Projects & Finance Committee meeting minutes 29.01.18

Congleton Partnership Projects and Finance committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Project  Update.




Planning permission granted with conditions.

D.McGifford / M.Smith to follow up some funding ideas.

J.Carter / M.Pickford to work om Tendering Paper

MS contact various groups for support of the project.


Public Realm Strategy.


Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. Need to do our own snagging operation. Pull together a small subgroup to include G.Williams. D McGifford to discuss with G.Williams.

Report to be drawn up and sent to Councillors /Partnership.


Leisure Centre.


Quotes are all in and a contract is about to be awarded. Work should start later this year.


Link Road.


95% Land agreements obtained, could break ground late 2018, or Jan 2019.


The Mills.


Going through leasing process of carpark. Time limit imposed by CEBC to start of development.


No contact for us with Scarborough.

Please download the minutes for more project updates.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 19th March 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am


Senior Forum meeting minutes

Congleton Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Steering Group Plans.
Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.
Need to broaden the scope of organisations/ people going through Dementia Friends awareness sessions.
Create a signing in sheet to record attendance/ information so that we can build up a picture of success/ numbers achieved.
Programme in hand to cover WI, MP & Staff, Lawton house Surgery, MS has contacted Readesmoor. Need to contact the hubs to see if they want any sessions. Also look at Schools and Uniformed organisations (Scout, ATS,Brownies etc)
Events/Activity Programme.
Programme is growing slowly, Mon / Tuesday currently blank days.
Need ideas to support the Wednesday PM sessions at The Old Saw Mill, MS looking at some art provision, Johnny could do a session on One You Cheshire, Library Memory Boxes, Jill Cox EOLP, Sing a long sessions (S.Jacklin to follow this up),Dancing etc.


Senior Health And Wellbeing Fayre – Tuesday 16th Oct 2018
Focus on Connected Community Hubs and Dementia as the theme for 2018 Fayre.
Use main hall only, tea / cakes at the stage area to entice people to visit as many of the exhibitors as possible.
MS discuss with Dan Coyne and Mark Gleave.
Sub Group :- MS, Sarah Jacklin, Anna Bignell, Johnny Gorman and either Dan Coyne or Mark Gleave.
Next meeting Tuesday 27.3.18. Full Senior Forum, will then set up subgroup meeting dates.


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 27th March, 3.00pm Spencer Suite, Town hall.

Projects & Finance Committee meeting 13.11.2017

Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Project Update.

Planning permission granted with conditions.
Sub Group meeting arranged for 5th December
New costings required.
D.McGifford to follow up some funding ideas.

Public Realm Strategy.
Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. Biggest issue is work carrying on to middle of December.
Towns Centre planters will not be removed until January.
The new bench Mill St/Duke St being sited this week.
“Woollies Wall” looking good, great improvement for the Xmas Tree.

Leisure Centre.

E.Mail from Robert Rodgers Oct 2017:-
The project team are in the process of concluding the procurement phase with Final Tenders anticipated to be received mid November 2017; bids and designs will be evaluated by the project team with a view to recommending a preferred bidder to Cabinet in January 2018. Bidders have already submitted initial designs which have been refined through the dialogue process in an effort to deliver the optimum solution within the £8.2m budget. The team are enthusiastic with all of the bids received to date, in terms of design and offer for the redeveloped leisure centre. As a brief reminder, the minimum requirements are for a new swimming pool and pool hall and a redeveloped dry side offer. We look forward to receiving final tenders and recommending the successful solution to Cabinet and submitting this for subsequent planning approvals. We anticipate that subject to securing the necessary approvals, work will commence on site in Spring 2018. The successful bidder will work closely with the project team and ESAR operational staff to phase the construction works to manage and minimise the disruption to leisure centre and park users.


2016/17 Project Updates.

Dementia Friendly Town.
Dementia Steering Group has now met twice and set goals to achieve 100% Dementia Awareness in Congleton and organise 4 regular activities each month. Next meeting planned 12th December.
5 Dementia Friends Awareness sessions being run over the next 2 weeks for Councillors, Staff and Residents. Business sessions will be arranged from January onwards.
Jo and Vince see Art as a possibility (as an activity –once settled in their new home).

Heritage Trail Project.
TMC are working with Rural Development to get funding to develop the App.

CTC / Partnership will remain as a customer and have the option to develop a trail and hot spots.
The Heritage App meeting minutes are still current.


Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 22nd January 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Projects and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 05.09.17

Congleton’s Projects and Finance Committee met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

Project Update – Cenotaph.
Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.
New design and costing estimate (£375k) issued.
Planning application 17/3982C now with CEBC (8.8.17) and supported by CTC Planning Committee (Aug 2017)
Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.
DMcG gong to HLF along with I Doughty (Museum) to gauge HLF views on the project and to try and get them to come to Congleton to see for themselves.
Funding. Will need to see what comes out of the HLF visit.
Public briefing will be included in the Great War Exhibition Event, Town Hall, Saturday 21st October 1030am to 4.00pm. Posters and flyers will be out first week in October.
Public Realm Strategy.
Work ongoing, Mill St should be open as planned. JMac concerned about traffic turning left off Mill St into the pedestrian area, GW has taken this up with CEBC.
J.Mac to approach CEBC re Xmas Tree support for this year as a gesture to the traders for what has been a difficult summer/autumn.
J.Mac to approach CEBC for a pictorial design to display around the town ans on the CTC website to give the public a better idea of what is planned.
Town Centre Regeneration (Fairground Site etc)
Possible need to re-establish the Town Centre Working Group, using the NH Plan – Town Centre. Delivery Plan as a guide.

Dementia Friendly Town.
Awareness Meeting held 26th July, 40+ attended.
Steering Group formed and met 30th Aug at OSM. 20 attendees, Sara Rathbone nominated as Chair.
Next Steering Group meeting 4th October, when we will discuss pledges/drop ins and activities.
CTC voted to support the initiative at CE & Services meeting Sept 2017.



Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 13th November The Spencer Suite, 9.30am.

Congleton Senior Forum meeting minutes 10.08.2017

Congleton Senior Forum met recently, download meeting minutes HERE.


Tea Dances.

First 2 Tea Dances were poorly attended. Shirley feels there is a real need in Congleton and is willing to carry out some taster sessions. Sarah Jacklin to try and organise tasters at Heath View and St James Court. Would Sarah Jacklin discuss this with Shirley.

Possible to look at Bakers Villas/ Clayton manor?

Possible do a survey at Health & Wellbeing Fayre.

It may be an idea to look at the Alsager “ Chance to Dance” and link it in with Dementia Group.


Dementia Awareness Event held on 26th July 2017

Approx 40 attendees.

List of Attendees held on file, some indicated willingness to become involved in setting up a steering group.

MS open the event outlining our aim (in Partnership with Congleton Town Management team) of helping Congleton become a Dementia friendly Town.

Dementia is now a single biggest killer, with many suffering for a long period of time. We aim for the town to be able to offer more support to those people and make shopping, socialising etc. much more inclusive and enjoyable.

This event is a start of a long journey, it will not happen overnight although we will look to get some small wins / changes in as soon as we can.

Speakers at the meeting included:-

Debbi Callow from End of Life Partnership

Claire Halsey from East Cheshire Hospice

Kath Reader and John Poulson from Alsager Partnership.

We concluded the event with an Open Forum where ideas were captured for discussion once the steering group has been set up.

MS promised we would move on setting up the steering group by around Aug Bank Holiday, the meeting is now scheduled for  Wed 30th August, 3.00pm at The Old Saw Mill, emails have been sent to all who indicated an interest in being involved with the steering group.

Kath and John who outlined what they have achieved in Alsager have offered to support us wherever they could.


Senior Health Fayre – Friday 29th September – Congleton Town Hall.
Flyers and Posters now available.
34 (approx.) exhibitors confirmed with 3 x activities in The Bridestones Suite.
Town Crier supporting the day, will walk around town generally advertising the event and also announce the 3 activities in the town hall 10 minutes before they start.
AB has drawn up a layout plan, will need some new name plates for tables
AB to let MS have a list.
AB / SJ to get the posters /flyers out, AB to contact U.Ashiq (Plus Dane) for requirements.
MS look after noticeboards and TIC
All to display posters wherever they can.
Risk assessment – has Lisa Alcock got last year’s / can she please update
MS find out U3A signing on day (15th August Eaton Bank Academy 10am to Noon)


Meeting Finished at:4.54pm
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 17th October 2017, Bridestones Suite 3 to 5pm.

Projects and Finace Meeting Minutes

The Projects and finance meeting minutes took place recenlty, read the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights include:

The Mills Development. After further discussion today it was felt there was little to be gained by commissioning an outside agency to come up with an alternative design. S.Foster to write to CEBC Ward Members for them to lobby Scarborough for the best design possible that reflects Congleton’s Heritage. The has been no further contact with Scarborough Group at the time of this meeting.


Community, Environment & Services Committee briefed on the project 6th July.

New design and costing estimate (£375) issued.

Wall work has started, rebuilding to 1.2mtrs and adding 2 buttresses for support at Lawton St end.

Some tree worked carried out, Ruth Burgess getting a price for work on another 5.

Next steps are Public Consultation / Briefing and sourcing Funding.

Tea Dances – Senior Forum. Piloting 3 Tea Dances at the Old Saw Mill as part of our social isolation drive. Dances planned for 17/6, 1/7 and 15/7 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. £4 to include a drink and cake.

The event is being run by Shirley Brocklehurst, Wellkin. Disappointed turn out, cancelled the last date. Shirley working on a relaunch Autum 2017, after H&W Event.


Dementia Awareness Open Day. The plan is to hold a dementia awareness day and then progress (along with Congleton Town Council) to become a dementia friendly town. Date booked  (26th July) invitations sent out, poster and social media used for PR. Budget agreed up to £250


Congleton Summer Treasure Hunt. Working in partnership with Congleton Town Council and Active Cheshire to develop a game for 8 to 12 year olds for 6 weeks using technology similar to the Pokemon game. This is again a pilot for future activities if it proves successful. 25 teams and 38 players currently taking part, need to re tweet on social Media. Review at the end of the session.


ITea & Chat – L.Alcock/ S Akers Smith. 12 sessions being planned across 6 locations. Looking for champions to run the sessions. May use some support from Congleton Learning Centre. Budget Agreed  up to £250


Senior Health Fayre – Sept 29th –Congleton Town Hall. 35 exhibitors booked, with 3 or 4 interactive sessions planned in The Bridestones Suite. Flyers and Posters printed, PR will kick in early Sept. Budget agreed up to £400


Date and Time of the next meeting.


Monday 4th September, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Projects and Finance Committee meeting minutes

The Project and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Public Realm Strategy.
F.Price outlined the plans at the town meeting 27th April with various timelines as the project will be delivered in phases.
Work planned to start late June/early July, and be finished by mid Nov (before Xmas Lights Event)
DM to call a PR subgroup meeting to discuss any timing or delivery issues /wishes.
Town Centre Regeneration (The Mills) Scarborough Group presented to the Town Councillors w/c 1st May and will present to the market traders in the near future. Still to go to planning, completion date 2019
There was a general feeling of disappointment in the design at the meeting, and it was felt that we should look to discuss an alternative design to Scarborough.
D.McG to raise the issue with Scarborough / Kate Howe and ask for a meeting of the parties concerned
The issue of design to be raised at Partnership and then with Congleton town Council
PA to discuss with S.Foster with a view to approaching Roger Lomas for an alternative (Congleton centric) design.


Community Award Scheme – Jo Money
CVS are holding an all day Volunteers Event on 1st July in Congleton Park.
Congleton will be well covered in this, Jo Money is working with Mark Smith (CVS) and is looking to launch her updated version of “Get Involved” on that day. There will be room for local organisations to have a display in one of the marquees, with a Gala Dinner in the evening.
Jo will send out a brief this week (w/c 8.5.17) for organisations wishing to be involved in the “Congleton Marquee”.


Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 17th July, The Spencer Suite , 9.30am

Congleton Community Transport Partnership Mini Bus Hire Scheme.

Mini Bus For Hire Congleton


Congleton Partnership launches a New Community Minibus for Congleton

Life has just been made a little easier for Congleton groups in need of transport thanks to a brand new  15-seater Community Minibus which has been given to Congleton Partnership by the Department of Transport.

Members of the Congleton Partnership and New Life Church witnessed the official launch and handover of the new minibus at a ceremony at New Life Church on Wednesday 15th March.

Congleton Partnership will take on responsibility for this new minibus as well as continuing to manage the 8 seater mini-bus which was donated by Cheshire East Council in 2014.

Chairman of Congleton Partnership, Steve Foster, said:  “Congleton Partnership is delighted to be one of 300 local charities and communities across England to receive a new minibus from the Department of Transport’s community transport mini bus fund. This is a great asset for Congleton and will make life easier for groups and organisations struggling with transport. We are grateful to Glen Williams for applying for the bus on our behalf and to New Life Church for agreeing to provide parking for the bus and managing the booking process.”

Any group linked to the Congleton Partnership is able to book the bus. Membership can be through association with sub-groups such as Congleton Youth Forum, Congleton Senior Forum, Congleton Creative, Congleton Sustainability Group or the Executive.

The bus costs £20 per event or day to hire plus 40p per mile. Groups using the bus need to provide their own driver. To comply with the insurance drivers must be aged 30 or over with no more than 3 points on their licence.

Congleton Partnership is also looking to build a pool of volunteer drivers that can assist groups that wish to hire the mini bus but don’t have access to their own driver.

For more information about the minibus contact the Congleton Partnership Officer, Mike Smith, on 01260 270350 ext  7

To Hire.

Contact Jeff Cutts

New Life Church, Danesford Community Centre, West Rd, Congleton CW12 4EY

01260 297961


£20 per outing

40p per mile

Contact Person for hire

You will need.

A driver age 30 or over, with no more than 3 points on his/her licence.

No provisional bookings can be made, as others may want to use the mini bus(s)

Regular bookings can be made if space available


Complete documentation as required:-

Before taking the Mini Bus out, complete the “Drivers Daily Walk Round Checklist”

At the end of the trip, complete a Vehicle Defect Report Form if required, and check that the mini Bus is clear and tidy internally.


Congleton Partnership 01260 270350 extn 7