Health & Wellbeing Fair Congleton

Health and Wellbeing FairMembers of the public are being invited to a free health and wellbeing fair which aims to promote the help, advice and support that is available in Cheshire.


Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) and Congleton Partnership, a community based, volunteer organisation, which utilises the skills and expertise of residents & organisations in Congleton, will be hosting the event on Tuesday 3 October at Congleton Town Hall, which will run from 10am – 1pm.


The fair will consist of a variety of free activities and health checks to get involved in, as well as displays from Age UK Cheshire, Alzheimer’s Society, Healthwatch, Cheshire Fire & Rescue, One You Cheshire East and many more.


A number of departments from Crewe’s Leighton Hospital will also be holding displays.


Mike Smith of the Congleton Partnership said: “We are pleased to be holding another health and wellbeing fair in Congleton following the success of previous events. We are also delighted to be working in partnership with both Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Cheshire East Council this year. The event is a great opportunity to find out about health and wellbeing support options available in the local area.”


The Trust, which runs Leighton Hospital in Crewe, Victoria Infirmary in Northwich and Elmhurst Intermediate Care Centre in Winsford, will also be holding its Annual Members’ Meeting following the fair.


Members of the Trust, along with the general public, are invited to join the Board of Directors and Council of Governors to find out the latest about the Trust, its sites and its achievements during 2017/18.


Dennis Dunn MBE, Chairman of the Trust, said: “Our Annual Members’ Meeting provides a wonderful opportunity for local people to engage with their local hospitals, ask any questions they have, meet the staff who work there and learn more about the service improvements that have taken place over the last year.


“The event is open to everybody, and attendees can also find out how they can become Members of the Trust in order to have their say on local healthcare, how facilities are run and how they can be developed in the future.”

The Annual Members’ Meeting will begin at 12.30pm with lunch available for those who attend.


Those wishing to attend the Annual Members’ Meeting can register their interest in advance by contacting 01270 612128 or emailing


If you have any further questions, or wish to register your attendance for the health and wellbeing fair, please contact 01260 270350 or email Further information can also be found on


Congleton Sustainability Group 3.09.18


Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights Include:

The Old Saw Mill – Apple Juice and Cider

AJ production is now in full swing a little earlier than normal. 200 bottles produced to-date, big push on apple collection this week.
Dewi to put together a leaflet to explain usage of Cider Vinegar. Currently, have 400 bottles (RPS £5)

OSM Cider to enter the CAMRA North of England Cider and Perry Competition at the Manchester Beer & Cider festival 25th January 2019


Neighbourhood Plan.
Still some work to be done before the plan can progress to Cheshire East and onto Regulation 15. The updated plan was agreed by the steering group with one or two issues to be solved around Health and Wellbeing.

Staged still to complete:-
Formal adoption

Next Meeting:- Mon 1st October, The Old Saw Mill, 10am.



Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 23.07.18

Congleton Partnerships Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.


All of the major work completed, just a small amount of snagging and repair. Lamppost tops, projector, bollards and seats to be re-sited.

There is however an issue of the quality of the stone paving used and its ability to mark/stain too easily. The meeting requested that D.McG and SF put a letter together to be sent to Kath O’Dwyer (Acting Chief Exec)

Jackie to look at siting a town centre map within the pedestrian area. 2 possible sites ,Jackie approaching Seddons as potential sponsors.

Projector. Not sure the current situation regarding this, David has contacted CEBC for information, the feeling of the group was that it would be a target of vandals and possibly poorly received by the general public as a waste of money.

Leisure Centre.

Press release now received from CEBC.

“Pulse Design & Build was appointed following an extensive procurement process.

The council’s project team will now work with Pulse Design & Build to undertake necessary preparatory work, consultation and surveys leading to the submission of a full planning application. This is due to be concluded by March 2019. Redevelopment works are due to be completed by autumn 2020”.


The Mills.

No change from last meeting.

Aware that CEC and Scarborough Developments Group have resolved land related issues and the start of the development is dependent upon and anchor tenant being found – we believe positive progress is being made on this. Once the anchor tenant is committed a planning application will be submitted for the scheme and everyone will have a chance to comment.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

Planned for early 2nd October.  A joint venture with Mid Cheshire NHS Trust as they are planning a Fayre/Annual Meeting around that time.  40 exhibitors confirmed ranging from Clinical, health services, community centres and local groups. Next subgroup meeting 29th August. Posters and flyers printed and will be circulated in September.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 15th October 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am.

Bradshaw House Statement from the Trustees of Congleton Museum

Congleton Museum trustees met Andy Kehoe and Lee Beckett of Cheshire East Council to find out why the application for Bradshaw House had been unsuccessful.

Mr. Kehoe said that CEC was very concerned about the future of Bradshaw House because the council is responsible for its care as a listed building.


The reasons he gave for Congleton Museum’s rejection were, in summary:

  1. The museum had failed to get Heritage Lottery Fund grants for the project in the past, therefore the council considered it was unlikely to be successful again.
  2. If it were to be successful, it would take too long to acquire the grant and get authorisation for work to start on the building.
  3. The projections in the museum’s bid showing expected growth in visitor numbers were considered to be over ambitious. The council officers were unable to justify that opinion.
  4. The museum is currently a small business and rapid expansion is risky. The council does not want Congleton Museum to “break”.


Trustees expressed their disappointment at the decision and challenged the reasons given.  They considered none of these points valid and pointed out:

  1. When the museum first asked HLF for support in 2014 the council was insisting it buy the building at a cost of £350,000. HLF turned the application down, partly because the scheme at that time was considered too large, and partly because it was unwilling to pay a commercial price for a building to a council which was offering negligible support to the ongoing project.

The situation now is quite different.  The property is offered on a lease, the overall project is much smaller and informal discussions between the museum and HLF have been positive.

  1. The building was offered for community use. Any community organisation taking on a listed building which has stood empty for some years will need grant funding to restore it.  This is sure to take time.  CEC has always known the museum would need to deal with HLF and was fully aware of the timescale involved.

The museum has been trying for five years to find a way to take over Bradshaw House.  In that time the building has not been maintained and has remained empty.   It does not appear that time has been of the essence until now.

  1. The figures in the business plan were based on visitor numbers elsewhere, supplied by Museums Development North West, and on a similar case study. They are conservative and considered achievable by experts.
  2. The museum is currently a small business; it is forced to be, since expansion of any kind within the current premises is impossible.  It is usual for museums to provide a cafe, both as an income stream and an attractive facility for visitors.  This is not possible in Congleton without new premises.

CEC shows minimal support for the museum.  It provides a small grant of just over £5000 a year – a fraction of the support received by the other museums in the area.

The museum was set up from scratch by a team of volunteers and has been run successfully as a charitable trust for 16 years.  The trustees have varied backgrounds and areas of expertise and understand the risks involved.  They have a realistic view of what can be achieved and have no intention of allowing the museum to “break”.  The amount of risk the board is willing to accept is up to its members.


The benefits of allowing Congleton Museum to occupy Bradshaw House remain high, both for the museum and for Congleton, its people and its councils:

  1. The move would enable the museum to be more sustainable in the long term.
  2. A museum is a highly appropriate tenant for a listed historical building.
  3. CEC says it has no current plan for the future of Bradshaw House. If the museum were to take it over, it would be fully restored and cared for the full term of the thirty year lease.
  4. The museum’s education offering could be increased, with space available for a larger numbers of children, making a visit more cost-effective for schools.
  5. Bradshaw House is much more visible and more attractive than the museum’s current premises.
  6. The museum would be able to handle a much larger number of visitors.
  7. Improved facilities would encourage more visitors to the town, so benefitting the economy:
    • There would be plenty of exhibition space, storage, education & research facilities and accommodation for staff and volunteers, as well as room for a cafe and a larger gift shop.
    • The museum would be able to accept more artefacts and display more of the collection it already has. This would allow the increasing number of local archaeological finds to remain in the area.
    • The museum already works in partnership with national museums, such as the V&A and the British Museum, and would be able to host touring exhibitions.
    • There is a garden for outdoor activities and it would be possible to hold conferences and other events.
  8. It would provide a central venue for the people of Congleton. The town is expanding rapidly and the museum would promote a sense of place and community.
  9. The museum would be a catalyst to invigorate the Lawton Street Conservation Area .
  10. The project meets Cheshire East Council’s long term objectives as stated in its corporate plan:

Our local communities are strong and supportive

Cheshire East has a strong and resilient economy

People have the life skills and education they need in order to thrive

Cheshire East is a green and sustainable place

People live well and for longer


The trustees will be asking Cheshire East Council to reconsider its decision and asking the people of Congleton to support an expanded museum.


The trustees are grateful for the support of Congleton’s MP, Fiona Bruce, who made the following statement:

“The development of Congleton Museum moving to Bradshaw House has the potential to provide a much enhanced cultural destination over and above the museum’s current location for the local population and visitors to enjoy. This move would also enhance the opportunities for other visitor attractions in the town to increase their footfall. For these reasons I fully support the museum’s proposal.

Congleton Museum has a really interesting story to tell about the town’s history and Bradshaw House would provide the museum with the location to present not only this but also exhibits from the whole of Cheshire and from national collections.

It would be a wonderful and much needed location for educational visits, family groups and for residents who feel proud of this town, as I do, in an appropriate setting for showcasing the town of Congleton.

I will be writing to the Leader of Cheshire East to look again at the business case presented to them by the museum and also, on behalf of Congleton, asking Cheshire East to support the museum’s bid for Heritage Lottery Funding for the development of Bradshaw House.”

Fiona Bruce MP


Congleton Museum Trustees:

 Ian Doughty (chair), Dawn Allen , Anne Gubbins, Linda Hulse, Mike Laurence, Anna Morrison,
Diane Ritherdon, Ron Renshaw, David Topping, Mike Warke.


Congleton Partnership Executive meeting minutes 05.06.18

Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently download the meeting HERE.


Highlights include:

  1. Public Realm – the contract with Pronin is complete – apart from any outstanding snagging business. The Town Council has asked for quotes for two new lamp post heads in Victoria Street. We have yet to have the meeting with Cheshire East Assets about responsibilities going forward – so for now everything is still a Cheshire East Asset. The Town Council will be planting up the big tubs with summer bedding and doing a deep clean.
  2. Makers Market – We have held the first two Makers Markets- both a great success. The stall holders thought Congleton was the most positive first market day that they had ever experienced. Probably thanks to the Food and Drink festival making Congleton really receptive to events! On both days the footfall increased by over 4,000. The feedback from shops has been largely positive – some had better days, some didn’t really see any uplift in their sales, but felt that the town benefited from being busier. Each time there have been some issues to improve on – the team behind the makers market are receptive to working with local people and keen on feedback.
  3. Congleton in Bloom – Lots of In Bloom work is underway – the North West in Bloom judging day will be on the 24th July and the Britain in Bloom judging on the 2nd There is another clean up around the park this weekend from10 – 12. Still lots to do and all help gratefully received!


Group Reports.

Youth Forum – GWilliams

We are now at the delivery stage of the PB grant award project. 3 of the 7 elements have been delivered, with a 4th (40 things to do in Congleton) booklet being completed by J.Money once Food & Drink Fest is out of the way.

Good feedback on some of the sessions.

CSG – P.Aston.

New cycle map- has been produced in partnership with Cycling Group, Sustrans and Local Authorities (Congleton / Staffs) to support the route along Biddulph Valley Way from Congleton to SOT.

Hydro Scheme – CEBC Planning Dept have raised several issues around the planning application. CSG have temporary withdrawn the application for further surveys to be carried out.

Fracking – New planning conditions being brought in to side step local government and allow easier granting of permission nationally. CSG to meet with F.Bruce MP to raise our concerns.

Old Saw Mill – Experienced a real surge in trade following the Royal Visit / PR created, this has now flattened out to pre visit turnover. Apple juice and Cider going well, good sales from Makers Market and Rode Hall events, looking for good day at F&D festival.

Connected Communities Centre – Early days, difficult in reaching socially isolate residents.

Plastics – CSG are trying to get a view together on what can be done to tackle the issue. CEB new document has been circulated and in planned to go to all homes in the near future.

PP commented that schools should pick this up through their Marine Project


Bradshaw House.

D.Topping took us through a statement from the trustees of Congleton Museum document. This explained the reasons given by Cheshire East in rejecting the museums bid for Bradshaw House and their challenges against this decision, the benefits they could offer by moving there, and a call to arms from Congleton residents to support this plan. F.Bruce MP is very supportive and  has written to Cheshire East asking them to reconsider their decision.

MS to circulate a copy of this document with the minutes. A version of the document will appear in The Chronicle

Bob Edwards indicated that the Town Council were strongly supportive of this project and asked for some extra time to work on this.

The Partnership fully supported both the Town Council and The Museum in pursuing this project and keeping Bradshaw House as a jewel in Congleton’s crown.



MS read out an email from Dan Coyne where he summarised what work had gone on to mitigate the closure of Mountview. He has been discussing the issues with The Town Council, Plus Dane and New Life Church. Working on a business case to put to Cheshire East senior managers by the end of June. He will raise the issue at the next Congleton Neighbourhood Group meeting and the Dementia Friendly Congleton group.

M.Gleave added comments that there were 23 people who had been involved in the consultation, that 2 strong options had come to the forefront, a Venue and Service Provider working jointly.

The consultation also showed a desire for the venue to be in Congleton and to be reasonably consistent (ie not a different one every day).

PB added that Mountview would not be closed until places had been found for all of the clients.

Heritage Trail / Heritage Fortnight.

8th to 23rd September.

This included 2 x Heritage Open Weekends, 40+ events (talks, open days, activities) the lead for this event is Nino Manci.

They are working on putting together a Heritage Tour using QR codes on pavements outside of out more interesting and historic buildings. This should all be in place for the In Bloom Judging as heritage is an important aspect of in bloom too.


The meeting ended at 7.18pm

Next Meeting is:- AGM / Executive Meeting ,Tuesday 11th September 2018 , Bridestones Suite , 5.30pm


Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 26.03.18

Congleton Sustainability group meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.

Planning application in 18/0773M

Lots of questions being asked by planners that will all need addressing.

Access to the site to get equipment down to the build is currently the biggest problem.

Enhancing Congleton’s Natural Environment

DJ circulated a paper on the “River Valleys” project which has arisen form the Neighbourhood Plan policies S3 & S4.

MS circulate to the group. No map included with this document.

The project is in early stages and needs more work before taking to Congleton Town Council for their support.

DJ to research how other towns are working on the delivery of their NH action plans.


Next Meeting:-          

Mon 14th May 2018 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am


Projects and Finance Committee minutes 19.06.18

The Project and Finance committee meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlighte incudes:

Project  Update.



Planning permission granted with conditions.

D.McGifford / M.Smith to follow up some funding ideas.

J.Carter / M.Pickford to work om Tendering Paper

MS contact various groups for support of the project.

£20,600 already pledged, CTC to discuss in business plan meeting. Once we have a firm agreement from CTC, we will have confidence to take forward with other funders/groups etc.

Article in Spring Bear Necessities.


Public Realm Strategy.

Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. CTC members met with Highways 15.3.18, action list being drawn up. Should all be completed by Easter.


Leisure Centre.

Quotes are all in and a developer agreed. New pool and refurbish dry side. Press release out to public, no plans submitted as yet.


Link Road.

95% Land agreements obtained, could break ground late 2018, or Jan 2019.


The Mills.

Nothing new from Scarborough although there is belief that things are progressing. J.Mac has contacted CEBC re Princess St Car Park and the future of the Electric Charging Points.

No contact for us with Scarborough.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 21st May  2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Cheshire Connect – Cherie Semper.
Cheshire Connect is a registered charity that matches skills and expertise of local businesses and professional, offered free of charge, with the needs of the community and voluntary sector.
Cherie is the new business connector for Congleton and Sandbach.
She is currently getting to know the organisations/businesses locally and has already helped various organisations with some of their business/ forward planning.
J.Money commented on how grateful she was with Cherie’s support on helping her to put a business plan together, D.Murphy also commented on CAB’s dealings with Cheshire Connect.
If you know of any charities, organisations and voluntary groups that need some support please let Cherie know. info@cheshireconnect.og or ring 01244688436


Senior Forum – S Akers Smith
Dementia Steering Group (Dementia Friendly Congleton) is going from strength to strength. We are half way to our Dementia Friends Target for 2018. (TGT 250, achieved 134) with a widening range of Businesses, Organisations and Health Services coming on board. Activity programme for Congleton showing activity across 6 days per week, JMac putting together a more professional leaflet. We now have a regular column in The Chronicle.
Health and Wellbeing Fayre. This is planned for Tuesday 2nd October and will be a joint project with Mid Cheshire Health Trust. Subgroup meeting planned for 27th March, more details at the June meeting.
Projects and Finance.
Town Centre Destination maps. Still to be sited at the Bus Station, Railway Station and in the Town Centre.
Heritage Trail – waiting for development form TMC. We are no loger a developer of the scheme, but a potential customer.
Mountbatten Way – 7 more large planters and tubs being sites which will give us 19 trees in total plus the 5 pear trees in Back St carpark in our drive to “green” Mountbatten Way.
Play Area activity – national play day is 1st August, J.Money to work with Mark Gleave on some play area activity on the day.


The Royal Visit.
John Beardmore wished to record his thanks and congratulations to all involved in the organisation of the Royal Visit. A great occasion that left a good feeling across Congleton. BE commented on the choice of Congleton because of its strong voluntary sector and the close working across the whole of the town.


The meeting ended at 7.08pm
Next Meeting is:- Tuesday 5th June 2018 , Bridestones Suite , 5.30pm.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 05.02.18

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.
Environmental agency water extraction out for consultation.
Planning application about to go in.
Still a little behind preferred time line.
Fundraising and civil engineer looks likely to be autumn this year with power generation late winter / early spring 2019.
Copy of the plan issued with these minutes.


The Old Saw Mill.
Royal Visit.
A very successful and enjoyable event which has certainly lifted the profile of the Old saw Mill and generated some new visitors. Congratulations to all involved.

Apple Juice and Cider
Production has now finished. In stock 195 Bottles Cider and 1112 bottles of Apple Juice.
Cider Vinegar close to being launched.
Chutneys and preserves are now being produced at OSM.
Dewi Jones circulated a report MS to send out with the minutes.
Looks as though this will produce £406 for CSG project funds.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 5th March 2018 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am