Senior Forum Meeting Minutes

The senior forum meeting took place recently, please read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

St John’s Community Hub – P.Houldsworth.

Peter took us through a full presentation on the development of the new community hub in Buglawton from conception to completion (Oct 2012 to Mar 2017)
The development has cost around £400k, received good local support with funding, involved a great deal of planning and consultation with residents and was finally opened on 11th March.
It has continues to build on the programme of activity and grow the number of users (10 weeks , 2500 users and 480 Wellbeing Hours recorded)
A copy of Peter’s presentation will be circulated to the group.


Tea Dances – Old Saw Mill (June/July)

3 x pilot Tea Dances organised 17th June, 1st & 15th July.  These will be held at The Old Saw Mill, with professional support by Shirley Brocklehurst.

2.00 to 4.00pm, cost of entry £4 which includes either Tea or Coffee and Cake.

Ist Tea Dance branded “ The Great Get Together” to support the Jo Cox weekend of activity.

Wendy (Tesco) and Anna Bignell will support on 17th June

Tracey (Tesco) Sarah and Lisa to support on 1st July.

Extra help on the day will be appreciated.

PR. “ x Adverts taken in The Chronicle, 7 x Town Noticeboards, Library, TIC, AgeUK, Old Saw Mill and RJ & J Moore. Social media both facebook and twitter.

Dementia Awareness Event.

Open event being planned for Wed 26th July in the Town Hall starting from 3.30pm with an opportunity to talk more in depth about Dementia Friends and all that entails from 4.30pm.

MS to work with S Rathbone and J.MacArthur on flyer, the structure of the event and get invitations out to potential / interested parties. Our overall aim is to help Congleton become a dementia friendly town.


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 8th August 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Projects and Finance Committee meeting minutes

The Project and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.
F.Price outlined the plans at the town meeting 27th April with various timelines as the project will be delivered in phases.
Work planned to start late June/early July, and be finished by mid Nov (before Xmas Lights Event)
DM to call a PR subgroup meeting to discuss any timing or delivery issues /wishes.
Town Centre Regeneration (The Mills) Scarborough Group presented to the Town Councillors w/c 1st May and will present to the market traders in the near future. Still to go to planning, completion date 2019
There was a general feeling of disappointment in the design at the meeting, and it was felt that we should look to discuss an alternative design to Scarborough.
D.McG to raise the issue with Scarborough / Kate Howe and ask for a meeting of the parties concerned
The issue of design to be raised at Partnership and then with Congleton town Council
PA to discuss with S.Foster with a view to approaching Roger Lomas for an alternative (Congleton centric) design.


Community Award Scheme – Jo Money
CVS are holding an all day Volunteers Event on 1st July in Congleton Park.
Congleton will be well covered in this, Jo Money is working with Mark Smith (CVS) and is looking to launch her updated version of “Get Involved” on that day. There will be room for local organisations to have a display in one of the marquees, with a Gala Dinner in the evening.
Jo will send out a brief this week (w/c 8.5.17) for organisations wishing to be involved in the “Congleton Marquee”.


Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 17th July, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting 7.03.17

Congleton Partnership Executive  meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights Include:

Community Projects.

MS sent out Jo report prior to the meeting.

Subjects covered included :-

A new date for the Xmas light switch on ( SAT 25th November)

Food 7 Drink Festival (Sun 11th June)

Hidden Places Theatre Day (6th May) plus workshops starting 8th April.

Vol Fest – CVSCE’s Volunteer and Gala Evening in Congleton Park (1st July)

Get Involved booklet update and print, letters gone to almost 100 groups.

Margaret Sculpture, planting, stepping stones and plaque to finish off.

Town Centre Report – J.MacArthur


1.     Occupancy Rate: We currently have 183 filled town centre properties out of 204 – making our occupancy rate 89%.  We have some worrying vacancies in the pedestrian area. A planning application has been re-submitted by Boots Opticians for the large unit on the corner of Victoria Street. But we have 5 empty units on the pedestrian area as well as some big gaps in the High Street. Once the Public Realm improvement works have taken place on the pedestrian area the whole area should look more attractive and which should help stimulate interest.


2.     Business Rates  –  there’s some good news for smaller independent businesses. The nationwide rates review put Congleton prices up slightly (now based on 2015 rentable values rather than 2008) the government set annual multiplier has slightly decreased (Businesses Rates are worked out as the Rentable Value x the Government multiplier). The standard multiplier has reduced from 49.7p to 47.9p and the small business multiplier reduced from 48.6p to 46.6p. On top of this the qualifying level for Small Business Rate Relief has increased so that 100% relief is given on Rateable Values of £12,000 compared to £6,000 last year and those with rateable values of £12,000 – £15,000 will get tapered relief 100% down to 0 meaning more of our independent traders, providing they only have one shop are paying less than in previous years.


3.     Big Data Small User Project: Data patterns for footfall and sales are starting to establish and the maths department at Cardiff University is having fun detecting patterns. They have identified four main types of town based on annual footfall flows. Congleton is falling into the community/convenience town pattern.  (A term that the universities are using to group together towns with similar footfall packages) Congleton market has limited impact on footfall. Saturday is consistently our busiest day, followed by Friday. Sunday is the quietest. Tuesday or Thursdays usually take third place. Weather has an influence. The interesting work will come with the interventions to see what impact they have on sales and footfall. Nationally shopping centres are losing more footfall than town centres. It appears that some of the older planning assumptions with hierarchy of towns is becoming outdated, Institute of Place Management looking to put out a policy paper based on population and accessibility research – but the five mile radius is more accurate than the traditional catchment zones.

4.     The Public Realm £1 million funding: Public Realm works in the pedestrianised area and immediate road either end, is due to start in Spring 2017. Cheshire East is in the final throws of contracts – the public realm team is expected to present the final designs to the Town Council soon and these will be shared with the partnership. The design is picking up on the heritage but with a modern twist. The works are expected to start at the B&M end of the pedestrian area, working on a section at a time before starting the next section. Information will be forwarded as it becomes available.


5.     Gas Works : The pedestrian area was completed two weeks ahead of schedule and was relatively smooth. The works in Mill Street are causing more problems and I am starting to work with some of the traders on compensation claims. The latest update is that the current works in Mill Street should finish on Thursday. The works on West Street – just around the corner from Swan Bank will start on Monday 13 March and must be finished by the 10 April, although hopefully won’t need the full time. During the West Street works traffic will be able to travel up Mill Street and Swan Bank but will be diverted up Waggs Street and around the crescent. We know we are going to have to work at getting customers back into town and are looking at a  Congleton Treats day on Tuesday 11 April and have also planned an Easter Egg shops hunt for April 1 – 18th.


6.      The Mills Congleton – AKA Scarborough Development :   I understand from Cheshire East Councillors that Scarborough is presenting the Congleton Ward Councillors on Wednesday 8th March with the intention of moving towards a planning application, Scarborough will be discussing releasing the information to the Town Council and Partnership following their meetings with Cheshire East.

(NB Scarborough presenting to CEBC ward members 8.3.17)


7.     Congleton in Bloom: This year the team is going out to win North West in Bloom and get the town back in the National Finals in 2018 which will be the 20th anniversary of Congleton in Bloom. The In Bloom team are delighted with the support of the partnership on so many projects to improve the town –Moody Street Gardens, Margaret’s Place, Greening Mountbatten Way and Public Realm. All of which add up to making Congleton more attractive. The judging will be in July. There will be monthly town tidies – starting in Congleton Park on Saturday 25 March from 10-12 and led by Glen Williams  – all very, very welcome!


8.     Christmas: The Christmas Group is shaking things up a little this year, and following consultation with a wide range of groups involved with the switch on the main event will take place on Saturday 25 November. There were a number of reasons for the change, but ultimately we aim to attract more people into town for longer at a time when more of the shops are open and make the event more of an all afternoon celebration rather than a very concentrated period that it has become. The Town Council is putting £4k into this event and Bob Edwards, David McGifford and myself have started looking at sponsorship deals for the town for the year to include Christmas and In Bloom.


9.     Welcome  MAP : These will be up by the end of March this year.


10.  Bear Necessities: The next edition will be distributed from the 4th April. Copy is being written at the moment. If any partnership member has information for April, May and June please let Jackie know urgently – 01260 270350 ext 3 or


St John’s Community Centre

Peter Holdsworth advised us of the grand Opening of the St John’s Community centre in Buglawton. Around £400k has been spent on renovating and developing St John’s Church Hall and Headmasters House.

Thanks to agencies and sponsors (including The Partnership providing 4 cookers) most of the work is now complete and they are holding a grand opening event from 12 noon on Saturday 11th March.

Leaflet drop has been carried out around Buglawton, MS has Emailed all of the Partnership Groups and Town Councillors. Everyone welcome to attend.

The group was successful in the health and wellbeing PB funding exercise being awarded funding to run cookery classes.

Mini Bus. Congleton Community Transport Partnership ( sub group but separately financed arm of The Partnership) is holding an event to officially launch their mini bus scheme at New Life Church on Wednesday 15th March, 2.00 to 3.00pm.

Two mini buses are now available for use by organisations with some attachment to The Partnership at very reasonable rates.

1 x 8 seater

1 x 15 seater.

Choral Society Stage. Currently being housed at OSM, but as they are about to enlarge the stage it will be too much for OSM to cope. DM suggests that PA has a word with Cheshire Police to see if they have any storage we could use.


Next Meeting is:- Tuesday 6th June 2017, Bridestones Suite, 5.30pm.

Congleton Sustainability Meeting 06.03.2017

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, please download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Hightlights include:

Dane Valley Community Energy.

The scheme has a new name “Havannah Weir Hydro”.

Public meeting being held at Eaton Bank Academy , Tuesday 28th March 6.30pm.

This engagement event will both brief the public on the scheme as a whole and the opportunity to become involved in community share ownership and volunteer support to the project.

The main partners Siemens, HMK and EBA will all be in attendance and fully supportive of the scheme.

Neighbourhood Plan.

A.Thompson is planning a drop in session with each of the group chairs to through the policy detail fo their groups.

A group chairs meeting is planned for March to follow up the drop ins and sing off their documents for their teams.

Regulation 14 stage will then kick in with consultation on the document with CEBC .

Planned timetable:-

w/c  13 March 2017 draft the Neighbourhood Plan for the Regulation 14 consultation with Cheshire East, other statutory bodies and the wider local community. There is a 6 week period of consultation.
May 2017


(Steering Group booked 11 May)

we review all of the responses received and consider revisions and amendments to the plan. We edit the plan and include all photographs, plans and supporting documentation.
June 2017 we finalise the neighbourhood plan, complete the statement of consultation and basic condition statement for submission to Cheshire East under Regulation 15.There is a further 6 week period of consultation.
Summer 2017 Cheshire East appoint an Independent Examiner.
Late summer 2017 The Examiners report is received and the revisions and amendments to the neighbourhood plan are considered and a decision is taken to take the plan forward to Referendum.
Autumn  2017 the Referendum is held.
Autumn / Winter 2017 After the Referendum the Plan is found sound and is ‘made’.


Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.

BF/MT have be working on trying to get of the OSM’s energy costs, using a large amount of Oil/ Electricity. Insulation is the major issue. PA contact Mike Rance but he could help other than suggest we contact someone in The carbon Trust.

PP advised that she has a contact for Eco Schools that does this king of work (cost around £150) she will see if he can help.

Family may be willing to sell the whole site to Congleton Cooperative, need to way up the pros and cons before spending too much more money on the building.

Flowcrete have taken OSM on board as part of their social/community support and working on improving its profile.

Bookings are still growing , we now have around 30 members registered, PA to take application forms to the exec meeting 7.3.17

Now have a bookkeeper Joanne Reeves and accountant John Davies

Annual account now moved to end of March (tax year end)

AGM will be held April / May.

Kitchen upstairs now being developed and have been gifted a disabled toilet which is currently being built.

Room Rates. New room rates and booking form being put out.

PR – Facebook followers 217 / Email 1100 (400 readers)/ Chronicle, Bear Necessities & looking at The Independent.

Signage. MS look at a “Blue” similar to play area signs off Antrobus St, and discuss fingerposts with JMac

Cycle rack. PH to design a rack to go on the front of the building


Next meeting: Mon 3rd April 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Senior Forum Meeting minutes 14.02.17

The Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

East Cheshire Hospice @ Home – Russell Chadwick.


Russell took us through a presentation about the new Home Service that is being planned for launch around June this year.


The Hospice itself has been running now for 30 years, it can accommodate 500 patients a year and costs around £4m per year.  Most of their running cost is raised through fundraising / donations with only 17% coming from the NHS.


The new scheme “Hospice at Home” which will employ 16 nurses, and cost approx. £440K a year should be able to look after around 250 patients within their own homes.


Russell is currently carrying out a funding drive to cover the next 5 years funding to support this new operation.


You can contact Russell :- or 01625664995

 Congleton U3A – P.Adby ( Vice Chair)


Paul took us through a presentation on the history of U3A from its launch in France in 1972 where it had strong connections to academia to its Uk launch in 1982 where the academia link did not apply, and on to the launch of Congleton U3A in 1998.


Their motto is LEARN LAUGH & LIVE


Worldwide there are now 1000groups with 400,000 members. Congleton has 1400 members, with 110 activity groups, there is no age limit, but must be retired or semi- retired.

The next signing on night is likely to be in August, possibly at Eaton Bank Academy.


You can find out more about their activities and availability on courses by visiting their website :-


Congleton Contact The Elderly – Louise Hughes.

Contact the elderly is a national charity that was set up in 1965 to help change the lives of people over 75 and over who live alone and cannot get out on their own. Using a small group of volunteer hosts and drivers they organise small tea parties (approx. 10 guests) once a month at no cost to the guests.

Louise has been running a group in Macclesfield for over 2 years and is now looking to start up a group in Congleton. Louise is currently recruiting drivers and hosts, she is having some success and hopes to hold her first party on the first Sunday of May.

There are currently restrictions on wheelchair users, dementia can offer a challenge, Louise is happy to visit them / families to assess the situation.

If you know of anyone who would be willing to volunteer as a driver or host please contact Louise on 01260281093.

PA offered to host one at The Old Saw Mill.

Louise will send me a PDF which I will circulate to members.

Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th Sept 2017

Sub group to be set up as last year. Suggested members;- Usman Ashiq, Alyssa Baines, Suzie Akers Smith, Lisa Alcock, Sarah Jacklin and Anna Bignell.

First meeting after Easter.

MS send last years’ contacts / attendees to Alyssa.

Need to get more by in from NHS workers / surgeries.

MS has copies of last years’ flier, poster and media adverts.

Next meeting to take place on the 4th April.

Youth Forum Meeting Minutes 8.02.2017

The Youth Forum held a meeting recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Update from Mike Smith.


Visyon   Creative Space Congleton                                         :-Activity Programme

:-Wednesday Headspace Café

:- Outreach Work

Princes Trust Programme /Macclesfield                                   6/2 to 28/4 (12 weeks)

Bromley Farm Wellbeing Club Changing Lanes (tackling addiction) Wed 1 to 3pm

Also NLC Thurs 11 to 1pm

E.Stanton safety briefs inc :- Primary E-Safety Training Programme 27/2, 2/3, 16/3

:- Childnet “Crossing the lines” free lesson downloads

(MS sent a copy of the download out to the group)

Safer Schools & Young Persons Partnership working in partnership with CWAC to present:

The Annual Youth Conference – Theme of the day to be confirmed

Friday 23rd June 2017   Venue: Winsford HQ

Free of charge to attend – Further details will be released nearer the time

Youth Social Action fund – grants up to £5k

Wired Gov Report – D of E Mental Health support for schools information.

Pear Communications Young Person Bursary Scheme

Pear will be awarding 4 young people a small grant of £500 each, to help them on their chosen career. Two will be chosen from the Tourism industry and two from the Theatre & Arts industry.

Deadline 28th Feb 2017.

Tesco Bags of Help. Congleton short of applications, go to


One You Cheshire East – Victoria Lockett


Victoria took us through a presentation for One You Cheshire East, this programme aims to improve the health and wellbeing of residents by offering guidance and signposting to various services regarding weight management, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, alcohol awareness and sexual health.

Life style support managers can work with people who are not eligible for the scheme, do some drop ins and work closely with GP’s and practice nurses.


There will be a public launch in March, hopefully including Congleton.


Victoria to send full brief to MS for circulation.




Next Meeting.


Will be held in 3 or 4 months, to alternate between Tues / Wed and both secondary schools.

Congleton Sustainability Meeting 6.12.17

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

Active Cheshire will help to put bids together for the project.

Looking to use bear branding for the various routes – children will choose the route names.

Suzie has recently presented the idea to both the Town Council and CEPC (school heads).

May focus on one school to develop a safe route to school, as traffic free as possible as a trial.

To help build up information and assist in decision making Suzie aims to get a questionnaire out to schools around Easter.

PM/DJ to work at getting this idea into the Neighbourhood Plan and comment on planning applications making sure they link up with the new primary school planned and the rest of the cycle/ footpath infrastructure.


Suzie then briefed the group on her Triathlon Event planned for St Georges Day (23rd April). CSG to put in a team, MS to send the detail and application form out to the group.

Congleton Cooperative OSM Project.

Peter Ranson brought us up to speed around the OSM Project.

3 main areas being tackled:-

1. Management Structure / Framework in place Currently 3 directors on the board (PA / PR / AM) looking to include member reps on the board. Membership scheme to be worked up, this will include some form of discount on purchases from the OSM.

2. Building Development including getting the commercial kitchen up and running, aiming for completion by Easter.

3. Business plan development. Need to look at the lease, insulation, membership scheme, relationship between CSG ( Apple Juice)& OSM as a landlord/ partner, future services etc.

It was also reported that OSM has started to pay back to loan to CSG

Dane Valley Community Energy.

DVCE have applied to DEFRA for a £66K loan to fund getting all of the permissions / plans in place.

Land issues resolved, Siemens on board with wiring and equipment support as well as buying all the power the project produces.

Event being organised for 28th March at Eaton Bank Academy, aiming to attract around 200 people to


attend (CSG, Siemens and Partners)  PR being covered by EBA

Looking to attract members/ investors, the scheme will cost around £460k in total

Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th March 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes

The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took recently, download the full meeting minute HERE.

Highlights include:

Tour of Britain Legacy for Congleton – S Akers Smith

Suzie briefed the group on the latest developments. A handout was issued.

1. Held a meeting with Cllrs Brown and Williams. A Fisher CEBC head of planning also attended. CEBC keen to improve its cycling network and has agreed to help work out costs the works and also advise on the feasibility of the work planned. SAS issued a copy of the brochure used at the meeting to the members attending today’s meeting. DB took copies along to CEBC for distribution to Cllrs and officers.

2. Met with Fiona Bruce who both supported the plans and agreed to raise the issue of funding support across the board not just for deprived areas in Parliament.

3. SAS attended a health and fitness meeting with Active Cheshire. They have access to a large funding pot and could help us develop our plans and also help us put a bid together. SAS has a meeting with their COO (Adam Norris) in the near future.

4. Presenting to CTC on 2nd Feb which Active Cheshire will also attend. PA asked to attend the meeting on behalf of CSG. MS to pull together a resume of what The Partnership / CSG has done over the last few years to develop cycling.

5. SAS looking to present to all Congleton Head Teachers at one of their CeCP meetings

6. Have access to some DEFRA /Local Air Quality funding (£28K) ring fenced.

7. SAS advised the group of a planned Triathlon being organised for Sunday 23rd April (subject to confirmation) more detail once available.

New Green Space – Mossley Water Tower.

PP/MA have identified an area of approx. 20 x 10 mtrs near the Water Tower at Mossley which is owned by CEBC and maintained by Streetscape. It is felt that this could be a good site for a 2nd Community Orchard. Need to gauge local interest by leafleting and consultation (PP to action). Also need to contact United Utilities/CEBC for their reaction to such a project (PP) This is not currently being actively pursued as an In Bloom project. PP still to start the consultation to gauge local support / interest before any development takes place.


Next Meeting:-          

Mon 6th February 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am

Youth Forum meeting minutes

The Youth forum met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Sara Rathbone – Dementia Action Alliance.

Initially set up by Alzheimer’s Society, Sara covers the whole of Cheshire East, working with many organisations to make CE more dementia friendly. She sees Youth engagement quite key to this work. They are aiming to achieve 4 million “Dementia Friends” nationally. Sara would like to deliver sessions to both of our secondary schools. Anyone 18 years and over can become a dementia champion, if you have anyone within your organisations who would be interested please let Sara know.

GW indicated that Bromley farm are interested in doing a memories project.


Mental Health / Substance Misuse.


GW to follow up the outcome fo Kooth’s visit to use in June.


After that session we set ourselves 3 project proposals:-

To raise awareness and reduce stigma of mental health

Highlight the negative effects of substance misuse and legal highs

Provide young people with details of a range of support available in relation to these issues.


It was felt that the Youth Forum should put in a bid to deliver some of these solutions.

Ideas discussed:- Play with a workshop afterwards, costs for this are quite high (£1 to £1.5K)


Approach both High Schools to see what they have currently planned, and what we can get onto their syllabus.


Look to see if any of the youth groups/ NLC/Bromley Farm/Visyon to see if there is anything they can do.


Youth Committee meeting 10th October, both High Schools invited, will add this subject to the agenda.


Charlie to talk to other charities (based on Bradford Schools idea) as to how they tackled the subject.


Lisa to look at more support for parents.


Glen to look at how we get closer working between EBA/CHS


Small subgroup to be put together to look at a funding bid of around £10k to put on a play and various other activities. GW will chair please let MS know if you want to be involved. Glen happy to write the bid.


Next Meeting TBC.

Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting Minutes 05.09.16

Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes here.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-Operative

Weekly newsletter continues to be sent out to a wide readership.

Stewart issued a callout for a plumber a.s.a.p

A lot of progress made since the last meeting, the commercial kitchen (ex Airbags) should go in during the next couple of weeks.

Bank account still an issue but should be sorted this week.

Rent (£400 per month) kicks in November.

Are planning to sell breakfast baps on T O B Day

Congleton In Bloom

Patti reported that the Bloom judges were very complimentary about Congleton and its community offering in general. Good interaction between them and the volunteers that they met. Results of both competitions will be announced mid to late October.

Winter Tub planting (with the children) October

Congleton park achieved its 9th Green Flag

Secret garden progressing well at the Old Saw Mill

Global Gardens – 2 weekends left for you to visit (Sat/Sun 2 to 4.00pm)


Apple Juice. Apples starting to come in, adverts posters / social media started. PP to put together a press release which will also advise residents what any profits are being spent on.

First batch of apples will be processed at Dunham Massey, but labelled at the OSM. We should be processing ourselves by end of September.