Havannah Micro-hydro Project, Congleton, Cheshire:

Dane Valley Community Energy Limited has secured a grant of £16,800 to conduct a feasibility study to construct micro-hydro power generating equipment on Havannah Weir in Congleton. The contract for the study has been awarded to Derwent Hydro, based in Duffield, Derbyshire who have 20 years’ experience in design and installation of hydro schemes.

The feasibility study will establish the water flow over the weir and calculate the potential for electricity generation, together with the costs of the civil engineering work to build the scheme, the permissions from the Environment Agency to use the river and initial views on Planning Permission from Cheshire East Council.

The grant has been awarded from the Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF). RCEF is a £15 million programme, delivered by WRAP and jointly funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC). It supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community. For more information on RCEF, visit www.wrap.org.uk/renewables.

To be awarded the grant Congleton Sustainability Group formed Dane Valley Community Energy Limited to manage the project with Paul Guymer, Mervyn Sara and Peter Aston as voluntary directors.

The feasibility study started during November and is expected to be completed by April next year. If the report concludes that generating electricity from the River Dane at Havannah creates sufficient income, then a community share scheme to raise the capital will be launched in the town. Shareholders will then receive a regular dividend from the generating income and it is intended that sufficient funds will be available after paying for maintenance of the equipment to fund projects focused on improving the local environment and its sustainability. As one of the first community based generation schemes in the Cheshire East region, the project will provide an ideal vehicle for involvement by local companies and institutions which care about their environmental credentials.

Paul Guymer who led the project to investigate micro-hydro power generation on the Town Weir in Congleton Park in 2012 said that “It would be wonderful if this scheme proves to be feasible. The Park scheme may not have generated sufficient power to pay for itself whereas the Havannah Weir at 4 metres high is almost twice the height and therefore offers much better prospects of being feasible.”

For further information, contact Peter Aston on 07971 805372, or check out updates about Dane Valley Community Energy Limited at www.congletonpartnership.co.uk/sustainability.

Notes for editors: First established in 2000, WRAP is a registered charity. WRAP works with UK Governments and other funders to help deliver their policies on waste prevention and resource efficiency.

Projects and Finance Committee meeting minutes 23.11.2015

The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place recently, please download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights included:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility.

Copy of Patti and Matt’s proposal e-mailed out before the meeting. The committee agreed in principal that the project would be a real benefit to the site and the In Bloom effort. Est cost around £2K to £2.5 K. It was requested that Patti give a more detailed presentation at the Exec meeting 8.12.15 including plans for maintenance. MS to contact PP regarding this request.

Cycle Shelters.

This is being picked up by Phil Mason CEBC Environmental. 1 shelter to be sited at or near the Library, other sites to be considered. No action required currently by The Partnership.PM has been in discussion with CEBC Public Realm team regarding the grant and its conditions. As of yet no further information has been received from PM, MS has tried contacting him for an update.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.

P.Aston to chair this through, team to include I.Doughty, J.MacArthur, M.Smith and V.Cutcliffee.

Could be we look at 2 maps. Heritage trail to be attached to the sites along the trail and a general trail map sited on some of the destination map poles showing Cycle routes, walking routes and possibly play areas (health and Well-being) . Need an initial meeting to scope out the project. We have a starter fund of £2.5k that has been set aside for some time. PA to call a meeting in the near future.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage.

Jackie talked us through a project plan which included the general geographical area to be covered, siting locations, map illustrations and a key plan to identify various landmarks / important services. She is working on permissions with the local authority and costings with a map provider. JM to approach CEBC car parking department / ward members for financial support as per National Government guidelines on car parking revenue and surplus fund usage.

Moody Street Green Area.

MS has confirmed with J.Byrne that the S106 money is secure for the site redevelopment.

Site visit planned for 30.11.15. Detail to follow at the next P&F Meeting (25.1.16)

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

BE suggested this project to remove the railings and create a green boulevard. BH to discuss the idea with David Brown. This will now be raised at the Public Realm meeting 28.9.15. BH confirmed that the issue was raised.

No further update received as yet.


Download the full minutes for all the news!

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 2.11.2015

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently on 2.11.2015 download the full minutes HERE.

Highlights included:

Apple Juice.

Apple Day was very successful with over 100 people turning up throughout the event.

Appears to be a good harvest this year.

Already produced 714 Apple juice / 54 Cider and sold 20ltrs of Draught to Olde Kings Arms.

Olde Kings Arms keen to have exclusivity for the cider in the town. Possible further development on this with Titanic Brewery PA attending an event at Burslem (1 to 7pm selling AJ and Cider) in the near future. PA will put a feature in The Chronicle around this subject.

The manager of The Olde Kings Arms is a keen conservationist, PA to look at how to develop a working relationship with him.


Eco Schools – P.Pinto.

We had 13 schools awarded Green Flags in Congleton & District Eco cluster, three schools at silver (W. Well, EBA, CHS) working towards GF. Bosley, Daven & Havannah have lapsed to silver.

  • Marton was awarded their 2nd GF on 1 October, Congratulations
  • Schools due to renew their Green Flag status in 2015 are:

Astbury (to renew by 10.01.16),

Havannah, Bosley, Daven (working on GF topics in the Autumn term);

  • Schools working towards their first Green Flag: Congleton High School, Eaton Bank Academy, Woodcocks’ Well Primary
  • 6 Oct: PP assessed primary school in Northwich for 4th GF
  • 20 Oct: JRO training at Cong Town Hall, 7 of our primary schools attended
  • 21 Oct: PP ran What’s Under Your Feet sessions at Saint Mary’s

Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 28.09.15

The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, please download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlight’s included:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility.

Pathway, Signage, Improve accessibility. Partnership working with In Bloom / Astbury Mere Trust /CEBC rangers. P.Pinto and M.Axford working on design and costs.

Cycle Shelters.

This is being picked up by Phil Mason CEBC Environmental. 1 shelter to be sited at or near the Library, other sites to be considered. No action required currently by The Partnership.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.

P.Aston to chair this through, also to involve Congleton Museum. The Every Step Counts trail map is a good place to start. P.Pinto looking to incorporate a gardens trail. Trail map to be sited on one side of the town destination boards.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. Get Involved Booklet.

Jackie showed the meeting a selection of maps currently being used. Price ranges from £2k to £3k for the artwork. Possible approach EPH artist as an alternative designer. Looking at 5 sites, boards cost around £1.5k each (double sided) Jackie to find out about the requirement for planning permission. A project cost / proposal to be put together, Glen Williams will then take to Cheshire East.

Moody Street Green Area.

Once Antrobus St Gardens is completed there should be some S106 money left to refurbish the Moody St ‘green area’ up to Antrobus St Gardens standard. Partnership to work with CEBC (Julie Byrne) on this.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

BE suggested this project to remove the railings and create a green boulevard. BH to discuss the idea with David Brown. This will now be raised at the Public Realm meeting 28.9.15

Youth Hub / Transport.


Youth Hub.

This subject is currently on the backburner.


Transport/ Mini Bus.

Issues regarding long term admin and parking/storage being dealt with (may have a second bus soon) currently.

New bank account being opened at Natwest as a standalone minibus account. We can then start invoicing organisations for usage and also promote the scheme.

Monday 23rd November, Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Excess Apples? Congleton Sustainability Group needs them!

Excess apples?

Don’t worry, Congleton Sustainability Group are going to turn them into Congleton’s very own apple juice with the help of  Dunham Massey.

Excess apples congleton

All you have to do is collect your excess apples – desert or cooking – and we’ll turn them into one litre bottles of Congleton Apple Juice.


Bag up your apples with your name & contact details (tel no./ email), please take them to:

Astbury Mere Visitor Centre by 8 November

(open from 9am to 5pm every day of the week)


Bottles of Congleton Apple Juice will be available from October and we’ll give a free bottle to everyone who contributes apples.



Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 27.07.15

Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Project  Update.

Cycleway Improvement. Whilst there is still some snagging still to be carried out on the towpath the project is close to completion. New signage has been sited, MS to check clarity of signage and report back to J.Mills if issues. Consultation to be carried out on improving access from Lawton St to Park Lane.

Antrobus St Gardens. Good progress, Gym Equipment, Apple Core, New Seating and Pathways complete. Some snagging and soft planting still to be done. We will then need signage to encourage community usage and a story board around its development.

River Dane Walkway .Town Bridge to Scout Hut. Neil Farnsworth has confirmed that the work orders have been signed and he is planning the work schedule to complete the pathway resurfacing, painting of the railings, steps and handrail in the next few weeks.

Community Orchard Accessibility.

Pathway, Signage, Improve accessibility. Partnership working with In Bloom / Astbury Mere Trust /CEBC rangers.

Contact Vince Cutler, this was started as a memorial to his wife.

Cycle Shelters.

This is being picked up by Phil Mason CEBC Environmental. 1 shelter to be sited at or near the Library, other sites to be considered. No action required currently by The Partnership.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.

N.Hood plan suggests that this would be a good idea to encourage healthy living and visitors to the town. Need to put a team together involving:- Museum, Jo Money, P.Aston, Matt Axford. Could well tie into the next project (Town Centre destination maps/signage). Long term may also consider trail leaflets. This could also become a 5 Towns Partnership project similar to the Cycle Map project. Map for each town and then a linkage between them all.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. Jackie MacArthur raised the idea for this joint project with Cheshire East Car Park Team, Congleton Town Council and The Partnership. Could be double sided boards that have the destination map on one side and the trails on the other.

Get Involved Booklet.

Joint project with Community Projects to reprint and update the booklet during 2016.

Moody Street Green Area.

Once Antrobus St Gardens is completed there should be some S106 money left to refurbish the Moody St ‘green area’ up to Antrobus St Gardens standard. Partnership to work with CEBC (Julie Byrne) on this.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

BE suggested this project to remove the railings and create a green boulevard. BH to discuss the idea with David Brown.

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes 06.07.15

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE

Highlights from the meeting includes:

Neighbourhood Plan.

A meeting has been arranged with Tom Evans next week (w/c 13/7) to find out want transport evidence is available, and what else is required. Also need to draw up more specific questions for the next questionnaire. This may also need to tie up with what CEBC are doing on the subject.

Sustainable / Environmental Group. Matt and Jack Swan have come up with 5 important areas of open space:-  River Dane Corridor , Biddulph Valley Way, Canal, Uplands (Timbersbook) and Lamberts Lane. We may want to add Westlowe Mere to the list.

Carbon Reduction

Blackfirs School now has new reception building in use, complete with sedum roof, low energy facilities along with solar PV panels on main School roof.

– Carbon Reduction meeting at AMVC on Tuesday 14/7 at 1000hrs. Agenda issued. Amongst other things need to develop poster/ info to promote low carbon living for CSG meeting on 7/9 at Electric Picture House.

– Advertising next SLIC/Green Living 7 week course on U3A website, which has been upgraded to allow people to register securely online for first time.7


SECCG / Cycling Campaign – Report June 2015

The cycling campaign had a successful day at the Food and Drink Festival.

We had a secure bike park which was used by up to 30 people. More riders from the Sustrans rides from Crewe, Sandbach and Stoke used the park rather than Congleton riders.

We did see a number of bikes parked throughout the town but had no way of recording how many cyclists rode in from the Congleton suburbs.

We found that a lot of people did not know where the Bike event was as we were stuck in the Community Garden, out of sight. We will push to have more accessible site next year: Market Square perhaps?

Next Meeting:- Monday 3rd August 2015, 10.00am, Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.

Junk Fun at The Electric Picture House

News from EPH and Congleton In Bloom.

The Electric Picture House and Congleton In Bloom ran a series of free workshops for children, during half term (27-30 May 2015), based on the theme Space. These workshops were generously sponsored by Congleton Partnership and Congleton Young people’s Trust.

Evie and Lily(4, 7, Saint Mary’s School) Congleton in bloom

Evie and Lily (4, 7, Saint Mary’s)

The aim was to get children attending the workshops to design and create the scenery for the Space and the Planets Exhibition, including images of the solar eclipse, banners and signs, robots from recycled materials.  Many children had the opportunity to get creative, making junk robots, banners and planets which will decorate the exhibition in the polytunnel near Congleton Park during the summer.

Petra Lea, the artist from the EPH who ran the workshops said, “It was fantastic to see the children being creative and using their imaginations to create visually stunning decorations. This included children from as far afield as Handforth and Middlewich”.

Space and the Planets exhibition

Eleven gardens will be created in the polytunnel by local schools, pre-schools, guiding and scouting groups and youth groups each with a planet theme to help enhance Congleton’s bid for gold in the North West In Bloom competition, judged on 20 July by the NWIB regional judges.

Patti Pinto, who is organising the exhibition for Congleton In Bloom said,

“We would like to thank Congleton Partnership and the Young People’s Trust for their support and Petra for running the workshops.  We now have lots of hand crafted items to use to decorate the polytunnel.  These artefacts will compliment the gardens and enhance the atmosphere in the tunnel for our visitors.  The work put in by the children was amazing.  Red paint and glue seemed especially popular for robot making.”

Izzy (10, Marlfields School) Congleton in Bloom

Izzy (10, Marlfields)

For further information on workshops etc. please contact The Electric Picture House, Cross Street, Congleton, CW12 1HQ, tel. 01260 270908, email: electricpicturehouse@gmail.com

Info on Space & Planets exhibition contact Patti Pinto, 07757 611973

Latest meeting of the Projects and Finance committee 16.05.15

Latest meeting of the Projects and Finance committee took place recently, please download the full  minutes HERE

Highlights from the meeting:

Steve opened the meeting by recording the sad loss of Margaret, also advising the group that a fitting memorial was being planned and would be discussed later in the meeting.

Projects Update..

A full report was issued before the meeting also added to The Partnership website www.congletonpartnership.co.uk

The project featured were:-

Cycleway Town Centre to Congleton Railway Station.

Towpath improvement now completed, new signage to be arranged by CEBC

Antrobus St Gardens.

Work to start on Tuesday 26th May and should be completed before In Bloom judging. Julie is away but has informed MS of the contactors and their roles. Congleton Town Council streetscape team contracted to do the soft planting and watering.

Cenotaph Project.

Waiting for John Carter to come back with a redesign and new costings. Once received a Cenotaph Group meeting will be arranged.

River Dane Walkway / Cycleway.

Railing safety work has been completed. Some retendering required regarding the work required on the steps. Waiting for start date from G.Butler.

Senior Forum.

A drop in at NLC was organised for 6th May, questionnaires were handed out/completed. MS to record replies.2 visits to be planned at Luncheon Clubs .

A Senior Health Fayre is being planned by CEBC, New Life Church, 1st October, the Partnership plans to be there, it may be a good opportunity to gain volunteers.

Walk about Dec 2014.

Only real work still to do is the painting of the Town Bridge.


Date of the next meeting:-


Monday 27th July 2015, 9.30am.



Projects and Finance Committee minutes 16.03.15

The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place on 16th March. Download the full minutes HERE for all the news!

Funding Requests.


Funding requests were sent out to members before the meeting for information.


Copies of previous funding support and outcomes awarded to The Youth Forum were also sent out and loaded onto the website.


Requests were received from :- The Youth  Forum, CCP, Congleton Creative and CSG, the decisions were as follows:-


Youth Forum. Support for Youth Celebration Day, Hankinson’s Field/ Congleton Leisure Centre, 11th July.                                              £1000 awarded.


EPH/CCP.  Contribution to the development  of a Community Index (Youth / Senior Forum sections) and Full Page Advert for The Partnership (Back Cover)

£500 awarded.


Congleton Creative. Contribution towards the Hidden Places Event to be held in 4 locations within Congleton on 16th May.                          £500 awarded.


Congleton Sustainability Group -Apple Juice. To purchase both a fruit juicer and press to be used in schools and community events. Currently they  loan equipment from various sources.

                                                                        £335 awarded.


All parties have been advised and issued with a ‘terms and condition ‘ document.


There was a further 5 requests put in by The Youth Forum totalling £3500, as this would take us above the P&F Committee remit, MS was asked to send these out to The Partnership Executive for consideration. Once their replies have been received a straight majority decision will be made and appropriate action taken.