Senior Forum Meeting Minutes 17.10.17

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

One You Cheshire East – Johnny Gorman.


Johnny has taken over as the One You CE person that now covers Congleton. Currently they operate 8 x 12 week programmes that can be accessed online. Congleton Leisure Centre is currently running a 12 week exercise programme which on completion will offer the opportunity of reduced price ongoing membership.

The re-shape weight loss course has yet to be offered in Congleton- this is directed to healthy eating.

Full programme is available on


Peter and Johnny to discuss about how to action this at The Old saw Mill.



Dementia- Helping Congleton become dementia friendly.

Steering Group now formed to drive this project forward. Chair S.Rathbone, Deputy Chair L.Alcock.

Meeting planned for 4th October cancelled next meeting planned for 8th November (2 to 4pm The Old Saw Mill).

Items for discussion and action included:-

Drop In’s which offer Activity for The Person with Dementia and a moment to relax over tea and cake for the Carers. (issue raised at July Dementia Awareness Day)

Dementia Friends briefing for Town Council staff and councillors

Dementia Awareness for business.

Dementia in its widest form now affects over 850,000 people and it is projected that by 2020 that figure will be well over 1 Million. This will be our most important project over the coming months.


Senior Health & Wellbeing Fayre 29.9.17

Around 60 members of the public attended the event which was somewhat hamper by the very poor weather at the beginning and a clash with a lot of local Macmillan coffee morning activity. We need to look at timing for future events, hold it later in the day or change the date completely.

It was felt that we should keep the format, it was well supported by service providers, the talks were well received but not as well attended as we would have liked (Scamming and Dementia worth keeping).

The group thanked Alyssa for all the excellent work she had done driving this project and wished this to be recorded in the minutes.

Sub group for next years’ event to be formed around Easter.


Meeting Finished at:4.17pm


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 9th January, Spencer Suite 3 to 5pm.


E-MILL NEWSLETTER 12th October 2017

Hello Subscribers!
All replies to this eMill will be going to Harriet, not Peter Aston. If you need to contact Peter directly his details are at the bottom of this email. Many Thanks!

Firstly a huge thank you is in order, to all the lovely people who attended our Macmillan Coffee Morning and helped us raise £142.05 for the fantastic cause! We had lots of fun playing Cake Bingo; Peter did a brilliant job as our bingo caller, I think he’s in the wrong job! Thank you also to everyone who made something delicious for us, I’m happy to say there were only crumbs left by the end of the day!

I’d like to please draw your attention to just some of our upcoming events:

Halloween Party – Tuesday 31st October
All ages are welcome, there will be plenty of games for everyone to enjoy, and delicious food included in the price of the ticket. There will be apple bobbing (of course), pumpkin painting, sweetie hunt, and much more!

Christmas Craft Fair – Saturday 11th November
We will be holding this event upstairs, anyone wishing to have a stall please reply to this email with details of what you’d like to sell and how much space you need. We are asking £10 per table, and anyone is welcome to come and sell anything they’ve made.

To see what other exciting things are happening in the coming weeks please look at the Events Section of this newsletter!

Until the end of October we have a slot in the Bags for Help scheme at Tesco. Please next time you’re in either of the Tesco stores in Congleton, ask for a blue token at the checkout and put it in our box. Winning will give us £4000 which will go into making our hub even better at supporting our community.

There are a few items we still need to ask you for, including book shelves, a cabinet suitable for storing children’s toys and books, and shelving units or cupboards. If you aren’t sure if you have something suitable then just pop in with a photo of you item, or send a photo of it to our Facebook page or email address so we can tell you if we can make use of it! We would also like to ask for old photos of Congleton that we can display around The Old Saw Mill.

We desperately want more volunteers to help in our cafe so if you can spare even just a couple of hours one day a week to do some washing up or waiting on, we’d be very grateful. The pay will be free membership, excellent company, and delicious free food! It’s hard to say no really! 

It never hurts to be too organised! We are now taking booking for Christmas lunches, please contact Harriet for a menu; you can directly reply to this email or pop into our cafe and ask for her.  We will be offering lunches from December 11th, and will be open until 7pm for bookings. We promise we’ll hold off on the Christmas music for a while yet……



Thank you to all those people who have been bringing apples to the Old Saw Mill and Astbury Mere, please keep up the hard work! We are also able to collect donations of apples from you if you are unable to bring them yourself for any reason. Pick up days will be on Tuesdays unless arranged otherwise.

We are bottling the cider from last year’s apples and also apple juice from this year’s harvest, as you have hopefully seen from the videos and pictures on our social media pages! This is for sale in the café at £2.50 per bottle.

We’re beginning to find businesses in the town who are willing to sell the juice or cider on our behalf. So if you have a business in town and would also like to sell our product please contact any of the numbers at the bottom of the newsletter.

Given that we are increasing our production as the apple harvest is more plentiful this year, we are anticipating having some storage issues. If anyone can offer us a place to store our bottled cider and apple juice, for example a storage unit or garage, we would be very happy to hear from you. Please contact Dewi Jones on 07554 990403 if you think you can help us!



Members offer this month is our freshly bottled apple juice or cider for just £1! As well as the usual 10% member discount on food & room hire.

Have you joined yet? If not follow the link to download or call into The old Saw Mill for an application form.




Every Monday, 4:30 – 5:30, 5:45 – 6:45, or 7:00 – 8:00.
This is run as a 6 week course, and costs £30 per person. For more information contact Alison: 07798 555458 or on the website.

Every Thursday 7 – 9pm.
We can provide supplies for making all kinds of things, so whether you’re a pro card maker or fancy coming along to develop a new skill, we will have anything you need! Alternatively please bring along any projects you have already!

Every Friday, call in anytime:
Come for a chat, tea and cakes.
Mum’s, Toddlers and a story – if there’s enough little ones we’ll read a story and entertain them for a bit while mum’s can enjoy a snack!

Saturday 21st October and then every other Saturday:
10.30am – 12.00pm. Donations £5 + (nobody turned away!) There will be Meditation, Silence, Sharing, Satsang, and Darshan. For more details call Dhyan on 07807 044908 or on her Facebook page.

Every Tuesday 2pm – 4pm
Come and join the group, bring any wool and knitting needles you have and enjoy a good natter! We also have wool and needles here for anyone who doesn’t have their own! We are currently encouraging people to knit Robins if they want an easy project that can be displayed in our cafe.

Starts Friday 27th October.
This is a course of three sessions, completely free, suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience. All are welcome from age 19+.
More info can be found here.

Life Modelling Art Sessions
Saturday 14th Oct & then every other Saturday 11am – 1pm.
Professional and amateur artists are welcome, there will be male and female models available. For more details or to book a space please contact Angie: 07789687428 or

Once a month. The first being Friday 20th Oct 10:30 – 13:00.
More information can be found here. Sessions are £8.



£4 in advance or £5 on the door. 

Food will be provided, please let us know if you have a dietary requirement. All ages welcome. There will be Pumpkin Painting a sweetie hunt, Apple Bobbing and much more fun activities! there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the best fancy dress, so many sure you have a fantastic costume!

£8 Per Person
The first of many monthly themed nights! We would like to invite you to enjoy authentic Caribbean food, music and rum punch! Please respond to this email, contact the facebook page or let a member of staff know if you’d like to book a table.

Every Wednesday between 10am and 11am:
Congleton Woman’s Forum invite women to receive their monthly gift, contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841.



Kind Regards,
Harriet and the Team

Contacting us:
We hope this newsletter is reaching everyone but if you would like to contact us here are a few methods:-
General E-mail:-
Direct E-mail and phone for Bookings, Events & Newsletter: – and 01260 277658
Direct E-mail for Volunteers, Buildings, Development and Maintenance: and 07717003847
Direct E-mail for Marketing: and 07554990403

Congleton Sustainability Meeting Minutes 02.10.17

Congleton Sustainability group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Geothermal Energy in the Cheshire Basin – D.Griffiths.

Dan took us through a presentation on the science and possible benefits of geothermal energy. The Cheshire Basin has a huge resource, the same amount of energy of around 3 billion barrels of oil. Whilst Crewe sits in prime position to benefit the most there are also opportunities for Congleton and Macclesfield with heat network development stages indicated within the presentation. Temperature predictions within the base of the basin indicate a possible heat of 100C.

There is still a lot of work to be done, not least funding and partners, but if successful could result in extra jobs within Cheshire, cheaper fuel and a significant reduction in CO2. A copy of the presentation has been circulated to CSG members. Dan happy to come back to future meetings to keep us informed on progress of the project.

Item for the next agenda (Mon 6th November) Domestic Heating in the Country.


The Old Saw Mill.
Apple Juice / Cider / Cider Vinegar
A sheet indicating stock levels of the above was circulated at the meeting. Storage is becoming an issue and any help would be gratefully received.
DJ is visiting various businesses to try and build some regular business with them. Pricelist order form circulated at the meeting, MS raised the possibility of interest from McColls in Buglawton, DJ to follow up.

Apple waste is now being collected and used by an outlet in Somerford.
All products carry batch numbers, production and best before date information
DJ still to put together an options report on ownership etc.


Neighbourhood Plan.
Moved to Reg 14 today, sent out to around 700 consultees.
Copy of Jackie email for information:-
Just to let you know that we have just put the Congleton Draft Local Plan out on its Regulation 14 consultation. This lasts for 6 weeks (until the 13th November). It has been sent to 701 people who were either on the Cheshire East Council list of consultees or local Congleton groups which have expressed an interest in the plan.
A copy of the draft plan has been loaded onto the front of the Town Council Website and the My Congleton website.
Paper copies for reading at the premises have been given to the TIC and the library.
An article should be the main back page piece in the Chronicle tomorrow.
Once the comments are in the draft plan will be reviewed, changes made, then a second round of Regulation 15 consultation will take place where people can have their say.
Ultimately it there will be a referendum on whether or not to accept the plan – this is likely to take place in Spring 2018.

Next Meeting:-
Mon 6th November 2017 , The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Projects and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 05.09.17

Congleton’s Projects and Finance Committee met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Project Update – Cenotaph.
Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.
New design and costing estimate (£375k) issued.
Planning application 17/3982C now with CEBC (8.8.17) and supported by CTC Planning Committee (Aug 2017)
Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.
DMcG gong to HLF along with I Doughty (Museum) to gauge HLF views on the project and to try and get them to come to Congleton to see for themselves.
Funding. Will need to see what comes out of the HLF visit.
Public briefing will be included in the Great War Exhibition Event, Town Hall, Saturday 21st October 1030am to 4.00pm. Posters and flyers will be out first week in October.
Public Realm Strategy.
Work ongoing, Mill St should be open as planned. JMac concerned about traffic turning left off Mill St into the pedestrian area, GW has taken this up with CEBC.
J.Mac to approach CEBC re Xmas Tree support for this year as a gesture to the traders for what has been a difficult summer/autumn.
J.Mac to approach CEBC for a pictorial design to display around the town ans on the CTC website to give the public a better idea of what is planned.
Town Centre Regeneration (Fairground Site etc)
Possible need to re-establish the Town Centre Working Group, using the NH Plan – Town Centre. Delivery Plan as a guide.

Dementia Friendly Town.
Awareness Meeting held 26th July, 40+ attended.
Steering Group formed and met 30th Aug at OSM. 20 attendees, Sara Rathbone nominated as Chair.
Next Steering Group meeting 4th October, when we will discuss pledges/drop ins and activities.
CTC voted to support the initiative at CE & Services meeting Sept 2017.



Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 13th November The Spencer Suite, 9.30am.

New Dementia Friendly for Congleton steering group has first meeting!

Congleton Dementia Steering Group has had its first meeting. The aim of the group is to make Congleton a dementia friendly town. The full meeting minutes HERE. 


Highlights include:

1 Welcome & Apologies


Meeting was chaired by Sara Rathbone


Round Robin of introductions for new members and guests.  Link to DF ‘get involved’ DFC communities.  Guidance for becoming a Dementia Friendly Community to follow from Jessica McFall of Alzheimer’s Society (Dementia Coordinator for Cheshire East).




Apologies were received from :

Sandy Duffy, Jess Shore, Debbie Callow, Joanne Fishwick, Matt Steele

2. Minutes / Matters Arising from the last meeting.


There had been no previous meeting of the steering group only an Awareness Meeting held on 26th July which 40+ people attended, a number indicated their willingness to get involved with this steering group.









3. In the general preamble :- Sara suggested that small changes can make a big difference and it is not all about large projects

Margaret Butcher raised the issue of how we support the carers particularly out of hours.

Lisa Alcock advised all of a new Live Well Website that is being launched in October by Cheshire East.

Jo Hawkins also mentioned








Open Forum / Ideas / Activities.

Table Tennis

SR is now an Ambassador for Bat for Alzheimer’s charity (not part of Alzheimer’s Society).  This aims to bring table tennis into more settings to increase health and wellbeing for those living with dementia and also more widely within any care setting. They are looking for places to site and sponsor the tables. Included in any costs would be support to train volunteers to host table tennis sessions.

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice outlined their work with Carers and course available and also their new Dementia services.

Memory Walks.

Here is a link to the Cheshire Memory Walk for 2017.  We thought it might be good to organise a Congleton walk for 2018.  Here is the link.  Suggest putting on the agenda in early 2018 to gain support.  Or liaise with AS to have the Cheshire walk in Congleton?

Link to Dementia Friends sessions that people can book onto using their location to find them

Link to upcoming Dementia Champion session in Crewe that provide training to become a Champion and then able to offer Dementia Friends sessions within the community


Next Meeting:-

Wednesday 4th October, 2.00pm, Old Saw Mill.

Congleton Sustainability meeting minutes 4.09.17

Congleton’s Sustainability meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

BF Geothermal report.

BF put together a short guide to geothermal ready for this meeting including suggested questions for Dan Griffiths prior to his visit 2nd October. These were circulated prior to the meeting.

Mention was also made of the article in The Chronicle (31.8.17) by Prof John Underhill (Shell Centre for Exploration Geoscience ,Heriot-Watt Univ, where he is of the opinion that Britain’s geology could be unsuitable for shale gas.
List of Questions to be sent to D.Griffiths:-
1. How do you know that there is potential for geothermal in Cheshire East? Which parts have the potential? Confirm that this is for district heating, not electricity.eothermal in Cheshire East? Which parts have the potential? Confirm that this is for district heating, not electricity.
2. What stage are you at now? What surveys, tests or research have been done, and with what results? (CE had DECC money for a feasibility study for a geothermal district heating scheme for Crewe town centre in 2015. Has that study reported?)
3. What do you intend to do now? For example what sort of schemes are planned, what areas will they serve, when will work start and when will it be completed. What will be the extent of the schemes e.g. number of houses, kilowatt hours or other appropriate units.
4. Who will develop the schemes? Cheshire East, arms length companies, independent operators….. ?
5. Who has the rights to geothermal resources (landowners, council, government…. ) and what permissions are required?
6. Would fracking be required to improve the flow of water through the heat bearing rocks? Why would this be any more friendly than fracking for gas?
7. Would the returning hot water be free of pollutants picked up from the hot rocks, and would there be any danger to users? For example from radioactivity or radon gas or other toxic substances?
8. Confirm that access to geothermal would not give CE any power to resist fracking for gas.
9. Please discuss the energy planning of Cheshire East, and the part played by geothermal.
MS send to D.Groffiths copy in D.Brown and G.Williams


Badger Cull in Cheshire.

Barry asked for this to be raised at the meeting following a report in The Chronicle (31.8.17)
Currently a decision on a cull has not been made according to Natural England, and it would appear that Wildlife activist are raising the issue as a potential threat. Cheshire police indicate that they have a plan in place should a licence for badger culling be granted in Cheshire.
It was decided that PA would write to the Chronicle to be seen to support Cheshire Wildlife Trust and their stance on the matter.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 2nd October 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

E-MILL NEWSLETTER 18th August 2017

saw mil


Do you have any of the following:-
• Tumble Dryer
• Kitchen sink with a base unit
• Afternoon tea style cups and saucers

If you have or know anyone who is getting rid of any of the above please contact any of us on the list at the bottom.
We need volunteers in our café, so if you can spare a couple of hours drop in or contact one of us below.

We’re part of Congleton Jazz and Blues this year: we’re welcoming the Salt City Jazzmen on Saturday 26th at 6pm. and Jazzworks, Congleton’s very own Big Band at 8pm on Sunday.
The Old Saw Mill is now part of the Congleton Big Heart Lunch Club so for just £5 you can enjoy a 2 course meal. Come and join Yvonne at midday every Wednesday.

The Member’s gift for August is free tea and coffee with any food ordered; plus enjoy your usual 10% member discount.

…………..and finally, we are now collecting apples which we will use to make apple juice and cider which we sell in the café. So if you have some windfalls or an excess of apples, then bring them here.


Every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; 6-7pm, and 7-8pm:

Discover Pilates

Classes are up and running, you can join any anytime, more information from Alison on 07798 555458.


Each Tuesday 2pm to 4pm

Knit and Natter Group: Come and join the group, bring any wool and knitting needles you have and enjoy a good natter! Also desperately need balls of wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks to be donated please.

Every Wednesday between 10am and 11am:

Monthly Gift: Congleton Woman’s Forum invite women to receive their monthly gift, contact Sue Munro on 07534 510841.


Every Thursday at 7pm



Every Friday, call in anytime:

Mum’s Bumps and Babies – come for a chat, tea and cakes.

Mum’s, Toddlers and a story – if there’s enough little ones we’ll read a story and entertain them for a bit while mum’s can enjoy a snack!




Congleton Senior Forum meeting minutes 10.08.2017

Congleton Senior Forum met recently, download meeting minutes HERE.


Tea Dances.

First 2 Tea Dances were poorly attended. Shirley feels there is a real need in Congleton and is willing to carry out some taster sessions. Sarah Jacklin to try and organise tasters at Heath View and St James Court. Would Sarah Jacklin discuss this with Shirley.

Possible to look at Bakers Villas/ Clayton manor?

Possible do a survey at Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

It may be an idea to look at the Alsager “ Chance to Dance” and link it in with Dementia Group.


Dementia Awareness Event held on 26th July 2017

Approx 40 attendees.

List of Attendees held on file, some indicated willingness to become involved in setting up a steering group.

MS open the event outlining our aim (in Partnership with Congleton Town Management team) of helping Congleton become a Dementia friendly Town.

Dementia is now a single biggest killer, with many suffering for a long period of time. We aim for the town to be able to offer more support to those people and make shopping, socialising etc. much more inclusive and enjoyable.

This event is a start of a long journey, it will not happen overnight although we will look to get some small wins / changes in as soon as we can.

Speakers at the meeting included:-

Debbi Callow from End of Life Partnership

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice

Kath Reader and John Poulson from Alsager Partnership.

We concluded the event with an Open Forum where ideas were captured for discussion once the steering group has been set up.

MS promised we would move on setting up the steering group by around Aug Bank Holiday, the meeting is now scheduled for  Wed 30th August, 3.00pm at The Old Saw Mill, emails have been sent to all who indicated an interest in being involved with the steering group.

Kath and John who outlined what they have achieved in Alsager have offered to support us wherever they could.


Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th September – Congleton Town Hall.
Flyers and Posters now available.
34 (approx.) exhibitors confirmed with 3 x activities in The Bridestones Suite.
Town Crier supporting the day, will walk around town generally advertising the event and also announce the 3 activities in the town hall 10 minutes before they start.
AB has drawn up a layout plan, will need some new name plates for tables
AB to let MS have a list.
AB / SJ to get the posters /flyers out, AB to contact U.Ashiq (Plus Dane) for requirements.
MS look after noticeboards and TIC
All to display posters wherever they can.
Risk assessment – has Lisa Alcock got last year’s / can she please update
MS find out U3A signing on day (15th August Eaton Bank Academy 10am to Noon)


Meeting Finished at:4.54pm
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 17th October 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Congleton Sustainability meeting minutes 07.08.17

Congleton Sustainability meeting took place recently, download the full minute meetings click here.


Highlights include:

Neighbourhood Plan.

DJ meeting with D.McG and A Thompson to finalise document. Will create a PDF out of the document then
MailChimp out to the 650 registered consultees. Banners are being produced to advise the public that we are now at
Regulation 14 and they can have they say by logging on to the web address shown.


Commenting Team.
1. Seddon Development off Canal Road
PM has still to receive a response from Cllr Ainsley Arnold to the letter dated 22nd June raising issues about the low (or nonexistence)
of accommodation for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable within developments as a whole, citing this development
as the example.
(Peter has just received from Cllr Arnold to the letter sent on behalf of CSG regarding the provision of specific accommodation for the
elderly, vulnerable and disabled in developments. Much as expected it is a bland response blaming the lack of a Local Plan on not
providing such accommodation previously and claiming that now the Local Plan is in place everything will change – we will just have to see
what actually happens.)
2. CEBC Supported bus review
PM has submitted comments on behalf of CSG to the CEBC consultation on proposed reductions in supported bus services.
The key issues raised were the need to continue to provide bus services for the elderly and vulnerable and the possibility of
S106 money from developers to keep the bus services fully funded.
3. Congleton Neighbourhood Plan – Transport Group
PM attended the meeting of group chairs signing off the Neighbourhood Plan policies for Regulation 14 consultation. As part of
the evidence base PM has been asked by Andrew Thompson to produce a travel survey report based on the travel surveys
carried out on behalf of CSG to challenge developers’ transport evidence at appeal.
4. Paper on unfulfilled S106 obligations
As requested at the last meeting PM has started to prepare a paper for Cllr Brown and Cllr Williams on unfulfilled S106
obligations in Congleton related to the provision of cycling (principally) and walking routes.


Next Meeting:-
Mon 4th September 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Old Saw Mill – E-MILL NEWSLETTER 21st July 2017

The Old Saw MillWe now have several house-bound people who would love to have meals on wheels. If you could help deliver meals and socialise with them for a few minutes, please talk to Peter. This Meals on Wheels service will start w/c 4th September.

The Old Saw Mill is joining the Congleton Big Heart Lunch Club from Wednesday 19th July at midday. For just £5 you will enjoy a 2 course meal, for eligibility ask next time you’re in the café!

We are now providing a number of school students with work experience and paid holiday work. They are all doing really well, working hard and getting on together.

Like most young people they are friendly, polite and reliable.

Our thanks to Charla, Chloe, Grace, Mark, Sam and Liam.

Please say hello to them when you visit.

Wincle Brewery: if you want beer rather than cider then we have Wincle beers for you, £3 per bottle.
Our accessible toilet is now fully functioning complete with baby-changing facilities, many thanks to Norman and Trudie’s hard work and generosity.


Member news:

Lots discussed at our first AGM on 29th June and we outlined our future plans for the Old Saw Mill.

Member’s gift for July is a yummy Cream Tea for £1; plus enjoy your usual 10% member discount on food purchases and room hire.


Have you joined yet? If not follow the link to download or call into The old Saw Mill for an application form.


We need washer-up volunteers, can you spare a couple of hours, pay is good company, membership and good food all free!


Every Monday 1.15-2.15pm; 6-7pm, and 7-8pm:
Discover Pilates
Classes are up and running, you can join any anytime, more information from Alison on 07798 555458.

Every Tuesday 10 – 11am:
Tai Chi Introduction
Classes for everyone, more information call Jennifer Teagle on 07972 287757

Every Tuesday 2pm to 4pm
Knit and Natter Group
Come and join the group, bring any wool and knitting needles you have and enjoy a good natter! Also desperately need balls of wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks to be donated please.

Every Friday, call in anytime:

Mum’s Bumps and Babies – come for a chat, tea and cakes.

Mum’s, Toddlers and a story – if there’s enough little ones we’ll read a story and entertain them for a bit while mum’s can enjoy a snack!


Saturday 22nd July:
Darshan with Dhyan 10.30am – 12.00pm. Donations £5 + (nobody turned away!) There will be Meditation, Silence, Sharing, Satsang and Darshan. More details on Old Saw Mill Facebook page, or call Dyhan on 07807 044908.