Projects and Finance Meeting Minutes

The Projects and Finance committee met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Project  Update.



Awaiting information from Cheshire East Highways (Ian McLauchlan) as to how they will tackle both the trees growing through the wall and the rebuilding  of the lower section and repairing the top section. (See above)


Public Realm Strategy.

Design complete and equipment on order. Will run in as the gas works are completed should be spring / summer. They are all aware of Food & Drink 11.6.17

Town Centre Regeneration (NEW) Nothing new to report since we received a letter from K.Howe promising let us have sight of the Mills “Final” design before it goes to panning.

J.Mac to contact Kate Howe for an update as to where they are in the process.


D.McGifford to find out who is the portfolio holder responsible for this development on behalf of CEBC.


2016/17 Project Updates.

Blue italics comments from last meeting.

Black comments for meeting 16.1.17

Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

MS / JMac met with M.Hodgkinson (taken over project from J.Byrne) discussed some redesign to make it more community friendly. MS has discussed the possibility of Chapel St nursery using this for outdoor activity which they are keen to do. PCSO/ Police happy with our plans. Will be ready for summer 2017 “In Bloom” activity. MS / DMcG meeting with D.Owen and M.Hodgkinson (CEBC) to discuss S106 monies available to Congleton and will discuss the Moody ST design at the same meeting(25th Jan). May be opportunity to add to the project if required. JMac has indicated that if possible we would like 2 or 3 seats and a waste bin salvaged from the pedestrianised area as the refurbishment rolls out.

Destination Maps.

Maps are virtually read to go and should be sited by Xmas. Jackie has made final alterations and now just has to agree the “You are here” locations.

The group felt that there would be more benefit gained form a map at Barn Road and in the town centre. JM to look at possible locations to accommodate this.

It was also felt that a paper copy in a noticeboard would be sufficient at the Station freeing up some costs to meet the other location changes.

Jackie reported that 2 of the metal signs could go up a.s.a.p the other 2 remaining signs are awaiting ANSA siting the posts. The railway station has ordered a display cabinet and the boxes for the 3 bus station shelters are being sourced. JM to look at Barn Rd and Town Centre.

It was felt that we should get some of the maps up as soon as we can. J.Mac to action.

TIC will have paper copies for visitors on request.

Heritage Trail Project.

T.McCloud reported back the results of the scoping exercise at the Partnership Exec following the AGM on 18.19.16. TSC have had a good look at what other towns have done, the strengths and weaknesses of their projects. They have some interesting and exciting ideas and will carry out further work on the project at their own expense.

D.McG has been having discussions with Tim ways of building a business model to present to CEBC. TM will keep The Partnership updated when there is something to report.

Community Award Scheme _ Jo Money

Jo has been in contact with Mark Smith CVS. They (CVS) are having a celebration of volunteering event in Congleton Park on 1st July. There may be opportunity for some involvement, Jo has heard nothing from Mark since the end of November. Jo feels that celebrating volunteering is much more embracing than awarding one or two individuals.

Need to discuss at the March meeting.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.(Phase 2)

MS/RB and MW have sent potential sites to Simon Davies (CEBC) for consideration Awaiting his feedback. Site visit and sign off planned for Mon 21st November.

Sites signed of by J.Tickle. Ruth has obtained the cost of tubs and bins (£2350 in total) MS to Email the 20 executive voting members to see if they will support this project going ahead.

Play Area Signage

MS currently working with CEBC (G.Butler) re signage to highlight our major play areas.  Would plan to turn this project into both signage and paper map project long term.

Signs are ready for siting, contract is with D Derbyshire. Should be completed in the next few weeks.

Do we look at a leaflet to support them then.

Congleton Sports Trust.

New board formed ( D.McG chairing for a limited period) initially made up of football and rugby clubs. Bank account set up.

Need to work up a cohesive programme / plan of action. May be an opportunity to include someone from  TOB Cycling Legacy team. Pitch improvements and funding initial issues.

Meeting set for Fri 20th Jan, issue around Back Lane pitch drainage and a wider pitch regenerating programme. Bank account open.

Cycling TOB Legacy.

S.Akers Smith is keen to develop a cycling project as part of the TOB Legacy. She has a sub group working on this (P.Hall, M.Axford & P.Emms) with a meeting planned 15.11.16, Janet Mills CEBC along with SF & MS will also attend.

SF & MS invited to a “cycling related “meeting with P.Bates /CEBC in near future.

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments.

1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers.

2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament.

3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future.

4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS pulled together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling.

5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings

6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced.

7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available.

New Project.

Outdoor Table Tennis. MS to check with Sandbach usage of their current table in Sandbach Park.

(DF reports reasonable usage across a wide age group, they do not supply bats and balls except of their organised events. Note if purchasing a concrete table factor in the cost of a crane to lift the item into place). MS/ GW to raise the idea at the next Youth Forum for their views.

The P& F Committee agreed to support the idea in principle but would welcome feedback from other sources on use and need.

DMcG to ask what view CEBC have in developing an outside fitness / activity area at the “new” leisure centre. We have still to see any definitive plans for the site.

 Transport – Mini Bus


Mini Bus.

The new bus in due any day now, just waiting for a 3rd key to be cut.

GW/SF/MS met with New Life Church who agreed to carry on the garaging and administration of the mini bus operation. Jeff Cutts to send usage details to MS for charging.

New charges advised to users £20 per booking and 40p a mile.


Will PR and advertise facility once delivered, will open up to more users (organisations not general public)


Funding Requests.


SAS – TOB Legacy Team. Request for support to fund a feasibility study around their first 3 priorities. P&F Committee agreed to underwrite up to £999. SAS to try and source other funders as well.




There was other business raised.


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 13th March 2017, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes 6.12.16

Congleton Partnerships Executive meeting took place recently, full meeting minutes can be downloaded HERE. highlights included:


Item 4. The Mills Development. As requested at the last meeting a subgroup was set up as a result of which a letter outlining issues around the proposed development was sent to Kate Howe , Associate Director, Scarborough Group International. A copy of the letter was later circulated within the Executive, only one comment was received back as a result. Kate Howe duly replied indicating that our issues raised would be taken into consideration and that The Partnership would be included in future communications prior to submission of the Planning Application. The reply is on file. It is hoped that the Planning Application will be submitted late Jan / early Feb 2017. Sara Rathbone raised the issues of Dementia / Disability and that they be considered before planning goes in.

Dementia Action Alliance – Sara Rathbone


Contacts:-  Mob 07753425255


Sara explained to us her role, the structure that she works within and the breadth of residents covered.


Sara has been in post since 28th April and is currently working on making more people / organisations dementia aware. These include the police, transport. National companies including Tesco, Virgin and Taxi firms to help them improve their offering and support to people who suffer from Dementia / Alzheimers etc.


Sara is working on developing Dementia Friends and Champions, hourly sessions, will visit workplaces.


D.Murphy felt there was value of Sara presenting to the Pub Watch Group and Ex-servicemen’s Club.

Community Projects – Jo Money

Xmas Light Switch On Event. Jo commented on the success of the event, thanked all for their support and indicated that a wash up meeting was being held to look at various feedback / ideas for next year’s event.

MMW Memorial Activity. Friday 18th we had both the unveiling of the piece of Art Work in the park and the naming of Margaret’s Place ( Antrobus St). These events were attended by members of Margaret’s family, who also went onto the opening of The Old saw Mill that evening. Great afternoon had by all. A plaque for the Art Piece will be sited in the near future.

Youth Forum. CCP is working with the Youth Forum on a project for PB Funding around Mental Health and Drug Misuse with a view to involving young people in some form of drama/film on the subject.

Food and Drink.  Already working on next year’s event on Sunday 11th June.

Theatre Day. Late April involving students TBC

Get Involved Booklet. New update planned, still looking for funding.


Next Meeting is :- Tuesday 7th March 2017, Bridestone Suite, 5.30pm.

Projects and Finance Committee meeting 14.11.2016

Congleton Partnership’s Project’s and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Project Update.

Awaiting information from Cheshire East Highways (Ian McLauchlan) as to how they will tackle both the trees growing through the wall and the rebuilding of the lower section and repairing the top section.

Public Realm Strategy.
Not likely to happen until late 2017 due to delay in gas work improvements which could start around May 2017.

Town Centre Regeneration (NEW)
After the last Partnership Executive meeting and comments arising from the exhibition night that Scarborough held in the town hall, it was felt that we should form a sub group to raise issues and make suggestions to K.Howe (Scarborough). This was actioned and a letter sent to K.Howe, we are now waiting for her /their response. A point was raised that the full Executive Committee did not get a view of the letter, and that some may have different views. MS to send out the letter to The Executive and collate any feedback which can then be raised with Scarborough at a later date.

Funding Requests.

J.Mac – Event Lighting. Jackie requested support of £252 to purchase 12 x 10w portable floodlights for using at events (Xmas lights etc). The committee agreed in principal to support this request providing that the light proved fit for purpose. J.Mac to check them out.

PP – 2nd Community Orchard (In Principal Request). It was felt that we needed more proof that there was a local demand for this and a group prepared to maintain once delivered. This is not currently an In Bloom Team project.
MMW memorial.

Celebration Art Piece. Grand unveiling planned for 18th November. Family have been invited and confirmed attendance.

Margaret’s Place ( Antrobus St) Signage is now up on one entrance in time for family visit 18.11.16

Community Book. The subgroup is being chaired by P.Aston. Paragraphs / Sections for the book has been agreed and various responsibilities to deliver these sections have been allocated. Book is turning out to be larger than first planned, launch date now more likely to be spring 2017.

Trust Fund. The fund has currently received donations valued at close to £72K. The fund has now gone live with a view to first applications and awards taking place in spring 2017. We should have around £3.5 / £4 to allocate at that time.


Old Saw Mill Grand Opening ,5.30pm Friday 18th November. Invitations have been sent out.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 9th January 2017, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Award Winning Congleton Apple Juice

At an Award-Winning ceremony this evening, Mon. 11 Jul. 2016, 1st Prize and Winner of the Cheshire Life Food & Drink Award was presented to Congleton Sustainability Group for our Congleton Apple Juice.


As you can see from the photograph, Peter Aston who accepted the award was elated.

Peter Aston award winning apple juice


We look forward to an even better crop of windfall apples kindly donated by the community of Congleton this year.


Thanks to all who contributed in this success.


With kind regards


Peter – 07971 805 372 – Stewart – 07834 525 165 –

Congleton Community Co-Operative

The Old Saw Mill

Back River Street


CW12 1HJ


Please “Like” our Facebook Page – Congleton Community Co-Op – for up-to-date information on our exciting project


Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 16.05.16

The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently download full minute HERE.

Highlights include:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)

Steps, Fruit Bush / Tree planting complete/ New Apple Core carving done, some possible cleaning of other carvings.

New signage being produced for both ends of the bridle way and off West Rd ( Mereside Ave)

Currently well within budget.


Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)

We have found around 150 sites that we would like to highlight (PA/ ID), not sure that they would all fit on a MAP, so looking at other alternatives.

Tim McCloud to present to the Executive Meeting 7th June re a town App idea.


Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)

Designs agreed, Cheshire East happy with the sites. New material being investigated, signs should be in place for In Bloom activity. JMac still discussing some funding support with Cheshire East.


Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

Draft design drawn up and will be included in the In Bloom portfolio, refurbishment likely to be Spring 2017. Jo Money to work with schools re having some young people’s input.


Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

Pilot area 2 Bears roundabout to Traffic Lights Market St.

Quote of £805 received from Simon Davies for removing railings, refurbishing the surface and traffic management. MS has contacted Simon re going ahead with the project for completion before 25th July. Also discussed with Ruth Burgess the need to link up with Simon so that the planters and trees go in at the same time whilst the partial road closure is in operation.

Play Area Signage

MS currently working with CEBC (G.Butler/J.Byrne) re signage to highlight our major play areas. No funding requirement as yet. Would plan to turn this project into both signage and paper map project long term.

Look to develop a specific site branding project around this through local schools, Jo Money to look at developing this.


Congleton Sports Trust.

Following D.McGiffords presentation to the Executive and its agreement to support the scheme in whatever way it can this has now been added to the new project list. May initially involve some time from MS on administration.

Constitution written and issued to various clubs for their feedback. Initial meeting has been held (10th May) various parameters discussed / agreed. Initially Rugby and Football with a view to broadening into other sports as the Trust develops.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Tuesday 26th July 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Congleton Youth Forum Meeting Minutes 23.03.2016

Youth Forum latest meeting took place recently, download the full minutes from the meeting HERE.


Highlights included:

Mental Health / Substance Misuse.


The meeting split up into 2 groups to discuss the subject above by looking at:-

What were the issues.

What offers do we believe are out there /current solutions.

What are the gaps in offers that need to be filled.

What collectively can we the Youth Forum do to address some of those gaps.


Grp 1. Difficult subject (Mental Health) to assess. Wide ranging for suicidal tendencies to just having a bad day.

No survey being carried out at CHS, just action what is raised at school

Outside speakers have been used in sessions/ assemblies.

Student leaders could do a session on MH (Mental Health)

Matt knows of someone who’s brother suffers from MH issues has made a video that may be worth viewing.

1st step if someone has a problem is to talk to his or her tutor, it can be referred on from there.

Some students try to hide issues from parents, need someone else they can talk to. Some Macclesfield schools have appointed councillors that come in a couple of days a week to address this. Not happening in Congleton.

Need to look at this issue with year 5 & 6 primary schools, stop it developing.

Visyon did run a MH workshop at CHS a few years ago, it was well received.

Workshop need to be interactive to improve participation and interest.

Need to ask other “Youth Organisations” ATC/Scouts/Guides St John’s for their views.


Action G.Williams to pull together the ideas from both groups and then discuss with G.Hayes what CEBC is going to do around the issue.



Congleton Carnival – Sat 16th July.

Funding support available for Youth Based Groups form will be sent out with instructions

MH and GW looking at developing a “Youth Zone”

Next meeting:

Tues 26th April – Congleton High School




Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 14.03.2016

Congleton Partnership Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)

Steps have now been built, the tree stump is in place ready for the Apple Core to be carved (April)

2 beds ready to plant with soft fruit bushes.

New signage to be planned for both ends of the bridle way and off West Rd ( Mereside Ave)


Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)

Small group working on the project MS / PA / ID.

ID has drawn up a list of potential sites, he and Peter to put some text around these. MS send out the document for P&F members to review and add other sites they feel should be considered.

Looking at ways of developing both an App and a Heritage trail Map.

PHall has sent a couple of contact points that may be able to help us deliver this project.

Overall cost is more likely to come in around £5k/£6k but this was still felt an important project for the development of our visitor economy and footfall in the town centre.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)

6 locations selected, feedback re additional items received. 2 more requested today (Vale Walk and Park Public Toilets.

CTC and Partnership have agreed funding, Jackie still to hear from CEBC.

Project will be completed for this summer.

Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

Site visit 30.11.15 carried out. JMac/PP/Ms & JB.  JB working on a design to improve paving / screening, also making the area as DDA compliant as possible.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

Pilot area 2 Bears roundabout to Traffic Lights Market St.

Site visit with CEBC (S.Davies & S.Barker) to look at potential and safety issues.

Ruth Burgess to draw up design and equipment paper, this to be sent to CEBC (G.Mallin, SD & SB)

CEBC to look at site clearance, de clutter and signage renewal.


Play Area Signage

MS currently working with CEBC (G.Butler/J.Byrne) re signage to highlight our major play areas. No funding requirement as yet. Would plan to turn this project into both signage and paper map project long term.

May look to develop a branding project around this through local schools (S.Isherwood?)


Havannah Weir (CSG Project) Community Power Project.

Feasibilty study will be completed in March, then judgement on viability to be taken.

EBA and Siemens have indicated some interest in the scheme.

Congleton Sports Trust.

Following D.McGiffords presentation to the Executive and its agreement to support the scheme in whatever way it can this has now been added to the new project list. May initially involve some time from MS on administration.


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 16th May 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am


Projects and Finance Committee Meeting 25.01.2016

The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)

The Partnership Executive allocated £1500 to the project. Matt Axford and P.Pinto leading on this, and aim to be finished by March.

Cycle Shelters.

Nothing to report, they will be part of P.Realm work.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)

P.Aston to chair this through.  I Doughty drawing up a list of potential sites initially. Need to look at the best way to get the information to the public ( Plate Maps / QR Codes &Apps / Leaflets)

PA to discuss with Tim McCloud / P.Bates concept of App.

Plates.  Possible site at the back of the Destination Signs that Jackie is working on.

Look at putting leaflet dispensers’ on the plate posts

Town Walks/Cycle Routes. Look to involve all of the play areas . MS to do initial work on this with P.Hall.

Need to make sure all of the “map” projects are linked in.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)

6 locations selected, JMac has contacted CEBC car parks for some financial support and will also ask Town Council Communities and Environment Committee to release some funds. Will also need some Partnership support.

The group viewed the draft copies of the maps, please said any requests amendments to JMac by the end of this week.

Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )

Site visit 30.11.15 carried out. JMac/PP/Ms & JB.  JB working on a design to improve paving / screening, also making the area as DDA compliant as possible.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

P&F Group to contact portfolio holder with a view to testing this on a small area. SF to write to Cllr D Brown regarding this idea of a test. Sub Group on this project for The Partnership :-SF,  RE, PA, & D.McG.

Play Area Signage (Newly added today) MS raised the issue of a lack of signposting of our play area. MS to contact Genni Butler (CEBC) for guidance / support on how we go about improving this situation.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 14th March 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am

Senior Forum meeting minutes 12.01.16

The latest of the Senior Forum took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE,

Highlights included:

Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Suzie Akers – Smith as the forums new Chair. Suzie introduced herself giving a brief outline of her past and current roles.

Lisa Alcock ( Cheshire East Community Development Officer) was welcomed to the meeting, Lisa has now replaced Donna Peddie in this role.

Senior Health Fayre 2016.

 Following last year’s successful Fayre (Oct 1st 2015) to support National Older People’s Day the forum felt that we should look to build an annual event around this.

A sub group will be set up to dive this event. Subgroup members:- V.Lockett, U.Ashiq,                 A.Baines and L.Alcock.

Locations to be considered Town Hall, New Life Church & Leisure Centre.

One idea was a “Casserole Club” involving slow cookers, another some internet training / advice

The team will report back at the next meeting 15.3.16.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 11.01.16

Latest meet of Congleton Sustainability group met recently, download the full minutes HERE. Highlights included:

Congleton Green Space Trust.

 Allotments. PA reported he had been viewing potential allotment sites around the Hillfield Steps are. He has been approached by a land owner and offered use of a piece of land for use as allotments, he is currently reviewing the Deeds to see if any potential issues would effect this development.

He has noted another potential site and asked MS to organise a land search of possible sites around that area.

MA to check out ownership of a strip of land off Swan Street.

Dane Valley Community Energy

Following receipt of the grant (£16380) Derwent have started the study work. A report should be finished late Feb / early March which will set out proposals on how the Weir can be exploited and the financial viability of the scheme.

N.H Plan Transport / Sustainability & Environment Groups

PM reported that the questionnaire is now out, the link is :-

PM is working on a travel survey results of which will hopefully be added to the N.H Plan. This will require a further questionnaire / survey work with the general public in the near future.

PA made a plea for all members to fill in the survey and encourage others to do the same.