Senior Forum meeting minutes 15.03.16

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Tesco Community Work.

Wendy Cotterill took us through some of the support and ideas she had to develop closer links between Tesco and the community.

Community involvement is one of Tesco’s Big 6 corner stones of their operation along with Customer Service, Food Wastage etc. The store has 180 colleagues all whom have various skills and expertise that they can take outside of work.

Tesco Congleton currently work with New Life Church on their Foodbank and Job Club projects and are looking to spread out across a wider area involving more community organisations and events.

Wendy works primarily in and around Congleton and will let Mike have a list of the community champions in the stores around ( Macclesfield, Kidsgrove etc)

She has the ability to book bag pack activity given a few weeks notice.

There is a notice board within the store that we can make use of.

Wendy is looking to make contact with P.Pinto re developing the now empty garden at the front of the store. MS let Patti know. Men in sheds could be asked to produce planters (Victoria)

Tesco could well have some involvement with our planned Senior Health Fayre and will discuss this with Victoria.

Senior Health Fayre 2016 – Friday 30th September.


Following last year’s successful Fayre (Oct 1st 2015) to support National Older People’s Day the forum felt that we should look to build an annual event around this.

A sub group will be set up to dive this event. Subgroup members:- V.Lockett, U.Ashiq,                 A.Baines and L.Alcock.

The event will take place in Congleton Town Hall, Friday 30th September from 10.00am to 1.00pm.

Partnership to book the hall and refreshments (Tea,Coffe & Biscuits) MS action this.

The next sub group meeting is 17th March, copy of the minutes will be sent to MS for circulation.

Items / Themes to include:-

Winter Well Being

Slow Cooker Demo

Digital IT Training

Plus Dane Telecare

The group are looking to approach all the organisations that attended last year.

The event will be promoted through:-

Bear Necessities (deadline for BN is 1st Week in June)

The Chronicle


Bob’s Blog



Bob’s Blog – L.Daniels.

Please keep sending articles through to Louise it is difficult to keep the Blog running without information

When sending ideas / articles /events to Louise please copy Mike Smith in.

Alyssa has an issues she will send around transport to church

Victoria will send info around Health Fayre / AgeUK Allotment (cry for help)

Suzie Akers-Smith to send information on The Tour Of Britain Cycle Race.


Next Meeting:-

Wednesday 18th May 2016, Congleton Town Hall, 3.00pm



Senior Health and well-being Fayre 1st October Congleton

Senior health and well-being fayre for all the vibrant over 50’s living in and around Congleton! Join us on the 1st October 1pm-4pm at New Life Church. A range of activities and afternoon tea will be served! See the poster for more information.

senior health and well-being fayre Congleotn