendants, Wrist Straps, Movement Detectors, Panic Buttons, Bed/Chair Sensors etc. A price and product brochure is available on request (MS has sent a copy out although the file is quite large and some mailboxes will not be able to take it) If you wish more information please contact Karen or Chris at:-


Louise will blog this out in The Chronicle once the Format and agreement with The Chronicle is agreed.

Senior Health Fayre 1.10.15


The event which will celebrate Older People’s Day on 1st October will be held at New Life Church from 1 to 4pm. The event is being organised by Cheshire East with support from AgeUK CE / Plus Dane.  There will be a main hall exhibition with breakout rooms to facilitate various activities (Tai Chi, Massages, Music etc).


If any of our organisation would like to be there please contact Victoria on 01625 612958 as soon as possible.


Usman is putting together an advert to support the event, MS to circulate once received. Please get this out to all your clients/ members, also display wherever you can.

Congleton Senior Forum meeting No 6 23.06.15

Congleton Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE. Highlights from the meeting included:

Community Transport

Current situation

Currently have one minibus which caters for 8 passengers plus wheelchair and is about 8-9 years old. We have also had notification that we will be receiving a brand new minibus via a Government scheme. This will be a 16 seater community mini-bus. A Community Mini Bus is Not a public service bus and is NOT providing community transport like Dial a Ride. It can be used by groups connected to the Partnership to enable their group to get around. Can drive on a current licence if held licence for over 20 years. New licences may require extra training. Drivers must be over 30 years old and under 70 years with no more than three points on their licence.

If you wish to use the current Mini Bus please contact Andy Holland (NLC 01260 297961 ext 210) for booking and hiring administration documentation.


Senior Health Fayre 1.10.15


The event which will celebrate Older People’s Day on 1st October will be held at New Life Church from 1 to 4pm. The event is being organised by Cheshire East with support from AgeUK CE / Plus Dane.  MS to request more information from Donna Peddie (CE Engagement Officer) and to circulate to forum members.

The Senior Forum will be taking a stand at the vent, invitations are being sent out by Donna to local organisations.


Content will be discussed at the next Senior Forum.

Senior Forum meeting minutes 25.03.15

The latest meeting of Congleton Senior forum had taken place, please download the minutes to view all the news!

Discussion – Where do we go from here?

The view of the members present was that the idea of a Senior Forum had positive opportunities and outcomes. Networking and understanding how various of the organisations operate, plus possibilities of working together was well worth pursuing.

It was felt that like the Youth Council Survey and usage of its findings the Senior Forum also needed to know more about residents desires / their understanding of what is available to them.

It was felt that we should get a questionnaire together and use various methods of getting the document out to residents. MS had started to put together a questionnaire and will send out to member for critique and feedback.

Discussion around arranging some ‘drop in’ activities to be able to have face to face feedback from resident was raised and it was decided to hold 1 x ‘drop in’ event and 2 x ‘club’ visits.

We would love you to get involved ! Contact Mike Smith to find out more on email:

Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 27.01.14

The 3rd meeting of the Congleton Partnerships latest group the Senior Forum took place on the 27th January. There is a lot of actions to follow up as the group takes shape and moves forward! (Please see the minutes).

Crewe and Nantwich Senior Forum.

During the meeting Adrian Lindop gave a presentation on the Crewe & Nantwich Senior Forum. The forum which has a strap line of ‘No service for us without us’ was constitutionally formed in 2006, meeting every 6 weeks and developing an action plan and some clear goals.

It is now very much resident/volunteer lead, building a very strong ‘family’ ethos along the way. They have strong partnerships and funding support from both local authority, local services and national streams. They involve the public / volunteers by playing / using their individual strengths making sure people feel valued for their efforts. They have created awareness of the forum by being proactive involvement in community events, hosted workshops ,demonstrations and increasing their membership.

With the help of their strong team of volunteers they have organised a number of successful projects ( Slow Cookers / Tree Cozy / Blooming Lovely) to name but a few. Currently they hold a Friday ‘Drop In’  (10 to 12.30pm) each week at a set time and location where residents can go for a drink, refreshments, chat and advice /support/ signposting. Since 2009 they have held a major Health & Wellbeing Fayre which has become so successful that they now have a waiting list of organisations / exhibitors and close on 200 residents coming through the doors.


The session certainly gave us plenty to think about and a real direction to aim for.

We certainly need to reach out to the public, grow a bank of volunteers to take our own forum on. The newsletter project and the planned ‘Senior Health Fayre’ planned for Congleton may be good places to start.


For all the other news view the minutes here.

Senior Forum meeting minutes 18.11.14

The Congleton Partnerships newest group The Senior Forum met on the 18th November 2014.  Steve Foster opened the meeting and all members were introduced  to each other. There were 3 main areas for discussion:

  • Gaps in Provision
  • How we work together
  • How do we communicate with residents

For all the information download the minutes HERE

Date of the next meeting.

Tuesday 27th January 2015

Bridestones Suite, Congleton Town Hall, 6.00 to 8.00pm.